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3354.                     Afzal M.  Abbas R.  Frieri M. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in a neutropenic infant with cervical lymphadenitis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(6):616-21, 2001 Jun.

3355.                     Ahuja A.  Ying M.  Yuen YH.  Metreweli C. Power Doppler sonography to differentiate tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy from nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology.  22(4):735-40, 2001 Apr.


  BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Tuberculous lymphadenitis and metastatic nodes from nasopharyngeal carcinoma are common in Asians and are often indistinguishable clinically. Because their treatment depends on prompt diagnosis, we undertook this study to evaluate if power Doppler sonography could distinguish these two pathologic abnormalities. The intranodal vascular appearances of tuberculous neck nodes are compared with benign reactive neck nodes and metastatic nodes from nasopharyngeal carcinoma. METHODS: The appearances of power Doppler sonograms of 42 tuberculous nodes were compared with 28 metastatic nodes from nasopharyngeal carcinoma and 27 benign reactive nodes. The intranodal distribution of vessels and the intranodal vascular resistance of vessels were compared among these three groups. All examinations were performed by the same sonologist (A.A.), who had more than 3 years' scanning experience, and all data analysis was performed by the same investigator (M.Y.). RESULTS: The intranodal vascular distribution in tuberculous nodes was varied and simulated both benign and malignant disease. Avascularity of nodes and displacement of hilar vascularity were frequent in tuberculous nodes. Metastatic nodes from nasopharyngeal carcinoma (resistive index [RI], 0.81+/-0.09; pulsatile index [PI], 1.91+/-0.81) had a higher vascular resistance than did tuberculous nodes (RI, 0.71+/-0.11; PI, 1.34+/-0.55). Tuberculous nodes had a higher vascular resistance than did reactive nodes (RI, 0.66+/-0.09; PI, 1.10+/-0.26). CONCLUSION: Avascularity, displaced hilar vessels, and low intranodal vascular resistance are clues that may suggest the tuberculous nature of neck nodes. However, there is overlap of appearance between tuberculous nodes, benign reactive neck nodes, and metastatic nodes. Thus, histologic analysis is often required for a definitive diagnosis.

3356.                     Asai S.  Miyachi H.  Oshima S.  Kawakami C.  Kubota M.  Ando Y. A scoring system for ultrasonographic differentiation between cervical malignant lymphoma and benign lymphadenitis. Rinsho Byori - Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology.  49(6):613-9, 2001 Jun.


  The purpose of our study is to assess the usefulness of a scoring system for ultrasonography using a high-frequency transducer as a non-invasive examination in the differential diagnosis of cervical malignant lymphoma from benign lymphadenitis. Ultrasonography was performed with a real-time linear scanner using 7.5 and/or 11 MHz probes in 66 patients who were presented with cervical lymphadenopathy and were suspected to have malignant lymphoma. Thereafter, a surgical biopsy was performed for histopathological diagnosis, revealing 49 cases of malignant lymphoma and 17 cases of benign lymphadenitis. Ultrasonographic findings were reviewed retrospectively. The incidence of following ultrasonographic features was found to be significantly higher in malignant lymphoma than in benign lymphadenitis. These were; (1) longitudinal and transverse diameter ratio(L/T) < 2.0, (2) a delineation of multiple nodes, (3) a tendency of fusion, (4) an irregular margin, (5) hypoechoic masses with heterogeneous internal echoes, (6) a presence of line echoes and (7) an absence of hilum. These 7 ultrasonographic features were used in combination for a scoring system to discriminate malignant lymphoma from benign lymphadenitis. When ultrasonographic findings of lymph nodes fulfilled more than 3 of the 7 features, malignant lymphoma was diagnosed with a sensitivity of 98.0% and a specificity of 76.5%. Ultrasonographic evaluation of swollen cervical lymph nodes using a high-frequency transducer would be informative and should be performed prior to a surgical biopsy.

3357.                     Asai S.  Miyachi H.  Suzuki K.  Shimamura K.  Ando Y. Ultrasonographic differentiation between tuberculous lymphadenitis and malignant lymph nodes.  Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.  20(5):533-8, 2001 May.


  OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis versus malignant lymph nodes. METHODS: Ultrasonography of cervical lymph nodes was performed with a real-time linear scanner using a 7.5- or 11-MHz probe or both. Ultrasonographic findings were retrospectively reviewed in 73 patients: 49 with malignant lymphoma, 15 with tuberculous lymphadenitis, and 9 with metastatic lymph nodes. RESULTS: Ultrasonographic features specific to cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis were strong echoes (33.3%) and an echogenic thin layer (86.7%). When the lymph nodes had at least 1 of these 2 features, tuberculous lymphadenitis was diagnosed with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonographic evaluation of cervical lymph nodes can be useful in the diagnosis of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis.

3358.                       Cooper RJ.  Hoffman JR.  Bartlett JG.  Besser RE.  Gonzales R.  Hickner JM.  Sande MA.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Principles of appropriate antibiotic use for acute pharyngitis in adults: background. Annals of Emergency Medicine.  37(6):711-9, 2001 Jun.


