( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3363.      Akpede GO.  Akenzua GI. Management of children with prolonged fever of unknown origin and difficulties in the management of fever of unknown origin in children in developing countries. [Review] [90 refs] Paediatric Drugs.  3(4):247-62, 2001.

3364.      Ansah EK.  Gyapong JO. Agyepong IA.  Evans DB. Improving adherence to malaria treatment for children: the use of pre-packed chloroquine tablets vs. chloroquine syrup.  Tropical Medicine & International Health.  6(7):496-504, 2001 Jul.

3365.      Beeson JG.  Reeder JC.  Rogerson SJ.  Brown GV. Parasite adhesion and immune evasion in placental malaria. [Review] [65 refs] Trends in Parasitology.  17(7):331-7, 2001 Jul.

3366.      Borruat FX.  Nater B. Robyn L.  Genton B. Prolonged visual illusions induced by mefloquine (Lariam): a case report.  Journal of Travel Medicine.  8(3):148-9, 2001 May-Jun.

3367.      Carrasquilla G. An ecosystem approach to malaria control in an urban setting. Cadernos de Saude Publica.  17 Suppl:171-9, 2001.

3368.      Carter R.  Transmission blocking malaria vaccines. Vaccine.  19(17-19):2309-14, 2001 Mar 21.

3369.      Carucci DJ. Genomic tools for gene and protein discovery in malaria: toward new vaccines. Vaccine.  19(17-19):2315-8, 2001 Mar 21.

3370.      Chandramohan D.  Carneiro I.  Kavishwar A.  Brugha R.  Desai V.  Greenwood B. A clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of malaria: results of an evaluation in an area of low endemicity. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 6(7):505-10, 2001 Jul.

3371.      Congpuong K.  Bualombai P.  Jitchamroen S.  Konchom S.  Comparison of the OptiMAL rapid test with routine microscopic examination of Giemsa-Stained Thick Blood Film for diagnosis of malaria. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  84(3):357-63, 2001 Mar.

3372.      Cowman AF.  Functional analysis of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in the post-genomic era. [Review] [72 refs] International Journal for Parasitology.  31(9):871-8, 2001 Jul.

3373.      Cunha BA. The diagnosis of imported malaria.  Archives of Internal Medicine.  161(15):1926-8, 2001 Aug 13-27.

3374.      Ghoshal UC.  Somani S. Chetri K.  Akhtar P. Aggarwal R. Naik SR. Plasmodium falciparum and hepatitis E virus co-infection in fulminant hepatic failure. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20(3):111, 2001 May-Jun.

3375.      Goodman CA.  Coleman PG.  Mills AJ. The cost-effectiveness of antenatal malaria prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  64(1-2 Suppl):45-56, 2001 Jan-Feb.

3376.      Iqbal J.  Hira PR. Sher A.  Al-Enezi AA. Diagnosis of imported malaria by Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP-2)-based immunocapture assays. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 64(1-2):20-3, 2001 Jan-Feb.

3377.      Josefson D. Drugs for malaria and psychosis may offer hope to people with CJD. BMJ.  323(7310):416, 2001 Aug 25.

3378.      Kain KC.  Shanks GD. Keystone JS. Malaria chemoprophylaxis in the age of drug resistance. I. Currently recommended drug regimens. [Review] [33 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  33(2):226-34, 2001 Jul 15.

3379.      Klement E.  Chauveheid MP.  Thellier M.  Bricaire F.  Danis M.  Caumes E.  Subacute clinical forms of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in travelers receiving chloroquine-proguanil prophylaxis. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 33(1):e1-2, 2001 Jul 1.

3380.      Miller RS.  McDaniel P. Wongsrichanalai C. Following the course of malaria treatment by detecting parasite lactate dehydrogenase enzyme. British Journal of Haematology.  113(2):558-9, 2001 May.

3381.      Murphy SC.  Breman JG. Gaps in the childhood malaria burden in Africa: cerebral malaria, neurological sequelae, anemia, respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, and complications of pregnancy. [Review] [94 refs] American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  64(1-2 Suppl):57-67, 2001 Jan-Feb.

