( SEVAMED 2003)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)  

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January 2003

6020.      Athmanathan S, Vydehi B V, Sundaram C, Venuganti G K, Murthy J M K. Neuronal apoptosis in herpes simplex virus – 1 encephalitis (HSE). Indian J med Microbiol 2001; 19(3), 127-31.

6021.      Berger C, Schwarz S, Schaebitz WR, Aschoff A, Schwab S. Serum procalcitonin in cerebral ventriculitis. Crit Care Med. 2002 Aug;30(8):1778-81.

6022.      Chakrabarti S, Garvie D, RayChaudhuri K, Rao GG. Rationalizing the use of polymerase chain reaction based tests for diagnosis of common viral infections of the central nervous system. J Clin Pathol. 2002 Jul;55(7):560.

6023.      Garcia-Rivera EJ, Rigau-Perez JG. Encephalitis and dengue. Lancet. 2002 Jul 20;360(9328):261.

6024.      Juceviciene A, Vapalahti O, Laiskonis A, Ceplikiene J, Leinikki P. Prevalence of tick-borne-encephalitis virus antibodies in Lithuania. J Clin Virol. 2002 Jul;25(1):23-7.

6025.      Mickiene A, Laiskonis A, Gunther G, Vene S, Lundkvist A, Lindquist L. Tickborne encephalitis in an area of high endemicity in lithuania: disease severity and long-term prognosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Sep 15;35(6):650-8.

6026.      Raschilas F, Wolff M, Delatour F, Chaffaut C, De Broucker T, Chevret S, Lebon P, Canton P, Rozenberg F. Outcome of and prognostic factors for herpes simplex encephalitis in adult patients: results of a multicenter study. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Aug 1;35(3):254-60.

6027.      Shinjoh M, Yoshikawa T, Li Y, Shiraishi K, Ueki H, Nerome K. Prophylaxis and treatment of influenza encephalitis in an experimental mouse model. J Med Virol. 2002 Jul;67(3):406-17.

6028.      Straight TM, Lazarus AA, Decker CF. Defending against viruses in biowarfare. How to respond to smallpox, encephalitides, hemorrhagic fevers. Postgrad Med. 2002 Aug;112(2):75-6, 79-80, 85-6. Review.

6029.      Wagner BP, Pfenninger J. Dynamic cerebral autoregulatory response to blood pressure rise measured by near-infrared spectroscopy and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med. 2002 Sep;30(9):2014-21.

6030.      Yamamoto A, Nakayama M, Kurosawa Y, Sugo K, Karasawa H, Ogawa T, Takasaki T, Tashiro M, Kurane I. Development of a particle agglutination assay system for detecting Japanese encephalitis virus-specific human IgM, using hydroxyapatite-coated nylon beads. J Virol Methods. 2002 Jul;104(2):195-201.


6031.      Dietrich JB. The adhesion molecule ICAM-1 and its regulation in relation with the blood-brain barrier. J Neuroimmunol. 2002 Jul;128(1-2):58-68. Review.

6032.      Graham PL, Ampofo K, Saiman L. Linezolid treatment of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium ventriculitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002 Aug;21(8):798-800.

6033.      Johnson JJ, Roberts CW, Pope C, Roberts F, Kirisits MJ, Estes R, Mui E, Krieger T, Brown CR, Forman J, McLeod R. In vitro correlates of Ld-restricted resistance to toxoplasmic encephalitis and their critical dependence on parasite strain. J Immunol. 2002 Jul 15;169(2):966-73.

6034.      Malakoff D. Infectious disease. Bird advocates fear that West Nile virus could silence the spring. Science. 2002 Sep 20;297(5589):1989.

6035.      Nath SK, Kelly JA, Reid J, Lam T, Gray-McGuire C, Namjou B, Aston CE, Harley JB. SLEB3 in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is strongly related to SLE families ascertained through neuropsychiatric manifestations. Hum Genet. 2002 Jul;111(1):54-8.

