( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3233.      Abendroth A.  Arvin AM. Immune evasion as a pathogenic mechanism of varicella zoster virus. [Review] [70 refs] Seminars in Immunology.  13(1):27-39, 2001 Feb.

3234.      Awasthi M.  Parmar H. Patankar T.  Castillo M. Imaging findings in rabies encephalitis.  Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology.  22(4):677-80, 2001 Apr.

3235.      Bestetti A.  Pierotti C. Terreni M.  Zappa A. Vago L. Lazzarin A.  Cinque P. Comparison of three nucleic acid amplification assays of cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of cytomegalovirus encephalitis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(3):1148-51, 2001 Mar.

3236.      Hinson VK.  Tyor WR. Update on viral encephalitis. [Review] [45 refs]  Current Opinion in Neurology.  14(3):369-74, 2001 Jun.

3237.      Hooper P.  Zaki S.  Daniels P.  Middleton D. Comparative pathology of the diseases caused by Hendra and Nipah viruses. [Review] [17 refs] Microbes & Infection. 3(4):315-22, 2001 Apr.

3238.      Huang C.  Slater B. Campbell W.  Howard J. White D. Detection of arboviral RNA directly from mosquito homogenates by reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Virological Methods.  94(1-2):121-8, 2001 May.

3239.      Singh P.  Kalra N. Ratho RK.  Shankar S.  Khandelwal N.  Suri S.  Coexistent neurocysticercosis and Japanese B encephalitis: MR imaging correlation.  Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 22(6):1131-6, 2001 Jun-Jul.


Apr 02


4020.      Barrett AD. Current status of flavivirus vaccines. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:262-71

4021.      Chang GJ, Davis BS, Hunt AR, Holmes DA, Kuno G. Flavivirus DNA vaccines: current status and potential. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2001 Dec;951:272-85

4022.      Chiarugi A, Calvani M, Meli E, Traggiai E, Moroni F. Synthesis and release of neurotoxic kynurenine metabolites by human monocyte-derived macrophages. J Neuroimmunol  2001 Nov 1;120(1-2):190-8

4023.      Cuzzubbo AJ, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Kalayanarooj S, Vaughn DW, Ogata SA, Clements DE, Devine PL. Use of recombinant envelope proteins for serological diagnosis of Dengue virus infection in an immunochromatographic assay. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol  2001 Nov;8(6):1150-5

4024.      Deubel V, Fiette L, Gounon P, Drouet MT, Khun H, Huerre M, Banet C, Malkinson M, Despres P. Variations in biological features of West Nile viruses. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:195-206

4025.      Hughes AJ, Daniel SE, Lees AJ. Improved accuracy of clinical diagnosis of Lewy body Parkinson's disease. Neurology  2001 Oct 23;57(8):1497-9

4026.      Konstantinou D, Paschalis C, Maraziotis T, Dimopoulos P, Bassaris H, Skoutelis A. Two episodes of leukoencephalitis associated with recombinant hepatitis B vaccination in a single patient. Clin Infect Dis 2001 Nov 15;33(10):1772-3

4027.      Leder K, Weller PF, Wilson ME. Travel vaccines and elderly persons: review of vaccines available in the United States. Clin Infect Dis 2001 Nov 1;33(9):1553-66

4028.      Marth E, Kleinhappl B. Albumin is a necessary stabilizer of TBE-vaccine to avoid fever in children after vaccination. Vaccine 2001 Nov 12;20(3-4):532-7

4029.      Monath TP. Prospects for development of a vaccine against the West Nile virus. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:1-12

4030.      Price P, Mathiot N, Krueger R, Stone S, Keane NM, French MA. Immune dysfunction and immune restoration disease in HIV patients given highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Clin Virol  2001 Oct;22(3):279-87

4031.      Razonable RR, Aksamit AJ, Wright AJ, Wilson JW. Cidofovir treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. Mayo Clin Proc 2001 Nov;76(11):1171-5

4032.      Roehrig JT, Staudinger LA, Hunt AR, Mathews JH, Blair CD. Antibody prophylaxis and therapy for flavivirus encephalitis infections. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:286-97