3382.      Odeh M. The role of tumour necrosis factor-alpha in the pathogenesis of complicated falciparum malaria. [Review] [121 refs] Cytokine. 14(1):11-8, 2001 Apr 7.

3383.      Odunukwe NN.  Tuberculosis masquerading as 'constant malaria'.  West African Journal of Medicine.  20(1):22-7, 2001 Jan-Mar.

3384.      Okoko BJ.  Wesuperuma LH.  Ota MO.  Banya WA.  Pinder M. Gomez FS.  Osinusi K. Hart AC. Influence of placental malaria infection and maternal hypergammaglobulinaemia on materno-foetal transfer of measles and tetanus antibodies in a rural west African population. Journal of Health, Population & Nutrition.  19(2):59-65, 2001 Jun.

3385.      Pestell K.  Dodgy malaria drugs. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.  22(8):402, 2001 Aug.

3386.      Shanks GD.  Kain KC. Keystone JS.  Malaria chemoprophylaxis in the age of drug resistance. II. Drugs that may be available in the future. [Review] [20 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  33(3):381-5, 2001 Aug 1.

3387.      Steketee RW.  Nahlen BL.  Parise ME. Menendez C. The burden of malaria in pregnancy in malaria-endemic areas. [Review] [70 refs] American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  64(1-2 Suppl):28-35, 2001 Jan-Feb.

3388.      Sunyer J.  Mendendez C.  Ventura PJ. Aponte JJ.  Schellenberg D.  Kahigwa E. Acosta C.  Anto JM.  Alonso PL. Prenatal risk factors of wheezing at the age of four years in Tanzania. Thorax. 56(4):290-5, 2001 Apr.

3389.      Taylor-Robinson A.  Parasite variation provides hope for malaria vaccine design. Trends in Microbiology.  9(4):157-8, 2001 Apr.

3390.      Temkin NR. Antiepileptogenesis and seizure prevention trials with antiepileptic drugs: meta-analysis of controlled trials. Epilepsia. 42(4):515-24, 2001 Apr.

3391.      Ulmer JB.  Tuberculosis DNA vaccines. [Review] [26 refs]  Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.  33(4):246-8, 2001.

3392.      Virk A.  Medical advice for international travelers. [Review] [32 refs]  Mayo Clinic Proceedings.  76(8):831-40, 2001 Aug.

3393.      Wheeler C.  Berkley S. Initial lessons from public-private partnerships in drug and vaccine development. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 79(8):728-34, 2001.

3394.      Yeboah-Antwi K.  Gyapong JO.  Asare IK. Barnish G.  Evans DB. Adjei S. Impact of prepackaging antimalarial drugs on cost to patients and compliance with treatment. Bulletin of the World Health Organization.  79(5):394-9, 2001.

3395.      Zhong KJ. Salas CJ.  Shafer R.  Gubanov A. Gasser RA Jr.  Magill AJ.  Forney JR. Kain KC. Comparison of IsoCode STIX and FTA Gene Guard collection matrices as whole-blood storage and processing devices for diagnosis of malaria by PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 39(3):1195-6, 2001 Mar.

3396.      Adhikari P. Recurrent malaria – an enigma?. Indian J med Sci. 54(8); 352-9, 2000.

3397.      Bhalla A, Jajoo U N, Madhavan K T. Malaria in pregnancy. Indian med Gaz. 134(2): 39-41,2000.

3398.      Dev V. Plasmodium malariae- a cae of quartan malaria in Assam. J Commun Dis. 32(2). 149-51,2000.

3399.      Menon M, Damle A, Kulkarni S. sustained release implants of chloroquine phospate for chemoprophylaxis of Malari Indian J Pharm Sci. 62(1): 21-5,2000.

3400.      Roy A, Tyagi P, Biswas S. Serological investigation of malarial outbreak in thar desert of Rajasthan. J Commun Dis.32(2):123-8,2000.


