( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis,  Vaccines & Drugs)

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3259.      Akuta N.  Chayama K. Suzuki F.  Someya T. Kobayashi M.  Tsubota A.  Suzuki Y. Saitoh S. Arase Y.  Ikeda K.  Kumada H. Risk factors of hepatitis C virus-related liver cirrhosis in young adults: positive family history of liver disease and transporter associated with antigen processing 2(TAP2)*0201 Allele. Journal of Medical Virology. 64(2):109-16, 2001 Jun.

3260.      Al-Sheyyab M.  Batieha A. El-Khateeb M.  The prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immune deficiency virus markers in multi-transfused patients.  Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.  47(4):239-42, 2001 Aug.

3261.      Andries S.  Casamayou L.  Sempoux C.  Burlet M.  Reding R. Bernard Otte J.  Buts JP. Sokal E. Posttransplant immune hepatitis in pediatric liver transplant recipients: incidence and maintenance therapy with azathioprine.  Transplantation.  72(2):267-72, 2001 Jul 27.

3262.      Andriulli A.  Festa V. Leandro G.  Rizzetto M. Usefulness of a liver biopsy in the evaluation of patients with elevated ALT values and serological markers of hepatitis viral infection: an AIGO study. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 46(7):1409-15, 2001 Jul.

3263.      Aoyagi K.  Iida K. Ohue C.  Matsunaga Y.  Tanaka E. Kiyosawa K.  Yagi S. Performance of a conventional enzyme immunoassay for hepatitis C virus core antigen in the early phases of hepatitis C infection. Clinica y Laboratorio.  47(3-4):119-27, 2001.

3264.      Arens M.  Clinically relevant sequence-based genotyping of HBV, HCV, CMV, and HIV. [Review] [62 refs] Journal of Clinical Virology.  22(1):11-29, 2001 Aug.

3265.      Badur S.  Akgun A. Diagnosis of hepatitis B infections and monitoring of treatment. [Review] [33 refs] Journal of Clinical Virology.  21(3):229-37, 2001 Jun.

3266.      Barrett S.  Goh J. Coughlan B.  Ryan E.  Stewart S. Cockram A.  O'Keane JC.  Crowe J. The natural course of hepatitis C virus infection after 22 years in a unique homogenous cohort: spontaneous viral clearance and chronic HCV infection. Gut. 49(3):423-30, 2001 Sep.

3267.      Bhatia V, Swami H M. Assessment of hepatitis B vaccine coverage by using the national immunization day in Chandigarh. Indian J med Sci. 54(8): 347-9, 2000.

3268.      Cantaloube JF.  Gallian P. Attoui H.  Biagini P. De Micco P. De Lamballerie X. Erroneous HCV genotype assignment by a hybridization typing assay in a case of posttransfusion HCV infection.  Transfusion.  41(3):429-30, 2001 Mar.

3269.      Cashman TM.  Elm JL Jr. Wu M.  Tom T.  Effler PV. Hepatitis C, diagnosis and management: a survey of practicing physicians in Hawaii.  Hawaii Medical Journal.  60(6):148-54, 2001 Jun.

3270.      Chandrasekaran S, Palaniappan N, Krishnan V, Mohan G, Chandrasekaran N. Relative prevalence of hepatitis B viral markers and hepatitis C virus antibodies(anti HCV) in Madurai, south India. Indian J med Sci. 54(7): 270-3, 2000.

3271.      Chitambar S D, Chadha M S. Use of filter paper disc for hepatitis A surveillance. Indian J Gastroenterol.19(4):165-7, 2000.

3272.      Cho JW.  Baek WK. Suh SI.  Yang SH.  Chang J. Sung YC.  Suh MH.  Hepatitis C virus core protein promotes cell proliferation through the upregulation of cyclin E expression levels.  Liver. 21(2):137-42, 2001 Apr.

3273.      Chu CW.  Hwang SJ. Luo JC.  Lai CR.  Tsay SH. Li CP.  Wu JC.  Chang FY. Lee SD. Clinical, virologic, and pathologic significance of elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C.  Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.  32(3):240-4, 2001 Mar.