4033.      Seo SK, Regan A, Cihlar T, Lin DC, Boulad F, George D, Prasad VK, Kiehn TE, Polsky B. Cytomegalovirus ventriculoencephalitis in a bone marrow transplant recipient receiving antiviral maintenance: clinical and molecular evidence of drug resistance. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 1;33(9):e105-8

4034.      Wang T, Anderson JF, Magnarelli LA, Bushmich S, Wong S, Koski RA, Fikrig E. West Nile virus envelope protein: role in diagnosis and immunity. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:325-7

4035.      Wong SC, Ooi MH, Wong MN, Tio PH, Solomon T, Cardosa MJ. Late presentation of Nipah virus encephalitis and kinetics of the humoral immune response. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry  2001 Oct;71(4):552-4

July 02


4567.      Baric RS, Yount B, Lindesmith L, Harrington PR, Greene SR, Tseng FC, Davis N, Johnston RE, Klapper DG, Moe CL. Expression and self-assembly of norwalk virus capsid protein from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicons. J Virol. 2002 Mar;76(6):3023-30.

4568.      Brault AC, Powers AM, Holmes EC, Woelk CH, Weaver SC. Positively charged amino acid substitutions in the e2 envelope glycoprotein are associated with the emergence of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. J Virol. 2002 Feb;76(4):1718-30.

4569.      Chiappini E, Calabri G, Galli L, Salvi G, de Martino M. Varicella-zoster virus acquired at 4 months of age reactivates at 24 months and causes encephalitis. J Pediatr. 2002 Feb;140(2):250-1.

4570.      D'Aversa TG, Weidenheim KM, Berman JW. CD40-CD40L interactions induce chemokine expression by human microglia: implications for human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis and multiple sclerosis. Am J Pathol. 2002 Feb;160(2):559-67.

4571.      del Mar Mosquera M, de Ory F, Moreno M, Echevarria JE. Simultaneous detection of measles virus, rubella virus, and parvovirus B19 by using multiplex PCR. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jan;40(1):111-6.

4572.      Garg RK. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Postgrad Med J. 2002 Feb;78(916):63-70. Review.

4573.      Gupta A, Prayson RA. Pathologic quiz case: a 3-year-old boy with new-onset partial seizures. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2002 Mar;126(3):379-80. No abstract available.

4574.      Jackson AC, Melanson M, Rossiter JP. Familial herpes simplex encephalitis. Ann Neurol. 2002 Mar;51(3):406-7. No abstract available.

4575.      Jordan-Sciutto KL, Wang G, Murphey-Corb M, Wiley CA. Cell cycle proteins exhibit altered expression patterns in lentiviral-associated encephalitis. J Neurosci. 2002 Mar 15;22(6):2185-95.

4576.      Mankowski JL, Queen SE, Tarwater PM, Fox KJ, Perry VH. Accumulation of beta-amyloid precursor protein in axons correlates with CNS expression of SIV gp41. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2002 Jan;61(1):85-90.

4577.      Monath TP, Arroyo J, Levenbook I, Zhang ZX, Catalan J, Draper K, Guirakhoo F. Single mutation in the flavivirus envelope protein hinge region increases neurovirulence for mice and monkeys but decreases viscerotropism for monkeys: relevance to development and safety testing of live, attenuated vaccines. J Virol. 2002 Feb;76(4):1932-43.

4578.      Nau R, Bruck W. Neuronal injury in bacterial meningitis: mechanisms and implications for therapy. Trends Neurosci. 2002 Jan;25(1):38-45. Review.

4579.      Nipah virus encephalitis: serial MR study of an emerging disease. Radiology. 2002 Jan;222(1):219-26.

4580.      Perez C, Montes M. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis and encephalitis associated with Myccoplasma pneumoniae infection Arch Intern Med. 2002 Feb 11;162(3):352-4.

4581.      Portela LV, Brenol JC, Walz R, Bianchin M, Tort AB, Canabarro UP, Beheregaray S, Marasca JA, Xavier RM, Neto EC, Goncalves CA, Souza DO.  Serum S100B levels in patients with lupus erythematosus: preliminary observation. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2002 Jan;9(1):164-6.

4582.      Shenoy S, Wilson G, Prashanth HV, Vidyalakshmi K, Dhanashree B, Bharath R.  Primary meningoencephalitis by Naegleria fowleri: first reported case from Mangalore, South India. J Clin Microbiol. 2002 Jan;40(1):309-10.