Apr 02

4137.      Alessio M. Cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is mediated by a redox-dependent conformational fraction of CD36. J Immunol  2001 Dec 1;167(11):6510-7

4138.      Amaral L, Viveiros M, Kristiansen JE. Phenothiazines: potential alternatives for the management of antibiotic resistant infections of tuberculosis and malaria in developing countries. Trop Med Int Health 2001 Dec;6(12):1016-22

4139.      Arevalo-Herrera M, Herrera S. Plasmodium  vivax malaria vaccine development. Mol Immunol  2001 Dec;38(6):443-55

4140.      B, Gay F, Looareesuwan S. Association of splenomegaly with cerebral malaria and decreased concentrations of reactive nitrogen intermediates in Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Nov;65(5):639-43

4141.      Basco LK, Ringwald P. Molecular epidemiology of malaria in Yaounde, Cameroon. VIII. Multiple Plasmodium falciparum infections in symptomatic patients. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Dec;65(6):798-803

4142.      Bhat GP, Surolia N. In vitro antimalarial activity of extracts of three plants used in the traditional medicine of India. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Oct;65(4):304-8 

4143.      Biswas R, Sengupta G, Mundle M: Controlled study on haemograms of  malaria patients in Calcutta. Indian J Malar 1999, 36(1-2), 42-8. (015287) Aug 1, 2023

4144.      Bradbury J. Haemoglobin C protection against malaria. Lancet  2001 Nov 17;358(9294):1702

4145.      Brice GT, Graber NL, Hoffman SL, Doolan DL. Expression of the chemokine MIG is a sensitive and predictive marker for antigen-specific, genetically restricted IFN-gamma production and IFN-gamma-secreting cells. J Immunol Methods  2001 Nov 1;257(1-2):55-69

4146.      Brower V. Tackling the most difficult diseases. Genetics and genomics open new strategies to fight vector-borne diseases. EMBO Rep  2001 Oct;2(10):875-7

4147.      Bryceson A. A policy for leishmaniasis with respect to the prevention and control of drug resistance. Trop Med Int Health 2001 Nov;6(11):928-34

4148.      Burgess DC, Kain KC. The performance and utility of rapid diagnostic assays for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a field setting in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Ann Trop Med Parasitol  2001 Oct;95(7):671-7

4149.      Chongsuphajaisiddhi T, White NJ. Factors contributing to anemia after uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Nov;65(5):614-22

4150.      Cian F, Declich S. HIV, malaria parasites, and acute febrile episodes in Ugandan adults: a case-control study. AIDS  2001 Dec 7;15(18):2445-50

4151.      Corbellino M. Subacute malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum and the role of polymerase chain reaction. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 1;33(9):1614-5

4152.      Cunha MG, Rodrigues MM, Soares IS. Comparison of the immunogenic properties of recombinant proteins representing the Plasmodium vivax vaccine candidate MSP1(19) expressed in distinct bacterial vectors. Vaccine  2001 Nov 12;20(3-4):385-96

4153.      D'Alessandro U, Buttiens H. History and importance of antimalarial drug resistance. Trop Med Int Health  2001 Nov;6(11):845-8

4154.      Foca A, Matera G, Barreca GS, Gagliardi F, Apuzzo G, Guaglianone L. Imported malaria in pregnancy due to Plasmodium falciparum. J Travel Med  2001 Nov-Dec;8(6):331-2

4155.      Goodman CA, Coleman PG, Mills AJ. Changing the first line drug for malaria treatment--cost-effectiveness analysis with highly uncertain inter-temporal trade-offs. Health Econ  2001 Dec;10(8):731-49

4156.      Gupta D, Chugh K, Sachdev A, Soni A. ICU management of  severe malaria. Indian J Pediatr 2001 Nov;68(11):1057-61

4157.      Haldar K, Samuel BU, Mohandas N, Harrison T, Hiller NL. Transport mechanisms in Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes: lipid rafts and a tubovesicular network. Int J Parasitol  2001 Oct;31(12):1393-401

4158.      Hemingway J. Identification of a novel class of insect glutathione S-transferases involved in resistance to DDT in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Biochem J  2001 Oct 15;359(Pt 2):295-304

4159.      Kaushik A, Gahlot S, Kaushik  S, Verma B L. Rapid manual test for falciparum malaria. Indian Pediat 2001, 38(6), 650-4. (017313).1 Sept 2001.

