An assessment vindicated

 1980: 10th year Assessment

            The evaluation committee 1980 is particularly impressed with the Biochemistry department, where a considerable amount of research activity of a very high standard in the field of immunology of filariasis is being carried out. This work is probably the best in the field in the country and will easily measure upto international standards. (This department has demonstrated that the rural location of the institute is no deterrent to the development of scientific excellence).

-Excerpt from a report of 10 year’s evaluation committee consisting of Dr. K. L. Wig, Dr. C. Gopalan & Dr. H. I. Jhala 1980


1995: 25th year Assessment

Department of Biochemistry is actively involved in research. In this department research on the diagnostic techniques for filariasis has been going on for several years and has received due recognition from national and international organizations. The filarial research in this department stands out prominently.

-Excerpt from a report of 25 year’s evaluation committee consisting of Prof. P. N. Chhuttani, Prof. B. K. Anand, Prof. B. N. Tandon & Prof K. S. Chugh 1995


1998: An Assessment by Institute Development Committee

This Department has developed filariasis kit after two decades of excellent work in immunological diagnosis of filariasis and getting enquiries from endemic areas for the test kits.

-Excerpt from development committee meeting minutes in 1998, consisting of Prof. Dave, Prof. J. L. Gupta, Prof. Manu Kothari, Dr. Ashok Vaidya & Dr. G. M. Taori