  The following principles of appropriate antibiotic use for adults with acute pharyngitis apply to immunocompetent adults without complicated comorbid conditions, such as chronic lung or heart disease, and history of rheumatic fever. They do not apply during known outbreaks of group A streptococcus. 1. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the causal agent in approximately 10% of adult cases of pharyngitis. The large majority of adults with acute pharyngitis have a self-limited illness, for which supportive care only is needed. 2. Antibiotic treatment of adult pharyngitis benefits only those patients with GABHS infection. All patients with pharyngitis should be offered appropriate doses of analgesics and antipyretics, as well as other supportive care. 3. Limit antibiotic prescriptions to patients who are most likely to have GABHS infection. Clinically screen all adult patients with pharyngitis for the presence of the four Centor criteria: history of fever, tonsillar exudates, no cough, and tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy (lymphadenitis). Do not test or treat patients with none or only one of these criteria, since these patients are unlikely to have GABHS infection. For patients with two or more criteria the following strategies are appropriate: (a) Test patients with two, three, or four criteria by using a rapid antigen test, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients with positive test results; (b) test patients with two or three criteria by using a rapid antigen test, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients with positive test results or patients with four criteria; or (c) do not use any diagnostic tests, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients with three or four criteria. 4. Throat cultures are not recommended for the routine primary evaluation of adults with pharyngitis or for confirmation of negative results on rapid antigen tests when the test sensitivity exceeds 80%. Throat cultures may be indicated as part of investigations of outbreaks of GABHS disease, for monitoring the development and spread of antibiotic resistance, or when such pathogens as gonococcus are being considered. 5. The preferred antibiotic for treatment of acute GABHS pharyngitis is penicillin, or erythromycin in a penicillin-allergic patient.

3359.                     Kumar PV.  Moosavi A.  Karimi M.  Safaei A.  Noorani H.  Abdollahi B.  Bedayat GR. Subclassification of localized Leishmania lymphadenitis in fine needle aspiration smears. Acta Cytologica.  45(4):547-54, 2001 Jul-Aug.


  OBJECTIVE: To describe the cytologic findings of localized Leishmania lymphadenitis and discuss the differential diagnosis. STUDY DESIGN: The study group consisted of 133 cases. All of them were diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) study. The ages ranged between 3 and 80 years, 102 were male and 31 female. Seventy lymph nodes were excised. RESULTS: The FNA smears revealed a polymorphic population of cells composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, giant cells, abnormal plasma cells and tingible body macrophages. Leishman-Donovan (LD) bodies were identified in all cases, but their number differed from case to case. Granulomas, dendritic cells, mast cells and lymphoglandular bodies were identified in a substantial number of cases. Depending upon the presence of characteristic cytologic findings, the cases were divided into five major groups: acute inflammation with giant cells, histiocytic granulomas, epithelioid cell granulomas, plasma cell type and mixed histioplasmacytic type. CONCLUSION: Leishmaniasis is an uncommon cause of cervical lymphadenitis but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained lymphadenopathy in endemic countries. Demonstration of LD bodies is necessary for the diagnosis of this self-limited condition, for which no treatment is required.

3360.                      Nambiar S.  Chandra RS.  Schwartz RH.  Jantausch BA. Seven-year-old Indian girl with fever and cervical lymphadenitis. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease.  Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.  20(4):464-5, 469, 2001 Apr.

3361.                      Robinson AJ.  Horne CA.  Weaver A. Coexistence of axillary tuberculous lymphadenitis with lymph node metastases from a breast carcinoma. Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists).  13(2):144, 2001.

3362.                     Singh M.  Wu E.  Shroyer KR.  Macrophage-rich reaction in lymph nodes as a mimic of metastatic renal cell carcinoma on fine needle aspiration. A case report. Acta Cytologica.  45(3):454-8, 2001 May-Jun.


  BACKGROUND: Renal cell carcinomas have a high metastatic potential. Many of them are occult at initial presentation and mimic a primary neoplasm of the metastatic site. However, not all lymph node enlargements in a patient with a history of renal cell carcinoma are due to metastasis. Foamy macrophages can mimic metastatic renal cell carcinoma cells. CASE: A 60-year-old male with a known diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma of clear cell type developed enlarged neck nodes 44 months after the diagnosis. These were aspirated to yield cystic fluid that, on smears, showed numerous clear cells with low nuclear grade. Immunohistochemical stains revealed these cells to be foamy macrophages (CD68 immunoreactive) and not metastatic renal cell carcinoma, as had been suspected on initial examination of Diff-Quik and Papanicolaou-stained smears. CONCLUSION: Immunohistochemistry is a valuable adjunct in avoiding a false diagnosis of metastatic carcinoma in macrophage-rich nodal reactions in patients with a history of renal cell carcinoma.


4120.      Brown HM, Abbitt PL, Wilkinson EJ. Diagnosis of clinically unsuspected extrapulmonary tuberculosis by fine needle aspiration: a case report. Acta Cytol  2001 Nov-Dec;45(6):1032-6


BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb) infection remains the cause of higher morbidity and mortality than any other infectious disease in the world. Intact cellular immunity is necessary to resist the disease, and therefore the AIDS epidemic has greatly contributed to the resurgence of MTb. Depending on the degree of immunosuppression, the presentation of MTb in patients with AIDS can be atypical and difficult to diagnose as compared to the classical presentation of MTb in the nonimmunocompromised population. CASE: A patient who was not known to be HIV positive had a clinical picture of extensive abdominal and pelvic lymphadenopathy without chest radiographic abnormalities. The diagnosis of MTb was made by fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a pelvic lymph node. CONCLUSION: Miliary tuberculosis associated with AIDS may have an unusual clinical presentation and unusual cytologic features on ENA.

4121.      Emir S, Gogus S, Guler E, Buyukpamukcu M. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis) confused with lymphoma in a child. Med Pediatr Oncol  2001 Dec;37(6):546-8  No abstract.

4122.      Haimi-Cohen Y, Zeharia A, Mimouni M, Soukhman M, Amir J. Skin indurations in response to tuberculin testing in patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Nov 15;33(10):1786-8


Mantoux results were examined for 29 children with culture-proven nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis, and 4 species were isolated: Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (from 14 patients [48%]), Mycobacterium haemophilum (from 12 [41%]), Mycobacterium simiae (from 2 [7%]), and Mycobacterium scrofulaceum (from 1 [3%]); the median indurations for each species were 15.5 mm, 14.5 mm, 20 mm, and 23 mm, respectively, and in 17 cases (59%), they were > or =15 mm. In regions with a low incidence of tuberculosis, lymphadenitis thought to be due to nontuberculous mycobacteria should be managed as such, regardless of Mantoux results, thereby avoiding antituberculosis treatment.


