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3346.               Guarner J.  Shieh WJ.  Morgan J.  Bragg SL.  Bajani MD.  Tappero JW.  Zaki SR.  Leptospirosis mimicking acute cholecystitis among athletes participating in a triathlon.  Human Pathology.  32(7):750-2, 2001 Jul.


  Leptospirosis, a disease acquired by exposure to contaminated water, is characterized by fever accompanied by various symptoms, including abdominal pain. An acute febrile illness occurred in athletes who participated in an Illinois triathlon in which the swimming event took place in a freshwater lake. Of 876 athletes, 120 sought medical care and 22 were hospitalized. Two of the athletes had their gallbladders removed because of abdominal pain and clinical suspicion of acute cholecystitis. We applied an immunohistochemical test for leptospirosis to these gallbladders and demonstrated bacterial antigens staining (granular and filamentous patterns) around blood vessels of the serosa and muscle layer. Rare intact bacteria were seen in 1 case. These results show that leptospirosis can mimic the clinical symptoms of acute cholecystitis. If a cholecystectomy is performed in febrile patients with suspicious environmental or animal exposure, pathologic studies for leptospirosis on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues may be of great value.

3347.               Guerreiro H.  Croda J.  Flannery B.  Mazel M.  Matsunaga J.  Galvao Reis M.  Levett PN.  Ko AI.  Haake DA. Leptospiral proteins recognized during the humoral immune response to leptospirosis in humans. Infection & Immunity.  69(8):4958-68, 2001 Aug.


  Leptospirosis is an emerging zoonosis caused by pathogenic spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira. An understanding of leptospiral protein expression regulation is needed to develop new immunoprotective and serodiagnostic strategies. We used the humoral immune response during human leptospirosis as a reporter of protein antigens expressed during infection. Qualitative and quantitative immunoblot analysis was performed using sera from 105 patients from Brazil and Barbados. Sera from patients with other diseases and healthy individuals were evaluated as controls. Seven proteins, p76, p62, p48, p45, p41, p37, and p32, were identified as targets of the humoral response during natural infection. In both acute and convalescent phases of illness, antibodies to lipopolysaccharide were predominantly immunoglobulin M (IgM) while antibodies to proteins were exclusively IgG. Anti-p32 reactivity had the greatest sensitivity and specificity: positive reactions were observed in 37 and 84% of acute- and convalescent-phase sera, respectively, while only 5% of community control individuals demonstrated positive reactions. Six immunodominant antigens were expressed by all pathogenic leptospiral strains tested; only p37 was inconsistently expressed. Two-dimensional immunoblots identified four of the seven infection-associated antigens as being previously characterized proteins: LipL32 (the major outer membrane lipoprotein), LipL41 (a surface-exposed outer membrane lipoprotein), and heat shock proteins GroEL and DnaK. Fractionation studies demonstrated LipL32 and LipL41 reactivity in the outer membrane fraction and GroEL and DnaK in the cytoplasmic fraction, while p37 appeared to be a soluble periplasmic protein. Most of the other immunodominant proteins, including p48 and p45, were localized to the inner membrane. These findings indicate that leptospiral proteins recognized during natural infection are potentially useful for serodiagnosis and may serve as targets for vaccine design.

3348.                Kobayashi Y. Clinical observation and treatment of leptospirosis. [Review] [39 refs]  Journal of Infection & Chemotherapy.  7(2):59-68, 2001 Jun.


  The epidemiological and clinical observations of 240 patients with Weil's disease and 10 patients with canicola fever, and these observations in two epidemics of canicola fever, are presented. Early diagnosis is most important for the prognosis of patients with the severe form of leptospirosis. It depends on the clinical features, clinical laboratory findings, and the epidemiological situation. The most characteristic clinical signs for early diagnosis were febrile illness of sudden onset, severe general malaise, muscular pain, and conjunctival congestion. Proteinuria, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate were the most indicative clinical laboratory findings for early diagnosis. Although jaundice and hemorrhage are the most important signs of the severe form of leptospirosis, Weil's disease, these are rarely useful in early diagnosis. Of a variety of antibiotics used, penicillins and cephems had the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration against leptospires. However, it became apparent from basic studies in vitro and in vivo that streptomycin showed the best bactericidal action against leptospires and that it was the most effective anti-leptospiral antibiotic. Gentamicin, tobramycin, and isepamicin are also effective as alternatives to streptomycin. Although penicillins, cephems, tetracyclines, and macrolides are also effective for the treatment of leptospirosis, when these antibiotics with inadequate bactericidal activity are used for the treatment of the disease, long-term therapy with sufficiently large doses may be required from an early stage of the disease until the appearance of antibodies. [References: 39]

3349.                Kobayashi Y. Discovery of the causative organism of Weil's disease: historical view. Journal of Infection & Chemotherapy.  7(1):10-5, 2001 Mar.


