( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3619.      Aghanwa HS.  Morakinyo O. Correlates of psychiatric morbidity in typhoid fever in a Nigerian general hospital setting. General Hospital Psychiatry.  23(3):158-62, 2001 May-Jun.

3620.      Choo KE.  Davis TM. Henry RL.  Chan LP. Serum C-reactive protein concentrations in Malaysian children with enteric fever.  Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.  47(4):211-4, 2001 Aug.

3621.      Dutta P.  Mitra U. Datta S.  Saha MR.  De A. Roy K.  Basak M.  Bhattacharya SK. Ciprofloxacin susceptible Salmonella typhi with treatment failure. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 47(4):252-3, 2001 Aug.

3622.      House D.  Wain J. Ho VA.  Diep TS.  Chinh NT. Bay PV.  Vinh H.  Duc M. Parry CM.  Dougan G.  White NJ. Hien TT.  Farrar JJ. Serology of typhoid fever in an area of endemicity and its relevance to diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(3):1002-7, 2001 Mar.

3623.      Koul PA. A Salmonella typhi Vi conjugate vaccine. New England Journal of Medicine. 345(7):545-6, 2001 Aug 16.

3624.      Rajeev A. Quinolone resistant typhoid outbreak in an extended joint family. J Commum Dis.31(4): 23-5, 1999.

3625.      Uysal H.  Karademir A.  Kilinc M.  Erturk O. Salmonella encephalopathy with seizure and frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity.  Infection.  29(2):103-6, 2001 Mar-Apr.

3626.      Wain J.  Pham VB. Ha V.  Nguyen NM.  To SD. Walsh AL.  Parry CM.  Hasserjian RP.  HoHo VA.  Tran TH.  Farrar J. White NJ.  Day NP. Quantitation of bacteria in bone marrow from patients with typhoid fever: relationship between counts and clinical features. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(4):1571-6, 2001 Apr.

3627.      Walker AR. Changes in public health in South Africa from 1876. Journal of the Royal Society of Health.  121(2):85-93, 2001 Jun.

3628.      Woo PC.  Fung AM. Wong SS.  Tsoi HW.  Yuen KY. Isolation and characterization of a Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi variant and its clinical and public health implications. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(3):1190-4, 2001 Mar.

Apr 02

4357.      Kutteh WH, Kantele A, Moldoveanu Z, Crowley-Nowick PA, Mestecky J. Induction of specific immune responses in the genital tract of women after oral or rectal immunization and rectal boosting with Salmonella typhi Ty 21a vaccine. J Reprod Immunol  2001 Oct-Nov;52(1-2):61-75

4358.      Larsen TS, Leather S, Moule S, O'Gaora P, Parry C, Quail M, Rutherford K, Simmonds M, Skelton J, Stevens K, Whitehead S, Barrell BG. Complete genome sequence of a multiple drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi CT18. Nature  2001 Oct 25;413(6858):848-52

4359.      Leder K, Weller PF, Wilson ME. Travel vaccines and elderly persons: review of vaccines available in the United States. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 1;33(9):1553-66

4360.      McDade TW, Beck MA, Kuzawa C, Adair LS. Prenatal undernutrition, postnatal environments, and antibody response to vaccination in adolescence. Am J Clin Nutr  2001 Oct;74(4):543-8

July 02

4984.      Ahmad K.  Experts call for surveillance of drug-resistant typhoid at a global level. Lancet. 2002 Feb 16;359(9306):592.

4985.      Gasem MH, Smits HL, Goris MG, Dolmans WM. Evaluation of a simple and rapid dipstick assay for the diagnosis of typhoid fever in Indonesia. J Med Microbiol. 2002 Feb;51(2):173-7.

4986.      Kadappu KK, Rao PV, Srinivas N, Shastry BA. Pancreatitis in enteric fever. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan-Feb;21(1):32-3. Review.

4987.      Kalra OP; Agrawal NK; Agrawal S. Acute reversible cerebellar ataxia in typhoid fever Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2002 Jan-Mar; 3( 1): 96-7

4988.      Pandey CK, Singh N, Kumar V, Agarwal A, Singh PK. Typhoid, hepatitis E, or typhoid and hepatitis E: the cause of fulminant hepatic failure--a diagnostic dilemma. Crit Care Med. 2002 Feb;30(2):376-8.

4989.      Rodrigues C, Mehta A, Joshi VR.  Salmonella typhiin the past decade: learning to live with resistance. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jan 1;34(1):126.

4990.      Stephens I, Levine MM.  Management of typhoid fever in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002 Feb;21(2):157-8. Review.

  Oct 02

  5765.      Malik AS. Complications of bacteriologically confirmed typhoid fever in children. J Trop Pediatr. 2002 Apr;48(2):102-8.

5766.      Tariq Hamid. Biological characterization of outer membrane proteins of S. typhi and S. typhimurium and studies on their role of protection against typhoid. Department of  Biotechnology, Jamia Hamdard; New Delhi, 2001.

5767.      Vagholkar Kr. Surgical management of typhoid enteric perforation (a study of 24 cases). Hosp Today. 2001; 6(8), 461-4.


5768.      McConkey SJ. Case series of acute abdominal surgery in rural Sierra Leone. World J Surg. 2002 Apr;26(4):509-13.

5769.      Prouty AM, Schwesinger WH, Gunn JS. Biofilm formation and interaction with the surfaces of gallstones by Salmonella spp. Infect Immun. 2002 May;70(5):2640-9.


5770.      Aggarwal A, Dutta AK. Typhoid Vaccines. Indian J. Pediat 2001; 68(8): 735-6.

5771.      White Jr AC, Atmar RL. Infections in Hispanic immigrants. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jun 15;34(12):1627-32.


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