4123.      Haq I, Moss K, Morris VH. Myalgia with  lymphadenopathy. J R Soc Med  2001 Oct;94(10):521-2  No abstract.

4124.      Kamble M, Prajapati N C: Congenital lymphedema. Indian Pediat 2001, 38(3), 304.(013188) July1, 2001. No abstract.

4125.      Kvaerner KJ, Kvestad E, Orth M. Surgery required to verify atypical mycobacterial infections. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol  2001 Nov 1;61(2):121-8


To estimate the incidence and distribution of nontuberculuous mycobacterial surgery, a retrospective case record study of 42 children operated for cervicofacial atypical mycobacterial infections in Oslo from 1990 to 2000 was performed. Mean age at diagnosis was 41 months and mean duration of the disease was 40 weeks from symptom onset to remission. All presented with localized and unilateral disease without increased hematological parameters. The majority of children had one lesion localized in the submandibular region characterized by changes in the overlying skin color, but without necrosis or fistula formation. Children below three significantly more often presented with only one lesion and the referring physician more frequently suspected neoplasm and bacterial adenitis than reactive adenopathy in this group. Compared to older children, there was a tendency for shorter symptom duration prior to outpatient treatment (mean 4 and 13 weeks for children up to 3 and above 3 years, respectively, t=-1.6, P=0.11). Furthermore, mycobacterial cultures and histopathology from surgical specimens was needed to diagnose the disease correctly. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was unsuccessful in 27% (n=8) of the patients, due to non-cooperative patients (n=2) or inconclusive material (n=6), and mycobacterial growth was not obtained in any of the samples. Intradermal mycobacteria skin testing yielded 29% (n=10) false negatives. Although mycobacteria was correctly diagnosed in the remaining patients, correct specimen was found in only 31% (n=11) of the 25 cases.


4126.      Labalette P, Bermond D, Dedes V, Savage C. Cat-scratch disease neuroretinitis diagnosed by a polymerase chain reaction approach. Am J Ophthalmol  2001 Oct;132(4):575-6


PURPOSE: To assess the value of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease neuroretinitis without conclusive serology. METHODS: Interventional case report. A 13-year-old girl developed a right neuroretinitis 2 months after a cat scratch. Despite the lack of accompanying features, an infection by Bartonella henselae was suspected and a systemic check-up was performed. RESULTS: Serologic results excluded other proposed origins but were insufficient in making the diagnosis because of low B. henselae specific IgG level in serum. A polymerase chain reaction analysis for B. henselae DNA in a small axillary lymphadenopathy aspirate enabled us to achieve a definitive diagnosis of cat-scratch disease. CONCLUSION: Polymerase chain reaction is a valuable method of diagnosing cat-scratch disease when serology is considered negative or borderline.


4127.      Lui SL, Tang S, Li FK, Choy BY, Chan TM, Lo WK, Lai KN. Tuberculosis infection in Chinese patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis  2001 Nov;38(5):1055-60


A retrospective study of the prevalence and pattern of tuberculosis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) was performed. Thirty-eight cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed among 790 patients (18 men, 20 women; mean age, 58 +/- 12.6 years) between July 1994 and June 2000. The interval between the initiation of CAPD and onset of tuberculosis ranged from 1 to 168 months (median, 22 months). There were 18 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 14 cases of tuberculous peritonitis, 5 cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis, and 1 case of tuberculous synovitis. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis usually presented with fever, constitutional symptoms, and pleural effusion or pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph. Abdominal pain and turbid dialysate were the main presenting symptoms in patients with tuberculous peritonitis. Diagnosis was established by positive culture in 20 patients, typical histological characteristics on a tissue biopsy specimen in 10 patients, and response to empirical antituberculous treatment in 8 patients. The duration of symptoms before the diagnosis of tuberculosis and initiation of antituberculous treatment ranged from 7 to 57 days (median, 30 days). Antituberculous treatment consisted of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ofloxacin for 9 to 15 months. Antituberculous treatment generally was well tolerated. Twenty-seven patients (71%) completed antituberculous treatment. No recurrence of tuberculosis was observed after a mean follow-up of 19.8 months. Eleven patients (29%) died while on antituberculous treatment; none of the deaths appeared to be directly caused by tuberculosis. We conclude that: (1) tuberculosis is prevalent among CAPD patients in our locality; (2) extrapulmonary tuberculosis, particularly tuberculous peritonitis, is common; and (3) a high index of suspicion for tuberculosis among CAPD patients is warranted to ensure early diagnosis and prompt initiation of treatment.


4128.      Mallik MK, Das DK, Haji BE. Fine needle aspiration cytology diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a 6-month-old child: a case report. Acta Cytol  2001 Nov-Dec;45(6):1005-7


BACKGROUND: Skin biopsy and scrape smear examination are the two most commonly employed investigatory techniques in the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Although cases Leishmania lymphadenitis are reliably diagnosed with fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology, it has not attained popularity in the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis, and only a few reports are available. CASE: A 6-month-old Kuwaiti child presented with a skin lesion on her left forearm of five months' duration. Both scrape smears and FNA were performed from the lesion. FNA cytology smears showed a rich population of inflammatory cells predominating in lymphocytes and histiocytes and epithelioid cell granulomas. The amastigote forms of Leishmania were noted on the smears. The scrape smears were nondiagnostic. CONCLUSION: FNA cytology can be reliably used in the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis, especially in dry lesions, where scrape smears are likely to be nondiagnostic.