4583.      Skiest DJ. Focal neurological disease in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jan 1;34(1):103-15. Review.

4584.      Straumanis JP, Tapia MD, King JC. Influenza B infection associated with encephalitis: treatment with oseltamivir. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002 Feb;21(2):173-5.

4585.      Wallington T, Weir E. Varicella control and vaccine coverage: issues and challenges. CMAJ. 2002 Mar 5;166(5):631-2.

4586.      Whitley RJ, Gnann JW. Viral encephalitis: familiar infections and emerging pathogens. Lancet. 2002 Feb 9;359(9305):507-13. Review.

4587.      Wilcox RD. Cidofovir: progress in the treatment of progressive multifocal encephalopathy (PML)? HIV Clin. 2002 Winter;14(1):1-2.

4588.      Zeller V, Truffot C, Agher R, Bossi P, Tubiana R, Caumes E, Jouan M, Bricaire F, Katlama C.  Discontinuation of secondary prophylaxis against disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex infection and toxoplasmic encephalitis. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Mar 1;34(5):662-7.

4589.      Zerr DM, Gupta D, Huang ML, Carter R, Corey L. Effect of antivirals on human herpesvirus 6 replication in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Feb 1;34(3):309-17.

4590.      Ziegner UH, Kobayashi RH, Cunningham-Rundles C, Espanol T, Fasth A, Huttenlocher A, Krogstad P, Marthinsen L, Notarangelo LD, Pasic S, Rieger CH, Rudge P, Sankar R, Shigeoka AO, Stiehm ER, Sullivan KE, Webster AD, Ochs HD.  Progressive neurodegeneration in patients with primary immunodeficiency disease on IVIG treatment. Clin Immunol. 2002 Jan;102(1):19-24.


Oct 02


5278.      Antunes NL, Souweidane MM, Lis E, Rosenblum MK, Steinherz PG. Methotrexate leukoencephalopathy presenting as Kluver-Bucy syndrome and uncinate seizures. Pediatr Neurol. 2002 Apr;26(4):305-8.

5279.      Bauer J, Bien CG, Lassmann H. Rasmussen's encephalitis: a role for autoimmune cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Curr Opin Neurol. 2002 Apr;15(2):197-200. Review.

5280.      Beaman MH, Wesselingh SL. 4: Acute community-acquired meningitis and encephalitis. Med J Aust. 2002 Apr 15;176(8):389-96. Review.

5281.      Beschorner R, Schluesener HJ, Gozalan F, Meyermann R, Schwab JM. Infiltrating CD14+ monocytes and expression of CD14 by activated parenchymal microglia/macrophages contribute to the pool of CD14+ cells in ischemic brain lesions. J Neuroimmunol. 2002 May;126(1-2):107-15.

5282.      Chan PK, Chik KW, To KF, Li CK, Shing MM, Ng KC, Yuen PM, Cheng AF. Case report: human herpesvirus 7 associated fatal encephalitis in a peripheral blood stem cell transplant recipient. J Med Virol. 2002 Apr;66(4):493-6.

5283.      Dunlop O, Bjorklund R, Bruun JN, Evensen R, Goplen AK, Liestol K, Sannes M, Maehlen J, Myrvang B. Early psychomotor slowing predicts the development of HIV dementia and autopsy-verified HIV encephalitis. Acta Neurol Scand. 2002 Apr;105(4):270-5.

5284.      Fontoura P, Vale J, Lima C, Scaravilli F, Guimaraes J. Progressive myoclonic ataxia and JC virus encephalitis in an AIDS patient. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002 May;72(5):653-6.

5285.      Gerber JE, Johnson JE, Scott MA, Madhusudhan KT. Fatal meningitis and encephalitis due to Bartonella henselae bacteria. J Forensic Sci. 2002 May;47(3):640-4.

5286.      Gibbs AN, Moroney J, Foley-Nolan D, O'Connell PG. Neuromyelitis optica (Devic's syndrome) in systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2002 Apr;41(4):470-1.

5287.      Gorry PR, Taylor J, Holm GH, Mehle A, Morgan T, Cayabyab M, Farzan M, Wang H, Bell JE, Kunstman K, Moore JP, Wolinsky SM, Gabuzda D. Increased CCR5 affinity and reduced CCR5/CD4 dependence of a neurovirulent primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolate. J Virol. 2002 Jun;76(12):6277-92.