6036.      Schuster FL. Cultivation of pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amebas. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2002 Jul;15(3):342-54. Review.

6037.      Tanaka M, Maruyama Y, Sugie M, Motizuki H, Kamakura K, Tanaka K. Cytotoxic T cell activity against peptides of Hu protein in anti-Hu syndrome. J Neurol Sci. 2002 Sep 15;201(1-2):9-12.

6038.      Vojdani A, Campbell AW, Anyanwu E, Kashanian A, Bock K, Vojdani E. Antibodies to neuron-specific antigens in children with autism: possible cross-reaction with encephalitogenic proteins from milk, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Streptococcus group A. J Neuroimmunol. 2002 Aug;129(1-2):168-77.


6039.      Shlim DR, Solomon T. Japanese encephalitis vaccine for travelers: exploring the limits of risk. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jul 15;35(2):183-8. Review.


6040.      Acosta MT, Montanez P, Leon-Sarmiento FE. Half brain but not half function. Lancet. 2002 Aug 24;360(9333):643.

6041.      Gupta SK; Verma VK; Parihar A. Department of Medicine, GMC, Jammu, Srinagar. India Herpes simplex encephalitis JK Practitioner. 2002 Jan-Mar; 9(1): 53-4

6042.      Mayo DR, Beckwith WH 3rd. Inactivation of West Nile virus during serologic testing and transport. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Aug;40(8):3044-6.

6043.      Singh N; Syed Sadiq A; Singh V; Singh A National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research S.A.S. Nagar Punjab Adaptogens anti stress agents a study focusing Indian plants Antiseptic. 2002 Jun; 99(6): 198-201.


April 2003 

  1. Bell JE, Arango JC, Robertson R, Brettle RP, Leen C, Simmonds P.  HIV and drug misuse in the Edinburgh cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2002 Oct 1;31 Suppl 2:S35-42.

  2. Bosma GP, Middelkoop HA, Rood MJ, Bollen EL, Huizinga TW, van Buchem MA. Association of global brain damage and clinical functioning in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2002 Oct;46(10):2665-72.

  3. Bsibsi M, Ravid R, Gveric D, van Noort JM. Broad expression of Toll-like receptors in the human central nervous system. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2002 Nov;61(11):1013-21.

  4. Burudi EM, Marcondes MC, Watry DD, Zandonatti M, Taffe MA, Fox HS. Regulation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected monkey brains. J Virol. 2002 Dec;76(23):12233-41.

  5. Gain P, Chiquet C, Thuret G, Drouet E, Antoine JC. Herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis associated with acute retinal necrosis syndrome in an immunocompetent patient. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2002 Oct;80(5):546-9.

  6. Hadden PW, Barry CJ. Images in clinical medicine. Herpetic encephalitis and acute retinal necrosis. N Engl J Med. 2002 Dec 12;347(24):1932.

  7. Hill D, Dubey JP. Toxoplasma gondii: transmission, diagnosis and prevention. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2002 Oct;8(10):634-40.

  8. Horie T, Shen Y, Kajino K, Gaubin M, Bonomi G, Mani JC, Berezov A,Piatier-Tonneau D, Guardiola J, Hillard B, Rostami A, Greene M, Murali R.  Study of disabling T-cell activation and inhibiting T-cell-mediated immunopathology reveals a possible inverse agonist activity of CD4 peptidomimetics. Exp Mol Pathol. 2002 Oct;73(2):93-103.

  9. Lee KH, McKie VC, Sekul EA, Adams RJ, Nichols FT. Unusual encephalopathy after acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease: acute necrotizing encephalitis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2002 Oct;24(7):585-8.

  10. Ljungman P. Beta-herpesvirus challenges in the transplant recipient. J Infect Dis. 2002 Oct 15;186 Suppl 1:S99-S109.

  11. Mantegazza R, Bernasconi P, Baggi F, Spreafico R, Ragona F, Antozzi C, Bernardi G, Granata T. Antibodies against GluR3 peptides are not specific for Rasmussen's encephalitis but are also present in epilepsy patients with severe, early onset disease and intractable seizures. J Neuroimmunol. 2002 Oct;131(1-2):179-85.

