
( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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1149.      Anonymous. The use of inhaled corticosteroids in adults with asthma. [Review] [31 refs] Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin.  38(1):5-8, 2000 Jan.  

1150.      Appleton S.  Smith B.  Veale A.  Bara A. Long-acting beta2-agonists for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. [Review] [4 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD001104, 2000.

  1151.      Bingham CO 3rd.  Austen KF. Mast-cell responses in the development of asthma. [Review] [106 refs] Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(2 Pt 2):S527-34, 2000 Feb.

  1152.      Bjorksten B. Unmet needs in the treatment of asthmatic children and adolescents: 2. [Review] [9 refs] Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30 Suppl 1:73-6, 2000 Jun.

  1153.      Blumenthal MN. Genetics of asthma and allergy. [Review] [23 refs] Allergy & Asthma Proceedings.  21(1):55-9, 2000 Jan-Feb.

  1154.      Boguniewicz M.  Schneider LC.  Milgrom H.  Newell D.  Kelly N.  Tam P.  Izu AE.  Jaffe HS.  Bucalo LR.  Leung DY. Treatment of steroid-dependent asthma with recombinant interferon-gamma. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  23(9):785-90, 1993 Sep.

  1155.      Brown MA.  Halonen M.Perinatal events in the development of asthma. [Review] [74 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  5(1):4-9, 1999 Jan.

  1156.      Cantani A. Specific immunotherapy in children: past and present. [Review] [20 refs] European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences.  3(2):93-5, 1999  Mar-Apr.

  1157.      Cates CJ.  Jefferson TO.  Bara AI.  Rowe BH. Vaccines for preventing influenza in people with asthma. [Review] [11 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD000364,   2000.

  1158.      Chipps BE.  Chipps DR. Approach to the difficult pediatric asthmatic. [Review] [32 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  5(1):52-7, 1999 Jan.

1159.      Christman JW.  Sadikot RT.  Blackwell TS. The role of nuclear factor-kappa B in pulmonary diseases. [Review] [45 refs] Chest.  117(5):1482-7, 2000 May.

1160.      Clark CE.  Coote JM.  Silver DA.  Halpin DM. Asthma after childhood pneumonia: six year follow up study. BMJ.  320(7248):1514-6, 2000 Jun 3.

1161.      Dellaripa PF.  Wechsler ME.  Roth ME.  Drazen J. Recurrent panniculitis in a man with asthma receiving treatment with leukotriene-modifying agents. Mayo Clinic Proceedings.  75(6):643-5, 2000 Jun.

1162.      Dickinson JA.  Meaker M.  Searle M.  Ratcliffe G.Screening older patients for obstructive airways disease in a semi-rural practice [see comments]. Thorax.  54(6):501-5, 1999 Jun.

1163.      Fick RB Jr. Anti-IgE as novel therapy for the treatment of asthma. [Review] [30 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  5(1):76-80, 1999 Jan.

1164.      Finkelstein JA.  Barton MB.  Donahue JG.  Algatt-Bergstrom P.  Markson LE. Platt R. Comparing asthma care for Medicaid and non-Medicaid children in a health maintenance organization. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.  154(6):563-8, 2000 Jun.

1165.      Flaherty KR.  Kazerooni EA.  Martinez FJ. Differential diagnosis of chronic airflow obstruction. [Review] [147 refs] Journal of Asthma.  37(3):201-23, 2000 May.

1166.      Floreani AA.  Rennard SI. The role of cigarette smoke in the pathogenesis of asthma and as a trigger   for acute symptoms. [Review] [86 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  5(1):38-46, 1999 Jan.

1167.      Foresi A.  Teodoro C.  Leone C.  Pelucchi A.  D'Ippolito R.  Chetta A. Olivieri D. Eosinophil apoptosis in induced sputum from patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and with asymptomatic and symptomatic asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  84(4):411-6, 2000 Apr.

1168.      Frew AJ.  Chan H.  Chan-Yeung M. Lack of role for mononuclear cell-derived histamine releasing factors in occupational asthma due to western red cedar. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  23(10):861-7, 1993 Oct.

