The concept of putting makeup on is really quite ancient. There have been archaeological findings that have suggested that even the ancient Egyptians who lived thousands upon thousands of years ago put on some rudimentary forms of makeup, which means that the act of putting makeup on is very much the sort of thing that human beings naturally tend to move towards if they live in a society that is functional enough and stable enough to facilitate this sort of thing once all has been said and is now out of the way.

That said, the way that modern makeup is made is having a rather disastrous impact on the environment. The process by which makeup is manufactured creates a lot of problems for our planet, and the fact that so many people end up using this makeup on a regular basis is something that is making the problem even worse than might have been the case otherwise. If you want to use makeup without damaging the planet then you should look into natural cosmetics brands that can give you the ability to look your best and not really do much to contribute to global warming and the like.

The reason behind this is that natural cosmetics are designed with materials which are locally sourced and are not harvested through any environmentally unfriendly means. The brands that sell this kind of makeup often go to great lengths to prevent their practices from negatively impacting the environment, so by supporting them you are also going to be supporting a culture of doing business and earning a profit that does not come at the expense of the future of the only plane that we have.