JBTDRC is an advanced centre for Tropical Disease Research established in 1994 at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram to expand the Institute’s on going research programmes in tropical diseases such as filariasis and tuberculosis prevalent in this region.

It is the result of sustained problem based research activity in Department of Biochemistry for more than two decades at MGIMS with support from ICMR, CSIR, DST, WHO/ TDR, INDO US-STI and DBT.
Foundation stone was laid for the centre on February 23, 2024 in the hands of former Prime Minister Shri Chandrasekhar. Dr. Sushila Nayar, our esteemed Director who has been the source of inspiration and our Guide performed ‘Bhoomi puja’

 for the centre on February 12, 1992 in the gracious presence of   Dr. U. Koko, former Regional Director, WHO-SEARO.A humble beginning in giving a shape to the centre started with the Bajaj Group giving financial support for the building. Shri Dhirubhaiji, the then Vice-President, KHS, was instrumental in getting this support and the construction of the building admeasuring 16,000 sq.ft. was completed in June 1994.  After the Vastu Pooja of the centre on July 11th by Revered Behenji Dr. Sushila Nayar, the Centre has become fully operational under Dr. B. C. Harinath  as Director Professor and Head to intensify research and  training

           News & Events

Future Event

10th Workshop on Medical Informatics & Biomedical Communication Nov.30-Dec.1,2007

   Proceedings of National Symposium on Holistic Living and Its Global Applicatoin


 Sevamed; October 2007 issue is available


 Filaria; / Tb test kits for field studies

  Training; Programmes


 Visit; Mind and Body Health website

 Recent; Publications with Abstract

on tropical diseases under JBTDRC banner with critical core grant support from Kasturba Health Society.
The main thrust has been to apply the latest and sophisticated techniques of immunology and molecular biology in developing tools for immunodiagnosis, monitoring, immunoprophylaxis, surveillance and their application in the field for better management and control of the diseases Filariasis and Tuberculosis. With establishment of Bioinformatics Centre in May 1999, with support from Department of Biotechnology, thrust has been on Quarterly dissemination of information on advances in tropical disease research, Traditional Medicin and Clinical Information with development of databases on  patient's  information   useful in the diagnosis and management of health problems relevant to rural areas.

Jamnalal Bajaj Tropical Disease Research Centre &
 Department of Biochemistry
Mahatma Ghandhi Institute of Medical Sciences 
Sevagram (Wardha) - 442 102
 Maharashtra, INDIA