  On January 20, 1915, Inada and Ido announced the discovery of the causative agent of Weil's disease. Subsequently, on February 13, 1915, they published the first paper on the discovery of the causative organism (a new species of Spirochaeta) of Weil's disease. Besides discovering the causative organism of the disease, Inada and colleagues clarified the pure culture in medium, and determined the source and route of the infection, its pathology and morbid anatomy; the distribution of the organism in various organs and tissues; the excretion of the spirochete, and its division, filterability, and morphological characteristics; and the clinical picture, laboratory findings, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of the disease. These studies were conducted by Inada, Ido, Kaneko, Hoki, and Ito, in the years 1914 to 1915. In the early investigation of leptospirosis, Inada and colleagues played a prominent part. We would like to remember these remarkably complete and definitive original achievements on leptospirosis made by Inada and colleagues.

3350.                Levett PN. Leptospirosis. [Review] [677 refs] Clinical Microbiology Reviews.  14(2):296-326, 2001 Apr.


  Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection with a much greater incidence in tropical regions and has now been identified as one of the emerging infectious diseases. The epidemiology of leptospirosis has been modified by changes in animal husbandry, climate, and human behavior. Resurgent interest in leptospirosis has resulted from large outbreaks that have received significant publicity. The development of simpler, rapid assays for diagnosis has been based largely on the recognition that early initiation of antibiotic therapy is important in acute disease but also on the need for assays which can be used more widely. In this review, the complex taxonomy of leptospires, previously based on serology and recently modified by a genotypic classification, is discussed, and the clinical and epidemiological value of molecular diagnosis and typing is also evaluated. [References: 677]

3351.               Panicker JN.  Mammachan R.  Jayakumar RV. Primary neuroleptospirosis.  Postgraduate Medical Journal.  77(911):589-90, 2001 Sep.


  Leptospirosis is an important zoonosis of worldwide distribution. It is uncommon for leptospirosis to present as a primary neurological disease. In this study of patients who presented with an acute neurological disease, and who were subsequently found to have leptospirosis, aseptic meningitis was the commonest manifestation. The other presentations were myeloradiculopathy, myelopathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome-like presentation, meningoencephalitis, intracerebral bleed, cerebellar dysfunction, iridocyclitis, and tremor/rigidity. Treatment consists of antibiotics, crystalline penicillin being the drug of choice, which reduces the course of illness if given early. The role of steroids is controversial. The prognosis after primary neuroleptospirosis is generally good but altered sensorium and seizures herald a worse prognosis.


3353.                Ray S.  Gragoudas E. Neuroretinitis. [Review] [46 refs]  International Ophthalmology Clinics.  41(1):83-102, 2001 Winter.


  Despite the growing list of agents that can present as neuroretinitis, nearly one-half remain idiopathic. However, many of the candidate etiologies are treatable conditions, and accurate diagnosis can result in visual rehabilitation. A complete workup in patients presenting with acute neuroretinitis should include a thorough history and general medical evaluation. Exposure history should be thoroughly explored, including recent travel, unpasteurized and uncooked foods, sexual experience, and animal contacts. A detailed physical examination should be performed to note hidden rashes and inoculation sites and should include routine measurements of blood pressure and heart rate. Laboratory tests should be tailored to the history and may include complete blood count; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; bacterial, fungal, and viral blood cultures; antinuclear antibody test; angiotensin-converting enzyme; anti-double-stranded DNA; and C3. Serological evaluation should look for syphilis, Lyme disease, histoplasmosis, brucellosis, chlamydia, HIV, toxoplasmosis, Epstein-Barr virus, viral hepatitis B and C, and tuberculin skin test. Neuroretinitis is a clinical entity in which there is inflammation of the retinal architecture and optic nerve. There are numerous entities that can cause a picture of neuroretinitis ranging from vascular to infectious to autoimmune. With regards to the infectious etiologies, it is interesting to note that many of these organisms are obligate intracellular pathogens. The microorganisms B. henselae, T. gondii, R. typhi, T. pallidum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Histoplasma capsulatum, and various viruses, such as HIV, mumps, and HSV, are known intracellular agents. Other major infectious agents, such as B. burgdorferi and Leptospirosis spp. are known to remain sequestered within the circulatory system. It is possible that in this way these agents are able to breach the delicate blood-brain barrier. The implication of such findings on the treatment and management of neuroretinitis remains to be explored. Interestingly, the vast majority of infected patients do not develop neuroretinitis or demonstrate CNS involvement. Detailed examination of this variability may provide further insight into the pathogenic properties of these infectious agents, host tissue susceptibility, and mechanisms of blood-retina barrier integrity. A detailed retinal examination can provide an unobstructed view of the CNS. Careful inspection of this delicate interface may reveal subtle findings critical for accurate and rapid diagnosis of underlying systemic pathology. The varied visual and neurological symptoms of neuroretinitis attest to the fact that this is a disease of both the retina and contiguous neuronal elements. Such involvement significantly elevates the risk to the patient and emphasizes the need for early detection and prompt treatment. [References: 46]