4129.      Patel DA. The supratrochlear lymph nodes: their diagnostic significance in a swollen elbow joint. Ann R Coll Surg Engl  2001 Nov;83(6):425-6


In the differential diagnosis of a swollen elbow, the palpation of the

supratrochlear glands is useful. They are not enlarged in a traumatic elbow joint. They are enlarged, discrete and shotty in rheumatoid arthritis. In tuberculosis, they are enlarged, matted and they may caseate and form a cold abscess on the medial aspect of the supratrochlear region of the arm.


4130.      Riklis I, Ephros M, Slater L. Enzyme immunoassay for the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease defined by polymerase chain reaction. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Dec 1;33(11):1852-8

Whole-cell immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) tests for detection of anti-Bartonella henselae immunoglobulin (Ig) G are commonly used to diagnose cat-scratch disease (CSD). The need to cultivate B. henselae in Vero cells for antigen preparation and the absence of routinely applied IFA assays for IgM constitute the major disadvantages of this form of test. We describe the results of an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for IgM and IgG that used N-lauroyl-sarcosine-insoluble outer membrane antigens from agar-grown B. henselae performed in 84 patients with definite CSD (regional lymphadenitis, cat contact, and > or =1 confirmatory test: polymerase chain reaction, skin test, or B. henselae culture). Although this method has been used as a diagnostic tool in several case reports, it has not previously been evaluated in a large study of definitively proven CSD cases. Results of this study indicate that the EIA described herein can play an important role in the serodiagnosis of CSD, although improvement of the sensitivity, particularly that of the IgM, would be desirable.


4131.      Tong TR, Chan OW, Lee KC. Diagnosing Kikuchi disease on fine needle aspiration biopsy: a retrospective study of 44 cases diagnosed by cytology and 8 by histopathology. Acta Cytol  2001 Nov-Dec;45(6):953-7


OBJECTIVE: To study the accuracy of fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis of Kikuchi lymphadenitis (KL). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of all cases of FNA biopsy of lymph nodes in which KL was diagnosed or suggested. False positive cases were studied. Cases of KL diagnosed by histopathology were examined for the false negative rate of FNA diagnosis. RESULTS: Forty-four cases of KL diagnosed or suggested by FNA were found. Five of eight cases were confirmed on lymph node excision. The false positive rate was 37.5%. One case was nonspecific reactive changes. Two cases were proven to be tuberculous lymphadenitis by culture. Eight cases of KL diagnosed by lymph node excisional biopsy had prior FNA. Four were diagnosed as or suspected to be KL. The false negative rate was 50%. CONCLUSION: The overall accuracy of FNA diagnosis of KL was 56.25%. Detailed study offalse positive cases and knowledge of other conditions suggested that overreliance on certain cytologic features and the morphologic erlap between KL and tuberculous lymphadenitis could have been the reasons for the inaccuracies.


July 02

4706.               Akhan O, Pringot J.  Imaging of abdominal tuberculosis. Eur Radiol. 2002 Feb;12(2):312-23. Review.


The concept of "abdominal tuberculosis" in this review refers to peritoneum and its reflections, gastrointestinal tract, abdominal lymphatic system, and solid visceral organs, as they are subject to varying degrees of involvement alone or in combination. Some features, including free or loculated ascites with thin-mobile septa, smooth peritoneal thickening and enhancement, misty mesentery with large lymph nodes, smudged omental involvement, and advanced ileocecal changes demonstrated by US, CT, or gastrointestinal series are deemed suggestive radiological findings. The diagnosis still requires a high index of suspicion, once the suggestive features have been demonstrated by imaging modalities.


4707.               Chao SS, Loh KS, Tan KK, Chong SM.  Tuberculous and nontuberculous cervical lymphadenitis: a clinical review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002 Feb;126(2):176-9.


OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to identify differences in clinical characteristics between patients with tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis and those with nontuberculous cervical lymphadenitis and to determine the diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Seventy-two patients with inflammatory cervical lymphadenitis were studied retrospectively. They were divided into 2 groups: group 1 consisted of those with tuberculous lymphadenitis and group 2 consisted of those with non-tuberculous lymphadenitis. The demographic characteristics, clinical parameters, and hematological and cytological results of the 2 groups were compared. RESULTS: Other than there being a significantly higher proportion of foreign-born patients in group 1, there were no differences in clinical characteristics between the 2 groups. The sensitivity and specificity of FNA cytology in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis were 88% and 96%, respectively. CONCLUSION: It is difficult to clinically differentiate tuberculous from nontuberculous lymphadenitis. FNA cytology is useful in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. SIGNIFICANCE: In regions where tuberculosis is endemic, treatment can be instituted without the need for excisional biopsy if the FNA results show characteristic caseating granuloma.

4708.               Kodaira T, Fuwa N, Kamata M, Furutani K, Kuzuya K, Ogawa K, Toita T, Sasaoka M, Nomoto Y.  Clinical assessment by MRI for patients with stage II cervical carcinoma treated by radiation alone in multicenter analysis: are all patients with stage II disease suitable candidates for chemoradiotherapy? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2002 Mar 1;52(3):627-36.


