AMOEBIASIS and Ascariasis  


                   ( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3110.      Stanley SL. Pathophysiology of amoebiasis. [Review] [42 refs] Trends in Parasitology.  17(6):280-5, 2001 Jun.

Apr 02

3897.       Arias-Negrete S, Leon G, Anaya-Velazquez F, Tovar R, Moreno MA, Hernandez JM, Munoz ML. Recognition of carbohydrate epitopes specific for electron-dense granule antigens from Entamoeba histolytica by monoclonal antibodies in the cecal content of infected hamsters. Curr Microbiol  2001 Dec;43(6):403-7

3898.      Bhambhani S, Kashyap V. Amoebiasis: diagnosis by aspiration and exfoliative cytology. Cytopathology  2001 Oct;12(5):329-33

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3900.      Natarajan A, D'Souza RE, Rudresh HK. Amoebic peritonitis. Trop Doct  2001 Oct;31(4):230-1

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July 02

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4487.      Zawahry ME. Cutaneous amoebiasis. Indian J Derm 2001, 46(2), 120-1.

Oct 02

5149.      Abd-Alla MD, Ravdin JI. Diagnosis of amoebic colitis by antigen capture ELISA in patients presenting with acute diarrhoea in Cairo, Egypt. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Apr;7(4):365-70.

5150.      Chavez-Rueda K, Agundis-Mata C, Zenteno E, Shibayama M, Tsutsumi V, Munoz O, Leanos-Miranda A, Blanco-Favela F. Development of a diagnostic test for Entamoeba histolytica using idiotype expression in human. J Immunol Methods  2002 Apr 1;262(1-2):29-40

5151.      De BK, Sen S, Biswas PK, Mandal SK, Das D, Das U, Guru S, Bandyopadhyay K. Occurrence of hepatopulmonary syndrome in Budd-Chiari syndrome and the role of venous decompression. Gastroenterology. 2002 Apr;122(4):897-903.

5152.      Gupta SK, Naik S, Naik SR. Vaccine potential of 56-66 kDa protease secreted by Entamoeba  histolytica. Indian J med Res 1999 April; 109: 141-6.

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Pathogenesis :

5156.      Cooter R. The history of the discovery of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Aust Fam Physician  2002 Apr;31(4):399-400

5157.    Lee GA, Gray TB, Dart JK, Pavesio CE, Ficker LA, Larkin DF, Matheson MM. Acanthamoeba sclerokeratitis: treatment with systemic immunosuppression. Ophthalmology  2002 Jun;109(6):1178-82

Vaccines :

5158.      White Jr AC, Atmar RL. Infections in Hispanic immigrants. Clin Infect Dis  2002 Jun 15;34(12):1627-32



       ( SEVAMED 2002)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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3111.      Amjad N.  Nor AM.  Singh H. An unusual presentation of acute cholecystitis: biliary ascariasis.  Hospital Medicine (London).  62(6):370-1, 2001 Jun.

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3113.      Grover SB.  Pati NK.  Rattan SK. Sonographic diagnosis of Ascaris-induced cholecystitis and pancreatitis in a child. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound.  29(4):254-9, 2001 May.

3114.      Santra A.  Bhattacharya T.  Chowdhury A.  Ghosh A.  Ghosh N.  Chatterjee BP.  Mazumder DN. Serodiagnosis of ascariasis with specific IgG4 antibody and its use in an epidemiological study.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  95(3):289-92, 2001 May-Jun.

Apr 02


3903.      Andrade C, Alava T, De Palacio IA, Del Poggio P, Jamoletti C, Gulletta M, Montresor A. Prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in the city of Portoviejo (Ecuador). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2001 Nov;96(8):1075-9

3904.      Ashwath Narayan D H, Sudarshan M K, Rajanna M S, Prathiba M J, Ravikumar K L, Gangaboraiah: Randomized controlled trial comparing the safetyand efficacy of single dose albendazol and mebendazoleon ascaris,hookworm and trichuris infections. Indian commun Hlth 199,5 35-40.(013120) July1, 2001.

3905.      Bhattacharyya T, Chatterjee B P: Serodiagnosis  of ascariasis by IgG4 response to Ascaris Lubricoids  somatic antigen : a possible approach for epidemological studies, Proc Indian Sci Congr Ass – Pt III, Sect-III 1999, 1-2. (abstr)  (016056) Aug 16, 2023

3906.      Gava VG, Nacul-Filho AA, Fundo P. Noncalculous biliary obstruction in children and adolescents. J Am Coll Surg  2001 Dec;193(6):716-7

3907.      Kanwar Narain, Mahanta J: Prevalence and risk factor of Ascaris lumbricoides infection: experience from some rural communities of Assam. J Hum Ecol 2001, 12 (1), 75-9. (016357) Aug 16, 2023

July 02

4488.      Bapat SS, Pulikot AM. Hepato-cerebral complications in ascariasis. Indian Pediat 2001, 38(4), 431-2.

Oct 02

5159.      Palmer LJ, Celedon JC, Weiss ST, Wang B, Fang Z, Xu X. Ascaris lumbricoides infection is associated with increased risk of childhood asthma and atopy in rural China. Am J Respir Crit Care Med  2002 Jun 1;165(11):1489-93

5160.      Rawat AK. Throat clearing habit and ascariasis. Indian Pediat. 2001;  38(9), 1064.

5161.      Santra A, Bhattacharya T, Chowdhury A, Ghosh A, Ghosh N, Chatterjee BP, Mazumder DNG. Serodiagnosis of ascariasis with specific IgG(4) antibody and its use in an epidemiological study. Trans Royal Soc trop Med Hyg. 2001; 95(3), 289-92.

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5163.      Williams-Blangero S, VandeBerg JL, Subedi J, Aivaliotis MJ, Rai DR, Upadhayay RP, Jha B, Blangero J. Genes on chromosomes 1 and 13 have significant effects on Ascaris infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2002 Apr 16;99(8):5533-8

Pathogenesis :

 5164.      Pruss A, Kay D, Fewtrell L, Bartram J. Estimating the burden of disease from water, sanitation, and hygiene at a global level. Environ Health Perspect  2002 May;110(5):537-42

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