( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3478.      Abbadi S.  Rashed HG.  Morlock GP.  Woodley CL.  El Shanawy O.  Cooksey RC. Characterization of IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance for multidrug-resistant isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a major reference hospital in Assiut, Egypt. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(6):2330-4, 2001 Jun.

3479.      Abe C.  Hirano K.  Wada M.  Aoyagi T. Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to four first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs in Japan, 1997. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(1):46-52, 2001 Jan.

3480.      Agger EM.  Andersen P. Tuberculosis subunit vaccine development: on the role of interferon-gamma.  Vaccine.  19(17-19):2298-302, 2001 Mar 21.

3481.      Agrawal S.  Thomas NS.  Dhanikula AB.  Kaul CL.  Panchagnula R. Antituberculosis drugs and new drug development. [Review] [31 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  7(3):142-7, 2001 May.

3482.      Ahmed A.  Pereira SP.  Steger A.  Starke I. Abdominal tuberculosis: the great mimic. [see comments]. Hospital Medicine (London).  62(6):368-9, 2001 Jun.

3483.      Ahuja A.  Ying M.  Yuen YH.  Metreweli C. Power Doppler sonography to differentiate tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy from nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology.  22(4):735-40, 2001 Apr.

3484.      Akpede GO.  Akenzua GI. Management of children with prolonged fever of unknown origin and difficulties in the management of fever of unknown origin in children in developing countries. [Review] [90 refs] Paediatric Drugs.  3(4):247-62, 2001.

3485.      Al-Serhani AM.  Al-Mazrou K. Pharyngeal tuberculosis. American Journal of Otolaryngology.  22(4):236-40, 2001 Jul-Aug.

3486.      Altare F.  Ensser A.  Breiman A.  Reichenbach J.  Baghdadi JE.  Fischer A.  Emile JF.  Gaillard JL.  Meinl E.  Casanova JL. Interleukin-12 receptor beta1 deficiency in a patient with abdominal tuberculosis.  Journal of Infectious Diseases.  184(2):231-6, 2001 Jul 15.

3487.      Antinori S.  Galimberti L.  Parente F. Intestinal tuberculosis as a cause of chronic diarrhoea among patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection: report of two cases. Digestive & Liver Disease.  33(1):63-7, 2001 Jan-Feb.

3488.      Asai S.  Miyachi H.  Suzuki K.  Shimamura K.  Ando Y. Ultrasonographic differentiation between tuberculous lymphadenitis and malignant lymph nodes. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.  20(5):533-8, 2001 May.

3489.      Ashford DA.  Whitney E.  Raghunathan P.  Cosivi O. Epidemiology of selected mycobacteria that infect humans and other animals. [Review] [156 refs] Revue Scientifique et Technique.  20(1):325-37, 2001 Apr.

3490.      Bedwell J.  Kairo SK.  Behr MA.  Bygraves JA. Identification of substrains of BCG vaccine using multiplex PCR. Vaccine.  19(15-16):2146-51, 2001 Feb 28.

3491.      Behr MA. Comparative genomics of BCG vaccines. [Review] [30 refs] Tuberculosis.  81(1-2):165-8, 2001.

3492.      Bhat S, Singal N, Aggarwal C S, Jain R C. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of newly diagnosed sputum positive cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. J Commun Dis. 31(4): 247-52, 1999.

3493.      Boudiaf M.  Soyer P.  Terem C.  Pelage JP.  Maissiat E.  Rymer R. Ct evaluation of small bowel obstruction. [Review] [36 refs]  Radiographics.  21(3):613-24, 2001 May-Jun.

3494.      Brock I.  Munk ME.  Kok-Jensen A.  Andersen P. Performance of whole blood IFN-gamma test for tuberculosis diagnosis based on PPD or the specific antigens ESAT-6 and CFP-10. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(5):462-7, 2001 May.

3495.      Burgess LJ.  Swanepoel CG.  Taljaard JJ. The use of adenosine deaminase as a diagnostic tool for peritoneal tuberculosis. Tuberculosis.  81(3):243-8, 2001.

