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3183. Chaturvedi UC.  Elbishbishi EA.  Agarwal R.  Mustafa AS. Cytotoxic factor-autoantibodies: possible role in the pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever.  FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology.  30(3):181-6, 2001 Apr.


  During dengue virus infection a unique cytokine, cytotoxic factor (hCF), is produced that is pathogenesis-related and plays a key role in the development of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). However, what regulates the adverse effects of hCF is not known. We have previously shown that anti-hCF antibodies raised in mice, neutralise the pathogenic effects of hCF. In this study we have investigated the presence and levels of hCF-autoantibodies in sera of patients with various severity of dengue illness (n=136) and normal healthy controls (n=50). The highest levels of hCF-autoantibodies (mean+/-S.D.=36+/-20 U ml(-1)) were seen in patients with mild illness, the dengue fever (DF), and 48 out of 50 (96%) of the sera were positive. On the other hand the hCF-autoantibody levels declined sharply with the development of DHF and the levels were lowest in patients with DHF grade IV (mean+/-S.D.=5+/-2 U ml(-1); P=<0.001 as compared to DF). Only one of the 13 DHF grade IV patients had an antibody level above the 'cut-off' value (mean plus 3 S.D. of the control sera). The analysis of data with respect to different days of illness further showed that the highest levels of hCF-autoantibodies were present in DF patients at >9 days of illness. Moreover, the DF patients at all time points, i.e. 1-4, 5-8 and >9 days of illness had significantly higher levels of hCF-autoantibodies (P<0.001) than patients with DHF grade I, II, III and IV. In addition DHF grade I and grade II patients had significantly more positive specimens than DHF grade III and grade IV patients at all time points. These results suggest that elevated levels of hCF-autoantibodies protect the patients against the development of severe forms of DHF and, therefore, it may be useful as a prognostic indicator.


3184. Cohen J.   'Breeding' antigens for new vaccines. Science.  293(5528):236-8, 2001 Jul 13.


3185. Gagnon SJ.  Leporati A.  Green S.  Kalayanarooj S.  Vaughn DW.  Stephens HA. Suntayakorn S.  Kurane I.  Ennis FA.  Rothman AL. T cell receptor Vbeta gene usage in Thai children with dengue virus infection.American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  64(1-2):41-8, 2001 Jan-Feb.


  T lymphocyte activation during dengue is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). We examined the T cell receptor Vbeta gene usage by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay during infection and after recovery in 13 children with DHF and 13 children with dengue fever (DF). There was no deletion of specific Vbeta gene families. We detected significant expansions in usage of single Vbeta families in six subjects with DHF and three subjects with DF over the course of infection, but these did not show an association with clinical diagnosis, viral serotype, or HLA alleles. Differences in Vbeta gene usage between subjects with DHF and subjects with DF were of borderline significance. These data suggest that the differences in T cell activation in DHF and DF are quantitative rather than qualitative and that T cells are activated by conventional antigen(s) and not a viral superantigen.


3186. Juffrie M.  Meer GM.  Hack CE.  Haasnoot K.  Sutaryo.  Veerman AJ.  Thijs LG. Inflammatory mediators in dengue virus infection in children: interleukin-6 and its relation to C-reactive protein and secretory phospholipase A2. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  65(1):70-5, 2001 Jul.


 To assess the potential role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the pathogenesis of dengue virus infection, levels of this cytokine were measured in children with dengue virus infection on admission to the hospital. As presumed surrogate markers of IL-6, C-reactive protein (CRP) and secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) were measured. Three groups were studied: 33 apparently healthy children as negative controls, 11 children with bacterial infections as positive controls, and 186 children with serologically documented dengue virus infection. One-hundred and fifteen patients had dengue fever (DF) and 71 had dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Compared with healthy controls, dengue shock syndrome (DSS) patients had significantly higher levels of IL-6 on admission (P < 0.05), comparable with those in positive controls. Dengue patients with shock had significantly higher levels of IL-6 than normotensive patients (P < 0.001) and higher levels of IL-6 were associated with a higher incidence of ascites. C-reactive protein concentrations in dengue patients and in healthy children were not different, but lower than in children with bacterial infections (P = 0.008). Secretory phospholipase A2 levels were higher in dengue patients than in apparently healthy children (P < or = 0.05) and similar to those in children with bacterial infection. Dengue shock syndrome patients had significantly higher sPLA2 concentrations than normotensive patients (P = 0.02). These data indicate that IL-6 and sPLA2 may have a pathogenetic role only in the most severe forms of dengue virus infection.


3187. Kanesa-thasan N.  Sun W.  Kim-Ahn G.  Van Albert S.  Putnak JR.  King A.  Raengsakulsrach B.  Christ-Schmidt H.  Gilson K.  Zahradnik JM.  Vaughn DW.  Innis BL.  Saluzzo JF.  Hoke CH Jr. Safety and immunogenicity of attenuated dengue virus vaccines (Aventis Pasteur) in human volunteers. Vaccine.  19(23-24):3179-88, 2001 Apr 30.


A randomized, controlled, double-blinded study was conducted to determine safety and immunogenicity of five live attenuated dengue vaccines produced by Aventis Pasteur (AvP). The study was completed with 40 flavivirus non-immune volunteers: five recipients of each monovalent (dengue-1, dengue-2, dengue-3, or dengue-4) vaccine, ten recipients of tetravalent (dengue-1, dengue-2, dengue-3, and dengue-4) vaccine, and ten recipients of vaccine vehicle alone. All vaccines were administered in a single subcutaneous dose (range, 3.6-4.4 log(10) plaque forming units). No serious adverse reactions occurred in volunteers followed for 6 months after vaccination. Five vaccine recipients developed fever (T > or = 38.0 degrees C), including four tetravalent vaccinees between days 8 and 10 after vaccination. Dengue-1, dengue-2, dengue-3, or dengue-4 vaccine recipients reported similar frequency of mild symptoms of headache, malaise, and eye pain. Tetravalent vaccinees noted more moderate symptoms with onset from study days 8-11 and developed maculopapular rashes distributed over trunk and extremities. Transient neutropenia (white blood cells < 4000/mm3) was noted after vaccination but not thrombocytopenia (platelets < 100,000/mm3). All dengue-3, dengue-4, and tetravalent vaccine recipients were viremic between days 7 and 12 but viremia was rarely detected in dengue-1 or dengue-2 vaccinees. All dengue-2, dengue-3, and dengue-4, and 60% of dengue-1 vaccine recipients developed neutralizing and/or immunoglobulin M antibodies. All tetravalent vaccine recipients were viremic with dengue-3 virus and developed neutralizing antibodies to dengue-3 virus. Seven volunteers also had multivalent antibody responses, yet the highest antibody titers were against dengue-3 virus. The AvP live attenuated dengue virus vaccines are safe and tolerable in humans. The live attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine was most reactogenic, and preferential replication of dengue-3 virus may have affected its infectivity and immunogenicity.


