Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:  

8466.  Chaubal NG, Pradhan GM, Chaubal JN, Ramani SK.  Dance of live adult filarial worms is a reliable sign of scrotal filarial infection. J Ultrasound Med. 2003 Aug;22(8):765-9; quiz 770-2.

8467.  Enk CD, Anteby I, Abramson N, Amer R, Amit Y, Bergshtein-Kronhaus T, Cohen E, Greenberg Z, Jonas F, Maayan S, Marva E, Strauss U, BenEzra D. Onchocerciasis among Ethiopian immigrants in Israel. Isr Med Assoc J. 2003 Jul;5(7):485-8.

8468.  Hoti SL, Elango A, Radjame K, Yuvaraj J, Pani SP. Detection of day blood filarial antigen by Og4C3 elisa test using filter paper sample. Natn med J India. 2002; 15(5): 263-6.

8469.  Lagrotteria DD, Crowther MA, Lee CH, Peregrine A. A 44-year-old woman with dry cough and solitary nodule. CMAJ. 2003 Sep 30;169(7):696-7.


8470.  Grobusch MP, Kombila M, Autenrieth I, Mehlhorn H, Kremsner PG. No evidence of Wolbachia endosymbiosis with Loa loa and Mansonella perstans. Parasitol Res. 2003 Aug;90(5):405-8. Epub 2003 May 14. 

8471.  Hoti SL, Subramaniyan K, Das PK. Detection of codon for amino acid 200 in isotype 1 beta-tubulin gene of Wuchereria bancrofti isolates, implicated in resistance to benzimidazoles in other nematodes. Acta Trop. 2003 Sep;88(1):77-81.

8472.  Sunish IP, Rajendran R, Mani TR, Munirathinam A, Tewari SC, Hiriyan J, Gajanana A, Reuben R, Satyanarayana K. Transmission intensity index to monitor filariasis infection pressure in vectors for the evaluation of filariasis elimination programmes. Trop Med Int Health. 2003 Sep;8(9):812-9.

8473.  Watanabe K, Itoh M, Matsuyama H, Hamano S, Kobayashi S, Shirakawa T, Suzuki A, Sharma S, Acharya GP, Itoh K, Kawasaki T, Kimura E, Aoki Y. Bancroftian filariasis in Nepal: a survey for circulating antigenemia of  Wuchereria bancrofti and urinary IgG4 antibody in two rural areas of Nepal. Acta Trop. 2003 Sep;88(1):11-5.


8474.  Knapman AJ, Booth AJ, Farnworth D.  Return of the cosmopolitan worm. Eye. 2003 Aug;17(6):791-3.

8475.  Twum-Danso NA, Meredith SE. Variation in incidence of serious adverse events after onchocerciasis treatment with ivermectin in areas of Cameroon co-endemic for loiasis. Trop Med Int Health. 2003 Sep;8(9):820-31.

8476.  Wolf R, Orion E, Matz H.  Onchocerciasis (river blindness). Isr Med Assoc J. 2003 Jul;5(7):522-3.


APRIL, 2004

 Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:  

9087.  del Rio M, Bansal I, Maeda K, Skarf B, Brar I. Progressive vision loss in a man from Cameroon. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Nov 1;37(9):1199-200, 1255-6.

9088.  Kolekar S, Sundaram P, Joshi JM. Unusual diagnostic aid for a common tropical disease.Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2003 Oct-Dec;45(4):257-9.

9089.  Patil JA, Patil AD, Ramani SK. Filarial "dance" in breast mass. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003 Oct;181(4):1157-8.

9090.  Rahmah N, Shenoy RK, Nutman TB, Weiss N, Gilmour K, Maizels RM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Sartono E. Multicentre laboratory evaluation of Brugia Rapid dipstick test for detection of brugian filariasis.Trop Med Int Health. 2003 Oct;8(10):895-900.


9091.  Boatin BA. The current state of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):209-14.

9092.  Foster A. Vision 2020--the Right to Sight. Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):193-4.

9093.  Stolk WA, Swaminathan S, van Oortmarssen GJ, Das PK, Habbema JD. Prospects for elimination of bancroftian filariasis by mass drug treatment in Pondicherry, India: a simulation study. J Infect Dis. 2003 Nov 1;188(9):1371-81. Epub 2003 Oct 31.