  12. Martin K, Franco-Paredes C. Herpes encephalitis. Lancet. 2002 Oct 26;360(9342):1286.


  1. Baum S. West Nile virus: time for prevention, not panic. As the virus spreads, the risk of severe illness remains low. Health News. 2002 Oct;8(10):3.

  2. Chase P. Ethical concerns with organ donation. S C Nurse. 2002 Oct-Dec;9(4):23.

  3. Colangelo V, Schurr J, Ball MJ, Pelaez RP, Bazan NG, Lukiw WJ. Gene expression profiling of 12633 genes in Alzheimer hippocampal CA1: transcription and neurotrophic factor down-regulation and up-regulation of apoptotic and pro-inflammatory signaling. J Neurosci Res. 2002 Nov 1;70(3):462-73.

  4. Gnann JW Jr. Varicella-zoster virus: atypical presentations and unusual complications. J Infect Dis. 2002 Oct 15;186 Suppl 1:S91-8. Review.

  5. Rodriguez JJ, Parisien JP, Horvath CM.  Nipah virus V protein evades alpha and gamma interferons by preventing STAT1 and STAT2 activation and nuclear accumulation. J Virol. 2002 Nov;76(22):11476-83.


  1. Harrington PR, Lindesmith L, Yount B, Moe CL, Baric RS. Binding of Norwalk virus-like particles to ABH histo-blood group antigens is blocked by antisera from infected human volunteers or experimentally vaccinated mice. J Virol  2002 Dec;76(23):12335-43


  1. Gupta SK; Verma VK; Parihar A. Herpes simplex encephalitis  JK Practitioner. 2002 Jan-Mar; 9(1): 53-4

  2. Quirk M. First treatment trial for West Nile infection begins. Lancet Infect Dis. 2002 Oct;2(10):589.

  3. Singh N; Syed Sadiq A; Singh V; Singh A Adaptogens anti stress agents a study focusing Indian plants. Antiseptic. 2002 Jun; 99(6): 198-201

July 2003


7167.   Aboul-Enein F, Rauschka H, Kornek B, Stadelmann C, Stefferl A, Bruck W, Lucchinetti C, Schmidbauer M, Jellinger K, Lassmann H.   Preferential loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein reflects hypoxia-like white matter damage in stroke and inflammatory brain diseases. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2003 Jan;62(1):25-33.

7168.   Azad R, Gupta RK, Kumar S, Pandey CM, Prasad KN, Husain N, Husain M.  Is neurocysticercosis a risk factor in coexistent intracranial disease? An MRI based study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;74(3):359-61.

7169.   Behzad-Behbahani A, Klapper PE, Vallely PJ, Cleator GM. BK virus DNA in CSF of immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Arch Dis Child  2003 Feb;88(2):174-5

7170.   Bernal F, Shams'ili S, Rojas I, Sanchez-Valle R, Saiz A, Dalmau J, Honnorat J, Sillevis Smitt P, Graus F.   Anti-Tr antibodies as markers of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and Hodgkin's disease. Neurology. 2003 Jan 28;60(2):230-4.

7171.   Dong M, Zhang PF, Grieder F, Lee J, Krishnamurthy G, VanCott T, Broder C, Polonis VR, Yu XF, Shao Y, Faix D, Valente P, Quinnan GV Jr.   Induction of primary virus-cross-reactive human immunodeficiency virus type 1-neutralizing antibodies in small animals by using an alphavirus-derived in vivo expression system. J Virol. 2003 Mar;77(5):3119-30.

7172.   Hamprecht K, Eckle T, Prix L, Faul C, Einsele H, Jahn G. Ganciclovir-resistant cytomegalovirus disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: pitfalls of phenotypic diagnosis by in vitro selection of an UL97 mutant strain. J Infect Dis. 2003 Jan 1;187(1):139-43.