3496.      Cayli SR.  Onal C.  Kocak A.  Onmus SH.  Tekiner A. An unusual presentation of neurotuberculosis: subdural empyema. Case report. Journal of Neurosurgery.  94(6):988-91, 2001 Jun.

3497.      Cheng WF.  Hung CF.  Chai CY.  Hsu KF.  He L.  Rice CM.  Ling M.  Wu TC. Enhancement of Sindbis virus self-replicating RNA vaccine potency by linkage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 70 gene to an antigen gene. Journal of Immunology.  166(10):6218-26, 2001 May 15.

3498.      Chiang CY.  Yu MC.  Bai KJ.  Suo J.  Lin TP.  Lee YC. Pulmonary resection in the treatment of patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan.  International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(3):272-7, 2001 Mar.

3499.      Cho SN.  Choi BW.  Ra SY.  Hong YK.  Park JS.  Kim SC.  Kim JD.  Choe KO. Prevalence of antibodies to PPD and lipoarabinomannan of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients with an indication of fine needle aspiration biopsy. Yonsei Medical Journal.  42(3):324-32, 2001 Jun.

3500.      Chowdhury A.  Santra A.  Kundu S.  Mukherjee A.  Pandit A.  Chaudhuri S.  Dhali GK. Induction of oxidative stress in antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20(3):97-100, 2001 May-Jun.

3501.      Chugh K. Clinical approach to a patient with cough.  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  68  Suppl 2:S11-9, 2001 Apr.

3502.      Colaco C. Stressed bacteria and TB vaccines. Trends in Immunology.  22(8):418, 2001 Aug.

3503.      Dabiri S.  Meymandi SS.  Nadji M.  Kharazmi A. A description of parasite-harbouring cells in localized lymphadenitis in dry type cutaneous leishmaniasis.  Acta Tropica.  79(2):129-33, 2001 May 25.

3504.      Dannenberg AM Jr.  Collins FM. Progressive pulmonary tuberculosis is not due to increasing numbers of viable bacilli in rabbits, mice and guinea pigs, but is due to a continuous host response to mycobacterial products. [Review] [107 refs] Tuberculosis.  81(3):229-42, 2001.

3505.      Dannenberg AM Jr.  Pathogenesis of pulmonary Mycobacterium bovis infection: basic principles established by the rabbit model. [Review] [39 refs] Tuberculosis.  81(1-2):87-96, 2001.

3506.      de Lisle GW.  Mackintosh CG.  Bengis RG.  Mycobacterium bovis in free-living and captive wildlife, including farmed deer. [Review] [151 refs] Revue Scientifique et Technique.  20(1):86-111, 2001 Apr.

3507.      Delogu G.  Brennan MJ. Comparative immune response to PE and PE_PGRS antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection & Immunity.  69(9):5606-11, 2001 Sep.

3508.      Desarker S, Chaudhuri T K, Datta K B. Certain facts and findings about immunogenetics of human pulmonary tuberculosis. Perspectives Cytol Genet. (10): 95-101, 2001.

3509.      Dixit R, Gupta R C, Gupta M L, Gupta N: Asymptomatic duodenal tuberculosis in HIV positive patient. Curr med Trends  4(3):729-4, 2000.

3510.      Dowdy L.  Ramgopal M.  Hoffman T.  Ciancio G.  Burke G.  Roth D.  Mies C.  Jones B.  Miller J. Genitourinary tuberculosis after renal transplantation: report of 3 cases and review. [Review] [8 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(4):662-6, 2001 Feb 15.

3511.      Dutta S, Karki R, Shivananda P G, Udupa N. Liposome encapsulated rifampicin and isoniazid Indian J Pharm Sci . 62(5):384-7, 2000.

3512.      Dutta U, Bhutani V, Nagi B, Kartar Singh. Reversible portal hypertension due to tuberculosis. Indian J Gastroenterol. 19(3):136-7, 2000.

