( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis,  Vaccines & Drugs)

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3325.      Banta HD.  Global issues on the agenda at the World Health Assembly: discussion of HIV/AIDS, leprosy, access to drugs. JAMA.  286(1):29-30, 2001 Jul 4.

3326.      Danda D.  Cherian AM. Rheumatological manifestations of leprosy and lepra reaction. Indian Journal of Leprosy. 73(1):58-60, 2001 Jan-Mar.

3327.      Fine PE.  Floyd S.  Stanford JL.  Nkhosa P.  Kasunga A.  Chaguluka S.  Warndorff DK.  Jenkins PA.  Yates M. Ponnighaus JM. Environmental mycobacteria in northern Malawi: implications for the epidemiology of tuberculosis and leprosy.  Epidemiology & Infection.  126(3):379-87, 2001 Jun.

3328.      Hughes RG.  Drake-Lee A.  Nasal manifestations of granulomatous disease. [Review] [13 refs]  Hospital Medicine (London).  62(7):417-21, 2001 Jul.

3329.      JI B. Prospects for chemotheraphy of leprosy. Indian J Lepr.72(2): 187-98,2000.

3330.      Krupnick AI.  Shim H.  Phelps RG. Cunningham-Rundles C. Sapadin AN.  Cutaneous granulomas masquerading as tuberculoid leprosy in a patient with congenital combined immunodeficiency. [Review] [30 refs] Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine.  68(4-5):326-30, 2001 Sep-Oct.

3331.      Kumarasinghe SP.  Some useful clinical clues and techniques in the diagnosis of tuberculoid leprosy.  International Journal of Dermatology.  40(4):301-3, 2001 Apr.

3332.      Lechat M F. Source of infection: an unsolved issue. Indian J Lepr. 72(2): 169-73, 2000.

3333.      Lima CS.  Ribeiro ML.  Souza LA. Sardella AB.  Wolf VM. Pessolani MC. Intracellular signals triggered during association of Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium bovis BCG with human monocytes. Microbial Pathogenesis.  31(1):37-45, 2001 Jul.

3334.      Liwen D, Futian L, Juan J, Guocheng Z. Techniques for covering soft tissue defects resulting from plantar ulcers in leprosy. Use of the flap in the inguinal region and latissimus dorsi, musculocutaneous flap. Indian J Lepr. 72(2): 227-44, 2000.

3335.      Marlowe SN.  Lockwood DN.  Update on leprosy. [Review] [10 refs] Hospital Medicine (London). 62(8):471-6, 2001 Aug.

3336.      Mendiratta V, Sarkar R, Sharma R C. Reactive perforating collagenosis in borderline lepromatous leprosy. Indian J Derm. 45(3): 136-7, 2000.

3337.      Mohamed KB. Facial lesions resembling leprosy. International Journal of Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases. 69(1):35-7, 2001 Mar.

3338.      Natrajan M.  Katoch K.  Katoch VM.  Patients presenting with defined areas of sensory loss--a preliminary study.  Indian Journal of Leprosy.  73(1):17-26, 2001 Jan-Mar.

3339.      Patil K M, Jacob S. Mechanics of tarsal disintegration and plantar ulcers in leprosy by stress analysis in three dimensional foot models Indian J Lepr. 72(1): 69-86, 2000.

3340.      Ramu H. Clinical leprosy through the last seventy-five years. Indian J Lepr. 72(2): 199-214, 2000.

3341.      Rastogi N.  Legrand E.  Sola C.  The mycobacteria: an introduction to nomenclature and pathogenesis. [Review] [192 refs] Revue Scientifique et Technique.  20(1):21-54, 2001 Apr.

3342.      Shelleh HH.  Al-Shayeb AM.  Khan SA. Khan LA.  Al-Hateeti HS.  Cold cellulitis: an unusual presentation of leprosy.  Saudi Medical Journal. 22(4):372-3, 2001 Apr.

3343.      Truoc LV.  Ly HM.  Thuy NK.  Trach DD.  Stanford CA.  Stanford JL. Vaccination against leprosy at Ben San Leprosy Centre, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Vaccine. 19(25-26):3451-8, 2001 May 14.

3344.      Vijaikumar M.  D'Souza M.  Kumar S.  Badhe B. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of nerves in leprosy.  Leprosy Review.  72(2):171-8, 2001 Jun.