Oct 02

4120.      Agunloye C A, Alabio F O, Odemuyiwa S O, Olaleye O D: Leptospirosis in Nigerians: a seroepidemiological survey. Indian Vet J 2001, 78(5), 371-5. (015572). Aug 1, 2001.

Five hundred and thirty eight sera collected from various parts of Nigeria were tested for the presence of antibodiesto leptospires. Out of these 223 (41.5% reacted with leptospira antigen using the Passive Haemagglutination test (PHA). For the ELASA (33.5%) were seropositive. Only 110(20.5%) were positive by the Microscopic Agglutination Test. The prevalence of individual serovars were L. icterohae morrhagiae 21 (18.3%), L. hardjo 18 (15.7%), L. grippotyposa 15 (13.0%), L. hamptoni 15 (13.0%), L. pomona 14 (12.2%), and L. ballum 12(10.4%) among others. The seropositivity was higher (P<0.05, X2 ) in adults than in children and young adults (< 18 years). There is need for the consideration of leptospirosis-like illnesses in Nigerians. 16 ref.

4121.      Flannery B, Pereira MM, Velloso L de F, Carvalho C de C, De Codes LG, Orrico G de S, Dourado CM, Riley LW, Reis MG, Ko AI. Referral pattern of leptospirosis cases during a large urban epidemic of dengue. Am J Trop Med Hyg  2001  Nov;65(5):657-63


During heavy seasonal rainfall in 1996, concurrent epidemics of dengue and leptospirosis occurred in an urban center in northeastern Brazil. We interviewed 110 cases of leptospirosis hospitalized a median of seven days after the onset of illness to evaluate the impact of the dengue epidemic on the triage of suspected leptospirosis from ambulatory clinics to the infectious disease reference hospital. Within the first three days of illness, 46 (42%) cases sought their first medical evaluation, and 28 (61% of 46) received a diagnosis of dengue. Dengue diagnoses were associated with a median of five days delay in referral to the infectious disease hospital. Patients who reported initial diagnoses of dengue were more likely than other patients to have required admission to the intensive care unit (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.8-9.5) and to have died during hospitalization (OR = 5.1, 95% CI = 0.8-55.0). These findings indicate that diagnostic confusion between the early symptoms of leptospirosis and dengue may have contributed to the high mortality observed during the leptospirosis epidemic.

4122.      Kakkilaya BS, Balasaraswathy P, Motha B. Leptospirosis and ground itch. Trop Doct  2001 Oct;31(4):252  No Abstract.

4123.      Katz AR, Ansdell VE, Effler PV, Middleton CR, Sasaki DM. Assessment of the clinical presentation and treatment of 353 cases of laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis in Hawaii, 1974-1998. Clin Infect Dis  2001 Dec 1;33(11):1834-41


Leptospirosis is frequently misdiagnosed as a result of its protean and nonspecific presentation. Leptospirosis, a zoonosis with global distribution, commonly occurs in tropical and subtropical regions; most reported cases in the United States occur in Hawaii. All laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis cases in the State of Hawaii from 1974 through 1998 (n=353) were clinically evaluated. The most common presentation involved nonspecific signs or symptoms, including fever, myalgia, and headache. Jaundice occurred in 39% of cases; conjunctival suffusion was described in 28% of these cases. Initiation of antibiotics before the seventh day of symptoms was associated with a significantly shortened duration of illness. Because early recognition and initiation of antibiotic therapy are important, clinicians should familiarize themselves with the clinical presentation of leptospirosis, and when evaluating a patient with a febrile illness, they should obtain exposure and travel histories and entertain the possibility of leptospirosis in the differential diagnosis.