3274.      Du B.  You S. Present situation in preventing and treating liver fibrosis with TCM drugs. [Review] [26 refs]  Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 21(2):147-52, 2001 Jun.

3275.      Erensoy S.  Diagnosis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and laboratory monitoring of its therapy. [Review] [45 refs]  Journal of Clinical Virology.  21(3):271-81, 2001 Jun.

3276.      Fabrizi F.  Martin P. Dixit V.  Quan S.  Brezina M. Kaufman E.  Sra K.  Mousa M. DiNello R.  Polito A. Gitnick G. Automated RIBA HCV strip immunoblot assay: a novel tool for the diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Nephrology.  21(2):104-11, 2001 Mar-Apr.

3277.      Funato T.  Satou N. Abukawa D.  Satou J. Abe Y. Ishii KK.  Iinuma K.  Kaku M. Sasaski T.  Quantitative evaluation of cytomegalovirus DNA in infantile hepatitis. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 8(3):217-22, 2001 May.

3278.      Gopalani A.  Ahuja TS. Prevalence of glomerulopathies in autopsies of patients infected with the hepatitis C virus.  American Journal of the Medical Sciences.  322(2):57-60, 2001 Aug.

3279.      Hahn JA.  Page-Shafer K.  Lum PJ.  Ochoa K.  Moss AR. Hepatitis C virus infection and needle exchange use among young injection drug users in San Francisco. Hepatology.  34(1):180-7, 2001 Jul.

3280.      Halfon P.  Trimoulet P.  Bourliere M.  Khiri H.  de Ledinghen V.  Couzigou P. Feryn JM.  Alcaraz P. Renou C. Fleury HJ.  Ouzan D. Hepatitis C virus genotyping based on 5' noncoding sequence analysis (Trugene). Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 39(5):1771-3, 2001 May.

3281.      Hitzler WE.  Runkel S. Routine HCV PCR screening of blood donations to identify early HCV infection in blood donors lacking antibodies to HCV. Transfusion.  41(3):333-7, 2001 Mar.

3282.      Kapoor S, Gupta R K, Das B C, Kar P. Clinical implications of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in patients of acute viral hepatitis and fulminant hepatic failure. Indian J med Res. 112(Oct): 121-32, 2001.

3283.      Kocak N, Ozen H, Saltik I N, Yuce A, Gurakan F. Recombinant interferon-alfa therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B and cured cancer. Indian J Gastroenterol.19(4): 197-8, 2000.

3284.      Koff RS. Risks associated with hepatitis A and hepatitis B in patients with hepatitis C. [Review] [36 refs]  Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.  33(1):20-6, 2001 Jul.

3285.      Kozlowski A.  Charles SA. Harris JM.  Development of pegylated interferons for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. [Review] [46 refs]  Biodrugs.  15(7):419-29, 2001.

3286.      Levis J.  Kenny-Walsh E.  O'Sullivan K.  Horgan M.  Whelton M.  Shanahan F.  Fanning L. Strategy for the maximization of clinically relevant information from hepatitis C virus, RT-PCR quantification. Journal of Clinical Virology.  20(3):163-71, 2001 Feb.

3287.      Lieber CS. Liver diseases by alcohol and hepatitis C: early detection and new insights in pathogenesis lead to improved treatment. [Review] [152 refs] American Journal on Addictions.  10 Suppl:29-50, 2001.

3288.      Mathur V K, Vyas P D. Hepatitis B vaccines: what is new. SDMH JI. 23(3), 6-10,1999.

3289.      Naik S R. Hepatitis B virus : Infected or just carrying. Indian J Gastroenterol. 19(3): 130-2, 2000.

3290.      Polywka S.  Schroter M. Feucht HH.  Zollner B. Laufs R. Relevance of reactivity in commercially available hepatitis C virus antibody assays. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(4):1665-8, 2001 Apr.

3291.      Raina V. Purification and properties of recombinant hepatitis A 14s subunit protein. Proc natn Acad Sci India-Sect B.69(1): 27-36, 1999.

3292.      Rostaing L.  Borde JS. Hasle C.  Bories P.  Allal A. Abbal M.  Durand D.  Lack of effect of chronic hepatitis C virus infection on T-cell cytokine production in chronic hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Nephrology. 21(3):194-9, 2001 May-Jun.