3188. Lok SM.  Ng ML.  Aaskov J. Amino acid and phenotypic changes in dengue 2 virus associated with escape from neutralisation by IgM antibody.Journal of Medical Virology.  65(2):315-23, 2001 Oct.


Two dengue 2-specific IgM monoclonal antibodies (MAb) recognised spatially unrelated epitopes on the envelope (E) protein of dengue 2 virus, which were also recognised by serum from 20 and 50%, respectively, of patients with a primary dengue 2 infection. Dengue 2 virus populations escaping neutralisation by MAb 6B2 (representing the majority population of dengue 2-specific IgM MAbs ) had a deduced amino acid change (G-S) in the pre-Membrane (prM) protein at position 15 and a second in the E protein at E311 (E-G). The change in the E protein was adjacent to the only other epitopes on dengue 2 virus (E307, E383-385) involved in neutralisation that have been identified but that were recognised by IgG antibodies. Dengue 2 virus escaping neutralisation by IgM MAb 10F2, representing the minority population of dengue 2-specific IgM MAbs, had the same deduced amino acid change (G-S) at prM15 as the 6B2 neutralisation escape mutant dengue 2 virus population and four deduced amino acid changes in the E protein (E69, T-I, in the glycosylation motif; E71, E-D; E112, S-G; E124, I-N), which may be close enough to each other to form a single epitope and a fifth at E402 (F-L) in a region of the E protein of TBE virus essential for the low pH-induced E protein dimer-trimer transition. The 10F2 neutralisation escape mutant, but not the 6B2 one, had lost its ability to cause fusion from within Aedes albopictus mosquito cells and was inactivated more rapidly than the 6B2 neutralisation escape mutant and wild type viruses at 42 degrees C. Dengue 2 viruses passaged in BHK cells in the absence of a selecting antibody, shared a common amino acid (S) at E53, which differed from both wild type and neutralisation escape mutant virus populations at this position (P) and may have been responsible for a significant reduction in the ability of these "passage control" virus populations to be neutralised by both 6B2 and 10F2 antibodies. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


3189. Mustafa AS.  Elbishbishi EA.  Agarwal R.  Chaturvedi UC. Elevated levels of interleukin-13 and IL-18 in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever.FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology.  30(3):229-33, 2001 Apr.


Interleukin (IL)-13 is produced by T helper 2 (Th2)-type cells and inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated monocytes, while IL-18 is a pleiotropic cytokine that induces interferon-gamma and plays an important role in the development of Th1-type cells. Role of the shift from a Th1-type response to Th2-type has been suggested in the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). This study was undertaken to investigate the possible protective/pathogenic role of IL-13 and IL-18 in patients with DHF. Sera were collected from a total of 84 patients with various grades of dengue illness and 21 normal healthy controls and tested for IL-13 and IL-18 levels using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. The results showed that very low levels of IL-13 (4+/-3 pg ml(-1)) and IL-18 (15+/-4 pg ml(-1)) were detected in the sera of healthy controls. In dengue patients, the levels of IL-13 and IL-18 were the highest in the patients with DHF grade IV (205+/-103 pg ml(-1) and 366+/-155 pg ml(-1), respectively) and the lowest in patients with dengue fever (22+/-12 pg ml(-1) and 76+/-50 pg ml(-1), respectively). Both the cytokines appeared (IL-13=20+/-11 pg ml(-1) and IL-18=70+/-45 pg ml(-1)) during the first 4 days of illness and reached peak levels (IL-13=204+/-96 pg ml(-1) and IL-18=360+/-148 pg ml(-1)) by day 9 onwards. The presence of high levels of IL-13 and IL-18 during severe illness and late phases of the disease suggests that both of these cytokines may contribute to the shift from a Th1- to Th2-type response and thus to the pathogenesis of DHF.


3190. Saeed MF.  Nunes M.  Vasconcelos PF.  Travassos Da Rosa AP.  Watts DM.  Russell K.  Shope RE.  Tesh RB.  Barrett AD. Diagnosis of Oropouche virus infection using a recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme immunoassay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(7):2445-52, 2001 Jul.


 Oropouche (ORO) virus is an emerging infectious agent that has caused numerous outbreaks of an acute febrile (dengue-like) illness among humans in Brazil, Peru, and Panama. Diagnosis of ORO virus infection is based mainly on serology. Two different antigens, hamster serum antigen (HSA) and Vero cell lysate antigen (VCLA), are currently used in enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) in Brazil and Peru, respectively, to investigate the epidemiology of ORO virus infection. Both antigens involve use of infectious virus, and for this reason their use is restricted. Consequently, the frequency and distribution of ORO virus infection are largely unexplored in other countries of South America. This report describes the use of a bacterially expressed recombinant nucleocapsid (rN) protein of ORO virus in EIAs for the diagnosis of ORO virus infection. The data revealed that the purified rN protein is comparable to the authentic viral N protein in its antigenic characteristics and is highly sensitive and specific in EIAs. Among 183 serum samples tested, a high degree of concordance was found between rN protein-based EIA and HSA- and VCLA-based EIAs for the detection of both ORO virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies. The high sensitivity, specificity, and safety of the rN protein-based EIA make it a useful diagnostic technique that can be widely used to detect ORO virus infection in South America.


3191. Sullivan NJ.  Antibody-mediated enhancement of viral disease. [Review] [128 refs] Current Topics in Microbiology & Immunology.  260:145-69, 2001.


3192. Tolou HJ.  Couissinier-Paris P.  Durand JP.  Mercier V.  de Pina JJ.  de Micco P.  Billoir F.  Charrel RN.  de Lamballerie X. Evidence for recombination in natural populations of dengue virus type 1 based on the analysis of complete genome sequences. Journal of General Virology.  82(Pt 6):1283-90, 2001 Jun.


