( SEVAMED 2003)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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 January 2003

6049.         Ahmed A. Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with heart failure and renal insufficiency: how concerned should we be by the rise in serum creatinine? J Am Geriatr Soc  2002 Jul;50(7):1297-300

6050.         Crum NF. Update on Listeria monocytogenes infection. Curr Gastroenterol Rep  2002 Aug;4(4):287-96

6051.         Girish R, Broor S, Dar L, Ghosh D. Foodborne outbreak caused by a Norwalk-like virus in India. J Med Virol  2002 Aug;67(4):603-7

6052.         Mori I, Matsumoto K, Sugimoto K, Kimura M, Daimon N, Yokochi T, Kimura Y. Prolonged shedding of rotavirus in a geriatric inpatient. J Med Virol  2002 Aug;67(4):613-5

6053.         Mori M, Kuwabara S, Yoshiyama M, Kanesaka T, Ogata T, Hattori T. Successful immune treatment for non-paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis. J Neurol Sci  2002 Sep 15;201(1-2):85-88

6054.         Steele AD, Nimzing L, Peenze I, De Beer MC, Geyer A, Angyo I, Gomwalk NE. Circulation of the novel G9 and G8 rotavirus strains in Nigeria in 1998/1999. J Med Virol  2002 Aug;67(4):608-12



6055.         Bresee JS, Widdowson MA, Monroe SS, Glass RI. Foodborne viral gastroenteritis: challenges and opportunities. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Sep 15;35(6):748-53.

6056.         Gorkiewicz G, Feierl G, Zechner R, Zechner EL. Transmission of Campylobacter hyointestinalis from a pig to a human. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jul;40(7):2601-5.

6057.         Katayama K, Shirato-Horikoshi H, Kojima S, Kageyama T, Oka T, Hoshino F, Fukushi S, Shinohara M, Uchida K, Suzuki Y, Gojobori T, Takeda N. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome of 18 Norwalk-like viruses. Virology. 2002 Aug 1;299(2):225-239.

6058.         Kukuruzovic R, Robins-Browne RM, Anstey NM, Brewster DR. Enteric pathogens, intestinal permeability and nitric oxide production in acute gastroenteritis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002 Aug;21(8):730-9.

6059.         Nachamkin I, Liu J, Li M, Ung H, Moran AP, Prendergast MM, Sheikh K. Campylobacter jejuni from patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome preferentially expresses a GD(1a)-like epitope. Infect Immun. 2002 Sep;70(9):5299-303.

6060.         Nygard K, Guerin P, Andersson Y, Giesecke J. Detection of a previously uncommon salmonella phage in tourists returning from Europe. Lancet. 2002 Jul 13;360(9327):175.

6061.         Osawa R, Iguchi A, Arakawa E, Watanabe H. Genotyping of pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 still open to question. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jul;40(7):2708-9.

6062.         Thong KL, Goh YL, Radu S, Noorzaleha S, Yasin R, Koh YT, Lim VK, Rusul G, Puthucheary SD. Genetic diversity of clinical and environmental strains of Salmonella enterica serotype Weltevreden isolated in Malaysia. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jul;40(7):2498-503.


6063.       Villa L, Mammina C, Miriagou V, Tzouvelekis LS, Tassios PT, Nastasi A, Carattoli A. Multidrug and broad-spectrum cephalosporin resistance among Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis clinical isolates in southern Italy. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jul;40(7):2662-5.

April 2003 

6690.      Bernstein DI, Sack DA, Reisinger K, Rothstein E, Ward RL.Second-year follow-up evaluation of live, attenuated human rotavirus vaccine 89-12 in healthy infants. J Infect Dis  2002 Nov 15;186(10):1487-9 

6691.      Tatsumi M, Nakata S, Sakai Y, Honma S, Numata-Kinoshita K, Chiba S.Detection and differentiation of Norwalk virus by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. J Med Virol  2002 Oct;68(2):285-90


6692.      Peter G, Myers MG;  National Vaccine Advisory Committee.;  National Vaccine Program Office. Intussusception, rotavirus, and oral vaccines: summary of a workshop. Pediatrics  2002 Dec;110(6):


      July 2003 

7220.   Daikh BE, Ryan CK, Schwartz RH.  Montelukast reduces peripheral blood eosinophilia but not tissue eosinophilia or symptoms in a patient with eosinophilic gastroenteritis and esophageal stricture. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Jan;90(1):23-7.

7221.   Farkas T, Thornton SA, Wilton N, Zhong W, Altaye M, Jiang X. Homologous versus heterologous immune responses to Norwalk-like viruses among crew members after acute gastroenteritis outbreaks on 2 US Navy vessels. J Infect Dis  2003 Jan 15;187(2):187-93

7222.   Ferrari M, Scalvini A, Losio MN, Corradi A, Soncini M, Bignotti E, Milanesi E, Ajmone-Marsan P, Barlati S, Bellotti D, Tonelli M.  Establishment and characterization of two new pig cell lines for use in virological diagnostic laboratories. J Virol Methods. 2003 Feb;107(2):205-12.

7223.   Wang CL, Wu YT, Liu CA, Lin MW, Lee CJ, Huang LT, Yang KD.  Expression of CD40 ligand on CD4+ T-cells and platelets correlated to the coronary artery lesion and disease progress in Kawasaki disease. Pediatrics. 2003 Feb;111(2):E140-7.


7224.   Bidawid S, Malik N, Adegbunrin O, Sattar SA, Farber JM.  A feline kidney cell line-based plaque assay for feline calicivirus, a surrogate for Norwalk virus. J Virol Methods. 2003 Feb;107(2):163-7.