3513.      E Raji Nair, S Banerjee, MVR Reddy, S Kumar & BC Harinath. Isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 31 kDa antigen protein of diagnostic interest from culture filtrate using anti ES-31 antibody by affinity chromatography. Ind. J. Clin. Biochem. 2001; 16: 132-135.

3514.      E Raji Nair, Swati Banerjee,  Satish Kumar, MVR Reddy & BC Harinath. Purification and characterization of a 31 kDa mycobacterial excretory-secretory antigenic protein with a diagnostic potential in pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2001; 43:81-90.

3515.      Eastwood JB.  Corbishley CM.  Grange JM. Tuberculosis and the kidney. [Review] [49 refs] Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.  12(6):1307-14, 2001 Jun.

3516.      Emler S.  Feldmann K.  Giacuzzo V.  Hewitt PL.  Klapper PE.  Lagrange PH.  Wilkins EW.  Young KK.  Herrmann JL. Multicenter evaluation of a pathogenic mycobacterium screening probe. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(7):2687-9, 2001 Jul.

3517.      Enserink M.  Driving a stake into resurgent TB. Science.  293(5528):234-5, 2001 Jul 13.

3518.      Farrington DM.  Melini de Paz F.  Moral Pinteno JC. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis associated with peripheral osteoarticular tuberculosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Part B.  10(2):96-100, 2001 Apr.

3519.      Fietta A.  Morosini M.  Cascina A. Effects of continuous or pulsed exposure to rifabutin and sparfloxacin on the intracellular growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  Journal of Chemotherapy.  13(2):167-75, 2001 Apr.

3520.      Fine PE. BCG: the challenge continues. [Review] [16 refs] Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.  33(4):243-5, 2001.

3521.      Floros J.  Wang G. A point of view: quantitative and qualitative imbalance in disease pathogenesis; pulmonary surfactant protein A genetic variants as a model. [Review] [62 refs] Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology.  129(1):295-303, 2001 May.

3522.      Freeman R.  Magee J.  Barrett A. Identifying sputum specimens of high priority for examination by enhanced mycobacterial detection, identification, and susceptibility systems (EMDISS) to promote the rapid diagnosis of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Pathology.  54(8):613-6, 2001 Aug.

3523.      Garg P.  Godara R.  Karwasra RK.  Jain R.  Yadav V. A palpably enlarged hard gall bladder can be tubercular. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20(3):120, 2001 May-Jun.

3524.      Gennaro MC.  Calvino R.  Abrigo C. Ion interaction reagent reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography determination of anti-tuberculosis drugs and metabolites in biological fluids. Journal of Chromatography. B, Biomedical Sciences & Applications.  754(2):477-86, 2001 Apr 25.

3525.      Gladych E.  Goland S.  Attali M.  Somin M.  Malnick SD. Cardiac tamponade as a manifestation of tuberculosis. [Review] [29 refs] Southern Medical Journal.  94(5):525-8, 2001 May.

3526.      Goloubeva V.  Lecocq M.  Lassowsky P.  Matthys F.  Portaels F.  Bastian I. Evaluation of mycobacteria growth indicator tube for direct and indirect drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from respiratory specimens in a Siberian prison hospital. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(4):1501-5, 2001 Apr.

3527.      Govender S.  Parbhoo AH.  Kumar KP.  Annamalai K. Anterior spinal decompression in HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis.  A prospective study. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery - British Volume.  83(6):864-7, 2001 Aug.

3528.      Graham SM.  Coulter JB.  Gilks CF. Pulmonary disease in HIV-infected African children. [Review] [93 refs] International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(1):12-23, 2001 Jan.

3529.      Gupta M, Minocha Y C. Low resistant tuberculoid leprosy. Indian J Lepr. 72(3):111-2, 2000.

3530.      Gupta M, Sharma P, Meena K K, Jora R. Disseminated tuberculosis in a young BCG vaccinated infant SDMH JI.  23(4): 62-3, 2000.

3531.      Gupta R.  Kim JY.  Espinal MA.  Caudron JM.  Pecoul B.  Farmer PE.  Raviglione MC. Public health. Responding to market failures in tuberculosis control. Science.  293(5532):1049-51, 2001 Aug 10.

