( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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  1441.      Al-Marri MR.  Kirkpatrick MB. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in childhood tuberculosis: is it still worthwhile?. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(3):237-9, 2000  Mar.

 1442.      Amaral L.  Kristiansen JE. Phenothiazines: an alternative to conventional therapy for the initial management of suspected multidrug resistant tuberculosis. A call for studies. [Review] [26 refs] International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.  14(3):173-6, 2000 Apr.

 1443.      Arend SM.  Andersen P.  van Meijgaarden KE.  Skjot RL.  Subronto YW.  van Dissel JT.  Ottenhoff TH. Detection of active tuberculosis infection by T cell responses to  early-secreted antigenic target 6-kDa protein and culture filtrate protein  10. Journal of Infectious Diseases.  181(5):1850-4, 2000 May.

 1444.      Arend SM.  Geluk A.  van Meijgaarden KE.  van Dissel JT.  Theisen M.  Andersen P.  Ottenhoff TH. Antigenic equivalence of human T-cell responses to Mycobacterium  tuberculosis-specific RD1-encoded protein antigens ESAT-6 and culture  filtrate protein 10 and to mixtures of synthetic peptides.  Infection & Immunity.  68(6):3314-21, 2000 Jun.

 1445.      Arora SK.  Kumar B.  Sehgal S. Development of a polymerase chain reaction dot-blotting system for detecting cutaneous tuberculosis. British Journal of Dermatology.  142(1):72-6, 2000 Jan.

 1446.      Baron JH. Inflammatory bowel disease up to 1932. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine.  67(3):174-89, 2000 May.

 1447.      Bastian I.  Rigouts L.  Van Deun A.  Portaels F. Directly observed treatment, short-course strategy and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: are any modifications required?. Bulletin of the World Health Organization.  78(2):238-51, 2000.

 1448.      Becerra MC.  Bayona J.  Freeman J.  Farmer PE.  Kim JY. Redefining MDR-TB transmission 'hot spots'. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(5):387-94, 2000 May.

 1449.      Benakappa A.  Benakappa N.  Benakappa DG. Management of tuberculosis.  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  62(5):557-63, 1995 Sep-Oct.

 1450.      Bleed D.  Dye C.  Raviglione MC. Dynamics and control of the global tuberculosis epidemic. [Review] [42 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  6(3):174-9, 2000 May.

 1451.      Bungay HK.  Adams RF.  Morris CM.  Haggett PJ.  Traill ZC.  Gleeson FV. Cutting needle biopsy in the diagnosis of clinically suspected non-carcinomatous disease of the lung.  British Journal of Radiology.  73(868):349-55, 2000 Apr.

 1452.      Bustamante-Montes LP.  Escobar-Mesa A.  Borja-Aburto VH.  Gomez-Munoz A. Becerra-Posada F. Predictors of death from pulmonary tuberculosis: the case of Veracruz, Mexico. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(3):208-15, 2000  Mar.

 1453.      Chanteau S.  Rasolofo V.  Rasolonavalona T.  Ramarokoto H.  Horn C.  Auregan G.  Marchal G. 45/47 kilodalton (APA) antigen capture and antibody detection assays for  the diagnosis of tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(4):377-83, 2000  Apr.

 1454.      Char G.  Morgan OS. Tuberculous encephalopathy. A rare complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. West Indian Medical Journal.  49(1):70-2, 2000 Mar.

 1455.      Churchyard GJ.  Corbett EL.  Kleinschmidt I.  Mulder D.  De Cock KM. Drug-resistant tuberculosis in South African gold miners: incidence and associated factors. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(5):433-40, 2000 May.

 1456.      Delogu G.  Howard A.  Collins FM.  Morris SL. DNA vaccination against tuberculosis: expression of a ubiquitin-conjugated tuberculosis protein enhances antimycobacterial immunity.Infection & Immunity.  68(6):3097-102, 2000 Jun.

 1457.      Divya Jyothi M.  Garg SK.  Singh NB. Mechanisms involved in protective immune response generated by secretory proteins of Mycobacterium habana against experimental tuberculosis.  Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.  51(5):502-10, 2000 May.

 1458.      Doherty TM.  Andersen P. Tuberculosis vaccines: developmental work and the future. [Review] [74 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  6(3):203-8, 2000 May.

 1459.      Donald PR. Childhood tuberculosis. [Review] [39 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  6(3):187-92, 2000 May.

 1460.      Elis A.  Mulchanov I.  Radnay J.  Shapiro H.  Lishner M. The diagnostic significance of polyclonal lymphocytosis in pleural effusions.  New Zealand Medical Journal.  113(1104):56-8, 2000 Feb 25.

 1461.      Espinal MA.  Kim SJ.  Suarez PG.  Kam KM.  Khomenko AG.  Migliori GB. Baez J.  Kochi A.  Dye C.  Raviglione MC. Standard short-course chemotherapy for drug-resistant tuberculosis: treatment outcomes in 6 countries [see comments]. JAMA.  283(19):2537-45, 2000 May 17.