9094.  Timmann C, Abraha RS, Hamelmann C, Buttner DW, Lepping B, Marfo Y, Brattig N, Horstmann RD. Cutaneous pathology in onchocerciasis associated with pronounced systemic T-helper 2-type responses to Onchocerca volvulus. Br J Dermatol. 2003 Oct;149(4):782-7.


9095.  Hoerauf A. Control of filarial infections: not the beginning of the end, but more research is needed. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2003 Oct;16(5):403-10. Review.


9096.  Foster A. Vision 2020--the Right to Sight. Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):193-4. Stolk WA, Swaminathan S, van Oortmarssen GJ, Das PK, Habbema JD. Prospects for elimination of bancroftian filariasis by mass drug treatment in Pondicherry, India: a simulation study. J Infect Dis. 2003 Nov 1;188(9):1371-81. Epub 2003 Oct 31.

9097.  Ndyomugyenyi R, Kabatereine N. Integrated community-directed treatment for the control of onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis and intestinal helminths infections in Uganda: advantages and disadvantages. Trop Med Int Health. 2003 Nov;8(11):997-1004.

9098.  Sama MT, Homeida M, Ngang P, Liese BH, Amazigo U, Seketeli A. A multi-centre study of community-directed ivermectin distributors' (CDDs') involvement in other healthcare and development programme activities in Cameroon, Togo, Sudan, Nigeria and Uganda. Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):237-41.


JULY, 2004

Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:  

9762.  Arora SPS, Bal MS, Singal P. Microfilaria in aspiration smears. J Cytol 2003; 20(2):99-100.

9763.  Burnett JR, Sturdy GG, Smith SJ, Ten Y, McComish MJ. "Milky" urine: a case of chyluria. Med J Aust. 2004 Jan 19;180(2):89.

9764. El Setouhy M, Ramzy RM, Ahmed ES, Kandil AM, Hussain O, Farid HA, Helmy H, Weil GJ. A randomized clinical trial comparing single- and multi-dose combination therapy with diethylcarbamazine and albendazole for treatment of bancroftian filariasis. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Feb;70(2):191-6.

9765. Helmy H, Fischer P, Farid HA, Bradley MH, Ramzy RM. Test strip detection of Wuchereria bancrofti amplified DNA in wild-caught Culex pipiens and estimation of infection rate by a PoolScreen algorithm. Trop Med Int Health. 2004 Jan;9(1):158-63. 

9766. Jain P, Anupurba S, Tripathi FM. Does poor hygiene make life  of lymphoedema patients miserable. Indian J prev soc Med 2002; 33(3-4): 119-24.

9767. Kolekar S, Sundaram P, Joshi JM. Unusual diagnostic aid for a common tropical disease. Indian J Chest Dis all Sci 2003; 45(4): 257-9.

9768. Lamb TJ, Le Goff L, Kurniawan A, Guiliano DB, Fenn K, Blaxter ML, Read AF, Allen JE. Most of the response elicited against Wolbachia surface protein in filarial nematode infection is due to the infective larval stage. J Infect Dis. 2004 Jan 1;189(1):120-7. Epub 2003 Dec 22.

9769. Rajendran R, Sunish IP, Mani TR, Munirathinam A, Abdullah SM, Arunachalam N, Satyanarayana K. Impact of two annual single-dose mass drug administrations with diethylcarbamazine alone or in combination with albendazole on Wuchereria bancrofti microfilaraemia and antigenaemia in south India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Mar;98(3):174-81. 


9770. Boyd HA, Waller LA, Flanders WD, Beach MJ, Sivilus JS, Lovince R, Lammie PJ, Addiss DG.  Community- and individual-level determinants of Wuchereria bancrofti infection in Leogane Commune, Haiti. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Mar;70(3):266-72.

9771. Cuenco KT, Halloran ME, Lammie PJ. Assessment of families for excess risk of lymphedema of the leg in a lymphatic filariasis-endemic area. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Feb;70(2):185-90.

9772. Cuenco KT, Halloran ME, Louis-Charles J, Lammie PJ. A family study of lymphedema of the leg in a lymphatic filariasis-endemic area. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Feb;70(2):180-4.

9773. Hise AG, Gillette-Ferguson I, Pearlman E. The role of endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria in filarial disease. Cell Microbiol. 2004 Feb;6(2):97-104. Review.

9774. Soumbey-Alley E, Basanez MG, Bissan Y, Boatin BA, Remme JH, Nagelkerke NJ, de Vlas SJ, Borsboom GJ, Habbema JD. Uptake of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) by Simulium (Diptera: Simuliidae) is not strongly dependent on the density of skin microfilariae in the human host. J Med Entomol. 2004 Jan;41(1):83-94.