3293.      Ryan M.  Desmond P. Liver toxicity. Could this be a drug reaction?. [Review] [8 refs] Australian Family Physician.  30(5):427-31, 2001 May.

3294.      Saab S.  Brezina M. Gitnick G.  Martin P. Yee HF Jr. Hepatitis C screening strategies in hemodialysis patients. [see comments]. American Journal of Kidney Diseases.  38(1):91-7, 2001 Jul.

3295.      Sagnelli E.  Coppola N. Scolastico C.  Mogavero AR.  Filippini P.  Piccinino F. HCV genotype and "silent" HBV coinfection: two main risk factors for a more severe liver disease. Journal of Medical Virology.  64(3):350-5, 2001 Jul.

3296.      Schroter M.  Schafer P. Zollner B.  Polywka S. Laufs R. Feucht HH.  Strategies for reliable diagnosis of hepatitis C infection: the need for a serological confirmatory assay. Journal of Medical Virology.  64(3):320-4, 2001 Jul.

3297.      Sheiner PA.  Florman SS. Emre S.  Fishbein T. Schwartz ME.  Miller CM.  Boros P. Recurrence of hepatitis C after liver transplantation is associated with increased systemic IL-10 levels. Mediators of Inflammation.  10(1):37-41, 2001 Feb.

3298.      Singh VK.  Naik S. Simultaneous amplification of DNA and RNA virus using multiplex PCR system. Clinica Chimica Acta. 308(1-2):179-81, 2001 Jun.

3299.      Smythe JS.  Anstee DJ. Expression of C antigen in transduced K562 cells. Transfusion. 41(1):24-30, 2001 Jan.

3300.            Sobao Y.  Tomiyama H.  Nakamura S.  Sekihara H. Tanaka K.  Takiguchi M.  Visual demonstration of hepatitis C virus-specific memory CD8(+) T-cell expansion in patients with acute hepatitis C.  Hepatology.  33(1):287-94, 2001 Jan.

3301.      Teixeira R.  Papatheodoridis GV.  Burroughs AK. Management of recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation. [Review] [88 refs]  Journal of Viral Hepatitis.  8(3):159-68, 2001 May.

3302.      Tennant BC.  Gerin JL. The woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection. [Review] [214 refs] Ilar Journal.  42(2):89-102, 2001.

3303.      Torre F.  Giusto R. Grasso A.  Brizzolara R.  Campo N. Sinelli N. Balestra V.  Picciotto A. Clearance kinetics of hepatitis C virus under different antiviral therapies. Journal of Medical Virology. 64(4):455-9, 2001 Aug.

3304.      Walsh K.  Alexander GJ.  Update on chronic viral hepatitis. [Review] [101 refs] Postgraduate Medical Journal. 77(910):498-505, 2001 Aug.

3305.      Wang QM.  Heinz BA. Recent advances in prevention and treatment of hepatitis C virus infections. [Review] [159 refs] Progress in Drug Research.  Spec No:79-110, 2001.

3306.      Weber B.  Melchior W. Gehrke R.  Doerr HW. Berger A. Rabenau H. Hepatitis B virus markers in anti-HBc only positive individuals. Journal of Medical Virology. 64(3):312-9, 2001 Jul.

3307.      Wendland BE.  Nutritional guidelines for persons infected with the hepatitis C virus: a review of the literature. [Review] [80 refs] Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research.  62(1):7-15, 2001 Spring.

3308.      Willers E. Webber L.  Delport R.  Kruger M. Hepatitis B--a major threat to childhood survivors of leukaemia/lymphoma. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 47(4):220-5, 2001 Aug.