1169.      Garty BZ.  Monselise Y.  Nitzan M. Soluble CD14 in children with status asthmaticus. Israel Medical Association Journal: IMAJ.  2(2):104-7, 2000 Feb.

1170.      Gibson PG.  Henry RL.  Coughlan JL. Gastro-oesophageal reflux treatment for asthma in adults and children. [Review] [10 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD001496, 2000.

1171.      Grasemann H.  Yandava CN.  Storm van's Gravesande K.  Deykin A.  Pillari  A.  Ma J.  Sonna LA.  Lilly C.  Stampfer MJ.  Israel E.  Silverman EK.  Drazen JM. A neuronal NO synthase (NOS1) gene polymorphism is associated with asthma.  Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications.  272(2):391-4, 2000 Jun  7.

1172.      Gupta G. Anti-leukotrienes in asthma: yet to arrive. [Review] [35 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  67(2):113-7, 2000 Feb.

1173.      Hancox RJ.  Cowan JO.  Flannery EM.  Herbison GP.  McLachlan CR.  Wong CS.Taylor DR. Randomised trial of an inhaled beta2 agonist, inhaled corticosteroid and  their combination in the treatment of asthma. Thorax.  54(6):482-7, 1999 Jun.

1174.      Hancox RJ.  Stevens DA.  Adcock IM.  Barnes PJ.  Taylor DR. Effects of inhaled beta agonist and corticosteroid treatment on nuclear transcription factors in bronchial mucosa in asthma. Thorax.  54(6):488-92, 1999 Jun.

1175.      Hauk PJ.  Hamid QA.  Chrousos GP.  Leung DY. Induction of corticosteroid insensitivity in human PBMCs by microbial superantigens.  Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(4):782-7, 2000 Apr.

1176.      Helms PJ. Corticosteroid-sparing options in the treatment of childhood asthma. [Review] [75 refs] Drugs.  59 Suppl 1:15-22; discussion 43-5, 2000.

1177.      Henderson CE.  Ownby DR.  Trumble A.  DerSimonian R.  Kellner LH. Predicting asthma severity from allergic sensitivity to cockroaches in pregnant inner city women. Journal of Reproductive Medicine.  45(4):341-4, 2000 Apr.

1178.      Hirst SJ.Airway smooth muscle as a target in asthma. [Review] [15 refs] Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30 Suppl 1:54-9, 2000 Jun.

1179.      Holgate ST. The role of mast cells and basophils in inflammation. [Review] [27 refs] Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30 Suppl 1:28-32, 2000 Jun.

1180.      Irvin CG. Interaction between the growing lung and asthma: role of early intervention. [Review] [34 refs] Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(2 Pt 2):S540-6, 2000 Feb.

1181.      Jang AS.  Choi IS.  Park CS. Immunohistochemically stained activated eosinophils in sputum in patients with asthma. Respiration.  67(2):183-8, 2000.

1182.      Kiran AL; Vijayalakshmi V; Sumanlatha G; Sarma PU; Prasad CE; Murthy KJR Serum immunoglobulin-G aspergillus fumigatus as a diagnostic parameter for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis : a preliminary report. Lung India 1998 Jan-Mar; 16(1): 17-20

1183.      Koshino T.  Teshima S.  Fukushima N.  Takaishi T.  Hirai K.  Miyamoto Y. Arai Y.  Sano Y.  Ito K.  Morita Y. Identification of basophils by immunohistochemistry in the airways of post-mortem cases of fatal asthma. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  23(11):919-25, 1993 Nov.

1184.      Kumar RK.Bronchial asthma: recent advances. [Review] [19 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  67(4):293-8, 2000 Apr.

1185.      Laitinen LA.  Altraja A.  Karjalainen EM.  Laitinen A. Early interventions in asthma with inhaled corticosteroids. [Review] [15 refs]  Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(2 Pt 2):S582-5, 2000 Feb.