3345.      Wakhlu A.  Gaur SP.  Kaushal GP.  Misra A.  Asthana P. Sircar AR. Response of Mycobacterium habana vaccine in patients with lepromatous leprosy and their household contacts. A pilot clinical study. Leprosy Review.  72(2):179-91, 2001 Jun.

Apr 02


4112.      AL-Qubati Y, AL-Kubatia A S:Multidrug therapy-the pathway for global leprosy elimination. Indian J Lepr 2000, 72(4), 477-90.(013112) July1, 2001.

4113.      Brunet RC, Struchiner CJ, Loinaz A. A method for estimating time dependent intervention benefits under arbitrarily varying age and exogenous components of hazard. Lifetime Data Anal  2001 Dec;7(4):377-92

4114.      Cooke GS, Hill AV. Genetics of  susceptibility to human infectious disease. Nat Rev Genet 2001 Dec;2(12):967-77

4115.      Ghorpade A, Ramanan C: Primary penil tuberculoid leprosy. Indian J Lepr 2000, 72(4),499-500.(013154). July1, 2001.

4116.      K, Kashiwabara Y. Multidrug resistant Mycobacterium leprae from patients  with leprosy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother  2001 Dec;45(12):3635-9

4117.      LM, Valdez R, Sordelli DO, Aversa G, Modlin RL, Sieling PA. Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule expression and regulation in human intracellular infection correlate with Th1 cytokine patterns. J Immunol  2001 Nov 15;167(10):5719-24

4118.      PN. Detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA by polymerase chain reaction in the blood of individuals, eight years after completion of anti-leprosy therapy. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz  2001 Nov;96(8):1129-33

4119.    Vekatesan K, Nirmal Deo, Girdhar A, Girdhar B K: Multiple dose pharmacokinetics of clofazimine in leprosy. Indian J Pharmac 2001,33(2), 136-7. (016536) Aug 16, 2001

July 02

4696.      Cambau E, Bonnafous P, Perani E, Sougakoff W, Ji B, Jarlier V. Molecular detection of rifampin and ofloxacin resistance for patients who experience relapse of multibacillary leprosy. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jan 1;34(1):39-45.

4697.      Habib AA, Mozaffar T.  The neuropathology of leprosy. Arch Neurol. 2002 Jan;59(1):138-40.

4698.      Massa R, Morello M, Sancesario G, Bernardi G. Sural nerve without nerve fibers in leprous neuropathy. Arch Neurol. 2002 Feb;59(2):306.

4699.      Modlin RL.  Learning from leprosy: insights into contemporary immunology from an ancient disease. Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol. 2002 Jan-Feb;15(1):1-6. Review.

4700.      Newton SM, Lau C, Gurcha SS, Besra GS, Wright CW. The evaluation of forty-three plant species for in vitro antimycobacterial activities; isolation of active constituents from Psoralea corylifolia and Sanguinaria canadensis.J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Jan;79(1):57-67. Review.

4701.      Singh D; Thakur K; Kalpana; Goel A. Micro bacterium scrofulaceum: an isolate from pericardial effusion Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 2002 Jan; 49(1): 49-51

 Oct 02

 5448.      Alto WA.  Treatment of Hansen's disease. Am Fam Physician. 2002 Apr 1;65(7):1280, 1282; discussion 1282.

5449.      Bastos RR.  Experience of leprosy. Lancet. 2002 Jun 1;359(9321):1949.

5450.      Brophy PJ. Microbiology. Subversion of Schwann cells and the leper's bell. Science. 2002 May 3;296(5569):862-3.

5451.      Campos WR, Rodrigurs CA, Orefice F, Monteiro LG. Identification of M. leprae in conjunctiva of  leprosy patients using the superior tarsal conjunctiva scrape technique. Indian J. Lepr 1998; 74(4): 397-403.

5452.      Cemerski S, Cantagrel A, Van Meerwijk JP, Romagnoli P. Reactive oxygen species differentially affect T cell receptor-signaling pathways. J Biol Chem. 2002 May 31;277(22):19585-93.

5453.      Chae GT, Kim MJ, Kang TJ, Lee SB, Shin HK, Kim JP, Ko YH, Kim SH, Kim NH. DNA-PCR and RT-PCR for the 18-kDa gene of Mycobacterium leprae to assess the efficacy of multi-drug therapy for leprosy. J Med Microbiol. 2002 May;51(5):417-22.

