Choosing the right criminal defense lawyer can impact the outcome of your case, that’s why it can be a daunting task to do. That’s why clients set up free consultations with multiple lawyers whenever they’re looking to hire the right one for their case.

However, there are some red flags you should avoid whenever you’re looking to hire the right lawyer like Daniel Murphy, criminal defense attorney in your locality. Here are some of them for your consideration.

Assess Their Work Space

If it is possible for you, try setting up the first meeting with your lawyer in his office, and see his behavior with his staff members and everyone else working for him. The atmosphere in his office will also indicate the overall experience you’ll have with them.

You should also see if their workspace is perfectly organized, or is a hot mess. Always hire a welcoming lawyer with a great looking office.


For effective case handling, you must have a good amount of confidence in your criminal defense lawyer. See if the lawyer answers your calls on time, and replies to your emails whenever you have anything to ask.

Communication is the key in criminal defense cases, so, you should only hire a lawyer who is good at communication, and doesn’t treat his clients rudely.

Online Presence

Every good lawyer these days is present on most of the social media platforms, and as a website to showcase his portfolio as well. That’s why you should also look for a lawyer who has good online presence.

A good lawyer will also have good reviews, testimonials and higher rating than rest of the locally available lawyers. You should do the due diligence when hiring a criminal defense lawyer, as this will have a big impact on your case.