9775. Gicquel JJ, Berthonneau J, Curutchet L, Hue B, Dighiero P. Management of subconjunctival Dirofilaria repens. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004 Mar;122(3):416-7.

9776. Hotez PJ, Remme JH, Buss P, Alleyne G, Morel C, Breman JG. Combating tropical infectious diseases: report of the Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Project. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15;38(6):871-8.

9777. Resh VH, Leveque C, Statzner B. Long-term, large-scale biomonitoring of the unknown: assessing the effects of insecticides to control river blindness (onchocerciasis) in West Africa. Annu Rev Entomol. 2004;49:115-39. Review.

9778. Rodriguez-Perez MA, Lilley BG, Dominguez-Vazquez A, Segura-Arenas R, Lizarazo-Ortega C, Mendoza-Herrera A, Reyes-Villanueva F, Unnasch TR.   Polymerase chain reaction monitoring of transmission of Onchocerca volvulus in two endemic states in Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Jan;70(1):38-45.

9779. Simonsen PE, Meyrowitsch DW, Mukoko DA, Pedersen EM, Malecela-Lazaro MN, Rwegoshora RT, Ouma JH, Masese N, Jaoko WG, Michael E. The effect of repeated half-yearly diethylcarbamazine mass treatment on Wuchereria bancrofti infection and transmission in two East African communities with different levels of endemicity. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Jan;70(1):63-71.


Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:  

10408.  Bhandary YP, Krithika KN, Kulkarni S, Reddy MVR, Harinath BC. Analysis of seroreactivity of different endemic populations of bancroftian  filariasis with field MF isolates and Brugia malayi antigens. Biomedical Research 2004; 15(2): 142-149.

10409.  Choudhary N, Murthy PK, Chatterjee RK, Khan ML, Ayyagari A. Transmission of filarial infection through blood transfusion. Indian J Path Microbiol 2003; 46(3): 367-70.

10410.  Supali T, Rahmah N, Djuardi Y, Sartono E, Ruckert P, Fischer P. Detection of filaria-specific IgG4 antibodies using Brugia Rapid test in individuals from an area highly endemic for Brugia timori. Acta Trop. 2004 May;90(3):255-61.


10411.  Little MP, Breitling LP, Basanez MG, Alley ES, Boatin BA. Association between microfilarial load and excess mortality in onchocerciasis: an epidemiological study. Lancet. 2004 May 8;363(9420):1514-21.

10412.  Michael E, Malecela-Lazaro MN, Simonsen PE, Pedersen EM, Barker G, Kumar A, Kazura JW. Mathematical modelling and the control of lymphatic filariasis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Apr;4(4):223-34. Review.

10413.  Samuel PP, Arunachalam N, Hiriyan J, Thenmozhi V, Gajanana A, Satyanarayana K.  Host-feeding pattern of Culex quinquefasciatus Say and Mansonia annulifera Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae), the major vectors of filariasis in a rural area of south India. J Med Entomol. 2004 May;41(3):442-6.


10414.  Nookala S, Srinivasan S, Kaliraj P, Narayanan RB, Nutman TB. Impairment of tetanus-specific cellular and humoral responses following tetanus vaccination in human lymphatic filariasis. Infect Immun. 2004 May;72(5):2598-604.


10415.  Dean M. Egypt conquers lymphatic filariasis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 May;4(5):260.

10416.  Emukah EC, Osuoha E, Miri ES, Onyenama J, Amazigo U, Obijuru C, Osuji N, Ekeanyanwu J, Amadiegwu S, Korve K, Richards FO. A longitudinal study of impact of repeated mass ivermectin treatment on clinical manifestations of onchocerciasis in Imo State, Nigeria. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 May;70(5):556-61.

10417.  Kshirsagar NA, Gogtay NJ, Garg BS, Deshmukh PR, Rajgor DD, Kadam VS, Kirodian BG, Ingole NS, Mehendale AM, Fleckenstein L, Karbwang J, Lazdins-Helds JK. Safety, tolerability, efficacy and plasma concentrations of diethylcarbamazine and albendazole co-administration in a field study in an area endemic for lymphatic filariasis in India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Apr;98(4):205-17. Erratum in: Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2004 May;98(5):329.

10418.  McConnell J. Antibacterials for filarial infections. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Apr;4(4):194.