3532.      Gupta U, Agrawal P, Samal S. Disorders of menstruation in genital tuberculosis. Antiseptic, Madurai.  97(7): 243-4, 2000.

3533.      Hariqubal Singh, Jetley R K, Maurya V, Sainim. Endobronchial tuberculosis presenting as a bronchocele. Med J Armed Forces India. 57(1):68-9, 2001.

3534.      Hawken MP.  Muhindi DW.  Chakaya JM.  Bhatt SM.  Ng'ang'a LW.  Porter JD. Under-diagnosis of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(4):360-3, 2001 Apr.

3535.      Hodsdon WS.  Luzze H.  Hurst TJ.  Quigley MA.  Kyosiimire J.  Namujju PB.  Johnson JL.  Kaleebu P.  Okwera A.  Elliott AM. HIV-1-related pleural tuberculosis: elevated production of IFN-gamma, but failure of immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. AIDS.  15(4):467-75, 2001 Mar 9.

3536.      Hup AK.  Haitjema T.  de Kuijper G. Primary nasal tuberculosis. Rhinology.  39(1):47-8, 2001 Mar.

3537.      Jaruratanasirikul S.  Sriwiriyajan S. Effect of indinavir on the pharmacokinetics of rifampicin in HIV-infected patients. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.  53(3):409-12, 2001 Mar.

3538.      Jensen-Cain DM.  Quinn FD.  Differential expression of sigE by Mycobacterium tuberculosis during intracellular growth. Microbial Pathogenesis.  30(5):271-8, 2001 May.

3539.      Jepson A.  Fowler A.  Banya W.  Singh M.  Bennett S.  Whittle H.  Hill AV. Genetic regulation of acquired immune responses to antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a study of twins in West Africa.  Infection & Immunity.  69(6):3989-94, 2001 Jun.

3540.      John MA.  Coovadia YM. Shortfalls in the use of adenosine deaminase in tuberculous meningitis.  Tropical Doctor.  31(3):138-9, 2001 Jul.

3541.      Jungblut PR.  Muller EC.  Mattow J.  Kaufmann SH. Proteomics reveals open reading frames in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv not predicted by genomics. Infection & Immunity.  69(9):5905-7, 2001 Sep.

3542.      Kamatchiammal S, Saravanakumar D, Kumaraswamy N, Salomon S, Sritharan M, Sritharan V. Direct diagnosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis in blood samples of HIV infected patients by polymerase chain reaction Indian J clin Biochem. 15(2): 76-82, 2000.

3543.      Kameshwaran M, Kadival G V. A simple and rapid radioimmunoassay (RIA) for antibody detection in tuberculosis. Indian J nucl Med.  15(3): 135, 2000.

3544.      Karcic AA.  Maudar V.  Karcic E. An elderly woman with chronic knee pain and abnormal chest radiography. Postgraduate Medical Journal.  77(911):600, 606-7, 2001 Sep.

3545.      Kartikeyan S, chaturvedi R M. Unusual involvement of the palm in borderline tuberculoid leprosy. Indian J Occup Hlth. 43(3):139-40, 2000.

3546.      Kataria YP.  Khurshid I. Adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. [letter; comment]. Chest.  120(2):334-6, 2001 Aug.

3547.      Kaul KL. Molecular detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: impact on patient care. Clinical Chemistry.  47(8):1553-8, 2001 Aug.

3548.      Khan MY.  Kinsara AJ.  Osoba AO.  Wali S.  Samman Y.  Memish Z. Increasing resistance of M. tuberculosis to anti-TB drugs in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.  17(5):415-8, 2001 May.

3549.      Kindler T.  Schindel C.  Brass U.  Fischer T.  Fatal sepsis due to mycobacterium tuberculosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation.  27(2):217-8, 2001 Jan.

3550.      Kotnis R.  Simo R. Tuberculous meningitis presenting as sensorineural hearing loss. Journal of Laryngology & Otology.  115(6):491-2, 2001 Jun.