PURPOSE: From recent randomized trials, patients with Stage II cervical carcinoma are thought to be candidates for chemoradiotherapy. To refine the strategy for Stage II patients, we performed a retrospective multi-institutional analysis using MRI. METHODS AND MATERIALS: From three institutions, 84 patients with Stage II cancer diagnosed by MRI were entered into the study. All patients received intracavitary brachytherapy with (n = 83) or without (n = 1) external beam radiotherapy. Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed to identify the prognostic factors for overall survival (OAS), disease-free survival (DFS), pelvic control (PC), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS). RESULTS: The 5-year DFS rate of patients with maximal tumor size (D(max)) > or =50 mm (46.2%) was significantly lower than that for patients with D(max) <50 mm (88.0%; p <0.0001). Large size or volume and lymph node swelling were also significant prognostic factors of OAS, DFS, PC, and DMFS. In the multivariate model, size or volume was a significant prognostic factor of OAS, DFS, PC, and DMFS, and lymph node swelling was a prognostic factor for DFS, PC, and DMFS. Using these two prognostic factors, patients were divided into 3 subgroups. The 5-year DFS rate of patients with risk 0 (D(max) <50 mm and negative lymph node swelling), 1 (D(max) > or =50 mm or positive lymph node swelling), and 2 (D(max) > or =50 mm and positive lymph nodes) was 93.2%, 53.3%, and 25.0%, respectively (p <0.0001). CONCLUSION: In this stage-limiting analysis, we clarified the stratification according to clinical risk with the aid of MRI. For patients with low-risk factors, especially for elderly patients, radiation alone would probability be a feasible option. In the future, a randomized trial using criteria with MRI would help to identify the optimal strategy for patients with Stage II disease.



4709.               Mohanty SK, Arora R, Saha M.  Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: an overview. J Dermatol. 2002 Jan;29(1):10-4. Review. No abstract.

4710.               Satyanarayana S; Kalghatgi AT; Muralidhar A; Prasad RS; Jawed KZ; Trehan A. Fine needle aspiration cytology of lymph nodes in HIV infected patients Medical Journal Armed Forces India 2002 Jan; 58(1): 33-7.


ABSTRACT: Lymphadenopathy is the commonest presentation in HIV positive individuals. Fine needle aspiration cytology of 196 HIV positive patients was studied during six monthly review. 75 percent paients in this study who were asymptomatic were detected to have lymphadenopathy during the surveillance. 82 percent had lymph nodes smaller than 1 cm size. Lymphadenopathy at more than one site was observed in 46.8 percent cases. Commonest opportunistic infection noticed was tuberculosis (TB) in 34.2 percent. Cyto-morphologically reactive pattern with Acid fast bacilli (AFB) positivity was observed in 16.4 percent of TB cases. In 2.9 percent cases AFB were detected even in the tissue fluid. Negative images of AFB were observed in the macrophages in 3 cases. TB was detected with equal frequency in both asymptomatic and symptomatic groups. Axillary nodes pose problem due to deeper location. False positives were a case of dermatopathic lymphadenopathy and a case of Kimura's disease. False negatives include two cases of TB lymphadenitis. Pathogens should be looked for irrespective of cyto-morphology. Biopsy should be done to confirm cases of lymphomas. Fine needle aspiration cytology should be included in the protocol of six monthly review of HIV infected cases.


4711.               Shenoy R, Kapadi SN, Pai KP, Kini H, Mallya S, Khadilkar UN, Prabha A.  Fine needle aspiration diagnosis in HIV-related lymphadenopathy in Mangalore, India. Acta Cytol. 2002 Jan-Feb;46(1):35-9.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of fine needle aspiration (FNA) study of lymph nodes in HIV-positive patients. STUDY DESIGN: The study was conducted at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India. Samples from lymph nodes of 48 HIV-positive patients were taken and air dried, and wet smears were made. After staining with routine cytologic stains and special stains, detailed cytomorphologic study was conducted. RESULTS: Tuberculosis accounted for nearly half (48%) the cases,followed by HIV lymphadenitis (36%), lymphoma (10%), suppurative lymphadenitis (2%), Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare lymphadenitis (2%) and metastases (2%), in descending order of their frequency. A suppurative picture, which was found in 13% of cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis in AIDS patients, occasionally was misleading without the help of acid fast bacilli stain. CONCLUSION: FNA is a useful tool in the diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in HIV-positive patients provided that proper safety measures are taken to avoid contracting the infection.


4712.               Sridhar CB, Kini U, Subhash K.  Comparative cytological study of lymph node tuberculosis in HIV-infected individuals and in patients with diabetes in a developing country. Diagn Cytopathol. 2002 Feb;26(2):75-80.


Tuberculosis (TB) is a common infection affecting patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and diabetes mellitus (DM). With the increasing incidence of HIV infection and DM in a developing country like India, TB is definitely on the rise. In a given population, one expects to see these three diseases in varying combinations, such as HIV and TB, DM and TB, HIV and DM with TB. In such combinations TB may lack the characteristic clinical and histological picture due to the associated depressed cell-mediated immunity seen in both diseases and TB may have an unusual clinical presentation and cytology picture. In this retrospective study of 36 months, from January 1997 to December 1999, 109 cases diagnosed cytologically as tuberculous lymphadenitis and tested for HIV infection and investigated as well for DM were selected. Forty-six (42%) were nondiabetic HIV patients, 13 (12%) were non-HIV DM patients, and 50 (46%) had TB without HIV infection or DM. The coexistence of both HIV and DM was not noted. The cytomorphological characteristics supplemented by culture studies of each of these three groups were compared in detail and based on these four cytological patterns, Pattern 1, Pattern 2, Pattern 3, and Pattern 4 emerged and were characterized. This study highlights the usefulness of cytomorphology of the lymph nodes to characterize the cytopathological profile of TB in both HIV and DM, which have many clinical and immunological similarities, and indirectly postulate the extent of immune suppression and evolve effective strategies in the management of coexisting diseases. Such a comparative study has not been carried out in the past.


4713.               Turnbull FM, McIntyre PB, Achat HM, Wang H, Stapledon R, Gold M, Burgess MA. National study of adverse reactions after vaccination with bacille Calmette-Guerin. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Feb 15;34(4):447-53.