 Recombination events are known to occur in non-segmented RNA viruses like polioviruses or alphaviruses. Analysis of the subgenomic sequences of dengue virus type 1 (DENV-1) structural genes has recently allowed the identification of possible recombination breakpoints. Because DENV is a major human pathogen, this discovery might have important implications for virus pathogenicity, vaccine safety and efficiency, or diagnosis and, therefore, requires clear confirmation. We report the complete sequence determination of one Asian and two African strains of DENV-1 isolated from human patients. Rigorous sequence analysis provided strong evidence for the occurrence of intragenomic recombination events between DENV-1 strains belonging to different lineages. Singapore S275/90 strain appears to be the evolutionary product of a recombination event between viruses belonging to two distinct lineages: one lineage includes an African strain isolated in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and the other includes isolates from Djibouti and Cambodia. The 'Recombination Detection Program', bootscanning and analysis of diversity plots provided congruent results concerning the existence of a two-switch recombination event and the localization of recombination breakpoints. Thus, the 5' and 3' genomic ends of the Singapore S275/90 strain were inherited from a Djibouti/Cambodia lineage ancestor and an internal fragment located in the envelope/NS1 region originated from an Abidjan lineage ancestor.


3193. Vasconcelos PF.  Luna EJ.  Galler R.  Silva LJ.  Coimbra TL.  Barros VL.  Monath TP.  Rodigues SG.  Laval C.  Costa ZG.  Vilela MF.  Santos CL.  Papaiordanou CM.  Alves VA.  Andrade LD.  Sato HK.  Rosa ES.  Froguas GB.  Lacava E.  Almeida LM.  Cruz AC.  Rocco IM.  Santos RT.  Oliva OF.  Brazilian Yellow Fever Vaccine Evaluation Group. Serious adverse events associated with yellow fever 17DD vaccine in Brazil: a report of two cases. [see comments]. Lancet.  358(9276):91-7, 2001 Jul 14.


 BACKGROUND: The yellow fever vaccine is regarded as one of the safest attenuated virus vaccines, with few side-effects or adverse events. We report the occurrence of two fatal cases of haemorrhagic fever associated with yellow fever 17DD substrain vaccine in Brazil. METHODS: We obtained epidemiological, serological, virological, pathological, immunocytochemical, and molecular biological data on the two cases to determine the cause of the illnesses. FINDINGS: The first case, in a 5-year-old white girl, was characterised by sudden onset of fever accompanied by headache, malaise, and vomiting 3 days after receiving yellow fever and measles-mumps-rubella vaccines. Afterwards she decompensated with icterus and haemorrhagic signs and died after a 5-day illness. The second patient-a 22-year-old black woman-developed a sore throat and fever accompanied by headache, myalgia, nausea, and vomiting 4 days after yellow fever vaccination. She then developed icterus, renal failure, and haemorrhagic diathesis, and died after 6 days of illness. Yellow fever virus was recovered in suckling mice and C6/36 cells from blood in both cases, as well as from fragments of liver, spleen, skin, and heart from the first case and from these and other viscera fragments in case 2. RNA of yellow fever virus was identical to that previously described for 17D genomic sequences. IgM ELISA tests for yellow fever virus were negative in case 1 and positive in case 2; similar tests for dengue, hantaviruses, arenaviruses, Leptospira, and hepatitis viruses A-D were negative. Tissue injuries from both patients were typical of wild-type yellow fever. INTERPRETATION: These serious and hitherto unknown complications of yellow fever vaccination are extremely rare, but the safety of yellow fever 17DD vaccine needs to be reviewed. Host factors, probably idiosyncratic reactions, might have had a substantial contributed to the unexpected outcome.


3194. Wu HC.  Huang YL.  Chao TT.  Jan JT.  Huang JL.  Chiang HY.  King CC.  Shaio MF. Identification of B-cell epitope of dengue virus type 1 and its application in diagnosis of patients. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(3):977-82, 2001 Mar.


Using a serotype-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) of dengue virus type 1 (DEN-1), 15F3-1, we identified the B-cell epitope of DEN-1 from a random peptide library displayed on phage. Fourteen immunopositive phage clones that bound specifically to MAb 15F3-1 were selected. These phage-borne peptides had a consensus motif of HxYaWb (a = S/T, b = K/H/R) that mimicked the sequence HKYSWK, which corresponded to amino acid residues 111 to 116 of the nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) of DEN-1. Among the four synthetic peptides corresponding to amino acid residues 110 to 117 of the NS1 of DEN-1, -2, -3, and -4, only one peptide, EHKYSWKS (P14M) of DEN-1, was found to bind to 15F3-1 specifically. Furthermore, P14M was shown to inhibit the binding of phage particles to 15F3-1 in a competitive inhibition assay. Histidine(111) (His(111)) was crucial to the binding of P14M to 15F3-1, since its binding activity dramatically reduced when it changed to leucine(111) (Leu(111)). This epitope-based peptide demonstrated its clinical diagnostic potential when it reacted with a high degree of specificity with serum samples obtained from both DEN-1-infected rabbits and patients. Based on these observations, our DEN-1 epitope-based serologic test could be useful in laboratory viral diagnosis and in understanding the pathogenesis of DEN-1.


Apr 02

3996.      Barrett AD. Current status of flavivirus vaccines. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:262-71


Although there are approximately 68 flaviviruses recognized, vaccines have been developed to control very few human flavivirus diseases. Licensed live attenuated vaccines have been developed for yellow fever (strain 17D) and Japanese encephalitis (strain SA14-14-2) viruses, and inactivated vaccines have been developed for Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. The yellow fever live attenuated 17D vaccine is one of the most efficacious and safe vaccines developed to date and has been used to immunize more than 300 million people. A number of experimental vaccines are being developed, most notably for dengue. Candidate tetravalent live attenuated dengue vaccines are undergoing clinical trials. Other vaccines are being developed using reverse genetics, DNA vaccines, and recombinant immunogens. In addition, the yellow fever 17D vaccine has been used as a backbone to generate chimeric viruses containing the premembrane and envelope protein genes from other flaviviruses. The "Chimerivax" platform has been used to construct chimeric Japanese encephalitis and dengue viruses that are in different phases of development. Similar strategies are being used by other laboratories.