4160.      Kawamoto F. Detection of Plasmodium ovale by the ICT malaria P.f/P.v. immunochromatographic test. Acta Trop 2001 Dec 21;80(3):283-4

4161.      Kirk K.  Malaria. A voracious creature. Lancet  2001 Dec;358 Suppl:S41

4162.      Krettli AU, Andrade-Neto VF, Brandao MG, Ferrari WM. The search for new antimalarial drugs from plants used to treat fever and malaria or plants ramdomly selected: a review. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz  2001 Nov;96(8):1033-42

4163.      L, Sergheraert C, Grellier P, Schirmer RH, Becker K. A prodrug form of a Plasmodium falciparum glutathione reductase inhibitor conjugated with a 4-anilinoquinoline. J Med Chem  2001 Nov 22;44(24):4268-76

4164.      Leke RG. The state of immunology in Africa: HIV/AIDS and malaria. Curr Opin Immunol  2001 Oct;13(5):523-7

4165.      Mayxay M, Chotivanich K, Pukrittayakamee S, Newton P, Looareesuwan S, White NJ. Contribution of humoral immunity to the therapeutic response in falciparum malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Dec;65(6):918-23

4166.      Merten M, Thiagarajan P. Role for sulfatides in platelet aggregation. Circulation 2001 Dec 11;104(24):2955-60

4167.      Modiano D. Antimalarial  antibody levels and IL4 polymorphism in the Fulani of West Africa. Genes Immun  2001 Nov;2(7):411-4

4168.      Nacer A, Berry L, Slomianny C, Mattei D. Plasmodium falciparum signal sequences: simply sequences or special signals? Int J Parasitol  2001 Oct;31(12):1371-9

4169.      Oguariri RM, Borrmann S, Klinkert MQ, Kremsner PG, Kun JF. High prevalence of human antibodies to recombinant Duffy binding-like alpha domains of the Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocyte membrane protein 1 in semi-immune adults compared to that in nonimmune children. Infect Immun  2001 Dec;69(12):7603-9

4170.      Okech BA, Nalunkuma A, Okello D, Pang XL, Suzue K, Li J, Horii T, Egwang TG. Natural human immunoglobulin G subclass responses to Plasmodium falciparum serine repeat antigen in Uganda. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2001 Dec;65(6):912-7

4171.      Olliaro P, Taylor WR, Rigal J. Controlling malaria: challenges and solutions. Trop Med Int Health  2001 Nov;6(11):922-7

4172.      Ouellette M. Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of drug  resistance in parasites. Trop Med Int Health  2001 Nov;6(11):874-82

4173.      Pennisi E. Genes and disease. Genetic change wards off malaria. Science  2001 Nov 16;294(5546):1439

4174.      Pinder M, Hill AV, Plebanski M.  Unique T cell effector functions elicited by Plasmodium falciparum epitopes in malaria-exposed Africans tested by three T cell assays. J Immunol  2001 Oct 15;167(8):4729-37

4175.      Rajagopal  V, Appavoon N C, Sarangapani T D, Mani S: Comparative study on microscopic detection of malaria parasites under conventional thick film and concentration by saponin haemolysis.Indian J Malar 1999, 36(1-2), 49-51. (015249), Aug 1, 2023

4176.      Rajesh Kumar: Study of consequences of malaria among sicklers. Proc Indian Sci Congr Ass- Pt II, Sect- II 1999, 28-9. (016449). Aug 16, 2001.