Few large prospective studies of adverse reactions after bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination are available. In a prospective national study of such adverse reactions among 918 subjects (aged 1 day to 54 years) over a 14-month period, 45 vaccinees (5%) reported 53 adverse reactions (23 injection-site abscesses, 14 severe local reactions, 10 cases of lymphadenitis, and 6 other reactions). Only 1% of vaccinees required medical attention. Reactions, particularly lymphadenitis, were significantly less common in infants <6 months old (but not in subjects aged > or =6 months) vaccinated by trained (vs. untrained) providers (relative risk [RR], 0.24; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.09-0.68). Injection-site abscesses (RR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.11-7.90) and severe local reactions (RR, 4.93; 95% CI, 1.11-21.90) were significantly more common in older vaccinees. Local reactions were more frequently reported by adult females than by adult males (RR, 7.18; 95% CI, 1.59-32.45). Adverse reactions were not significantly associated with any currently available vaccine batch, previous receipt of BCG vaccine, or concomitant administration of other vaccines.


Oct 2002

5482.               Al-Nazer MA, Al-Hadad AM, Al-Aithan SA, Al-Salem AH, Al-Faraj AA, Al-Saeed HH. Kukuchi-Fujimito disease. Saudi Med J. 2002 Apr;23(4):405-8.


OBJECTIVE: Kukuchi-Fujimito disease is a rare, benign and self limiting condition, which usually presents with lymphadenopathy or fever of an unknown etiology, or both. Its rarity, as well as the similarity of its clinical features to other more common conditions, contribute to overlooking it in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with lymphadenopathy or fever of an unknown etiology. METHODS: The study was carried out at Qatif Central Hospital, Qatif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All lymph node excisional biopsies received in the histopathology laboratory between 1989 and 1999 were evaluated and those diagnosed as Kukuchi-Fujimito disease were reviewed for clinical data and histological findings. RESULTS: A total of 6 cases were diagnosed as Kukuchi-Fujimito disease out of 390 lymph node biopsies. All patients were young with an average age of 21.5 years and equal sex distribution. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes with or without fever were the most familiar presenting symptoms. Anemia and leukopenia were observed in 3 patients. There was no recurrence of the lymphadenopathy over a period of 1-12 years follow up. CONCLUSION: Kukuchi-Fujimito disease although rare should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with lymphadenopathy as well as fever of an unknown origin. To obviate unnecessary investigations and therapeutic trials, these patients should undergo early lymph node biopsy which must be interpreted by an experienced pathologist.


5483.               Baumgartner BJ, Helling ER. Kikuchi's disease: a case report and review of the literature. Ear Nose Throat J. 2002 May;81(5):331-5.


Kikuchi's disease is a necrotizing lymphadenitis that is prevalent in Asia and is being increasingly recognized in other areas of the world. It usually occurs in women in their late 20s or early 30s and manifests as a posterior cervical adenopathy. It resolves spontaneously, usually over a period of several weeks to 6 months. Its initial clinical appearance is commonly similar to that of a lymphoma, and it can be pathologically misdiagnosed as such. Kikuchi's disease might be associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. We report a case of Kikuchi's disease that occurred in a 36-year-old Asian woman. We discuss the clinical features, differential diagnosis, radiographic evaluation, and pathology of this case, and we review the literature in an effort to assist otolaryngologists in diagnosing this benign and uncommon entity.


5484.               Das PK, Ramaiah KD, Augustin DJ, Kumar A. Towards elimination of lymphatic filariasis in India. Trends Parasitol. 2001; 17(10), 457-60. Global initiatives to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public heath problem by the year 2020 have generated a great deal of debate in India, the largest endemic country. This had led to shift in the focus from control to elimination of the disease. Although the campaign to eliminate filariasis has begun, much more needs of elimination of lymphatic filariasis. Discusses the current scenario recent research results, logistics and the prospectus of eliminating lymphatic. 22 ref.

5485.               Ege G, Akman H, Cakiroglu G. Mesenteric panniculitis associated with abdominal tuberculous lymphadenitis: a case report and review of the literature. Br J Radiol. 2002 Apr;75(892):378-80. Review.


Mesenteric panniculitis is a rare disease characterized by chronic non-specific inflammation of the mesenteric adipose tissue. The specific aetiology of the disease is previously unknown. A case diagnosed as mesenteric panniculitis is presented. The cause was biopsy-proved abdominal tuberculous lymphadenitis. To our knowledge, mesenteric panniculitis associated with tuberculosis infection has not been reported previously in the literature. Thus, we would like to present the first case and describe CT features of the disease.

5486.               Galanakis E, Papadakis CE, Giannoussi E, Karatzanis AD, Bitsori M, Helidonis ES. PFAPA syndrome in children evaluated for tonsillectomy. Arch Dis Child. 2002 Jun;86(6):434-5.


Among 40 children undergoing tonsillectomy for recurrent pharyngitis, 15 (37.5%) had presented preoperatively with complaints compatible with PFAPA syndrome. All 15 had had periodic fever every three to four weeks and pharyngitis; 12 (80%) had cervical adenitis and five (33%) aphthous stomatitis. All children had been well between episodes and showed a dramatic postoperative improvement. PFAPA syndrome is not uncommon among children having tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomy is curative in most of these patients.

