Fungus naturally thrives in damp and dark places, and this is the reason many people end up getting it on their toenail as it is usually covered up in socks or footwear. Various over-the-counter topical medicines and creams can be prescribed by podiatrists, depending upon the level of invasion the fungi has made into the host’s tissues. Your big toe and pinky toe are more susceptible to getting affected by fungal infection, and as soon as the microbes pass the larvae stage they start feeding on protein found in your nails. When people are affected by these diseases, not only does it damage their positive self-image but it also exposes them to other skin infections.

This type of fungal infection doesn’t go away easily without getting proper antifungal medications, as it makes its way into the deep layers of your nail bed. Because of the fact that the fungus starts feeding on the upper coat of your nails, you might end up getting brittle and yellowish nails. This can be a source of embarrassment if you go out in the public, because your toe would appear highly unsightly and unhygienic. If you are looking for effective ways to get rid of nail fungus, then you can find reliable and trustworthy sources on the webpage of The Complete Herbal Guide now.

Your nails of toes are more likely to get a fungal invasion than your fingernails, because of the placement and hygiene routines. It is usually caused by yeast, such as Candida, which can trigger a sudden deterioration process in your toenails which in turn can cause them to fall off. This is the reason you should take extra cleanliness measures when you plan to visit public places such as swimming pools, local parks, and bathing facilities.