4124.      Truccolo J, Serais O, Merien F, Perolat P. Following the course of human leptospirosis: evidence of a critical threshold for the vital prognosis using a quantitative PCR assay. FEMS Microbiol Lett  2001 Nov 13;204(2):317-21


In order to follow the course of acute human leptospirosis, an ELISA microtiter plate hybridization method was developed for the quantitative determination of Leptospira spp. in biological samples after PCR. The biotin-labelled amplified product (331 bp from the rrs gene) was hybridized with a complementary capture probe covalently linked onto aminated polystyrene wells, and detected using a colorimetric reaction. The mean detection limit was 50 copies per 10 microl. In a prospective study of human leptospirosis cases, we obtained evidence that a density of 10(4) leptospires per ml of blood is a critical threshold for the vital prognosis of the patients. The practicability of the method makes it suitable for use in tropical areas for multicentric studies. Such studies could lead to a better knowledge of the natural history of the human disease. The method is also suitable for experimental evaluation of improved antibiotic treatments for leptospirosis.




July 02

4702.         Lee SH, Kim S, Park SC, Kim MJ.  Cytotoxic activities of Leptospira interrogans hemolysin SphH as a pore-forming protein on mammalian cells. Infect Immun. 2002 Jan;70(1):315-22.


Leptospirosis is a spirochetal zoonosis that causes an acute febrile systemic illness in humans. Leptospira sp. hemolysins have been shown to be virulence factors for the pathogenesis of leptospirosis. Previously, we cloned a hemolysin SphH of Leptospira interrogans serovar lai, a homologue of L. borgpetersenii sphingomyelinase (SphA), from a genomic library (S. H. Lee, K. A. Kim, Y. K. Kim, I. W. Seong, M. J. Kim, and Y. J. Lee, Gene 254:19-28, 2000). Escherichia coli lysate harboring the sphH showed high hemolytic activities on sheep erythrocytes. However, it neither showed sphingomyelinase nor phospholipase activities, in contrast to SphA which was known to have sphingomyelinase activity. Interestingly, the SphH-mediated hemolysis on erythrocytes was osmotically protected by PEG 5000, suggesting that the SphH might have caused pore formation on the erythrocyte membrane. In the present study, we have prepared the Leptospira hemolysin SphH and investigated its hemolytic and cytotoxic activities on mammalian cells. SphH was shown to be a pore-forming protein on several mammalian cells: When treated with the SphH, the sheep erythrocyte membranes formed pores, which were morphologically confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, the SphH-mediated cytotoxicities on mammalian cells were demonstrated by the release of LDH and by inverted microscopic examinations. Finally, the immune serum against the full-length hemolysin could effectively neutralize the SphH-mediated hemolytic and cytotoxic activities. In conclusion, these results suggest that the virulence of Leptospira SphH was due to the pore formation on mammalian cell membranes.


4703.         Mehta M N, Kakkad N H, Gohel D R, Shah JS  : Leptospirosis. Gujarat med J 2000, 57(2), 15-18. No Abstract.

4704.         Ramadass P; Latha D; Senthil kumar A; Srinivasan P; Saranya N. Arbitrarily primed PCR : a rapid and simple method for typing of leptospiral serovars Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2002 Jan; 20(1): 25-8


ABSTRACT: Purpose : To investigate the use of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) for typing of leptospiral serovars. Methods : AP-PCR was adopted for identification of laboratory strains of leptospires and leptospiral cultures at serovar level. A primer of 12 bp was used for amplifying DNA of 13 laboratory strains of leptospires as well as culture pellets of leptospires. Results : Each serovar produced distinct DNA fingerprint which was characteristic for each serovar. These patterns were used for typing of 81 serum culture samples obtained from human leptospiral cases. Of these samples, 39 could be typed based on AP-PCR fingerprints belonging to serovars autumnalis, pomona, canicola, javanica, icterohaemorrhagiae, patoc and pyrogenes. These results were confirmed by RAPD fingerprinting of the DNA samples of the respective leptospiral serovars after culturing them in EMJH media. One of the important findings of this work was that straight culture sample could be used for AP-PCR assay, without purification of DNA. By having more number of AP-PCR reference fingerprints, more serovars could be typed. Conclusions : AP-PCR technique provides great potential for simple and rapid identification of leptospires at serovar level, which could be useful in molecular epidemiological studies of leptospirosis.


