Future event at JBTDRC:

Training Course on “Immunodiagnostics for Infectious Diseases

February 6-11, 2006

A hands on short-term training course for Medical teachers, Clinical Lab Practitioners and Research & Post Graduate students on “Infectious Disease Diagnostics” will be held during February 6-11, 2006 at JBTDRC. Dip-Stick Pencillinase ELISA and Peroxidase plate/strip ELISA for filariasis and tuberculosis including preparation of antigen coated sticks & enzyme conjugates, SDS-PAGE analysis & western blotting techniques, PCR etc. will be covered. There will also be talks on disease diagnostics and prophylactic aspects by experts from outside and faculty of the centre during the training course.

For Further information contact Course Organizer-

Dr. M. V. R. Reddy

Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry

JB Tropical Disease Research Centre

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences

Sevagram  (Wardha)  442 102, Maharashtra, INDIA

Ph: 07152 – 284341 Ext: 262, 303  

  Telfax: 284038   

 E-mail: jbtdrc_wda@sancharnet.in


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