3997.   Blaney JE Jr, Johnson DH, Firestone CY, Hanson CT, Murphy BR, Whitehead SS. Chemical mutagenesis of dengue virus type 4 yields mutant viruses which are temperature sensitive in vero cells or human liver cells and attenuated in mice. J Virol  2001 Oct;75(20):9731-40


A recombinant live attenuated dengue virus type 4 (DEN4) vaccine candidate, 2ADelta30, was found previously to be generally well tolerated in humans, but a rash and an elevation of liver enzymes in the serum occurred in some vaccinees. 2ADelta30, a non-temperature-sensitive (non-ts) virus, contains a 30-nucleotide deletion (Delta30) in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome. In the present study, chemical mutagenesis of DEN4 was utilized to generate attenuating mutations which may be useful in further attenuation of the 2ADelta30 candidate vaccine. Wild-type DEN4 2A virus was grown in Vero cells in the presence of 5-fluorouracil, and a panel of 1,248 clones were isolated. Twenty ts mutant viruses were identified that were ts in both simian Vero and human liver HuH-7 cells (n = 13) or only in HuH-7 cells (n = 7). Each of the 20 ts mutant viruses possessed an attenuation phenotype, as indicated by restricted replication in the brains of 7-day-old mice. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 20 ts mutant viruses identified nucleotide substitutions in structural and nonstructural genes as well as in the 5' and 3' UTRs, with more than one change occurring, in general, per mutant virus. A ts mutation in the NS3 protein (nucleotide position 4995) was introduced into a recombinant DEN4 virus possessing the Delta30 deletion, thereby creating rDEN4Delta30-4995, a recombinant virus which is ts and more attenuated than rDEN4Delta30 virus in the brains of mice. We are assembling a menu of attenuating mutations that should be useful in generating satisfactorily attenuated recombinant dengue vaccine viruses and in increasing our understanding of the pathogenesis of dengue virus.


3998.   Chang GJ, Davis BS, Hunt AR, Holmes DA, Kuno G. Flavivirus DNA vaccines: current status and potential. Ann N Y Acad Sci  2001 Dec;951:272-85


The use of DNA-based vaccines is a novel and promising immunization approach for the development of flavivirus vaccines. This approach has been attempted in vaccine development for various virus species, including St. Louis encephalitis, Russian spring-summer encephalitis, Central European encephalitis, dengue serotypes 1 and 2, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses. However, very little is known about the factors affecting its efficacy. Recently, we demonstrated that a single intramuscular immunization of DNA vaccine of Japanese encephalitis and West Nile viruses protected mice and horses from virus challenge. Administration of these recombinant plasmid vectors resulted in endogenous expression and secretion of extracellular virus-like particles that correlated well with the induction of protective immunity. These results provided evidence that the virus-like particles composed of premembrane/membrane and envelope proteins are essential for eliciting immune responses similar to those induced by live, attenuated virus vaccines. The biosynthesis and protein processing of premembrane/membrane and envelope proteins that preserve the native conformation and glycosylation profiles identical to virion proteins could be determined by the effectiveness of the transmembrane signal sequence located at the amino-terminus of premembrane protein. The use of DNA vaccines in multivalent and/or combination vaccines designed to immunize against multiple flaviviruses is also a promising area of development.


3999.   Cuzzubbo AJ, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Kalayanarooj S, Vaughn DW, Ogata SA, Clements DE, Devine PL. Use of recombinant envelope proteins for serological diagnosis of Dengue virus infection in an immunochromatographic assay. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2001 Nov;8(6):1150-5


An immunochromatographic test that incorporates recombinant antigens (Dengue Duo Rapid Strip Test; PanBio, Brisbane, Australia) has recently become commercially available. This assay is performed in 15 min and detects both immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG in a capture format. The four recombinant proteins used represent the N-terminal 80% of the viral envelope glycoproteins of dengue viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the recombinant-antigen-based assay were 90 and 86%, respectively. The similar diagnostic performance of these antigens to that of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using whole dengue virus suggests that they mimic whole dengue viruses in primary structure and epitope conformation. These results suggest that recombinant proteins can be used in diagnostic assays for dengue to overcome safety issues associated with the use of whole virus.

4000.   Gomber S, Ramachandra n V G, Satish Kumar, Agarwal K N, Gupta P, Gupta P, Dewan D K: Hematological observation as diagnostic markers in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Indian Pediat 2001, 38(5), 477-81.(015304). Aug 1, 2001.


Determines the utility of certain clinical and hematological parameters as diagnostic markers of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), namely, tourniquet test; association of bleeding manifestations with the platelet count, and “cut off” value of hematocrit diagnostic of DHF in Indian population. The tourniquet test had a low sensitivity and was positive only in 61/239 (25.5)% cases. There was no statistical difference in the incidence of bleeding manifestations between thrombocytopenic and non-thrombocytopenic individuals highlighting poor association of thrombocytopenia with bleeding manifestations. A “cut off” hematocrit value of 36.3% diagnostic of DHF was estimated discriminant  analysis in Indian population. The study highlights tourniquet test as a less sensitive diagnostic marker of DHF, poor association of thrombocytopenia with bleeding manifestations and also defines the hematocrit  value diagnostic of DHF in Indian populations. 14 ref.


4001.   Huang JL, Huang JH, Shyu RH, Teng CW, Lin YL, Kuo MD, Yao CW, Shaio MF. High level expression of recombinant dengue viral NS-1 protein and its potential use as a diagnostic antigen. J Med Virol  2001 Nov;65(3):553-60


The prevalence of NS1 Ab response in patients with dengue viral infection and the potential of using recombinant NS1 protein as a diagnostic antigen for dengue viral infection were investigated. In this study, the full-length and C-terminal half of NS1 proteins (rNS1, rNS1-C) were highly expressed (10-30 mg/l) and further purified and refolded. The good antigenicity of the full-length rNS1 protein was confirmed by interaction with 19 dengue NS1-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in ELISA; however, the antigenicity of rNS1-C was relatively lower. The full-length rNS1 antigen also differentiated reliably between sera from dengue virus-infected patients and sera from normal controls. When rNS1 was used as an antigen to detect human anti-NS1 IgM and IgG Ab, the anti-NS1 Ab response was found in 15 of 17 patients (88%) with primary dengue infection and all 16 patients (100%) with secondary dengue infection. These results indicated that using the full-length rNS1 whose antigenicity is restored as ELISA antigen, a high anti-NS1 antibody prevalence could be detected in patients with either primary or secondary dengue infection. This finding suggested that the anti-NS1 antibody appeared not only in secondary and severe dengue virus infection and might not correlate the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The study also verified that our purified rNS1 protein showed similar immunological properties as native dengue viral proteins. Genetic engineering production of recombinant NS1 antigen could provide a safe and valuable resource for dengue virus serodiagnosis. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


4002.   Openshaw PJ, Culley FJ, Olszewska W. Immunopathogenesis of vaccine-enhanced RSV disease. Vaccine  2001 Oct 15;20 Suppl 1:S27-31


Inducing a strong immune response is an essential aim of vaccination. Although immune responses to virus infections are usually protective, they can also be harmful. The best-documented examples of an immune response increasing disease severity are with dengue, measles and respiratory syncytial virus infections.In the 1960s, administration of formalin-inactivated, tissue culture grown RSV (FI-RSV) was found to induce strong ELISA binding but poor virus-neutralising antibody. Infants given this 'lot 100' vaccine appeared to exhibit an increased rate of RSV infection during subsequent natural RSV outbreaks. Although it has not been possible to exactly delineate the cause of disease enhancement in man, animal models strongly suggest that it was due to strong (and perhaps unbalanced) T cell priming rather than infection-enhancing or sensitising antibody.In animal models, enhanced disease can result from over-exuberant T cell priming which recruits an abundant inflammatory infiltrate in the lung (the nature of which depends on the patterns of cytokines and chemokines produced). Formalin-treated RSV vaccination has been linked specifically to the induction of Th2 cells, which make IL-4 and IL-5 and induce a strong pulmonary eosinophilic response. The vaccine dosing regime and the interval between vaccination and challenge can be critical to the induction of protection or pathology. Defining the correlates of protection and disease enhancement in man is critical to the rational development of effective and protective vaccines against RSV.

