Torrents are a fast convenient way to download essentially any file or data you want. It is widely used all over the world and is subject to a lot of controversy. Everyone who’s ever been on the internet has, at one point or the other, encountered tormenting, even if just as a reference. In order to learn more about torrent, visit the 8bit Sumo website. Even though it is one of the most popular modes of accruing data, a very few people know how it actually works.

Torrents use the Peer to Peer (P2P) method of data transmission. This is essentially a network of computers with a distributive structure. In which each device is connected to the other and they equally share the workload and the network. Each peer in the network has the same distribution of workload as the other, there is no central server involved so all the peers have equal autonomy where they share everything from the network to the disk space.

P2P networks are ideal for data sharing as they can simultaneously send and receive files at the same time. The process of P2P downloading is different form how normal downloading works because in this network, the file is not coming from a single server. In a P2P network, the file you download is downloaded onto your computer in bits from all the other devices connected to the same network. The file is coming, in parts, from various different locations and is being put together in your torrent client. Your computer is now part of that network, which means if someone on the same network is downloading the same file, your device will contributes bits of the data to their download. In P2P, the greater the number of peers, the faster the download will be.