 1462.      Faerman M.  Jankauskas R. Paleopathological and molecular evidence of human bone tuberculosis in Iron Age Lithuania. Anthropologischer Anzeiger.  58(1):57-62, 2000 Mar.

 1463.      Furin JJ.  Becerra MC.  Shin SS.  Kim JY.  Bayona J.  Farmer PE. Effect of administering short-course, standardized regimens in individuals infected with drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 19(2):132-6, 2000 Feb.

 1464.                                    Gadre D.V., Talwar V., Gupta H.C. and Murthy P.S. (1998). Effect of trifluoperazine, a potential drug for tuberculosis with psychotic disorders, on the growth of clinical isolates of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. International clinical Psychopharmacology. 13(3), 129-131.

 1465.      Garay JE. Analysis of a simplified concentration sputum smear technique for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in rural hospitals. Tropical Doctor.  30(2):70-2, 2000 Apr.

 1466.      Glickman MS.  Cox JS.  Jacobs WR Jr. A novel mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase is required for coding, persistence, and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  Molecular Cell.  5(4):717-27, 2000 Apr.

 1467.      Grange JM.  Zumla A. Advances in the management of tuberculosis: clinical trials and beyond.[Review] [23 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  6(3):193-7, 2000 May.

 1468.      Gupta R.L., Sundeep Jain, Talwqr V., Gupta H.C. and Murthy P.S. (1998). Studies on a new antitubercular drug, trifluoperazine: Its effect in combination with conventional antitubercular drugs in tubercular lymphadenitis. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 13(2),92-97.

 1469.      Gurunathan S.  Klinman DM.  Seder RA.  DNA vaccines: immunology, application, and optimization*. [Review] [244  refs] Annual Review of Immunology.  18:927-74, 2000.

 1470.      Hadley M.  Maher D. Community involvement in tuberculosis control: lessons from other health care programmes. [Review] [46 refs] International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(5):401-8, 2000  May.

 1471.      Hendrickson RC.  Douglass JF.  Reynolds LD.  McNeill PD.  Carter D.  Reed SG.  Houghton RL. Mass spectrometric identification of mtb81, a novel serological marker for  tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(6):2354-61, 2000 Jun.

 1472.      Heymann SJ.  Brewer TF.  Ettling M.  Effectiveness and cost of rapid and conventional laboratory methods for  Mycobacterium tuberculosis screening.  Public Health Reports.  112(6):513-23, 1997 Nov-Dec.

 1473.      Hudson CP.  Wood R.  Maartens G. Diagnosing HIV-associated tuberculosis: reducing costs and diagnostic delay. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(3):240-5, 2000  Mar.

 1474.      Jasmer RM.  Edinburgh KJ.  Thompson A.  Gotway MB.  Creasman JM.  Webb WR. Huang L. Clinical and radiographic predictors of the etiology of pulmonary nodules in HIV-infected patients. Chest.  117(4):1023-30, 2000 Apr.

 1475.      Jerant AF.  Bannon M.  Rittenhouse S. Identification and management of tuberculosis [see comments]. American Family Physician.  61(9):2667-78, 2681-2, 2000 May 1.

 1476.      Jindal SK.  Gupta D. Algorithm for diagnosing pulmonary fibrosis in tropical countries. [Review] [44 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  4(5):294-9, 1998 Sep.

 1477.      Joshi S.  Malik S.  Kandoth PW. Diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation of bronchoscopy. Indian  Journal of Pediatrics.  62(1):83-7, 1995 Jan-Feb.

 1478.      Kakkar S.  Kapila K.  Singh MK.  Verma K. Tuberculosis of the breast. A cytomorphologic study. Acta Cytologica.  44(3):292-6, 2000 May-Jun.

 1479.      Kamath AT.  Groat NL.  Bean AG.  Britton WJ. Protective effect of DNA immunization against mycobacterial infection is  associated with the early emergence of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-secreting lymphocytes. Clinical & Experimental Immunology.  120(3):476-82, 2000 Jun.

 1480.      Khare MD.  Sharland M. Pulmonary manifestations of pediatric HIV infection. [Review] [26 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(6):895-904, 1999 Nov-Dec.

 1481.      Khatri GR.  Frieden TR. The status and prospects of tuberculosis control in India [see comments]. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(3):193-200, 2000 Mar.

 1482.      Krause KH.  Professional phagocytes: predators and prey of microorganisms. [Review] [13 refs] Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. Journal Suisse de Medecine. 130(4):97-100, 2000 Jan 29.

 1483.      Kuaban C.  Bercion R.  Jifon G.  Cunin P.  Blackett KN. Acquired anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in Yaounde, Cameroon. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(5):427-32, 2000 May.

 1484.      Kwiatkowski D. Genetic dissection of the molecular pathogenesis of severe infection.  [Review] [61 refs] Intensive Care Medicine.  26 Suppl 1:S89-97, 2000.