4177.      Rhee MS, Akanmori BD, Waterfall M, Riley EM. Changes in cytokine production associated with acquired immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Clin Exp Immunol  2001 Dec;126(3):503-10

4178.      Rowe AK, Onikpo F, Lama M, Cokou F, Deming MS. Management of childhood illness at health facilities in Benin: problems and their causes. Am J Public Health  2001 Oct;91(10):1625-35

4179.      Rubio JM, Berzosa PJ, Benito A. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) protocol for genotyping the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Parasitology  2001 Oct;123(Pt 4):331-6

4180.      Saito-Ito A, Akai Y, He S, Kimura M, Kawabata M. A rapid, simple and sensitive flow cytometric system for detection of Plasmodium falciparum. Parasitol Int  2001 Nov;50(4):249-57

4181.      Senior K. "Imperfect" vaccines may encourage more potent pathogens, model suggests. Lancet  2001 Dec 15;358(9298):2055

4182.      Snounou G. Association of genetic mutations in Plasmodium vivax dhfr with resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine: geographical and clinical correlates. Antimicrob Agents Chemother  2001 Nov;45(11):3122-7

4183.      Tarimo DS, Minjas JN, Bygbjerg IC. Perception of chloroquine efficacy and alternative treatments for uncomplicated malaria in children in a holoendemic area of Tanzania: implications for the change of treatment policy. Trop Med Int Health  2001 Dec;6(12):992-7

4184.      Tjitra E, Suprianto S, Currie BJ, Morris PS, Saunders JR, Anstey NM. Therapy of uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a randomized trial comparing artesunate plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine alone in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Oct;65(4):309-17

4185.      Tjitra E, Suprianto S, Dyer ME, Currie BJ, Anstey NM. Detection of histidine rich protein 2 and panmalarial ICT Malaria Pf/Pv test antigens after chloroquine treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria does not reliably predict treatment outcome in eastern Indonesia. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Nov;65(5):593-8

4186.      Toure FS, Mavoungou E, Ndong JM, Tshipamba P, Deloron P. Erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA-175) of Plasmodium falciparum: improved genotype determination by nested polymerase chain reaction. Trop Med Int Health 2001 Oct;6(10):767-9

4187.      Trial Team. Efficacy of RTS,S/AS02 malaria vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection in semi-immune adult men in The Gambia: a randomised trial. Lancet  2001 Dec 8;358(9297):1927-34

4188.      Tsuji M, Zavala F. Peptide-based subunit vaccines against pre-erythrocytic stages of malaria parasites. Mol Immunol  2001 Dec;38(6):433-42

4189.      Urquiza M, Ocampo M, Patarroyo ME, Patarroyo MA. Plasmodium vivax: functional analysis of a highly conserved PvRBP-1 protein region. Mol Biochem Parasitol  2001 Oct;117(2):229-34

4190.      Yapabandara AM, Curtis CF, Wickramasinghe MB, Fernando WP. Control of malaria vectors with the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen in a gem-mining area in Sri Lanka. Acta Trop  2001 Dec 21;80(3):265-76

July 02

4714.      Bonnet S, Paul RE, Gouagna C, Safeukui I, Meunier JY, Gounoue R, Boudin C.  Level and dynamics of malaria transmission and morbidity in an equatorial area of South Cameroon. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Mar;7(3):249-56.

4715.      Bull PC, Marsh K.  The role of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum-infected-erythrocyte surface antigens in naturally acquired immunity to malaria. Trends Microbiol. 2002 Feb;10(2):55-8. Review.

4716.      Bynum WF.  Portraits of science. Mosquitoes bite more than once. Science. 2002 Jan 4;295(5552):47-8.

4717.      Chaisavaneeyakorn S, Moore JM, Otieno J, Chaiyaroj SC, Perkins DJ, Shi YP, Nahlen BL, Lal AA, Udhayakumar V.  Immunity to placental malaria. III. Impairment of interleukin(IL)-12, not IL-18, and interferon-inducible protein-10 responses in the placental intervillous blood of human immunodeficiency virus/malaria-coinfected women. J Infect Dis. 2002 Jan 1;185(1):127-31.