5487.               Geldmacher H, Taube C, Kroeger C, Magnussen H, Kirsten DK. Assessment of lymph node tuberculosis in northern Germany: a clinical review. Chest  2002 Apr;121(4):1177-82


AIM OF STUDY: To evaluate patient profiles, diagnostic approaches, and treatment strategies in patients with lymph node tuberculosis. METHODS: Demographic data, diagnostic findings, and therapies were retrospectively analyzed in 60 patients with lymph node tuberculosis who were hospitalized between 1992 and 1999. RESULTS: Thirty percent (n = 18) of patients were natives, and 70% were immigrants (n = 42). The cervical lymph nodes were most frequently involved (63.3%), followed by the mediastinal lymph nodes (26.7%) and the axillary lymph nodes (8.3%). All patients (except one patient who was HIV-positive) showed a positive response to tuberculin skin testing. Lymph node excision and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) were similarly effective in obtaining sufficient material for histologic and microbiological analysis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified in 43.3% of patients by microbiological testing, and culture methods showed the highest sensitivity. Despite standard treatment, the initial enlargement of the lymph nodes occurred in 20% of patients and local complications occurred in 10%. CONCLUSION: Lymph node tuberculosis is still an important issue in developed countries and has to be considered in differential diagnosis. The best approach appears to be a combination of skin testing and FNA. Negative results in the identification of M tuberculosis do not exclude the diagnosis of lymph node tuberculosis.


5488.               Graham LE. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease and peripheral arthritis: a first! Ann Rheum Dis. 2002 May;61(5):475.  No abstract.

5489.               Gupta AK, Reddy CEE, Banerjee AK, Pandhi V, Parashar A. Kikuchi’s disease mimicking lymphoma. Indian J Otolar Head Neck Surg. 2001; 53(2), 133-4. Kikuchi’s disease or histiocytic necrotizing lymphadinitis is an uncommon cause of cervical lymphadenopathy. Clinically it resembles tuberculosis or lymphoma. Although, this condition is well known to the pathologists, few ENT surgeons are aware of this entity. 


5490.               Morimura Y, Okada AA, Kawahara S, Miyamoto Y, Kawai S, Hirakata A, Hida T. Tuberculin skin testing in uveitis patients and treatment of presumed intraocular tuberculosis in Japan. Ophthalmology  2002 May;109(5):851-7


PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of tuberculin skin testing in Japanese patients with intraocular inflammation and to assess the outcome of treatment for presumed intraocular tuberculosis in selected patients. DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative, interventional case series. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred twenty-six patients, newly referred to the Ocular Inflammation Service at the Kyorin Eye Center from April 1998 to August 2000, underwent systemic evaluation for the diagnosis and/or treatment of uveitis. METHODS: Tuberculin skin testing with purified protein derivative was performed as part of the systemic evaluation. The diagnosis of presumed intraocular tuberculosis was made when findings were consistent with possible intraocular tuberculosis, the tuberculin skin test was positive (induration more than 10 mm), and no other cause of uveitis was suggested by symptoms, signs, or ancillary testing. Using these criteria, 10 patients were given a diagnosis of presumed intraocular tuberculosis and treated with antituberculosis therapy consisting of isoniazid, with or without rifampicin. Some of these patients also received a tapered course of oral corticosteroids after the initiation of antituberculosis treatment. None of the patients had any signs or symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Visual acuity and ophthalmologic examination to assess degree of intraocular inflammation. RESULTS: Twenty-six of the 126 patients (20.6%) had a positive tuberculin skin test result. Ten of these 26 patients (38.5%) were treated for a diagnosis of presumed intraocular tuberculosis. Nine patients had no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, and one patient had presumed tuberculous hilar lymphadenitis. The predominant clinical finding was choroidal or optic disc nodule in three patients, retinal vasculitis in three patients, and choroiditis in four patients. Nine patients exhibited decreased intraocular inflammation with treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Roughly one fifth of the uveitis patients who underwent systemic evaluation had a positive tuberculin skin test result, and 9 of 10 selected skin test-positive patients with clinical findings consistent with intraocular tuberculosis had a favorable response to antituberculosis therapy. These results suggest that intraocular tuberculosis continues to be a major diagnostic consideration for uveitis patients in Japan.

5491.               Suri VS, Sakhuja P, Malhotra V, Gondal R, Singh S, Sidhu N. Co-existent tuberculosis and papillary carcinoma thyroid. Trop Doct. 2002 Apr;32(2):118. No abstract.

5492.               Tashiro N, Matsubara T, Uchida M, Katayama K, Ichiyama T, Furukawa S. Ultrasonographic evaluation of cervical lymph nodes in Kawasaki disease. Pediatrics. 2002 May;109(5):E77-7.


OBJECTIVE: Kawasaki disease (KD) is one of the common causes of cervical lymphadenopathy during early childhood. The purpose of this study was to compare the ultrasonographic feature of cervical lymph nodes in patients with KD, bacterial lymphadenitis, and infectious mononucleosis. DESIGN: We studied 22 patients with KD, 8 with presumed bacterial lymphadenitis, and 5 with Epstein-Barr virus infectious mononucleosis. We examined the cervical nodes by ultrasonography using a 7.5-MHz or 10-MHz transducer of a B-mode sector scanner in all patients with a chief complaint of fever and a visible cervical mass during a fixed time interval (July 1995-March 2000). RESULTS: In KD patients, transverse ultrasonograms demonstrated multiple hypoechoic-enlarged nodes forming one palpable mass, which resembled a cluster of grapes. The ultrasonographic appearance of these nodes was similar in patients with acute Epstein-Barr virus infection, but differed from the pattern in presumed bacterial lymphadenitis. Five KD patients had had fever and cervical lymphadenopathy for several days before other manifestations of KD were noted. In these patients, it was possible to differentiate by ultrasonography between KD and presumed bacterial lymphadenitis at an early stage. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonographic features of cervical lymph nodes were different for KD than for presumed bacterial lymphadenitis. Ultrasonographic evaluation might be of value for diagnosis of KD patients with cervical lymphadenopathy at an early stage of the disease.