4003.   Pea L, Roda L, Moll F. Desmopressin treatment for a case of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 1;33(9):1611-2  No abstract.

4004.   Troyer JM, Hanley KA, Whitehead SS, Strickman D, Karron RA, Durbin AP, Murphy BR. A live attenuated recombinant dengue-4 virus vaccine candidate with restricted capacity for dissemination in mosquitoes and lack of transmission from vaccinees to mosquitoes. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001 Nov;65(5):414-9


2Adelta30 is a live dengue-4 virus vaccine candidate with a 30-nucleotide deletion in its 3'-untranslated region. To assess the transmissibility of 2Adelta30 by mosquitoes, we compared its in vivo replication in mosquitoes with that of its wild type DEN-4 parent. Both the vaccine candidate and wild type virus were equally able to infect the mosquito Toxorhynchites splendens after intrathoracic inoculation. Relative to its wild type parent, 2Adelta30 was slightly restricted in its ability to infect the midgut of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes fed on an artificial blood meal and was even more restricted in its ability to disseminate from the midgut to the salivary glands. Thus, the 30-nucleotide deletion rendered the vaccine candidate more sensitive than its wild type parent to the mosquito midgut escape barrier. Most significantly, 2Adelta30 was not transmitted to 352 Ae. albopictus mosquitoes fed on 10 vaccinees, all of whom were infected with the vaccine candidate.

July 02

4540.   Arora MM; Mishra KB; Nair V; Bhardwaj JR; Bhalwar R; Somani BL. Diagnosing disseminated intravascular coagulation in acute infection : can we do without FDP & D-DIMER Medical Journal Armed Forces India 2002 Jan; 58(1): 13-7


ABSTRACT: Alterations in coagulation profile viz. platelet count, prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time with kaolin (PTTK), thrombin time (TT) and fibrinogen were studied in 96 patients (73 males and 23 females) of acute infections. Fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) level >25miug fibrinogen equivalent unit (FEU)/ml along-with D-dimer >1.0miug FEU/ml was considered criteria for diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Normal values were established using plasma from 12 healthy voluntary blood donors. Out of these 96 patients, 15 had infection with Gram positive bacteria, 23 with Gram negative bacteria and 38 with Dengue. In 20 patients, nature of infection was not defined. Mean platelet count per cubic millimeter was 2.14 lac in Gram positive infection and 1.74 lac in Gram negative infection (p=0.07). There was no significant difference in other coagulation parameters in Gram positive and Gram negative infection. Platelet counts were low in 71 percent of Dengue patients but there was no significant alteration in PT, PTTK and TT. None of the Dengue patients had hypofibrinogenemia or DIC though hyperfibrinogenemia was present in 21 percent of Dengue patients. 20 patients had features of septicemia (Gram +ve 7, Gram-ve 8, undefined 5); 10 had concomitant DIC. DIC was present in additional 4 patients of acute infection without septicemia. PTTK was raised in 60 percent of the septicemia patients. 20 out of 82 non-DIC acute infection patients had subnormal PTTK. Commonest alteration in 14 DIC patients was raised PTTK with a sensitivity of 78.6 percent and specificity of 81.7 percent. Low fibrinogen levels though specific for DIC, were present in only 21.4 percent of the DIC patients. Combinations of PTTK >38 sec with PT>15 sec or platelet count <1.5 lac/mm cube were good screening tests for DIC and detected 11 and 10 patients out of 14 with three and two false positives respectively.


4541.   Cao XT, Ngo TN, Wills B, Kneen R, Nguyen TT, Ta TT, Tran TT, Doan TK, Solomon T, Simpson JA, White NJ, Farrar JJ. Evaluation of the World Health Organization standard tourniquet test and a modified tourniquet test in the diagnosis of dengue infection in Viet Nam. Trop Med Int Health. 2002 Feb;7(2):125-32.


OBJECTIVES: A positive tourniquet test is one of several clinical parameters considered by the World Health Organization to be important in the diagnosis of dengue haemorrhagic fever, but no formal evaluation of the test has been undertaken. As many doctors remain unconvinced of its usefulness, this study was designed to assess the diagnostic utility of both the standard test and a commonly employed modified test. METHODS: A prospective evaluation of the standard sphygmomanometer cuff tourniquet test, compared with a simple elastic cuff tourniquet test, was carried out in 1136 children with suspected dengue infection admitted to a provincial paediatric hospital in southern Viet Nam. RESULTS: There was good agreement between independent observers for both techniques, but the sphygmomanometer method resulted in consistently greater numbers of petechiae. This standard method had a sensitivity of 41.6% for dengue infection, with a specificity of 94.4%, positive predictive value of 98.3% and negative predictive value of 17.3%. The test differentiated poorly between dengue haemorrhagic fever (45% positive) and dengue fever (38% positive). The simple elastic tourniquet was less sensitive than the sphygmomanometer cuff, but at a threshold of 10 petechiae (compared with the WHO recommendation of 20) per 2.5 cm2 the sensitivity for the elastic tourniquet rose to 45% (specificity 85%). Other evidence of bleeding was frequently present and the tourniquet test provided additional information to aid diagnosis in only 5% of cases. CONCLUSION: The conventional tourniquet test adds little to the diagnosis of dengue in hospitalized children. The simple, cheap elastic tourniquet may be useful in diagnosing dengue infection in busy rural health stations in dengue endemic areas of the tropics. A positive test should prompt close observation or early hospital referral, but a negative test does not exclude dengue infection.

4542.   da Fonseca BA, Fonseca SN. Dengue virus infections. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2002 Feb;14(1):67-71. Review.