4718.      Chandramohan D, Jaffar S, Greenwood B.  Use of clinical algorithms for diagnosing malaria. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Jan;7(1):45-52. Review.

4719.      Cho-Min-Naing, Gatton ML.  Performance appraisal of rapid on-site malaria diagnosis (ICT malaria Pf/Pv test) in relation to human resources at village level in Myanmar. Acta Trop. 2002 Jan;81(1):13-9.

4720.      Fischer PR, Bialek R.  Prevention of malaria in children. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Feb 15;34(4):493-8.

4721.      Greenwood B, Mutabingwa T.  Malaria in 2002. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):670-2. Review.

4722.      Hoffman SL, Subramanian GM, Collins FH, Venter JC. Plasmodium, human and Anopheles genomics and malaria. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):702-9. Review.

4723.      Irion A, Beck HP, Smith T.  Assessment of positivity in immuno-assays with variability in background measurements: a new approach applied to the antibody response to Plasmodium falciparum MSP2. J Immunol Methods. 2002 Jan 1;259(1-2):111-8.

4724.      King CL, Malhotra I, Wamachi A, Kioko J, Mungai P, Wahab SA, Koech D, Zimmerman P, Ouma J, Kazura JW.  Acquired immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-1 in the human fetus. J Immunol. 2002 Jan 1;168(1):356-64.

4725.      Kublin JG, Dzinjalamala FK, Kamwendo DD, Malkin EM, Cortese JF, Martino LM, Mukadam RA, Rogerson SJ, Lescano AG, Molyneux ME, Winstanley PA, Chimpeni P, Taylor TE, Plowe CV.  Molecular markers for failure of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and chlorproguanil-dapsone treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. J Infect Dis. 2002 Feb 1;185(3):380-8.

4726.      Lee EA, Palmer DR, Flanagan KL, Reece WH, Odhiambo K, Marsh K, Pinder M, Gravenor MB, Keitel WA, Kester KE, Diggs C, Kaslow D, Apostolopoulos V, Ballou WR, Hill AV, Krzych U, Plebanski M.  Induction of T helper type 1 and 2 responses to 19-kilodalton merozoite surface protein 1 in vaccinated healthy volunteers and adults naturally exposed to malaria. Infect Immun. 2002 Mar;70(3):1417-21.

4727.      Mankhambo L, Kanjala M, Rudman S, Lema VM, Rogerson SJ. Evaluation of the OptiMAL rapid antigen test and species-specific PCR to detect placental Plasmodium falciparum infection at delivery. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jan;40(1):155-8.

4728.      Marchant T, Schellenberg JA, Edgar T, Nathan R, Abdulla S, Mukasa O, Mponda H, Lengeler C.  Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Feb;7(2):149-58.

4729.      Mawili-Mboumba DP, Kun JF, Lell B, Kremsner PG, Ntoumi F. Pfmdr1 alleles and response to ultralow-dose mefloquine treatment in Gabonese patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2002 Jan;46(1):166-70.

4730.      Medana IM, Day NP, Hien TT, Mai NT, Bethell D, Phu NH, Farrar J, Esiri MM, White NJ, Turner GD.  Axonal injury in cerebral malaria. Am J Pathol. 2002 Feb;160(2):655-66.

4731.      Miller LH, Baruch DI, Marsh K, Doumbo OK.  The pathogenic basis of malaria. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):673-9. Review.

4732.      Mockenhaupt FP, Ulmen U, von Gaertner C, Bedu-Addo G, Bienzle U.  Diagnosis of placental malaria. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jan;40(1):306-8.

4733.      Mohapatra MK; Mitra I; Das SP; Kar LK. Haematological and coagulation profile in malaria The Indian Practitioner 2002 Feb; 55(2): 75-8

4734.      Moody A.  Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria parasites. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2002 Jan;15(1):66-78. Review.