1186.      Leung DY. Atopic dermatitis: new insights and opportunities for therapeutic intervention. [Review] [148 refs] Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(5):860-76, 2000 May.

1187.      Lodha R.  Bagga A.Traditional Indian systems of medicine. [Review] [52 refs] Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.  29(1):37-41, 2000 Jan.

1188.      Louahed J.  Toda M.  Jen J.  Hamid Q.  Renauld JC.  Levitt RC.  Nicolaides NC. Interleukin-9 upregulates mucus expression in the airways [see comments]. American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology.  22(6):649-56,  2000 Jun.

1189.      Matkar NM.  Rupwate RU.  Desai NK.  Kamat SR.Comparative study of platelet histamine and serotonin with their corresponding plasma oxidases in asthmatics with normals. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.  47(9):878-82, 1999  Sep.

1190.      Mellins RB.  Evans D.  Clark N.  Zimmerman B.  Wiesemann S. Developing and communicating a long-term treatment plan for asthma [see comments]. [Review] [15 refs] American Family Physician.  61(8):2419-28, 2433-4, 2000 Apr 15.

1191.      Niimi A.  Matsumoto H. Serum measurement of eosinophil cationic protein in the management of asthma. [Review] [63 refs]  Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  5(2):111-7, 1999 Mar.

1192.      Nocker RE.  Out TA.  Weller FR.  de Riemer MJ.  Jansen HM.  van der Zee JS. Induced sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage as tools for evaluating the effects of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with asthma. Journal of Laboratory & Clinical Medicine.  136(1):39-49, 2000 Jul.

1193.      O'Byrne PM.  Inman MD. New considerations about measuring airway hyperresponsiveness. [Review]   [71 refs] Journal of Asthma.  37(4):293-302, 2000 Jun.

1194.      Oddy WH. Breastfeeding and asthma in children: findings from a West Australian study. Breastfeeding Review.  8(1):5-11, 2000 Mar.

1195.      Oh JW.  Lee HB.  Yum MK.  Kim CR.  Kang JO.  Park IK. ECP level in nasopharyngeal secretions and serum from children with respiratory virus infections and asthmatic children. Allergy & Asthma Proceedings.  21(2):97-100, 2000 Mar-Apr.

1196.      Orenstein SR.  Shalaby TM.  Di Lorenzo C.  Putnam PE.  Sigurdsson L. Kocoshis SA. The spectrum of pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis beyond infancy: a clinical series of 30 children. American Journal of Gastroenterology.  95(6):1422-30, 2000 Jun.

1197.      Osann KE.  Lowery JT.  Schell MJ. Small cell lung cancer in women: risk associated with smoking, prior respiratory disease, and occupation. Lung Cancer.  28(1):1-10, 2000 Apr.

1198.      Plotnick LH.  Ducharme FM.Combined inhaled anticholinergic agents and beta-2-agonists for initial treatment of acute asthma in children. [Review] [11 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD000060,  2000.

1199.      Quaratino D.  Romano A.  Di Fonso M.  Papa G.  Perrone MR.  D'Ambrosio FP. Venuti A. Tolerability of meloxicam in patients with histories of adverse reactions to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  84(6):613-7, 2000 Jun.

1200.      Quirce S.  Gala G.  Perez-Camo I.  Sanchez-Fernandez C.  Pacheco A. Losada E. Irritant-induced asthma: clinical and functional aspects.  Journal of Asthma.  37(3):267-74, 2000 May.

1201.      Rajajee S.  Geetha S.  Janani S. Sino-bronchial syndrome in children with asthma. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(4):549-52, 1996 Jul-Aug.

1202.      Rosi E.  Ronchi MC.  Grazzini M.  Duranti R.  Scano G. Diagnostic accuracy of sputum outcomes in chronic stable asthma. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30(4):577-84, 2000 Apr.

1203.      Shapiro G.  Lumry W.  Wolfe J.  Given J.  White MV.  Woodring A. Baitinger L.  House K.  Prillaman B.  Shah T. Combined salmeterol 50 microg and fluticasone propionate 250 microg in the diskus device for the treatment of asthma.  American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  161(2 Pt 1):527-34, 2000 Feb.