Dengue is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease of public health significance. Its geographic distribution includes more than 100 countries worldwide, where more than 2.5 billion people are at risk for dengue infections. Most people will have asymptomatic infections, but the disease manifestations range from an influenza-like disease known as dengue fever to a severe, sometimes fatal disease characterized by hemorrhage and shock, known as dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome are caused by the dengue viruses (dengue-1, dengue-2, dengue-3, and dengue-4) transmitted from viremic to susceptible humans mainly by the bites of Aedes aegypti. There is no specific management of dengue infections, no vaccine is commercially available, and vector control is the only alternative for stopping the spread of the disease. Knowledge of several aspects of dengue infections, especially of diagnosis and vaccine development, is continuously evolving, but several issues are still unresolved.

4543.   Gasem MH, Smits HL, Goris MG, Dolmans WM. Evaluation of a simple and rapid dipstick assay for the diagnosis of typhoid fever in Indonesia. J Med Microbiol. 2002 Feb;51(2):173 7.


To support the clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever in Indonesia, where most hospitals and health centres have no facilities for culture, a rapid dipstick assay for the detection of Salmonella typhi-specific IgM antibodies was evaluated on serum samples from 127 patients clinically suspected of having typhoid fever. In a single blood sample collected on admission to hospital, the sensitivity of the dipstick assay was 69.8% when compared with bone marrow culture and 86.5% when compared with blood culture. The specificity as calculated for the group of patients with suspected typhoid fever but a negative culture result was calculated to be 88.9%. Of 80 patients with febrile illnesses other than typhoid fever, reactivity was observed in only three patients with dengue haemorrhagic fever. The assay uses stabilised components that can be stored outside the refrigerator, does not require special equipment, and may be of use in remote health facilities that have no culture facilities.


4544.   Guzman MG, Kouri G. Dengue: an update.Lancet Infect Dis. 2002 Jan;2(1):33-42. Review.


This review is an update of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) based on international and Cuban experience. We describe the virus characteristics and risk factors for dengue and DHF, and compare incidence and the case fatality rates in endemic regions (southeast Asia, western Pacific, and the Americas). The clinical picture and the pathogenesis of the severe disease are explained. We also discuss the viral, individual, and environmental factors that determine severe disease. Much more research is necessary to clarify these mechanisms. Also reviewed are methods for viral isolation and the serological, immunohistochemical, and molecular methods applied in the diagnosis of the disease. We describe the status of vaccine development and emphasise that the only alternative that we have today to control the disease is through control of its vector Aedes aegypti.


4545.   Monath TP, Arroyo J, Levenbook I, Zhang ZX, Catalan J, Draper K, Guirakhoo F. Single mutation in the flavivirus envelope protein hinge region increases neurovirulence for mice and monkeys but decreases viscerotropism for monkeys: relevance to development and safety testing of live, attenuated vaccines. J Virol. 2002 Feb;76(4):1932-43.


A chimeric yellow fever (YF) virus/Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus vaccine (ChimeriVax-JE) was constructed by insertion of the prM-E genes from the attenuated JE virus SA14-14-2 vaccine strain into a full-length cDNA clone of YF 17D virus. Passage in fetal rhesus lung (FRhL) cells led to the emergence of a small-plaque virus containing a single Met-->Lys amino acid mutation at E279, reverting this residue from the SA14-14-2 to the wild-type amino acid. A similar virus was also constructed by site-directed mutagenesis (J. Arroyo, F. Guirakhoo, S. Fenner, Z.-X. Zhang, T. P. Monath, and T. J. Chambers, J. Virol. 75:934-942, 2001). The E279 mutation is located in a beta-sheet in the hinge region of the E protein that is responsible for a pH-dependent conformational change during virus penetration from the endosome into the cytoplasm of the infected cell. In independent transfection-passage studies with FRhL or Vero cells, mutations appeared most frequently in hinge 4 (bounded by amino acids E266 to E284), reflecting genomic instability in this functionally important region. The E279 reversion caused a significant increase in neurovirulence as determined by the 50% lethal dose and survival distribution in suckling mice and by histopathology in rhesus monkeys. Based on sensitivity and comparability of results with those for monkeys, the suckling mouse is an appropriate host for safety testing of flavivirus vaccine candidates for neurotropism. After intracerebral inoculation, the E279 Lys virus was restricted with respect to extraneural replication in monkeys, as viremia and antibody levels (markers of viscerotropism) were significantly reduced compared to those for the E279 Met virus. These results are consistent with the observation that empirically derived vaccines developed by mouse brain passage of dengue and YF viruses have increased neurovirulence for mice but reduced viscerotropism for humans.



Oct 2002

5218.            Bartley LM, Carabin H, Vinh Chau N, Ho V, Luxemburger C, Hien TT, Garnett GP, Farrar J. Assessment of the factors associated with flavivirus seroprevalence in a population in Southern Vietnam. Epidemiol Infect. 2002 Apr;128(2):213-20.


Dengue and Japanese encephalitis flaviviruses cause severe disease and are hyperendemic in southern Vietnam. This study assesses associations between sociodemographic factors and flavivirus seroprevalence in this region. Sera were collected from 308 community and hospital-based subjects between April 1996 and August 1997 and tested with an indirect ELISA. The factors associated with seroprevalence were assessed using multivariate logistic regression. In this first report of adjusted prevalence odds ratios (POR) for flavivirus infection in Vietnam, seropositivity was associated with increasing age in children (multiple regression coefficients for a child compared to an adult = -4.975 and for age in children = 0.354) and residence in the city compared to surrounding rural districts. The association with age indicates that subjects were most likely to have acquired infection in early childhood. This is key to the design of Vietnamese health education and immunization programmes.

5219.            Branch SL, Levett PN. Evaluation of four methods for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to dengue virus. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Jul;6(4):555-7.


Dengue has become hyperendemic in many islands of the Caribbean region. The performance in a diagnostic laboratory of four commercial assays for detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies was evaluated. Sera from 62 patients with dengue virus infection were studied. These included 18 patients from whom dengue virus type 2 was isolated in a 1997 outbreak (specimens collected a mean of 14 days after onset of symptoms), 8 patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (mean time after onset, 11 days), and 36 patients in whom dengue was previously confirmed by serology (mean time after onset, 10 days). Thirty serum specimens from blood donors in a country where dengue is not endemic were used as negative controls. The methods evaluated were two IgM-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (MRL Diagnostics, Cypress, Calif., and PanBio, Queensland, Australia), a dot ELISA dipstick assay (Integrated Diagnostics, Baltimore, Md.), and a rapid immunochromatographic assay for dengue IgG and IgM (PanBio IC). IgG antibodies were also detected by an ELISA method (MRL Diagnostics). The sensitivities of the four assays were as follows: MRL Diagnostics IgM ELISA, 98.4%; PanBio IgM ELISA, 85.5%; Integrated Diagnostics IgM dot ELISA, 96. 8%; and PanBio IC, 83.9%. The specificities of all tests were 100%. Evidence of secondary dengue was found in all patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever and in 83% of the remaining patients. The MRL Diagnostics IgM ELISA appears to be more sensitive than the PanBio IgM ELISA, and this may be significant when IgM titers are low, particularly in patients with secondary dengue infections. The dot ELISA dipstick assay is equally sensitive and may be more appropriate for use in laboratories with lower workloads.