5493.               Gong G, Lee H, Kang GH, Shim YH, Huh J, Khang SK. Nested PCR for diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis and PCR-SSCP for identification of rifampicin resistance in fine-needle aspirates. Diagn Cytopathol. 2002 Apr;26(4):228-31.


An accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis and multidrug resistance is important for the control of tuberculosis, which remains a major public health problem. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has provided an alternative tool for bacterial examination. This study was performed to investigate the usefulness of one-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-SSCP as a routine test for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampicin-resistant strain in FNA. Ziehl-Neelsen stain (Z-N) and PCR were processed using the aspirates of tuberculous lymphadenitis for the detection of M. tuberculosis. PCR-SSCP was done for the identification of rpoB mutation. M. tuberculosis was detected in 49/63 (77.8%) by PCR and 25/63 (39.7%) by Z-N. There were 26 cases with PCR(+)/Z-N(-) and two cases with PCR(-)/Z-N(+). Twelve cases showed negativity against both. In 7/22 (31.8%), rpoB mutation was observed. In conclusion, PCR is more sensitive in the detection of M. tuberculosis in FNA than Z-N. PCR-SSCP could also be used in FNA in the prediction of multidrug resistance. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

5494.               Lin CW, Chang CL, Li CC, Chen YH, Lee WH, Hsu SM. Spontaneous regression of Kikuchi lymphadenopathy with oligoclonal T-cell populations favors a benign immune reaction over a T-cell lymphoma. Am J Clin Pathol. 2002 Apr;117(4):627-35.


To aid in the initial diagnosis of Kikuchi lymphadenitis and to assess whether the composition of the T cells might shed light on the pathogenesis, we used nested polymerase chain reaction tests followed by high-resolution gel electrophoresis to determine the pattern of T-cell antigen receptor rearrangement in 56 consecutive cases. Except for 1 unusual case with recurrent lymphadenopathy, none had a monoclonal beta or gamma rearrangement. Eight cases had a polyclonal pattern at both beta and gamma loci, 20 cases had a mixed polyclonal beta and oligoclonal gamma pattern, and 27 cases had an oligoclonal pattern at both loci. The high frequency of oligoclonality did not indicate an early-stage T-cell lymphoma in evolution, as confirmed by spontaneous resolution of the lymphadenopathy in all cases within 6 months. Rather, it is consistent with reports of oligoclonal T cells in a variety of immune reactions. We conclude that, in the vast majority of cases, absence of a monoclonal T-cell receptor rearrangement excludes the possibility of T-cell lymphoma, and the presence of an oligoclonal pattern implies a benign immune reaction.

5495.               Macari M, Hines J, Balthazar E, Megibow A. Mesenteric adenitis: CT diagnosis of primary versus secondary causes, incidence, and clinical significance in pediatric and adult patients. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 Apr;178(4):853-8.


OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine the clinical significance of mesenteric adentitis when detected on CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mesenteric adenitis was considered present if a cluster of three or more lymph nodes measuring 5 mm or greater each was present in the right lower quadrant mesentery. If no other abnormality was detected on CT, then mesenteric adenitis was considered primary. If a specific inflammatory process was detected in addition to the lymphadenopathy, then mesenteric adenitis was considered secondary. Patients with a known neoplasm or HIV infection were excluded. Three separate groups of patients were examined for the presence and cause of mesenteric adenitis. Group 1 consisted of 60 consecutive patients prospectively identified with mesenteric adenitis on CT examinations. Group 2 consisted of 60 consecutive patients undergoing abdominal and pelvic CT for evaluation of blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma. Group 3 consisted of 60 consecutive patients undergoing abdominal and pelvic CT with acute abdominal symptoms. In all patients, the indication for imaging was documented, and the size of the largest lymph node, when present, was measured. In patients with mesenteric adenitis, the CT findings, clinical history, and clinical or surgical follow-up were subsequently evaluated to determine the cause of mesenteric adenitis. RESULTS: In the 60 patients prospectively identified with CT findings of mesenteric adenitis (group 1), 18 (30%) of 60 had primary mesenteric adenitis. The remaining 42 patients (70%) had an associated inflammatory condition that was established on CT as the likely cause of mesenteric adenitis. Mesenteric adenitis was present in none (0%) of the 60 patients in group 2 and in five (8.3%) of 60 patients in group 3. CONCLUSION: The incidence of mesenteric adenitis in patients with and those without abdominal pain is low. When evidence of mesenteric adenitis is present on CT examinations, usually a specific diagnosis can be established as its cause.


5496.               Williams A, Sheldon CD, Riordan T. Cat scratch disease. BMJ. 2002 May 18;324(7347):1199-200.  No abstract.

5497.               Zumla A, Grange J. Infection and disease caused by environmental mycobacteria. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2002 May;8(3):166-72. Review.


Many species of mycobacteria that normally live as environmental saprophytes, the environmental mycobacteria (EM), are opportunist causes of disease in humans and animals. Many, but not all, cases are associated with some form of immune deficiency. An increasing number of species and clinical presentations are being described, and advances are being made in the understanding of the underlying predisposing factors. In recent years, four aspects of EM disease have become particularly relevant to human health: (1) the high prevalence of EM disease in patients with AIDS; (2) the emergence of Buruli ulcer, an ulcerative skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, as the third most prevalent mycobacterial disease; (3) the effect of infection by EM on the immune responses to BCG vaccination and on the course and outcome of tuberculosis and leprosy; (4) the controversy over the involvement of mycobacteria, notably M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis, in human inflammatory bowel disease. These aspects change the status of EM from mere curiosities to important direct, indirect, and putative causes of serious and increasingly common human disease.



5498.               Mbala L, Mashako M, Kashongwe M. Childhood tuberculosis in a rural tropical area: risk factors. Trop Doct  2002 Apr;32(2):119-20  No abstract.



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