4735.      Mukanganyama S, Widersten M, Naik YS, Mannervik B, Hasler JA.  Inhibition of glutathione S-transferases by antimalarial drugs possible implications for circumventing anticancer drug resistance. Int J Cancer. 2002 Feb 10;97(5):700-5.

4736.      Mya MM; Saxena RK; Roy A. Sensitivity and specificity of isolated antigen from Plasmodium Falciparum culture supernatant Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2002 Jan; 17(1): 75-82

4737.      Padhy PK; Parija BL; Tripathy BK; Ash T; Biswas G. Atypical manifestations of malaria The Antiseptic 2002 Jan; 99(1): 1-4

4738.      Parhate SM; Thawani VR; Altekar CS. Prescription trends and diagnostic approach in patients of fever of sudden onset The Antiseptic 2002 Jan; 99(1): 26-8

4739.      Potasman I, Juven Y, Weller B, Schwartz E.  Does mefloquine prophylaxis affect electroencephalographic patterns? Am J Med. 2002 Feb 1;112(2):147-9. 

4740.      Richie TL, Saul A.  Progress and challenges for malaria vaccines. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):694-701. Review.6: 

4741.      Ridley RG.  Medical need, scientific opportunity and the drive for antimalarial drugs. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):686-93. Review.

4742.      Sachs J, Malaney P.  The economic and social burden of malaria. Nature. 2002 Feb 7;415(6872):680-5. Review.

4743.      Salihu HM, Naik EG, Tchuinguem G, Bosny JP, Dagne G. Weekly chloroquine prophylaxis and the effect on maternal haemoglobin status at delivery. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Jan;7(1):29-34.

4744.      Sharma A, Kabilan L. Regulation of nitric oxide production by cytokines inhuman macrophages: possible role in P. vivax malaria. Indian J Biochem Biophys 2000, 37(5), 313-17.

4745.      Sharma P, Pillai CR, Sharma JD.  In vitro schizontocidal activity of standard antimalarial drugs on chloroquine-sensitive and chloroqine-resistant isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. Indian J expl Biol 2001, 38(11), 1129-33.

4746.      Shete MM. Anaemia: a threat to life in malaria [editorial] The Indian Practitioner 2002 Feb; 55(2): 73-4

4747.      Stephenson J.  Sequencing of the malaria genome opens door to vaccines and new drugs. JAMA. 2002 Mar 13;287(10):1251-3.

4748.      Surolia N.  Novel targets for antimalarial drug development. J Indian Inst Sci 2000, 80(1), 17-23.

4749.      Turusov V, Rakitsky V, Tomatis L. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT): ubiquity, persistence, and risks. Environ Health Perspect. 2002 Feb;110(2):125-8. Review.

4750.      Villamor E, Mbise R, Spiegelman D, Hertzmark E, Fataki M, Peterson KE, Ndossi G, Fawzi WW.  Vitamin A supplements ameliorate the adverse effect of HIV-1, malaria, and diarrheal infections on child growth. Pediatrics. 2002 Jan;109(1):E6.

4751.      Wengelnik K, Vidal V, Ancelin ML, Cathiard AM, Morgat JL, Kocken CH, Calas M, Herrera S, Thomas AW, Vial HJ.  A class of potent antimalarials and their specific accumulation in infected erythrocytes. Science. 2002 Feb 15;295(5558):1311-4.

Oct 02

5499.      Acosta AR, Dominguez ND, Asguilar I, Giron ME. Detection of glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in Plasmodium falciparum infection. Indian J med Res 1999 April; 109: 152-6.

5500.      Ansari KU. Mefloquine – a new antimalarial against resistant malaria II. Antiseptic, Madurai 2001; 98(10), 393-4.

5501.      Arya SC. Chemotherapeutic failures in Plasmodium falciparum infections. Trop Doct. 2002 Apr;32(2):121-2.

5502.      Clark I, Awburn M. Migration inhibitory factor in the cerebral and systemic endothelium in sepsis and malaria. Crit Care Med. 2002 May;30(5 Suppl):S263-7. Review.

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