4705.         Tunbridge AJ, Dockrell DH, Channer KS, McKendrick MW.  A breathless triathlete. Lancet. 2002 Jan 12;359(9301):130. No Abstract.


Oct 2002

5473.         Abb J. Acute leptospirosis in a triathlete. Wilderness Environ Med  2002 Spring;13(1):45-7 


We report the case of a 38-year-old male patient with acute leptospirosis. The most probable cause of infection was repeated and prolonged exposure to contaminated river water (Neckar and Enz rivers) while preparing for participation in long-distance triathlon (swimming, biking, and running) competitions.


5474.         Eapen CK, Sugathan S, Kuriakose M, Abdoel T, Smits HL. Evaluation of the clinical utility of a rapid blood test for human leptospirosis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis  2002 Apr;42(4):221-5


A rapid assay device for the detection of Leptospira-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies was applied on whole blood samples collected from a group of consecutive patients admitted with clinical suspicion of leptospirosis to a district hospital in Kerala, India. The hospital is located in an area that is endemic for leptospirosis. The results of the rapid assay showed an agreement of 94.3% with those of an IgM ELISA routinely used for the serodiagnosis of leptospirosis. The rapid assay was simply performed by the addition of 10 microL blood to the sample well of a plastic assay device followed by the addition of 130 microL sample fluid. The assay was read after 10 min by visual inspection and was scored positive when staining of the antigen line in the test zone was observed. The assay utilizes stabilised components and can be stored without the need for refrigeration. These characteristics make the assay ideal in areas where the disease is common and where laboratory support is not routinely available.

5475.         Haake DA, Dundoo M, Cader R, Kubak BM, Hartskeerl RA, Sejvar JJ, Ashford DA. Leptospirosis, water sports, and chemoprophylaxis. Clin Infect Dis  2002 May 1;34(9):e40-3 


Recreational activities, such as water sports and adventure travel, are emerging as an important risk factor for leptospirosis, a potentially fatal zoonosis. We report the clinical course of 2 patients who acquired leptospirosis through participation in water sports. Physicians caring for patients who participate in adventure travel involving water sports should be familiar with the risk factors for and diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of leptospirosis.

5476.         Rodriguez I, Alvarez EL, Fernandez C, Miranda A. Comparison of a recombinant-antigen enzyme immunoassay with Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test for serological confirmation of syphilis. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz  2002 Apr;97(3):347-9 . Abstract: A recombinant-antigen enzyme immunoassay (EIA), BioSCREEN anti-Treponema pallidum, was compared favorably with the T. pallidum hemagglutination test, in the detection of specific antibodies in different groups of sera from patients with primary (n = 38), secondary (n = 10), early latent (n = 28) and congenital syphilis (n = 2), patients with leptospirosis ( n= 8), infectious mononucleosis (n = 7), hepatitis (n = 9), diabetes mellitus (n = 11), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 13), leprosy (n = 11), tuberculosis (n = 9), HIV/Aids ( n= 12), systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 4), rheumatic fever (n = 3), old-persons (n = 9), pregnant women (n = 29) and blood donors (n = 164). The coincidence between them was 95.1%. The sensitivity and specificity of the EIA were 93.3% and 95.5%, respectively. Fifteen serum specimens belonging to old-persons, pregnant women, blood donors, and patients with human leptospirosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and rheumatic fever gave false-positive results by Venereal Disease Research Laboratory and/or Rapid Plasma Reagin. The EIA can be used as alternative method for the serological confirmation of syphilis.

5477.         Senthil Kumar, Ramadass P, Nachimuthu K.  Use of polymerase chain reaction for the detection of leptospires in clinical samples. Indian Vet J.  2001; 78(12), 1087-90. Abstract: Usefulness of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been evaluated for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis in animals and man. Clinical samples like urine, serum, mastitis milk samples and cerebrospinal fluid were tested by dark field microscopy (DFM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay of Clinical samples is potentially useful, quick and specific diagnostic method for confirming active infection with leptospires.