1204.      Sharek PJ.  Bergman DA. The effect of inhaled steroids on the linear growth of children with   asthma: a meta-analysis.  Pediatrics.  106(1):E8, 2000 Jul.

1205.      Short JA.  Barr CA.  Palmer CD.  Goddard JM.  Stack CG.  Primhak RA. Use of diclofenac in children with asthma. Anaesthesia.  55(4):334-7, 2000 Apr.

1206.      Somu N.  Gowrishankar NC.  Subramaniam L.  Vijayasekaran D.  Muhajir BM. Balachandran A.Childhood asthma--advances in pathogenesis [see comments]. [Review] [34 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(1):25-36, 1996 Jan-Feb.

1207.      Tanaka H.  Miyazaki N.  Oashi K.  Tanaka S.  Ohmichi M.  Abe S. Sputum matrix metalloproteinase-9: tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 ratio in acute asthma.  Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(5):900-5, 2000 May.

1208.      Thien F. Leukotriene antagonists. Do they offer new hope for asthmatics?. [Review] [20 refs] Australian Family Physician.  29(6):547-51, 2000 Jun.

1209.      Tsai JJ.  Shen HD.  Chua KY. Purification of group 2 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen and prevalence of its specific IgE in asthmatics. International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  121(3):205-10, 2000 Mar.

1210.      van Grunsven PM.  van Schayck CP.  van Deuveren M.  van Herwaarden CL. Akkermans RP.  van Weel C. Compliance during long-term treatment with fluticasone propionate in subjects with early signs of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary  disease (COPD): results of the Detection, Intervention, and Monitoring   Program of COPD and Asthma (DIMCA) Study. Journal of Asthma.  37(3):225-34, 2000 May.

1211.      van Schayck CP.  van Der Heijden FM.  van Den Boom G.  Tirimanna PR.  van Herwaarden CL. Underdiagnosis of asthma: is the doctor or the patient to blame? The DIMCA  project. Thorax.  55(7):562-5, 2000 Jul.

1212.      Vijayan VK Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome [editorial]. Lung India 1998 Jan-Mar; 16(1): 5-6

1213.      Ward S.  Heyneman LE.  Flint JD.  Leung AN.  Kazerooni EA.  Muller NL. Bronchocentric granulomatosis: computed tomographic findings in five patients. Clinical Radiology.  55(4):296-300, 2000 Apr.

1214.      Weissman DN.  Lewis DM. Is specific antibody determination diagnostic for asthma attributable to  low-molecular-weight agents?. [Review] [44 refs] Occupational Medicine.  15(2):385-98, 2000 Apr-Jun.

1215.      Wood-Baker R.  Walters EH.Corticosteroids for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. [Review] [7 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD001288, 2000.

1216.      Wu W.  Samoszuk MK.  Comhair SA.  Thomassen MJ.  Farver CF.  Dweik RA.  Kavuru MS.  Erzurum SC.  Hazen SL. Eosinophils generate brominating oxidants in allergen-induced asthma [see comments].Journal of Clinical Investigation.  105(10):1455-63, 2000 May.

1560. Allakhverdi   Z.  Lamkhioued   B.  Olivenstein   R.  Hamid   Q.  Renzi  PM.   CD8 depletion-induced late airway response is characterized by eosinophilia, increasedeotaxin,  and  decreased  IFN-gamma  expression  in  rats.  American  Journal   of  Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  162(3 Pt 1):1123-31, 2000 Sep.

1561.  Azuara  V.  Pereira P.  Genetic  mapping  of  two  murine  loci  that  influence  the development  of  IL- 4 - producing  Thy-1dull gamma delta thymocytes. Journal of Immunology.  165(1):42-8, 2000 Jul 1.

1562.  Bai TR. Cooper J. Koelmeyer T. Pare PD. Weir TD. The effect of age and duration of disease on airway structure in fatal asthma. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  162(2 Pt 1):663-9, 2000 Aug.