7173.   Hertzig T, Weber M, Greiffenberg L, Holthausen BS, Goebel W, Kim KS, Kuhn M.  Antibodies present in normal human serum inhibit invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells by Listeria monocytogenes. Infect Immun. 2003 Jan;71(1):95-100.

7174.   Hurley RA, Ernst T, Khalili K, Del Valle L, Simone IL, Taber KH.  Identification of HIV-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2003 Winter;15(1):1-6.

7175.   Kossmann T, Morganti-Kossmann MC, Orenstein JM, Britt WJ, Wahl SM, Smith PD.  Cytomegalovirus production by infected astrocytes correlates with transforming  growth factor-beta release. J Infect Dis. 2003 Feb 15;187(4):534-41.

7176.   Lin TY, Hsia SH, Huang YC, Wu CT, Chang LY.   Proinflammatory cytokine reactions in enterovirus 71 infections of the central nervous system. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Feb 1;36(3):269-74.

7177.   Mishra OP, Batra P, Ali Z, Anupurba S, Das BK.  Cerebrospinal fluid lysozyme level for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in children. J Trop Pediatr. 2003 Feb;49(1):13-6.

7178.   Potula R, Badrinath S, Srinivasan S.  Japanese encephalitis in and around Pondicherry, South India: a clinical appraisal and prognostic indicators for the outcome. J Trop Pediatr. 2003 Feb;49(1):48-53.

7179.   Schauble B, Castillo PR, Boeve BF, Westmoreland BF.  EEG findings in steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Jan;114(1):32-7.

7180.   Sibbald B.  Canada will check donor blood for West Nile virus if test available. CMAJ. 2003 Jan 21;168(2):207.

7181.   Singhal AB, Newstein MC, Budzik R, Cha JH, Rordorf G, Buonanno FS, Panzara MA.  Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in Bartonella encephalopathy. J Neuroimaging. 2003 Jan;13(1):79-82.

7182.   Thomas P, Zifkin B, Ghetau G, Delalande O.  Persistence of ictal activity after functional hemispherectomy in Rasmussen syndrome. Neurology. 2003 Jan 14;60(1):140-2.

7183.   Turchan J, Pocernich CB, Gairola C, Chauhan A, Schifitto G, Butterfield DA, Buch S, Narayan O, Sinai A, Geiger J, Berger JR, Elford H, Nath A.    Oxidative stress in HIV demented patients and protection ex vivo with novel antioxidants. Neurology. 2003 Jan 28;60(2):307-14.

7184.   Warnatz K, Peter HH, Schumacher M, Wiese L, Prasse A, Petschner F, Vaith P, Volk B, Weiner SM.   Infectious CNS disease as a differential diagnosis in systemic rheumatic diseases: three case reports and a review of the literature. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003 Jan;62(1):50-7.


7185.   Booton GC, Carmichael JR, Visvesvara GS, Byers TJ, Fuerst PA.  Genotyping of Balamuthia mandrillaris based on nuclear 18S and mitochondrial 16S rRNA genes.Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003 Jan;68(1):65-9.

7186.   Cucchiara BL, Forman MS, McGarvey ML, Kasner SE, King D.  Fatal subacute cytomegalovirus encephalitis associated with hypogammaglobulinemia and thymoma. Mayo Clin Proc. 2003 Feb;78(2):223-7.

7187.   Gritsun TS, Frolova TV, Zhankov AI, Armesto M, Turner SL, Frolova MP, Pogodina VV, Lashkevich VA, Gould EA.  Characterization of a siberian virus isolated from a patient with progressive chronic tick-borne encephalitis. J Virol. 2003 Jan;77(1):25-36.

7188.   Kathula SK, Kamana M, Mall S.  Rectal carcinoma with dementia. Psychosomatics. 2003 Jan-Feb;44(1):82-3.

7189.   Kumar S.  Inadequate research facilities fail to tackle mystery disease. BMJ. 2003 Jan 4;326(7379):12.

7190.   Pola R, Flex A, Gaetani E, Santoliquido A, Serricchio M, Pola P, Bernabei R.   Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E gene polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2003 Mar-Apr;24(2):385-7.