5454.      Chakrabarty AN, Dastidar SG, Sen A, Banerjee P, Roy R. Leprosy bacillus – possibly the first chemoautomatic human pathogen cultivated in vitro and characterised. Indian J expl Biol. 2001; 39(10), 962-83.

5455.      Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KL, Subronto YW, Wieles B, Arend SM, Sampaio EP, de Boer T, Faber WR, Naafs B, Ottenhoff TH. Identification and characterization of the ESAT-6 homologue of Mycobacterium leprae and T-cell cross-reactivity with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2002 May;70(5):2544-8.

5456.      Manandhar R, Shrestha N, Butlin CR, Roche PW. High levels of inflammatory cytokines are associated with poor clinical response to steroid treatment and recurrent episodes of type 1 reactions in leprosy. Clin Exp Immunol. 2002 May;128(2):333-8.

5457.      Mukherjee J, Majumdar AK, Bandopadhyay A, Acharya B, Reddy MU, Nayak A. Telemedicine for leprosy. IETE Tech Rev. 2001; 18(4), 243-52.

5458.      Sirmour SK, Verma PK, Singh JN, Okhandiar P. LDH isozymes with anamalous bands in semen of leprosy patients. Indian J Lepr. 1998; 74(4), 405-9.

5459.      Sreevatsa, Hari M, Gupte MD. Quality control tests for vaccines in leprosy vaccine trial, Avadi. Indian J Lepr. 1998; 74(4), 389-95.


5460.      Brahmbhatt S, Hussain R, Zafar S, Dawood G, Ottenhoff TH, Drijfhout JW, Bothamley G, Smith S, Lopez FV, Dockrell HM. Human T cell responses to peptides of the Mycobacterium leprae 45-kD serine-rich antigen. Clin Exp Immunol. 2002 Apr;128(1):140-8.

5461.      Brophy PJ. Microbiology. Subversion of Schwann cells and the leper's bell. Science. 2002 May 3;296(5569):862-3.

5462.      Chae GT, Kim MJ, Kang TJ, Lee SB, Shin HK, Kim JP, Ko YH, Kim SH, Kim NH. DNA-PCR and RT-PCR for the 18-kDa gene of Mycobacterium leprae to assess the efficacy of multi-drug therapy for leprosy. J Med Microbiol. 2002 May;51(5):417-22.

5463.      Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KL, Subronto YW, Wieles B, Arend SM, Sampaio EP, de Boer T, Faber WR, Naafs B, Ottenhoff TH. Identification and characterization of the ESAT-6 homologue of Mycobacterium leprae and T-cell cross-reactivity with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2002 May;70(5):2544-8.

5464.      Hailu A. The use of direct agglutination test (DAT) in serological diagnosis of Ethiopian cutaneous leishmaniasis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2002 Apr;42(4):251-6.

5465.      Lockwood DN. Leprosy elimination-a virtual phenomenon or a reality? BMJ. 2002 Jun 22;324(7352):1516-8. Review.

5466.      Manandhar R, Shrestha N, Butlin CR, Roche PW. High levels of inflammatory cytokines are associated with poor clinical response to steroid treatment and recurrent episodes of type 1 reactions in leprosy. Clin Exp Immunol. 2002 May;128(2):333-8.

5467.      Mempel M, Musette P, Flageul B, Schnopp C, Remling R, Gachelin G, Kourilsky P, Ring J, Abeck D.  T-cell receptor repertoire and cytokine pattern in granuloma annulare: defining a particular type of cutaneous granulomatous inflammation. J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Jun;118(6):957-66.

5468.    Meyer TN, Thoma A, Fawcett S, Ginty M, Veltry K. Decompression of the common peroneal nerve: experience with 20 consecutive cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Apr 15;109(5):1755-6; discussion 1756.

5469.      Rambukkana A, Zanazzi G, Tapinos N, Salzer JL. Contact-dependent demyelination by Mycobacterium leprae in the absence of immune cells. Science. 2002 May 3;296(5569):927-31.

5470.      Rodriguez I, Alvarez EL, Fernandez C, Miranda A. Comparison of a recombinant-antigen enzyme immunoassay with Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test for serological confirmation of syphilis. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2002 Apr;97(3):347-9.

5471.      Zumla A, Grange J. Infection and disease caused by environmental mycobacteria. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2002 May;8(3):166-72. Review.


5472.      Gupte MD et al.  Comparative leprosy vaccine trial in South India. Indian J Lepr 1998; 74(4):369-88.


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