3551.      Krayem AB.  Abdullah LS.  Raweily EA.  Wali SO.  Rawas MM.  Samman YS.  Batouk AA. The diagnostic challenge of pulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma with pulmonary tuberculosis in a renal transplant recipient: a case report. Transplantation.  71(10):1488-91, 2001 May 27.

3552.      Krishna B A, Joshi G M, Rijju G, Sangeeta T, Madhavi C. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis : is sestamibi imaging an answer. Indian J nucl Med  15(3): 6-7, 2000.

3553.      Kuo PH.  Yang PC.  Kuo SS.  Luh KT. Severe immune hemolytic anemia in disseminated tuberculosis with response to antituberculosis therapy. Chest.  119(6):1961-3, 2001 Jun.

3554.      Lalvani A.  Pathan AA.  Durkan H.  Wilkinson KA.  Whelan A.  Deeks JJ.  Reece WH.  Latif M.  Pasvol G.  Hill AV. Enhanced contact tracing and spatial tracking of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by enumeration of antigen-specific T cells. Lancet.  357(9273):2017-21, 2001 Jun 23.

3555.      Landowski CP.  Godfrey HP.  Bentley-Hibbert SI.  Liu X.  Huang Z.  Sepulveda R.  Huygen K.  Gennaro ML.  Moy FH.  Lesley SA.  Haak-Frendscho M. Combinatorial use of antibodies to secreted mycobacterial proteins in a host immune system-independent test for tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(7):2418-24, 2001 Jul.

3556.      Laserson KF.  Kenyon AS.  Kenyon TA.  Layloff T.  Binkin NJ. Substandard tuberculosis drugs on the global market and their simple detection. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(5):448-54, 2001 May.

3557.      Lawn SD.  Griffin GE. The irreversible cost of delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV co-infected persons in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(2):200-1, 2001 Feb.

3558.      Lee DG.  Choi JH.  Kim YJ.  Lee S.  Min CK.  Kim DW.  Lee JW.  Min WS.  Shin WS.  Kim CC. Hepatosplenic tuberculosis mimicking disseminated candidiasis in patients with acute leukemia. International Journal of Hematology.  73(1):119-21, 2001 Jan.

3559.      Lee YC.  Rogers JT.  Rodriguez RM.  Miller  KD.  Light RW. Adenosine deaminase levels in nontuberculous lymphocytic pleural effusions. [see comments]. Chest.  120(2):356-61, 2001 Aug.

3560.      Lodes MJ.  Dillon DC.  Mohamath R.  Day CH.  Benson DR.  Reynolds LD.  McNeill P.  Sampaio DP.  Skeiky YA.  Badaro R.  Persing DH.  Reed SG.  Houghton RL. Serological expression cloning and immunological evaluation of MTB48, a novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(7):2485-93, 2001 Jul.

3561.      Manji KP.  Msemo G.  Tamim B.  Thomas E. Tuberculosis (presumed congenital) in a neonatal unit in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.  47(3):153-5, 2001 Jun.

3562.      Master T B: Clinical trial of hepacef in relation to prevention of hepatotoxicity by anti T.B. drugs. Indian  med Gaz  134(4): 110-13, 2000.

3563.      Mathai A.  Radhakrishnan VV.  George SM.  Sarada C. A newer approach for the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease.  39(4):225-8, 2001 Apr.

3564.      Mazade MA.  Evans EM.  Starke JR.  Correa AG. Congenital tuberculosis presenting as sepsis syndrome: case report and review of the literature. [Review] [19 refs] Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.  20(4):439-42, 2001 Apr.

3565.      McMurray DN. A coordinated strategy for evaluating new vaccines for human and animal tuberculosis. [Review] [37 refs] Tuberculosis.  81(1-2):141-6, 2001.

3566.      Mehra V.  Khanna H.  Chandra R.  Singh Y. Anthrax-toxin-mediated delivery of a 19 kDa antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the cytosol of mammalian cells. Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry.  33(Pt 2):71-4, 2001 Apr.

