( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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  1527.      Baridalyne N.  Anand K.  Pandav CS. Typhoid fever vaccines. National Medical Journal of India.  13(2):79-80, 2000 Mar-Apr.

 1528.      Cuzzubbo AJ.  Vaughn DW.  Nisalak A.  Solomon T.  Kalayanarooj S.  Aaskov J.  Dung NM.  Devine PL. Comparison of PanBio Dengue Duo IgM and IgG capture ELISA and venture  technologies dengue IgM and IgG dot blot.  Journal of Clinical Virology.  16(2):135-44, 2000 Apr.

 1529.      Kalhan R.  Kaur I.  Singh RP.  Gupta HC. Latex agglutination test (LAT) for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. Indian Pediatrics.  36(1):65-8, 1999 Jan.

 1530.      Kalhan R.  Kaur I.  Singh RP.  Gupta HC. Rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever.  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  65(4):561-4, 1998 Jul-Aug.

 1531.      Kamath PS.  Jalihal A.  Chakraborty A. Differentiation of typhoid fever from fulminant hepatic failure in patients presenting with jaundice and encephalopathy. Mayo Clinic Proceedings.  75(5):462-6, 2000 May.

 1532.      Olopoenia LA.  King AL. Widal agglutination test - 100 years later: still plagued by controversy. [Review] [35 refs]  Postgraduate Medical Journal.  76(892):80-4, 2000 Feb.

 1533.      Rao PS.  Prasad SV.  Arunkumar G.  Shivananda PG. Salmonella typhi VI antigen co-agglutination test for the rapid diagnosis  of typhoid fever. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences.  53(1):7-9, 1999 Jan.

 1534.      Rathish KC.  Chandrashekar MR.  Nagesha CN. An outbreak of multidrug resistant typhoid fever in Bangalore.  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  62(4):445-8, 1995 Jul-Aug.

 1535.      Thomas RE. Preparing patients to travel abroad safely. Part 2: Updating vaccinations. Canadian Family Physician.  46:646-52, 655-6, 2000 Mar.

 1955. Greenberg  SB.  ' Bacilli  and  bullets ' :  William  Osler  and  the  antivaccination movement.  Southern Medical Journal.  93(8):763-7, 2000 Aug.

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1957.   Wallis TS.  Galyov EE. Molecular basis of Salmonella-induced enteritis. [Review] [53 refs]  Molecular Microbiology.  36(5):997-1005, 2000 Jun.

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2476.      Agunwamba JC. Analysis of socioeconomic and environmental impacts of waste stabilization pond and unrestricted wastewater irrigation: interface with maintenance. Environmental Management.  27(3):463-76, 2001 Mar.

2477.      Chiu S.  Chiu CH.  Lin TY.  Luo CC.  Jaing TH.  Septic arthritis of the hip caused by Salmonella typhi.  Annals of Tropical Paediatrics.  21(1):88-90, 2001 Mar.

2478.      Ebi GC.  Kamalu TN. Phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of constituents of "Ogwu Odenigbo", a popular Nigerian herbal medicine for typhoid fever. Phytotherapy Research.  15(1):73-5, 2001 Feb.

2479.      Hussein MM.  Mooij JM.  Roujouleh HM.  Hamour OA.  Felemban H. Non-typhoid Salmonella septicemia and visceral leishmaniasis in a renal transplant patient. Transplantation.  71(3):479-81, 2001 Feb 15.

2480.      Singh H.  Singh S. Hypoglycaemia in Salmonella typhi. Tropical Doctor.  31(1):56-7, 2001 Jan.

2481.      Sood A.  Midha V.  Sood N. Massive hemorrhage from colonic ulcers in typhoid fever.  Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20(2):80, 2001 Mar-Apr.

2482.      Sorabjee JS. The liver in enteric fever and leptospirosis. [Review] [13 refs] Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.  20 Suppl 1:C44-6, 2001 Mar.

2483.      Yeolekar ME.  Gupta H. Persistent fever in a case of typhoid--an unusual cause of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.  Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.  49:296, 2001 Feb.

2998.      Dunstan SJ.  Ho VA.  Duc CM.  Lanh MN.  Phuong CX.  Luxemburger C.  Wain J.  Dudbridge F.  Peacock CS.  House D.  Parry C.  Hien TT.  Dougan G.  Farrar J.  Blackwell JM. Typhoid fever and genetic polymorphisms at the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1. Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183(7):1156-60, 2001 Apr 1.

2999.      Fierer J.  Guiney DG.  Diverse virulence traits underlying different clinical outcomes of Salmonella infection. [Review] [50 refs] Journal of Clinical Investigation.  107(7):775-80, 2001 Apr.

3000.      Guerrant RL.  Kosek M. Polysaccharide conjugate typhoid vaccine. [letter; comment]. New England Journal of Medicine.  344(17):1322-3, 2001 Apr 26.

3001.      Lin FY.  Ho VA.  Khiem HB.  Trach DD.  Bay PV.  Thanh TC.  Kossaczka Z.  Bryla DA.  Shiloach J.  Robbins JB.  Schneerson R.  Szu SC.  The efficacy of a Salmonella typhi Vi conjugate vaccine in two-to-five-year-old children. [see comments].  New England Journal of Medicine.  344(17):1263-9, 2001 Apr 26.

3002.      Shears P. Antibiotic resistance in the tropics. Epidemiology and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in the tropics. [Review] [27 refs]  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  95(2):127-30, 2001 Mar-Apr.

3003.      Webster G.  Barnes E.  Dusheiko G.  Franklin I. Protecting travellers from hepatitis A. BMJ.  322(7296):1194-5, 2001 May 19.


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