5478.         Singh SS, Vijayachari P, Sinha A, Sugunan AP, Raheed MA, Sehgal SC. Clinicoepidemiological study of hospitalized cases of severe leptospirosis. Indian J med Res. 1999; 109(March), 94-9. Abstract: In an attempt to understand the clinical spectrum and pathological and biochemical abnormalities and their prognostic importance in leptospirosis, a prospective study was carried out in Port Blair during September 1996 to August 1997. Out of 80 patients suspected to have leptospirosis, 58 were proved to have current leptospiral infection using serological tests and among these, 14 died giving a case fatality rate of 24.1 per cent. The incidence of the disease showed two separate peaks roughly coinciding with the paddy sowing and harvesting season and the majority of the patients had history of exposure to wet and water logged environment prior to the attack of the disease. The disease presented as two separate clinical syndromes – the hepato-renal form and the pulmonary form though some degree of overlap was present. Hepatic and renal complications occurred in 30 patients each with 26 of them having both. These generally occurred late in the course of the disease and the mortality rate in those patients was very high (6.7% vs 42.9%). The other complications encountered in the current series of cases were refractory hypotension probably die to myocarditis in 40 per cent and neck stiffness and altered sensorium die to central nervous involvement in 12.1 per cent of the patients. He chances of the patients developing complications were…


5479.       Venkatesha MD, Ramadass P. Identification of leptospiral isolates by bacterial restriction endonuclease analysis (BRENDA). Indian J med Microbiol 2001; 19(2): 83-6. DNA samples from 19 references serovars belonging to 19 different serogroups of Leptospira bilexa were examined by bacterial restriction endonuclease analysis using EcoR 1 and Hae III enzymes. All the serovars gave unique restriction patterns that different from each other. DNA from 10 local isolates digested with the standard patterns produced by reference strains could be identified to serovar level.




5480.         Diament D, Brunialti MK, Romero EC, Kallas EG, Salomao R. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell activation induced by Leptospira interrogans glycolipoprotein. Infect Immun  2002 Apr;70(4):1677-83


Leptospira interrogans glycolipoprotein (GLP) has been implicated in pathological and functional derangement seen in leptospirosis. The goal of this study was to evaluate GLP's ability to induce cellular activation, as assessed by cytokine production and expression of surface activation markers. GLP extracted from either pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni or nonpathogenic Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc (GLPp) was used to stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures from healthy donors. Supernatant cytokine levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Expression of CD69 and HLA-DR on lymphocytes and monocytes, as well as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding, were measured by flow cytometry. At 6 h of incubation, GLP induced a significant rise in tumor necrosis factor alpha levels, which dropped progressively until 72 h of incubation. Interleukin-10 peak levels were obtained at between 24 and 48 h, with sustained levels until 72 h of incubation. The response magnitude was proportional to the GLP dose. CD69 expression on T lymphocytes and monocytes increased significantly, as did HLA-DR expression on monocytes. GLPp induced no CD69 or HLA-DR expression. GLP did not block biotinylated LPS binding to monocytes, suggesting that different pathways are used to induce cell activation. In conclusion, GLP induces cellular activation and may play a major role in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.

5481.         Morgan J, Bornstein SL, Karpati AM, Bruce M, Bolin CA, Austin CC, Woods CW, Lingappa J, Langkop C, Davis B, Graham DR, Proctor M, Ashford DA, Bajani M, Bragg SL, Shutt K, Perkins BA, Tappero JW;  Leptospirosis Working Group. Outbreak of leptospirosis among triathlon participants and community residents in Springfield, Illinois, 1998. Clin Infect Dis  2002 Jun 15;34(12):1593-9.


We investigated an outbreak of leptospirosis among athletes and community residents after a triathlon was held in Springfield, Illinois. A telephone survey was conducted to collect clinical information and data on possible risk factors, community surveillance was established, and animal specimens and lake water samples were collected to determine the source of the leptospiral contamination. A total of 834 of 876 triathletes were contacted; 98 (12%) reported being ill. Serum samples obtained from 474 athletes were tested; 52 of these samples (11%) tested positive for leptospirosis. Fourteen (6%) of 248 symptomatic community residents tested positive for leptospirosis. Heavy rains that preceded the triathlon are likely to have increased leptospiral contamination of Lake Springfield. Among athletes, ingestion of 1 or more swallows of lake water was a predominant risk factor for illness. This is the largest outbreak of leptospirosis that has been reported in the United States. Health care providers and occupational and recreational users of bodies of freshwater in the United States should be aware of the risk of contracting leptospirosis, particularly after heavy rains.



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