Apr 02


4052.      Agarwal M K, Bhatt V B, Agrawal  A S : Hepatitis E. Gujarat med J 2000, 57(1), 21-3. (016248) Aug 16, 2023

4053.      Anand P, Thakur S K, Jaiprakash M, Sharma U K, Rajvanshi A, Gill H S, Narula A S: Hepatitis C in chronic renal failure and renal transplant recipents. Indain J Gastroenterl 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S35. (016255) Aug 16, 2023

4054.      Arora N K, Mathur P, Arora N,  Panda S K: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in children in North India. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999,18(1 Suppl), S35. (016260) Aug 16, 2023

4055.      Arrankalle V A, Deshmukh T M, Chobe L P, Chadha M S, Walambe A M: Hepatitis G virus infection in India: prevalence and phylogenetic analysis based on 5’ non-coading region. Indian J Gastroenterol 2001,20(1), 13-17. (016259) Aug 16, 2023

4056.      Bapat S, Joshi D, Naik SS, Bavdekar A, Bhave S, Pandit A. Hepatitis B immunization in adolescent girls. Indian Pediatr  2001 Oct;38(10):1160-2

4057.      Bouchard MJ, Wang LH, Schneider RJ. Calcium signaling by HBx protein in hepatitis B virus DNA replication. Science  2001 Dec 14;294(5550):2376-8

4058.      Bruno R, Sacchi P, Malfitano A, Filice G. YMDD-mutant HBV strain as a cause of liver failure in an HIV-infected patient. Gastroenterology 2001 Oct;121(4):1027-8

4059.      Butz K, Denk C, Fitscher B, Crnkovic-Mertens I, Ullmann A, Schroder CH, Hoppe Seyler F. Peptide aptamers targeting the hepatitis B virus core protein: a new class of molecules with antiviral activity. Oncogene 2001 Oct 4;20(45):6579-86

4060.      Carroccio A, Giannitrapani L, Soresi M, Not T, Iacono G, Di Rosa C, Panfili E, Notarbartolo A, Montalto G. Guinea pig transglutaminase immunolinked assay does not predict coeliac disease in patients with chronic liver disease. Gut  2001 Oct;49(4):506-11

4061.      Chedid A, Sung CC, Lepe MR, Ahmed SA, Iftikhar SA, Feller A, Beaman KD. Expression of a novel protein by regenerating hepatocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol  2001 Nov;8(6):1292-4

4062.      Chen GG, Lai PB, Chak EC, Xu H, Lee KM, Lau WY. Immunohistochemical analysis of pro-apoptotic Bid level in chronic hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases. Cancer Lett  2001 Oct 22;172(1):75-82

4063.      Choudhuri G, Saraswat V A, Lakhtakia S, Dadhich S K, Mehrotra P, Naik S R: Poor response to low dose interferon therapy in chronic liver disease due to hepatitis B virus infection in Indian patients. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S26. (016288) Aug 16, 2023

4064.      Comanor L, Anderson F, Ghany M, Perrillo R, Heathcote EJ, Sherlock C, Zitron I, Hendricks D, Gordon SC. Transcription-mediated amplification is more sensitive than conventional PCR-based assays for detecting residual serum HCV RNA at end of treatment. Am J Gastroenterol  2001 Oct;96(10):2968-72

4065.      Crespo J, Cayon A, Fernandez-Gil P, Hernandez-Guerra M, Mayorga M, Dominguez Diez A, Fernandez-Escalante JC, Pons-Romero F. Gene expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha and TNF-receptors, p55 and p75, in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis patients. Hepatology  2001 Dec;34(6):1158-63

4066.      Davis GL. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C. BMJ 2001 Nov 17;323(7322):1141-2

4067.      De Silvestri A, Pasi A, Martinetti M, Belloni C, Tinelli C, Rondini G, Salvaneschi L, Cuccia M. Family study of non-responsiveness to hepatitis B vaccine confirms the importance of HLA class III C4A locus. Genes Immun  2001 Nov;2(7):367-72

4068.      Faustini A, Spadea T, Fano V, Giorgi Rossi P, Sangalli M, Franco E, Perucci CA. Factors associated with hepatitis B virus immunization coverage at the beginning of a population campaign in the Lazio region, Italy. Prev Med  2001 Nov;33(5):409-14

4069.      Friebe P, Lohmann V, Krieger N, Bartenschlager R. Sequences in the 5' nontranslated region of hepatitis C virus required for RNA replication. J Virol 2001 Dec;75(24):12047-57