 1563.  Barnes PJ.  New directions  in  allergic  diseases : mechanism-based antiinflammatory therapies. [ Review ] [ 121 refs ] Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.106 (1 Pt 1) : 5-16, 2000 Jul.

 1564. Bhathena  PR. Comhair  SA.  Holroyd  KJ.  Erzurum  SC.  Interleukin-9  receptor expression in asthmatic airways In vivo. Lung.  178(3):149-60, 2000.

 1565. Bianco S.  Robuschi M.  Vaghi A.  Fumagalli A.  Sestini P.Inhaled transmembrane ion  transport  modulators  and  non-steroidal  anti-inflammatory  drugs  in  asthma. [Review] [26 refs] Thorax.  55 Suppl 2:S48-50, 2000 Oct.

 1566.Bircher  AJ.  Bigliardi  P.  Zaugg  T.  Makinen-Kiljunen  S.  Delayed  generalized allergic reactions to corticosteroids.Dermatology.  200(4):349-51, 2000.

 1567. Bosse M. Audette M. Laflamme G. Ferland C. Boulet LP. Laviolette M. Eosinophil activation status and corticosteroid responsiveness in severe asthma. International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  122(3):200-8, 2000 Jul.

 1568. Christian  Virchow  J.  Prasse  A.  Naya  I.  Summerton  L.  Harris  A.  Zafirlukast improves  asthma  control  in  patients receiving high-dose inhaled corticosteroids. American  Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. 162 (2 Pt 1) : 578-85, 2000 Aug.

 1569. Chung KF.  Airway  smooth  muscle  cells : contributing to and regulating airway mucosal inflammation?. [Review] [85 refs] European Respiratory Journal. 15(5) 961-8, 2000 May.

 1570. Cimerman N.  Brguljan PM.  Krasovec M.  Suskovic S.  Kos J.Serum cystatin C, a potent inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, is elevated in asthmatic patients. Clinica  Chimica Acta.  300(1-2):83-95, 2000 Oct.

 1571. Crim  C.  Clinical  practice  guidelines  vs  actual   clinical  practice :  the  asthma paradigm.Chest.  118(2 Suppl):62S-64S, 2000 Aug.

 1572. Eaton T.  Garrett J.  Milne D.  Frankel A.  Wells  AU.  Allergic  bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in the asthma clinic. A prospective evaluation of CT in the diagnostic algorithm [see comments].Chest.  118(1):66-72, 2000 Jul.

 1573. Ek A.  Palmberg L.  Larsson K. Influence of fluticasone and salmeterol on airway effects   of   inhaled  organic  dust ;  an  in  vivo  and  ex  vivo  study .  Clinical  & Experimental Immunology.  121(1):11-6, 2000 Jul.

 1574. Eldridge MW. Peden DB.Airway response to concomitant exposure with endotoxin and  allergen  in  atopic  asthmatics. [Review]  [38 refs]  Journal  of  Toxicology & Environmental Health. Part A.  61(1):27-37, 2000  Sep 15.

 1575. Falcao AC.  Rocha MJ.  Almeida AM.  Caramona MM. Theophylline pharmacokinetics with concomitant steroid and gold therapy. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics.  25(3):191-5, 2000 Jun.

 1576. Fauroux B. Sampil M. Quenel P. Lemoullec Y. Ozone: a trigger for hospital pediatric asthma emergency room visits. Pediatric Pulmonology.  30(1):41-6, 2000 Jul.

 1577. Forbes L.  Jarvis D.  Bumey P.Is pre-menstrual asthma related to use of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ?. Respiratory Medicine.  94 ( 8 ) : 828 - 9, 2000 Aug.

 1578  Grunberg  K.  Sharon  RF.  Hiltermann  TJ.  Brahim  JJ.  Dick  EC.  Sterk  PJ. Van Krieken JH. Experimental rhinovirus 16 infection increases intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in bronchial epithelium of asthmatics regardless of inhaled steroid treatment.Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30(7):1015-23, 2000 Jul.