3567.      Merino JM.  Alvarez T.  Marrero M.  Anso S.  Elvira A.  Iglesias G.  Gonzalez JB. Microbiology of pediatric primary pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest.  119(5):1434-8, 2001 May.

3568.      Milburn HJ. Primary tuberculosis. [Review] [52 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  7(3):133-41, 2001 May.

3569.      Mohapatra PR. Direct observation of tuberculosis treatment. Lancet.  357(9269):1708, 2001 May 26.

3570.      Montali RJ.  Mikota SK.  Cheng LI. Mycobacterium tuberculosis in zoo and wildlife species. [Review] [78 refs] Revue Scientifique et Technique.  20(1):291-303, 2001 Apr.

3571.      Moran AJ.  Treit JD.  Whitney JL.  Abomoelak B.  Houghton R.  Skeiky YA.  Sampaio DP.  Badaro R.  Nano FE.  Assessment of the serodiagnostic potential of nine novel proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEMS Microbiology Letters.  198(1):31-6, 2001 Apr 20.

3572.      Munde G V, Kale V G, Kamble T K, Jaybhaye M M: Hepatotoxicity of anti-tuberculous drug and reintroduction of treatment Indian med Gaz  134(8):231-5, 2000.

3573.      Murthy KJ.  Frieden TR.  Yazdani A.  Hreshikesh P. Public-private partnership in tuberculosis control: experience in Hyderabad, India. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  5(4):354-9, 2001 Apr.

3574.      Naga MI.  Okasha HH.  Ismail Z.  El-Fatatry M.  Hassan S.  Monir BE. Endoscopic diagnosis of colonic tuberculosis. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.  53(7):789-93, 2001 Jun.

3575.      Nagesh BS.  Sehgal S.  Jindal SK.  Arora SK. Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural fluid. Chest.  119(6):1737-41, 2001 Jun.

3576.      Nair ER.  Banerjee S.  Kumar S.  Reddy MV.  Harinath BC. Purification and characterization of a 31 kDa mycobacterial excretory-secretory antigenic protein with a diagnostic potential in pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences.  43(2):81-90, 2001 Apr-Jun.

3577.      Narain S, Kabra S K, Seth V. Drug resistant tuberculosis. Paediat Today 3(11):710-6, 2000.

3578.      Niranjan, Suryanarayana Deo S V, Shukla N K, Bhan A K. Thymoma with concomitant tuberculosis lymphadenitis Indian med Gaz. 134(5):166-8, 2000.

3579.      Odunukwe NN.  Tuberculosis masquerading as 'constant malaria'. West African Journal of Medicine.  20(1):22-7, 2001 Jan-Mar.

3580.      Oh EJ.  Park YJ.  Chang CL.  Kim BK.  Kim SM. Improved detection and differentiation of mycobacteria with combination of Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube and Roche COBAS AMPLICOR System in conjunction with Duplex PCR. Journal of Microbiological Methods.  46(1):29-36, 2001 Jul 30.

3581.      Orme IM. The search for new vaccines against tuberculosis. [Review] [106 refs] Journal of Leukocyte Biology.  70(1):1-10, 2001 Jul.

3582.      Packham S. Tuberculosis in the elderly. [Review] [24 refs] Gerontology.  47(4):175-9, 2001 Jul-Aug.

3583.      Prasad A.  Pandey KK. Tuberculous biliary strictures: uncommon cause of obstructive jaundice. Australasian Radiology.  45(3):365-8, 2001 Aug.

3584.      Preston I.  O'Brien A. Clues to an elusive effusion. Postpericardiotomy syndrome. Postgraduate Medicine.  109(5):131-2, 2001 May.

3585.      Rahmatulla RH.  al-Mofleh IA.  al-Rashed RS.  al-Hedaithy MA.  Mayet IY.  Tuberculous liver abscess: a case report and review of literature. [Review] [11 refs] European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.  13(4):437-40, 2001 Apr.