4070.      Goddard S, Williams A, Morland C, Qin S, Gladue R, Hubscher SG, Adams DH. Differential expression of chemokines and chemokine receptors shapes the inflammatory response in rejecting human liver transplants. Transplantation 2001 Dec 27;72(12):1957-67

4071.      Govindarajan  R, Naik S: Modulation of tumor necrosis factor-a production by hepatitis B virus in human monocytic cell line, THP-1. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S22. (016330) Aug 16, 2023

4072.      Greenberg DP. Considerations for hepatitis B as part of a combination vaccine. Pediatr Infect Dis J  2001 Nov;20(11 Suppl):S34-9

4073.      Gupta DK, Charles AR, Srinivas M, Dave S, Bal CS. Betamethasone in plus phenobarbitone prior to hepatobiliary scintigraphy increases diagnostic accuracy in infants with jaundice. Indian J Pediatr  2001 Nov;68(11):1039-41

4074.      Harjeet Singh, Pradhan M, Naik S: Antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine in thalassemic children. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S22. (016341) Aug 16, 2023

4075.      Jacobs RJ, Meyerhoff AS. Comparative cost effectiveness of varicella, hepatitis A, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Prev Med 2001 Dec;33(6):639-45

4076.      Jaiswal S P, Chitnis D S, Naik G, Jain A, Salgia P, Sepaha A: Hepatitis B and Cvirus scenario in central India. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S38-40. (016350) Aug 16, 2023

4077.      Jhamb U, Malhotra V, Mittal S K: Hepatitis B and C in childhood chronic liver disease. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S40. (016355) Aug 16, 2001

4078.      Jolivet-Reynaud C, Lesenechal M, O'Donnell B, Becquart L, Foussadier A, Forge F, Battail-Poirot N, Lacoux X, Carman W, Jolivet M. Localization of hepatitis B surface antigen epitopes present on variants and specifically recognised by anti-hepatitis B surface antigen monoclonal antibodies. J Med Virol 2001 Oct;65(2):241-9

4079.      Joshi N, Ajit Kumar, Rao N, Girish Narayan M, Nagarjun Kumar Y R, Babu S: Efficacy of the 1st indigenously developed recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B virus in Indian subjects. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S24-5.(016356) Aug 16, 2023

4080.      Kato H, Orito E, Sugauchi F, Ueda R, Gish RG, Usuda S, Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M. Determination of hepatitis B virus genotype G by polymerase chain reaction with hemi-nested primers. J Virol Methods 2001 Nov;98(2):153-9

4081.      Kuffner EK, Dart RC, Bogdan GM, Hill RE, Casper E, Darton L. Effect of maximal daily doses of acetaminophen on the liver of alcoholic patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2001 Oct 8;161(18):2247-52

4082.      Li C, Candotti D, Allain JP. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific for a conserved epitope within hepatitis C virus hypervariable region 1. J Virol  2001 Dec;75(24):12412-20

4083.      Li D, Mallory T, Satomura S. AFP-L3: a new generation of tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Chim Acta 2001 Nov;313(1-2):15-9

4084.      Lieber CS. Alcoholic liver injury: pathogenesis and therapy in 2001. Pathol Biol (Paris)  2001 Nov;49(9):738-52

4085.      Madan K, Jain A, Jandwani P, Gupta R K, Kar P, Mathur U S: Multicentric open labelled evaluation of immunogenicity (seroprotection rate) and reactogenicity of a recombinant DNA hepatitis B vaccine of Cuban origin when administered in a two dose schedule. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl),S24. ) (016378) Aug 16, 2023

4086.      Mathur P, Arora N K: Consideration for HAV vaccine in India. Indian J Pediat 2001, 68(1),23-30. (016392) Aug 16, 2023

4087.      Mawhorter SD. Who should receive hepatitis A vaccine? Cleve Clin J Med  2001 Oct;68(10):825-7

4088.      Mele A, Tancredi F, Romano L, Giuseppone A, Colucci M, Sangiuolo A, Lecce R, Adamo B, Tosti ME, Taliani G, Zanetti AR. Effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination in babies born to hepatitis B surface antigen-positive mothers in Italy. J Infect Dis  2001 Oct 1;184(7):905-8