5220.            De Paula SO, Lopes da Fonseca BA. Optimizing dengue diagnosis by RT-PCR in IgM-positive samples: comparison of whole blood, buffy-coat and serum as clinical samples. J Virol Methods. 2002 Apr;102(1-2):113-7.


Dengue, a major public health problem in tropical and sub-tropical regions, is the most important arboviral disease of humans. Early diagnosis is very important on follow-up of infected patients, especially those at risk of the severe manifestations of this disease. Aiming at the improvement of the molecular diagnosis of these infections and due to the lack of studies that indicated the best sample for dengue virus detection by RT-PCR, viral detection by RT-PCR in blood, serum and buffy-coat of 75 IgM-positive serum samples for dengue was evaluated. Out of the 75 samples, 17 were positive for dengue using RT-PCR and from these samples, three were positive in the blood, 14 positive in the serum and eight positive in the buffy-coat. These results indicate that serum is the best clinical sample for RT-PCR amplification of dengue genomes.

5221.            Groen J, Koraka P, Velzing J, Copra C, Osterhaus AD. Evaluation of six immunoassays for detection of dengue virus-specific immunoglobulin M and G antibodies. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2000 Nov;7(6):867-71.


The performance of six commercially available immunoassay systems for the detection of dengue virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies in serum was evaluated. These included two IgM and IgG enzyme immunoassays (EIA) from MRL Laboratories and PanBio, a rapid immunochromatographic test (RIT) from PanBio, immunofluorescence assays (IFA) from Progen, a dot blot assay from Genelabs, and a dipstick EIA from Integrated Diagnostics (INDX). For this study a panel of 132 serum samples, including 90 serum samples from patients with suspected dengue virus infection and 42 serum samples from patients with other viral infections, was used. In addition, serial serum samples from two monkeys experimentally immunized and challenged with dengue virus type 2 were used. Results were considered conclusive when concordant results were obtained with four of the six antibody-specific assays. Based on this definition, the calculated overall agreement for the human serum samples for the respective IgM immunoassays was 97% (128 of 132), with 34% (45 of 132) positive serum samples, 63% (83 of 132) negative samples, and 3% of samples (4 of 132) showing discordant results. The calculated overall agreement for the IgG assays was 94% (124 of 132), with 49% (65 of 132) positive, 45% (59 of 132) negative, and 6% (8 of 132) discordant results, respectively. The sensitivities of the dengue virus-specific assays evaluated varied between 71 and 100% for IgM and between 52 and 100% for IgG, with specificities of 86 to 96% and 81 to 100%, respectively. The relative sensitivities of the respective IgM assays measured with the monkey serum samples were comparable with those obtained with 12 serial serum samples from humans. Overall performance, based on the sum of the agreement, sensitivity, specificity, and Kappa statistics of the IgM and IgG immunoassays, showed that the antibody detection systems from INDX and Genelabs and the MRL and PanBio EIA are useful and reliable assays for dengue virus serodiagnosis.

5222.            Lum LC, Goh AY, Chan PW, El-Amin AL, Lam SK. Risk factors for hemorrhage in severe dengue infections. J Pediatr. 2002 May;140(5):629-31.

The purpose of this study was to identify the early indicators of hemorrhage in severe dengue infections in 114 patients; 24 patients had severe hemorrhage and 92 had no hemorrhage. The platelet counts were not predictive of bleeding. The duration of shock (OR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.13 to 3.92; P =.019) and low-normal hematocrit at the time of shock (OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.95; P =.020) were risk factors of severe hemorrhage.

5223.            Palmer CJ, King SD, Cuadrado RR, Perez E, Baum M, Ager AL. Evaluation of the MRL diagnostics dengue fever virus IgM capture ELISA and the PanBio Rapid Immunochromatographic Test for diagnosis of dengue fever in Jamaica. J Clin Microbiol. 1999 May;37(5):1600-1.


We evaluated two new commercial dengue diagnostic tests, the MRL Diagnostics Dengue Fever Virus IgM Capture ELISA and the PanBio Rapid Immunochromatographic Test, on serum samples collected during a dengue epidemic in Jamaica. The MRL ELISA method correctly identified 98% (78 of 80) of the samples as dengue positive, while the PanBio test identified 100% (80 of 80). Both tests were 100% (20 samples of 20) specific.

5224.            Porter KR, Widjaja S, Lohita HD, Hadiwijaya SH, Maroef CN, Suharyono W, Tan R.  Evaluation of a commercially available immunoglobulin M capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit for diagnosing acute dengue infections. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Sep;6(5):741-4.


Recently, commercially available kits for the detection of anti-dengue virus (anti-DEN) immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies have been developed. These standardized assays have greatly enhanced our ability to effectively diagnose DEN infections. We conducted an evaluation of a test kit manufactured by MRL Diagnostics Inc. that is designed to detect anti-DEN IgM antibodies. Eighty paired samples from DEN-infected individuals were tested by the MRL DEN Fever Virus IgM Capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the PanBio Duo ELISA, the PanBio Rapid Immunochromatographic Test (PRIT), and the IgM-IgG antibody capture (MAC/GAC) ELISA. All infections were confirmed by either PCR-assisted detection of DEN transcripts or by DEN isolation in C6/36 cells. Seventeen paired samples from individuals with no evidence of acute DEN infection were used as negative controls. The PRIT had the best sensitivity (100%), whereas the MAC/GAC ELISA and the PanBio Duo assay had the highest levels of specificity. The MRL ELISA and the PanBio Duo assay were the top performers when taking into consideration both sensitivity and specificity. All assays were able to detect DEN-specific antibodies in samples from patients with either primary or secondary infections, regardless of the infecting DEN serotype.


5225.            Spiegel J, Yassi A, Tate R. Dengue in Cuba: mobilisation against Aedes aegypti. Lancet Infect Dis. 2002 Apr;2(4):207-8. No abstract.