3586.      Rastogi N.  Legrand E.  Sola C. The mycobacteria: an introduction to nomenclature and pathogenesis. [Review] [192 refs] Revue Scientifique et Technique.  20(1):21-54, 2001 Apr.

3587.      Ray G.  Banerjee PK.  Ghoshal UC.  Dhar K.  Pal BB.  Biswas AD.  Das U.  Saha ML.  Acharya AN.  Majumdar S. Etiology and management of obscure gastrointestinal bleed--an appraisal from eastern India. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20(3):90-3, 2001 May-Jun.

3588.      Redha S.  Suresh RL.  Subramaniam J.  Merican I. Pancreatic tuberculosis presenting with recurrent acute pancreatitis. Medical Journal of Malaysia.  56(1):95-7, 2001 Mar.

3589.      Robinson AJ.  Horne CA.  Weaver A. Coexistence of axillary tuberculous lymphadenitis with lymph node metastases from a breast carcinoma. Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists).  13(2):144, 2001.

3590.      Rook GA.  Zumla A. Advances in the immunopathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis. [Review] [68 refs]  Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  7(3):116-23, 2001 May.

3591.      Russell DG.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis: here today, and here tomorrow. [Review] [70 refs] Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.  2(8):569-77, 2001 Aug.

3592.      Saczek KB.  Schaaf HS.  Voss M.  Cotton MF.  Moore SW. Diagnostic dilemmas in abdominal tuberculosis in children. Pediatric Surgery International.  17(2-3):111-5, 2001 Mar.

3593.      Samanich K.  Belisle JT.  Laal S. Homogeneity of antibody responses in tuberculosis patients.  Infection & Immunity.  69(7):4600-9, 2001 Jul.

3594.      Sanchez-Perez H.  Flores-Hernandez J.  Jansa J.  Cayla J.  Martin-Mateo M. Pulmonary tuberculosis and associated factors in areas of high levels of poverty in Chiapas, Mexico. [see comments]. International Journal of Epidemiology.  30(2):386-93, 2001 Apr.

3595.      Saravanakumar D, Elangeshwaran N, Senthilkumar S, Vanaja G, Kamakshiammai S, Chandrasekar C, Deivanayagam C N, Sritharan M, Sritharan V. Isolation, PCR based identification, and sensitivity pattern of environmental mycobacteria from leprosy and tuberculosis patients Indian J clin Biochem. 15(2):94-103, 2000.

3596.      Selvaraj P, Kurian S M, Reetha A M, Charles N, Narayanan P R. Vitamin D receptor and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism in spinal tuberculosis. Curr Sci. 79(7): 986-9,2000.

3597.      Selvaraj P, Kurian S M, Uma H, Reetha A M, Narayanan P R. Influence of non-MHC gene on lymphocyte response to mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens and tuberculin reactive status in pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian J med Res.112(sep):86-92, 2000.

3598.      Sharma M, Altamirano M. Identification of drug-resistant Mycobactrium tuberculosis by single strand conformation polymorphism and cleavase fragmen length polymorphism Indian J clin Biochem. 15(2): 88-93, 2000.

3599.      Sharma SK.  Suresh V.  Mohan A.  Kaur P.  Saha P.  Kumar A.  Pande JN. A prospective study of sensitivity and specificity of adenosine deaminase estimation in the diagnosis of tuberculosis pleural effusion. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences.  43(3):149-55, 2001 Jul-Sep.

3600.      Sheu SJ.  Shyu JS.  Chen LM.  Chen YY.  Chirn SC.  Wang JS. Ocular manifestations of tuberculosis. Ophthalmology.  108(9):1580-5, 2001 Sep.

3601.      Shimouchi A. Tuberculosis problems in the Asia-Pacific region. Respirology.  6(1):75-8, 2001 Mar.

3602.      Singh KK.  Zhang X.  Patibandla AS.  Chien P Jr.  Laal S. Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis expressed during preclinical tuberculosis: serological immunodominance of proteins with repetitive amino acid sequences. Infection & Immunity.  69(6):4185-91, 2001 Jun.

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Apr 02

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July 2002

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Oct 02

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