 1579   Helms  PJ.  Issues  and  unmet  needs  in pediatric asthma. Pediatric Pulmonology. 30 (2) : 159-65, 2000 Aug.

 1580. Holloway JW.  Dunbar PR.  Riley GA.  Sawyer GM.  Fitzharris PF.  Pearce N. Le Gros GS.  Beasley R.  Association  of  beta2-adrenergic  receptor  polymorphisms with severe asthma. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30(8):1097-103, 2000 Aug.

 1581. Holt  PG.  Sly  PD.  Prevention  of  adult  asthma   by   early   intervention   during childhood : potential value of new generation immunomodulatory drugs. [Review] [44 refs] Thorax.  55(8):700-3, 2000 Aug.

 1582. Houston  EC.  Cunningham  CC.  Metcalfe  E.  Newton  R.  The information needs and  understanding  of  5-10-year  old  children  with  epilepsy, asthma or diabetes. Seizure.  9(5):340-3, 2000 Jul.

 1583. Jaffuel D.  Demoly P.  Gougat C.  Balaguer P.  Mautino G.  Godard P.  Bousquet J. Mathieu   M.  Transcriptional   potencies   of   inhaled  glucocorticoids .  American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  162(1):57-63, 2000 Jul.

 1584. Kabra SK.  Pandey RM.  Singh R.  Seth V. Ketotifen for asthma in children aged 5 to 15 years: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  85(1):46-52, 2000 Jul.

 1585.Kallay N. Crim L. Dunagan DP. Kavanagh PV. Meredith W.  Haponik EF. Massive left  diaphragmatic  separation  and  rupture  due  to  coughing  during  an  asthma exacerbation. [Review] [5 refs] Southern Medical Journal. 93(7):729-31, 2000 Jul.

 1586. Kemp JP.  Role of  leukotriene  receptor  antagonists in pediatric asthma. Pediatric Pulmonology.  30(2):177-82, 2000 Aug.

 1587. Kips JC.  Pauwels RA. Use of induced sputum in the diagnosis and follow-up of asthma  and  chronic  obstructive pulmonary disease [editorial]. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease.  55(2):93-5, 2000 Apr.

 1588. Koshino  T.   Takano  S.   Kitani  S.   Ohshima  N.   Sano  Y.   Takaishi  T.  Hirai   K. Yamamoto  K.  Morita  Y.  Novel  polymorphism of the 5-lipoxygenase activating protein ( FLAP )  promoter  gene  associated with asthma. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications.  2(1):32-5, 1999 Jul.

 1589. Kulig J.  Advances  in  medical  management  of  asthma,  headaches, and fatigue. [Review] [36 refs] Medical Clinics of North America.  84(4):829-50, vi, 2000 Jul.

 1590. Luxenberger W. Posch U. Berghold A. Hofmann T. Lang-Loidolt D.HLA patterns in patients with nasal polyposis. European  Archives  of  Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 257(3):137-9, 2000.

 1591. Mathison DA.  Koziol  JA. Persistent  asthma :  patient  characteristics,  courses  of asthma, and utility of salmeterol. Journal of Asthma.  37(5):441-50, 2000 Aug.

1592. Mazur LJ. de Ybarrondo L. Miller J. A guide to the pediatric  patient  with  " difficult " asthma. [Review] [29 refs] Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 13 ( 6 Pt 1 ) : 284-7, 1999 Nov-Dec.

 1593. Morice  A H.  Andrews  B.  Taylor  M.  Comparison  of  the  effect  on  bronchial hyperresponsiveness  of  beclomethasone  dipropionate  administered  via  a  novel multidose dry-powder inhaler or a conventional pressurised metered dose inhaler [see comments].Respiration.  67(3):298-305, 2000.

 1594. Motala C. Kling S. Gie R. Potter PC. Manjra A. Vermeulen J. Weinberg EG.  Green R. Guideline  for  the  management  of  chronic  asthma  in  children -- 2000  update.Allergy Society of South Africa Working Group. South African Medical Journal.              90(5Pt 2):524-8, 530, 532 passim, 2000  May.