5226.            van Gorp EC, Suharti C, Mairuhu AT, Dolmans WM, van Der Ven J, Demacker PN, van Der Meer JW. Changes in the plasma lipid profile as a potential predictor of clinical outcome in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Apr 15;34(8):1150-3.


In 50 consecutive children admitted to the intensive care unit with the clinical diagnosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)/dengue shock syndrome (grade III or IV), 20 patients with mild DHF (grade I or II), and 20 healthy control patients, the plasma lipid profile was measured. Levels of total plasma cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, and low-density lipoprotein were significantly decreased in patients with the severest cases, compared with patients with mild DHF and healthy controls. Changes in the plasma lipid profile differentiate between patients with different stages of DHF disease severity and could be used as a potential predictor for clinical outcome.

5227.            Vaughn DW, Endy TP. Hospital-based diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis, and hepatitis in Cambodian children. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002 May;8(5):485-9.


Surveillance was conducted for three clinical syndromes (hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis, and hepatitis) in Cambodian children admitted to the National Pediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh from July 1996 through September 1998. Acute- and convalescent-phase sera, and cerebrospinal fluid, when applicable, underwent diagnostic evaluation for infections with Dengue virus (DENV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), and Hepatitis A, B, C, and E viruses. Of 621 children admitted with hemorrhagic fever, 499 (80%) were confirmed to have either primary or secondary DENV infection. DENV rates were as high as 10.6/100 hospital admissions in September 1998. Of 50 children with clinical encephalitis, 9 (18%) had serologic evidence of JEV infection. Forty-four children had clinical hepatitis, most (55%) due to Hepatitis A virus (HAV). One patient had Hepatitis B virus, and no patients had hepatitis C or E. This study identified a large number of children with vaccine-preventable diseases (JEV and HAV).

5228.            Warrilow D, Northill JA, Pyke A, Smith GA. Single rapid TaqMan fluorogenic probe based PCR assay that detects all four dengue serotypes. J Med Virol. 2002 Apr;66(4):524-8.


Public health laboratories require rapid diagnosis of dengue outbreaks for application of measures such as vector control. We have developed a rapid single fluorogenic probe-based polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of all four dengue serotypes (FUDRT-PCR). The method employs primers and probe that are complementary to the evolutionarily conserved 3' untranslated region of the dengue genome. The assay detected viral RNA of strains of all four dengue serotypes but not of the flaviviruses Japanese encephalitis virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Kunjin, Stratford, West Nile, Alfuy or Yellow fever. When compared to an existing nested-PCR assay for the detection of dengue on clinical samples, FUDRT-PCR detected dengue 1 (100%, n=14), dengue 2 (85%, n=13), dengue 3 (64%, n=14) and dengue 4 (100%, n=3) with the indicated sensitivities. FUDRT-PCR enables diagnosis of acute dengue infection in four hours from sample receipt. In addition, a single-test procedure should result in a reduction in the number of tests performed with considerable cost savings for diagnostic laboratories. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

5229.          Wu SJ, Paxton H, Hanson B, Kung CG, Chen TB, Rossi C, Vaughn DW, Murphy GS, Hayes CG.  Comparison of two rapid diagnostic assays for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to dengue virus. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2000 Jan;7(1):106-10.


Two easy-to-use commercial diagnostic assays, a dipstick enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Integrated Diagnostics, Baltimore, Md.) and an immunochromatographic card assay (PanBio, Brisbane, Australia) were evaluated for detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody to dengue virus with an in-house IgM antibody capture microplate ELISA as a reference assay. The dipstick ELISA was based on the indirect-ELISA format using dengue 2 virus as the only antigen and enzyme-labeled goat anti-human IgM antibody as the detector. The total assay time was 75 min. The immunochromatographic card assay was based on the antibody capture format and separately measured both anti-dengue virus IgM and IgG in the same test. Colloidal-gold-labeled anti-dengue virus monoclonal antibody bound with dengue virus 1 to 4 antigen cocktail was the detector, and anti-human IgM and IgG were the capture antibodies. The total assay time was <10 min. Sera from 164 individuals classified as either anti-dengue virus IgM positive (94) or anti-dengue virus IgM negative (70) in the reference microplate ELISA with a dengue virus 1 to 4 antigen cocktail were tested in the two commercial assays. The dipstick ELISA missed 7 of 94 positive samples, for a sensitivity of 92.6%, while the immunochromatographic card assay missed two positive samples, for a sensitivity of 97.9%. Of the 70 negative samples, four were false positive by the dipstick ELISA and two were false positive in the immunochromatographic card assay, resulting in specificities of 94.3 and 97.1%, respectively. Both commercial assays provide sensitive and specific detection of anti-dengue virus IgM antibody and could prove useful in settings where the microplate ELISA is impractical.


5230.            Yamada K, Takasaki T, Nawa M, Kurane I. Virus isolation as one of the diagnostic methods for dengue virus infection. J Clin Virol. 2002 Apr;24(3):203-9.


Virus isolation is the most reliable evidence of infection. In the present study, we isolated virus from serum samples collected from confirmed denguecases. When data were analyzed based on disease days, dengue viruses were isolated from 28 of 32 serum samples collected on disease day 5 or earlier. When analyzed based on fever days, dengue viruses were isolated from all the serum samples collected on fever day -3 or earlier, and from 10 of 13 samples collected on fever days -2 and -1. Viruses were isolated from one each of the serum samples collected on fever days 0, 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Virus was not, however, isolated from those collected on fever day 4 or later. The results of virus isolation and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction were consistent in 78 of 82 serum samples. These results suggest that virus isolation is a useful and sensitive technique for confirmation of dengue virus infection, especially when serum samples are collected before fever subsides.



5231.            Wang WK, Lin SR, Lee CM, King CC, Chang SC. Dengue type 3 virus in plasma is a population of closely related genomes: quasispecies. J Virol. 2002 May;76(9):4662-5.


Using reverse transcription-PCR and clonal sequencing of the dengue virus envelope gene derived from the plasma samples of six patients, we reported for the first time that dengue virus circulates as a population of closely related genomes. The extent of sequence diversity varied among patients, with the mean pairwise proportions of difference ranging from 0.21 to 1.67%. Genome-defective viruses were found in 5.8% of the total number of clones analyzed. Our findings on the quasispecies nature of dengue virus and the defective virus in vivo have implications with regard to the pathogenesis of dengue virus.

Vaccines :


5232. Clarke T. Dengue virus: break-bone fever. Nature  2002 Apr 18;416(6882):672-4 No abstract.


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