7191.   Ryan J, Dave K, Emmerich E, Fernandez B, Turell M, Johnson J, Gottfried K, Burkhalter K, Kerst A, Hunt A, Wirtz R, Nasci R.   Wicking assays for the rapid detection of West Nile and St. Louis encephalitis viral antigens in mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol. 2003 Jan;40(1):95-9.

7192.   Teunissen CE, van Boxtel MP, Bosma H, Bosmans E, Delanghe J, De Bruijn C, Wauters A, Maes M, Jolles J, Steinbusch HW, de Vente J.   Inflammation markers in relation to cognition in a healthy aging population. J Neuroimmunol. 2003 Jan;134(1-2):142-50.

7193.   Twiddy SS, Holmes EC.  The extent of homologous recombination in members of the genus Flavivirus. J Gen Virol. 2003 Feb;84(Pt 2):429-40.

7194.   Xiong H, Boyle J, Winkelbauer M, Gorantla S, Zheng J, Ghorpade A, Persidsky Y, Carlson KA, Gendelman HE.   Inhibition of long-term potentiation by interleukin-8: implications for human immunodeficiency virus-1-associated dementia. J Neurosci Res. 2003 Feb 15;71(4):600-7.


7195.   Kleymann G.Novel agents and strategies to treat herpes simplex virus infections. Expert Opin Investig Drugs  2003 Feb;12(2):165-83. 

7196.   Lin CW, Wu SC. A functional epitope determinant on domain III of the Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein interacted with neutralizing-antibody combining sites. J Virol  2003 Feb;77(4):2600-6.


7197.   Atwood CS, Perry G, Smith MA.  Cerebral hemorrhage and amyloid-beta. Science. 2003 Feb 14;299(5609):1014.


October 2003

7915.      Aronica E, Troost D, Rozemuller AJ, Yankaya B, Jansen GH, Isom LL, Gorter JA.   Expression and regulation of voltage-gated sodium channel beta1 subunit protein in human gliosis-associated pathologies. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2003 May;105(5):515-23. Epub 2003 Feb 20.

7916.      Berenguer J, Miralles P, Arrizabalaga J, Ribera E, Dronda F, Baraia-Etxaburu J, Domingo P, Marquez M, Rodriguez-Arrondo FJ, Laguna F, Rubio R, Lacruz Rodrigo J, Mallolas J, de Miguel V; GESIDA 11/99 Study Group.  Clinical course and prognostic factors of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Apr 15;36(8):1047-52. Epub 2003 Apr 02.

7917.      De Tiege X, Heron B, Lebon P, Ponsot G, Rozenberg F.  Limits of early diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis in children: a retrospective study of 38 cases. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 May 15;36(10):1335-9. Epub 2003 May 01.

7918.      Dunand AC, Jallon P.  EEG-mediated diagnosis of an unusual presentation of SSPE. Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Apr;114(4):737-9.

7919.      Heneka MT, Gavrilyuk V, Landreth GE, O'Banion MK, Weinberg G, Feinstein DL.  Noradrenergic depletion increases inflammatory responses in brain: effects on IkappaB and HSP70 expression. J Neurochem. 2003 Apr;85(2):387-98.

7920.      Jorgensen GE, Hammarin AL, Bratt G, Grandien M, Flaegstad T, Johnsen JI.   Identification of a unique BK virus variant in the CNS of a patient with AIDS. J Med Virol. 2003 May;70(1):14-9.

7921.      Lassmann H, Reindl M, Rauschka H, Berger J, Aboul-Enein F, Berger T,Zurbriggen A, Lutterotti A, Bruck W, Weber JR, Ullrich R, Schmidbauer M, Jellinger K, Vandevelde M.   A new paraclinical CSF marker for hypoxia-like tissue damage in multiple sclerosis lesions. Brain. 2003 Jun;126(Pt 6):1347-57.