 1595. Nizankowska E.  Bestynska-Krypel A.  Cmiel A.  Szczeklik A.Oral and bronchial provocation tests with aspirin for diagnosis of aspirin-induced asthma. European Respiratory Journal.  15(5):863-9, 2000 May.

 1596. O'Brien  C.  Guest  PJ.   Hill  SL.  Stockley  RA.  Physiological  and  radiological characterisation of patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care.Thorax.  55(8):635-42, 2000 Aug.

 1597. Ochs RL.  Muro Y.  Si Y.  Ge H.  Chan EK.  Tan EM. Autoantibodies to DFS 70 kd/ transcription coactivator p75 in atopic dermatitis and other conditions. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  105(6 Pt 1):1211-20, 2000 Jun.

 1598. Palmer LJ. Cookson WO.Genomic approaches to understanding asthma. [Review] [132 refs] Genome Research.  10(9):1280-7, 2000 Sep.

 1599. Piirila  PL.  Nordman  H.  Keskinen  HM.  Luukkonen  R.  Salo  SP.  Tuomi  TO. Tuppurainen M.Long-term follow-up of hexamethylene diisocyanate-, diphenyl-methane  diisocyanate - ,  and  toluene  diisocyanate - induced  asthma.  American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  162(2 Pt1):516-22, 2000 Aug.

 1600. Reid  J. Marciniuk  DD. Cockcroft DW.   Asthma  management  in  the  emergency department. Canadian Respiratory Journal.  7(3):255-60, 2000 May-Jun.

 1601. Rodrigo  GJ.  Rodrigo C.  First-line  therapy  for  adult  patients  with acute  asthma receiving  a  multiple-dose  protocol  of  ipratropium bromide plus albuterol in the  emergency   department.    American   Journal   of   Respiratory   &   Critical   Care Medicine.  161(6):1862-8, 2000 Jun.

 1602. Schwartz DA. Etiology and pathogenesis of airway disease in children and adults from rural communities. [Review] [150 refs] Environmental Health Perspectives. 107 Suppl 3:393-401, 1999 Jun.

 1603. Sheftell   F.  Rapoport   A.  Weeks   R.  Walker   B.   Gammerman   I.   Baskin   S. Montelukast  in  the  prophylaxis  of  migraine :  a  potential  role  for  leukotriene modifiers. Headache.  40(2):158-63, 2000 Feb.

 1604. Springer C. Godfrey S. Picard E. Uwyyed K. Rotschild M. Hananya S. Noviski N. Avital  A.  Efficacy  and  safety of methacholine bronchial challenge performed by auscultation  in  young  asthmatic  children.  American  Journal  of  Respiratory  & Critical Care Medicine.  162(3 Pt 1):857-60, 2000 Sep.

 1605. Stach SL.  Improving  self-care  in  adults with asthma using peak expiratory flow rate home monitoring. [Review]  [28 refs]  Journal  of  the  American  Academy  of Nurse Practitioners.  12(2):59-70; quiz  71-3, 2000 Feb.

 1606. Suissa S. Ernst P. Benayoun S.  Baltzan M.  Cai B.  Low-dose inhaled corticosteroids and the prevention of death from asthma. New England Journal of Medicine. 343(5): 332-6, 2000 Aug 3.

 1607. Szczeklik  A. Nizankowska  E.  Clinical  features and diagnosis of aspirin induced asthma. [Review] [28 refs] Thorax.  55 Suppl 2:S42-4, 2000 Oct.

 1608. Takabayashi A. Ihara K. Sasaki Y. Suzuki Y. Nishima S.  Izuhara K. Hamasaki N. Hara T. Childhood  atopic  asthma :  positive  association  with  a polymorphism of IL-4 receptor alpha gene but not with that of IL-4 promoter or Fc epsilon receptor I beta gene.Experimental & Clinical Immunogenetics.  17(2):63-70, 2000.

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