From the Desk of the Organizers


Since the establishment of Bioinformatics Centre in 1999 with support from DBT, the Centre has identified Medical Informatics as the thrust area and has been conducting annual Workshops on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Communication along with publication of SEVAMED - Quarterly Update on Infectious Disease Research And Traditional Medicine for dissemination of advances in diagnosis and management of infectious diseases and complementary & alternate medicine for chronic health problems.

The Centre also conducted Workshop in December 2002 on 'Storage and Retrieval of Information' in collaboration with ICMR supported by WHO. We are grateful for number of informatic experts visiting from National Institutes and making the Workshops popular to attract delegates from all over India each year. Appreciative response from the participants and active cooperation of informatic experts made us to venture to organize the National Symposium on Medical Informatics & CME on Hospital Information System.

We are grateful to DBT, MCI, CSIR, DST, ICMR, Mo H & FW for recognizing the importance of Medical Informatics and Hospital Information System and providing financial support. We are very thankful to Dr. T. Madhan Mohan, Director, DBT and Dr. Ved Prakash Mishra, Member, MCI for the guidance and support. Our thanks are due to IAMI for the cooperation and active participation of its office bearers in making the National Symposium a success. We are also very grateful to our dynamic President Shri. Dhiru S. Mehta for the keen interest, encouragement and support.

Medical Informatics (MI) deals mainly with clinical data with emphasis on information system on patient care, disease management etc, while Bioinformatics deals with scientific data related to molecular biology, biochemistry and other life sciences. Medical Informatics utilizes medical information and computer tools and software for efficient health care management and reducing health care costs and its applications include distance health care delivery, consultation and education (telemedicine, telepathology, teleradiology, telesurgery and live transmission of lectures and demonstrations) involving storage and processing of vast clinical information, helping in development of evidence based medicine, dissemination of medical information to promote medical research and helping in patient - centric, timely and efficient health care with clinical decision support system (CDSS). We are very grateful to all the Guest speakers for sparing their valuable time and sharing their experiences in this area.

To make the Proceedings more broad based and informative, we invited articles from experts on related areas and some were taken from other Workshops conducted at this Centre.

We sincerely hope that the maiden efforts by this Bioinformatics Centre will help medical and health care personnel aware of the growing importance of medical informatics in health care management. We are highly thankful to the administration, members of the Organizing Committee and number of named and unnamed workers who contributed to the success of the Symposium and CME.



Organizing Chairman

MED INFO Symposium & CME 2004

Organizing Secretary

MED INFO Symposium & CME 2004