7922.      Lednicky JA, Vilchez RA, Keitel WA, Visnegarwala F, White ZS, Kozinetz CA, Lewis DE, Butel JS.  Polyomavirus JCV excretion and genotype analysis in HIV-infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2003 Apr 11;17(6):801-7.

7923.      Mani J, Reddy BC, Borgohain R, Sitajayalakshmi S, Sundaram C, Mohandas S.  Magnetic resonance imaging in rabies. Postgrad Med J. 2003 Jun;79(932):352-4.

7924.      Martin WJ.  Complex intracellular inclusions in the brain of a child with a stealth virus encephalopathy. Exp Mol Pathol. 2003 Jun;74(3):197-209.

7925.      Overholser ED, Coleman GD, Bennett JL, Casaday RJ, Zink MC, Barber SA, Clements JE.  Expression of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) nef in astrocytes during acute and terminal infection and requirement of nef for optimal replication of neurovirulent SIV in vitro. J Virol. 2003 Jun;77(12):6855-66.

7926.      Trillo-Pazos G, Diamanturos A, Rislove L, Menza T, Chao W, Belem P, Sadiq S, Morgello S, Sharer L, Volsky DJ.  Detection of HIV-1 DNA in microglia/macrophages, astrocytes and neurons isolated from brain tissue with HIV-1 encephalitis by laser capture microdissection. Brain Pathol. 2003 Apr;13(2):144-54.

7927.      Vallat-Decouvelaere AV, Chretien F, Gras G, Le Pavec G, Dormont D, Gray F.  Expression of excitatory amino acid transporter-1 in brain macrophages and microglia of HIV-infected patients. A neuroprotective role for activated microglia? J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2003 May;62(5):475-85.


7928.         Oku K, Atsumi T, Furukawa S, Horita T, Sakai Y, Jodo S, Amasaki Y, Ichikawa K, Amengual O, Koike T.  Cerebral imaging by magnetic resonance imaging and single photon emission computed tomography in systemic lupus erythematosus with central nervous system involvement. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2003 Jun;42(6):773-7. Epub 2003 Mar 31.

7929.         Ortega-Aznar A, Romero-Vidal FJ, Castellvi J, Ferrer JM, Codina A.  Adult-onset subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: clinico-pathological findings in 2 new cases. Clin Neuropathol. 2003 May-Jun;22(3):110-8.

7930.         Pretorius PM, Quaghebeur G.  The role of MRI in the diagnosis of MS. Clin Radiol. 2003 Jun;58(6):434-48.

7931.         Soragna D, Tupler R, Ratti MT, Montalbetti L, Papi L, Sestini R.  An Italian family affected by Nasu-Hakola disease with a novel genetic mutation in the TREM2 gene. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Jun;74(6):825-6.


7932.         Gangolli SS, Vasilakis N, Kovacs GR, Zamb TJ, Kowalski J.  A method of alphavirus replicon particle titration based on expression of functional replicase/transcriptase. J Virol Methods. 2003 May;109(2):133-8.

7933.         Nel LH, Niezgoda M, Hanlon CA, Morril PA, Yager PA, Rupprecht CE.   A comparison of DNA vaccines for the rabies-related virus, Mokola. Vaccine. 2003 Jun 2;21(19-20):2598-606.

7934.         Theophilides CN, Ahearn SC, Grady S, Merlino M.  Identifying West Nile virus risk areas: the Dynamic Continuous-Area Space-Time system. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 May 1;157(9):843-54.


7935.         Barker CM, Reisen WK, Kramer VL.  California state Mosquito-Borne Virus Surveillance and Response Plan: a retrospective evaluation using conditional simulations. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003 May;68(5):508-18.

7936.         Langford TD, Letendre SL, Larrea GJ, Masliah E.  Changing patterns in the neuropathogenesis of HIV during the HAART era. Brain Pathol. 2003 Apr;13(2):195-210.

7937.         Mitka M.  As West Nile virus season heats up, blood safety testing lags behind. JAMA. 2003 May 14;289(18):2341-2.

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