7225.   Boddicker JD, Knosp BM, Jones BD.  Transcription of the Salmonella invasion gene activator, hilA, requires HilD activation in the absence of negative regulators. J Bacteriol. 2003 Jan;185(2):525-33.

7226.   Gorski L, Palumbo JD, Mandrell RE.  Attachment of Listeria monocytogenes to radish tissue is dependent upon temperature and flagellar motility. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2003 Jan;69(1):258-66.

7227.   Hutson AM, Atmar RL, Marcus DM, Estes MK.   Norwalk virus-like particle hemagglutination by binding to h histo-blood group antigens. J Virol. 2003 Jan;77(1):405-15.

7228.   Makino K, Oshima K, Kurokawa K, Yokoyama K, Uda T, Tagomori K, Iijima Y,Najima M, Nakano M, Yamashita A, Kubota Y, Kimura S, Yasunaga T, Honda T, Shinagawa H, Hattori M, Iida T.   Genome sequence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a pathogenic mechanism distinct from that of V cholerae. Lancet. 2003 Mar 1;361(9359):743-9.

7229.   Nadan S, Walter JE, Grabow WO, Mitchell DK, Taylor MB.  Molecular characterization of astroviruses by reverse transcriptase PCR and sequence analysis: comparison of clinical and environmental isolates from South Africa. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2003 Feb;69(2):747-53.

7230.   Oliver SL, Dastjerdi AM, Wong S, El-Attar L, Gallimore C, Brown DW, Green J, Bridger JC.  Molecular characterization of bovine enteric caliciviruses: a distinct third genogroup of noroviruses (Norwalk-like viruses) unlikely to be of risk to humans. J Virol. 2003 Feb;77(4):2789-98.

7231.   Pedalino B, Feely E, McKeown P, Foley B, Smyth B, Moren A.  An outbreak of Norwalk-like viral gastroenteritis in holidaymakers travelling to Andorra, January-February 2002. Euro Surveill. 2003 Jan;8(1):1-8.

7232.   Spiller RC.  Estimating the importance of infection in IBS. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 Feb;98(2):238-41.


7233.   Britton LA. Microbiological threats to health in the home. Clin Lab Sci  2003 Winter;16(1):10-5.

7234.   Pedalino B, Feely E, McKeown P, Foley B, Smyth B, Moren A. An outbreak of Norwalk-like viral gastroenteritis in holidaymakers travelling to Andorra, January-February 2002. Euro Surveill  2003 Jan;8(1):1-8. 


October 2003 

7952.      Doganay M.  Listeriosis: clinical presentation. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2003 Apr 1;35(3):173-5.

7953.      Gunson R, Miller J, Carman WF.  Comparison of primers for NLV diagnosis. J Clin Virol. 2003 Apr;26(3):379-80.

7954.      Kageyama T, Kojima S, Shinohara M, Uchida K, Fukushi S, Hoshino FB, Takeda N, Katayama K.  Broadly reactive and highly sensitive assay for Norwalk-like viruses based on real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Apr;41(4):1548-57.

7955.      Vinje J, Vennema H, Maunula L, von Bonsdorff CH, Hoehne M, Schreier E, Richards A, Green J, Brown D, Beard SS, Monroe SS, de Bruin E, Svensson L, Koopmans MP.  International collaborative study to compare reverse transcriptase PCR assays for detection and genotyping of noroviruses. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Apr;41(4):1423-33.


7956.      Abernathy CO, Thomas DJ, Calderon RL.  Health effects and risk assessment of arsenic. J Nutr. 2003 May;133(5 Suppl 1):1536S-8S.

7957.      Bohnker BK, Thornton S.  Explosive outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the shipboard environment attributed to Norovirus. Mil Med. 2003 May;168(5)

7958.      Gwee KA, Collins SM, Read NW, Rajnakova A, Deng Y, Graham JC, McKendrick MW, Moochhala SM.  Increased rectal mucosal expression of interleukin 1beta in recently acquired post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome. Gut. 2003 Apr;52(4):523-6.

7959.      Sabra A, Bellanti JA, Rais JM, Castro HJ, de Inocencio JM, Sabra S.  IgE and non-IgE food allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Jun;90(6 Suppl 3):71-6.

7960.      Weitkamp JH, Kallewaard N, Kusuhara K, Feigelstock D, Feng N, Greenberg HB, Crowe JE Jr.  Generation of recombinant human monoclonal antibodies to rotavirus from single antigen-specific B cells selected with fluorescent virus-like particles. J Immunol Methods. 2003 Apr 1;275(1-2):223-37.


7961.      Byington CL, Rittichier KK, Bassett KE, Castillo H, Glasgow TS, Daly J, Pavia AT.  Serious bacterial infections in febrile infants younger than 90 days of age: the importance of ampicillin-resistant pathogens. Pediatrics. 2003 May;111(5 Pt 1):964-8.

7962.      Leruez-Ville M, Ouachee M, Delarue R, Sauget AS, Blanche S, Buzyn A, Rouzioux C.  Monitoring cytomegalovirus infection in adult and pediatric bone marrow transplant recipients by a real-time PCR assay performed with blood plasma. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 May;41(5):2040-6.

7963.      Naumova EN, Egorov AI, Morris RD, Griffiths JK.  The elderly and waterborne Cryptosporidium infection: gastroenteritis hospitalizations before and during the 1993 Milwaukee outbreak. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003 Apr;9(4):418-25.

7964.      Spiller RC.  Postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2003 May;124(6):1662-71.


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