5288.      Karim A, Ahmed S, Rossoff LJ. Legionnaire's disease associated with acute encephalitis and arrhythmia. Crit Care Med. 2002 May;30(5):1028-9.

5289.      Kastrukoff LF, Kim SU. Oligodendrocytes from human donors differ in resistance to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). Glia. 2002 Apr 1;38(1):87-92.

5290.      Lee JH, Na DG, Choi KH, Kim KJ, Ryoo JW, Lee SY, Suh YL. Subcortical low intensity on MR images of meningitis, viral encephalitis, and leptomeningeal metastasis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Apr;23(4):535-42.

5291.      MacLean HJ, Douen AG. Severe amnesia associated with human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis after bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation. 2002 Apr 15;73(7):1086-9.

5292.      Misra UK, Kalita J. Prognosis of Japanese encephalitis patients with dystonia compared to those with parkinsonian features only. Postgrad Med J. 2002 Apr;78(918):238-41.

5293.      Redington JJ, Tyler KL. Viral infections of the nervous system, 2002: update on diagnosis and treatment. Arch Neurol. 2002 May;59(5):712-8. Review.

5294.      Saha M, Kumar S, Das A, Gupta RK. Similarities and differences of MR findings between Japanese encephalitis and Wilson's disease. Eur Radiol. 2002 Apr;12(4):872-6.

5295.      Sethi S, Bhargava SC. Kleine-Levin syndrome following acute non-specific encephalitis. Indian J Pediatr. 2002 May;69(5):451.

5296.      Shimizu T, Matsuishi T, Iwamoto R, Handa K, Yoshioka H, Kato H, Ueda S, Hara H, Tabira T, Mekada E. Elevated levels of anti-CD9 antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. J Infect Dis. 2002 May 1;185(9):1346-50.

5297.      Stone R. Infectious disease. Siberia's deadly stalker emerges from the shadows. Science. 2002 Apr 26;296(5568):642-5.

5298.      Warrilow D, Northill JA, Pyke A, Smith GA. Single rapid TaqMan fluorogenic probe based PCR assay that detects all four dengue serotypes. J Med Virol. 2002 Apr;66(4):524-8.

5299.      Weil AA, Glaser CA, Amad Z, Forghani B. Patients with suspected herpes simplex encephalitis: rethinking an initial negative polymerase chain reaction result. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Apr 15;34(8):1154-7.


Pathogenesis :

5300.      Inoue T, Kira R, Nakao F, Ihara K, Bassuny WM, Kusuhara K, Nihei K, Takeshita K, Hara T.  Contribution of the interleukin 4 gene to susceptibility to subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Arch Neurol. 2002 May;59(5):822-7.

5301.      Lee E, Lobigs M. Mechanism of virulence attenuation of glycosaminoglycan-binding variants of Japanese encephalitis virus and Murray Valley encephalitis virus. J Virol. 2002 May;76(10):4901-11.

5302.      Lin TY, Chang LY, Hsia SH, Huang YC, Chiu CH, Hsueh C, Shih SR, Liu CC, Wu MH. The 1998 enterovirus 71 outbreak in Taiwan: pathogenesis and management. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 May 1;34 Suppl 2:S52-7.

5303.      Shi PY, Tilgner M, Lo MK, Kent KA, Bernard KA. Infectious cDNA clone of the epidemic west nile virus from New York City. J Virol. 2002 Jun;76(12):5847-56.

5304.      Sweet TM, Valle LD, Khalili K. Molecular biology and immunoregulation of human neurotropic JC virus in CNS. J Cell Physiol. 2002 Jun;191(3):249-56. Review.


5305.      Munch G, Robinson SR. Alzheimer's vaccine: a cure as dangerous as the disease? J Neural Transm  2002 Apr;109(4):537-9

5306.    Tiroumourougane SV, Raghava P, Srinivasan S. Japanese viral encephalitis. Postgrad Med J  2002 Apr;78(918):205-15


5307.      Dhib-Jalbut S. Mechanisms of action of interferons and glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis. Neurology  2002 Apr 23;58(8 Suppl 4):S3-9

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