4089.      Mittal S K: Desirability and fesibility of hepatitis B vaccine in EPI. Indian J Pediat 2001, 68(1), 61-5. (016400) (No abstract) Aug 16, 2023

4090.      Nair S, Perrillo RP. Serum alanine aminotransferase flares during interferon treatment of chronic hepatitis B: is sustained clearance of HBV DNA dependent on levels of pretreatment viremia? Hepatology 2001 Nov;34(5):1021-6

4091.      Rajan S, Liebman HA. Treatment of hepatitis C related thrombocytopenia with interferon alpha. Am J Hematol  2001 Nov;68(3):202-9

4092.      Ray S, Broor S, Ghosh D, Vaisnav Y, Broor S L, Dar L, Seth P: TGF b levels in HCV related chronic liver disease as studied by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S33. (016455) Aug 16, 2023

4093.      Sewell EC, Jacobson SH, Weniger BG. "Reverse engineering" a formulary selection algorithm to determine the economic value of pentavalent and hexavalent combination vaccines. Pediatr Infect Dis J  2001 Nov;20(11 Suppl):S45-56

4094.      Sleijffers A, Garssen J, de Gruijl FR, Boland GJ, van Hattum J, van Vloten WA, van Loveren H. Influence of ultraviolet B exposure on immune responses following hepatitis B vaccination in human volunteers. J Invest Dermatol  2001 Nov;117(5):1144-50

4095.      Thakur S K, Gupta R M, Rao M K K, Dham S K: Hepatitis B carrier-a study of possible routes of acquiring the infection. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999, 18(1 Suppl), S23. (016520) Aug 16, 2023

4096.      Torre D, Tambini R, Cadario F, Barbarini G, Moroni M, Basilico C. Evolution of coinfection with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus in patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 1;33(9):1579-85

4097.      Webster G, Bertoletti A. Quantity and quality of virus-specific CD8 cell response: relevance to the design of a therapeutic vaccine for chronic HBV infection. Mol Immunol  2001 Dec;38(6):467-73

4098.      Zimet GD, Kee R, Winston Y, Perkins SM, Maharry K. Acceptance of hepatitis B vaccination among adult patients with sexually transmitted diseases. Sex Transm Dis  2001 Nov;28(11):678-80

4099.      Zmuda JF, Wagoneer B, Liotta L, Whiteley G. Recognition of multiple classes of hepatitis C antibodies increases detection sensitivity in oral fluid. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol  2001 Nov;8(6):1267-70

4100.      Zuckerman JN, Zuckerman AJ, Symington I, Du W, Williams A, Dickson B, Young MD; UK Hepacare Study Group. Evaluation of a new hepatitis B triple-antigen vaccine in inadequate responders to current vaccines. Hepatology  2001 Oct;34(4 Pt 1):798-802

July 02


4608.      Aceti A, Pasquazzi C, Zechini B, De Bac C. Hepatotoxicity development during antiretroviral therapy containing protease inhibitors in patients with HIV: the role of hepatitis B and C virus infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2002 Jan 1;29(1):41-8.

4609.      Almroth G, Ekermo B, Mansson AS, Svensson G, Widell A. Detection and prevention of hepatitis C in dialysis patients and renal transplant recipients. A long-term follow up (1989-January 1997). J Intern Med. 2002 Feb;251(2):119-28.

4610.      Alzahrani AJ, Vallely PJ, McMahon RF. Development of a novel nested in situ PCR-ISH method for detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in liver tissue. J Virol Methods. 2002 Jan;99(1-2):53-61.

4611.      Angelico M, Di Paolo D, Trinito MO, Petrolati A, Araco A, Zazza S, Lionetti R, Casciani CU, Tisone G.  Failure of a reinforced triple course of hepatitis B vaccination in patients transplanted for HBV-related cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2002 Jan;35(1):176-81.

4612.      Aoki M, Saito T, Watanabe H, Matsuo T, Saito K, Togashi H, Kawata S, Ishikawa K, Aoyama M, Kamada H, Shinzawa H. Clinical significance of a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay of hepatitis B surface antigen using a novel electron spin resonance technique. J Med Virol. 2002 Feb;66(2):166-70.

4613.      Bernstein D, Kleinman L, Barker CM, Revicki DA, Green J. Relationship of health-related quality of life to treatment adherence and sustained response in chronic hepatitis C patients. Hepatology. 2002 Mar;35(3):704-8.

4614.      Bluteau O, Beaudoin JC, Pasturaud P, Belghiti J, Franco D, Bioulac-Sage P, Laurent-Puig P, Zucman-Rossi J. Specific association between alcohol intake, high grade of differentiation and 4q34-q35 deletions in hepatocellular carcinomas identified by high resolution allelotyping. Oncogene. 2002 Feb 14;21(8):1225-32.

4615.      Bonaccorso S, Marino V, Puzella A, Pasquini M, Biondi M, Artini M, Almerighi C, Verkerk R, Meltzer H, Maes M. Increased depressive ratings in patients with hepatitis C receiving interferon-alpha-based immunotherapy are related to interferon-alpha-induced changes in the serotonergic system. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2002 Feb;22(1):86-90.

4616.      Bonkovsky HL. Iron as a comorbid factor in chronic viral hepatitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan;97(1):1-4.

4617.      Brinster C, Chen M, Boucreux D, Paranhos-Baccala G, Liljestrom P, Lemmonier F, Inchauspe G. Hepatitis C virus non-structural protein 3-specific cellular immune responses following single or combined immunization with DNA or recombinant Semliki Forest virus particles. J Gen Virol. 2002 Feb;83(Pt 2):369-81.

4618.      Buchanan D, Khoshnood K, Stopka T, Shaw S, Santelices C, Singer M. Ethical dilemmas created by the criminalization of status behaviors: case examples from ethnographic field research with injection drug users. Health Educ Behav. 2002 Feb;29(1):30-42.

4619.      Cardin R, D'Errico A, Fiorentino M, Cecchetto A, Naccarato R, Farinati F.  Hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis in relation to oxidative damage in aalcohol-related liver disease Alcohol Alcohol. 2002 Jan-Feb;37(1):43-8.

4620.      Carvajal GP, Garcia D, Sanchez SA, Velasco MA, Rueda D, Lucena MI. Hepatotoxicity associated with the new antidepressants. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002 Feb;63(2):135-7.

4621.      Chamberland ME. Emerging infectious agents: do they pose a risk to the safety of transfused blood and blood products? Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Mar 15;34(6):797-805.

4622.      Chan HL. Changing scene in hepatitis B serology interpretation. Hosp Med. 2002 Jan;63(1):16-9. Review.

4623.      Chitturi S, Abeygunasekera S, Farrell GC, Holmes-Walker J, Hui JM, Fung C, Karim R, Lin R, Samarasinghe D, Liddle C, Weltman M, George J. NASH and insulin resistance: Insulin hypersecretion and specific association with the insulin resistance syndrome. Hepatology. 2002 Feb;35(2):373-9.

4624.      Cody SH, Nainan OV, Garfein RS, Meyers H, Bell BP, Shapiro CN, Meeks EL, Pitt H, Mouzin E, Alter MJ, Margolis HS, Vugia DJ. Hepatitis C virus transmission from an anesthesiologist to a patient. Arch Intern Med. 2002 Feb 11;162(3):345-50.

4625.      Czaja AJ, Donaldson PT, Lohse AW. Antibodies to soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas and HLA risk factors for type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Feb;97(2):413-9.

4626.      Dai CY, Yu ML, Chuang WL, Hou NJ, Hou C, Chen SC, Lin ZY, Hsieh MY, Wang LY, Chang WY.  The response of hepatitis C virus and TT virus to high dose and long duration interferon-alpha therapy in naive chronic hepatitis C patients. Antiviral Res. 2002 Jan;53(1):9-18.

4627.      Dandri M, Burda MR, Burkle A, Zuckerman DM, Will H, Rogler CE, Greten H, Petersen J. Increase in de novo HBV DNA integrations in response to oxidative DNA damage or inhibition of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Hepatology. 2002 Jan;35(1):217-23.

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Oct 02


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Drugs :

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