 1485.      Lee NH.  Choi EH.  Lee WS.  Ahn SK.Tuberculous cellulitis. Clinical & Experimental Dermatology.  25(3):222-3, 2000 May.

 1486.      Lu W.  Cheng P.  Chen S. HSP60, HSP70 in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease: implication and action. Journal of Tongji Medical University.  18(3):145-8, 1998.

 1487.      MacIntyre CR.  Ansari MZ.  Carnie J.  Hart WG. No evidence for multiple-drug prophylaxis for tuberculosis compared with  isoniazid alone in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants: completion and  compliance are major determinants of effectiveness. Preventive Medicine.  30(5):425-32, 2000 May.

 1488.      Mahadevan S. Advances in diagnosis of tuberculosis. [Review] [19 refs]  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(2):153-7, 1996 Mar-Apr.

 1489.      Mahadevan S. Clinical utility of serodiagnosis of tuberculosis. [Review] [33 refs]  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  64(1):97-103, 1997 Jan-Feb.

 1490.      Martin E.  Kamath AT.  Triccas JA.  Britton WJ. Protection against virulent Mycobacterium avium infection following DNA vaccination with the 35-kilodalton antigen is accompanied by induction of  gamma interferon-secreting CD4(+) T cells. Infection & Immunity.  68(6):3090-6, 2000 Jun.

 1491.      McLellan DG.  Philips KB.  Corbett CE.  Bronze MS. Sternal osteomyelitis caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis: case report and review of the literature. [Review] [31 refs] American Journal of the Medical Sciences.  319(4):250-4, 2000 Apr.

 1492.      Miller RF.  Howling SJ.  Reid AJ.  Shaw PJ. Pleural effusions in patients with AIDS.  Sexually Transmitted Infections.  76(2):122-5, 2000 Apr.

 1493.      Morris S.  Kelley C.  Howard A.  Li Z.  Collins F. The immunogenicity of single and combination DNA vaccines against tuberculosis. Vaccine.18(20):2155-63,2000 Apr 14.

 1494.      Morrison WI.  Bourne FJ.  Cox DR.  Donnelly CA.  Gettinby G.  McInerney  JP.  Woodroffe R. Pathogenesis and diagnosis of infections with Mycobacterium bovis in cattle. Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB. Veterinary Record.  146(9):236-42, 2000 Feb 26.

 1495.      Mustafa AS.  Abal AT.  Chugh TD. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and non-tuberculous mycobacteria by multiplex polymerase chain reactions. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.  5(1):61-70, 1999 Jan.

 1496.      Mustafa AS.  Shaban FA.  Abal AT.  Al-Attiyah R.  Wiker HG.  Lundin KE.  Oftung F.  Huygen K.Identification and HLA restriction of naturally derived Th1-cell epitopes  from the secreted Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen 85B recognized by  antigen-specific human CD4(+) T-cell lines. Infection & Immunity.  68(7):3933-40, 2000 Jul.

 1497.      Mwandumba HC.  Squire SB.  Fully intermittent dosing with drugs for tuberculosis. [Review] [1 refs] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD000970,  2000.

 1498.      Osann KE.  Lowery JT.  Schell MJ. Small cell lung cancer in women: risk associated with smoking, prior  respiratory disease, and occupation. Lung Cancer.  28(1):1-10, 2000 Apr.

 1499.      Ozates M.  Ozkan U.  Kemaloglu S.  Hosoglu S.  Sari I.  Spinal subdural tuberculous abscess. Spinal Cord.  38(1):56-8, 2000 Jan.

 1500.      Pereira Arias-Bouda LM.  Nguyen LN.  Ho LM.  Kuijper S.  Jansen HM.  Kolk AH.  Development of antigen detection assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis using sputum samples. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(6):2278-83, 2000 Jun.

 1501.      Portillo-Gomez L.  Morris SL.  Panduro A. Rapid and efficient detection of extra-pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis by PCR analysis. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(4):361-70, 2000  Apr.

 1502.      Pottumarthy S.  Wells VC.  Morris AJ. A comparison of seven tests for serological diagnosis of tuberculosis.Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(6):2227-31, 2000 Jun.

 1503.      Poveda F.  Camacho J.  Arnalich F.  Codoceo R.  del Arco A. Martinez-Hernandez P. Circulating cytokine concentrations in tuberculosis and other chronic bacterial infections. Infection.  27(4-5):272-4, 1999.

 1504.      Rameshkumar K. Tuberculous lymphadenitis in children--role of fine needle aspiation cytology. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.  47(10):976-9, 1999 Oct.

 1505.      Roring S.  Hughes MS.  Skuce RA.  Neill SD. Simultaneous detection and strain differentiation of Mycobacterium bovis  directly from bovine tissue specimens by spoligotyping. Veterinary Microbiology.  74(3):227-36, 2000 Jun 1.

 1506.      Rossi MC.  Gori A.  Zehender G.  Marchetti G.  Ferrario G.  De Maddalena C.  Catozzi L.  Bandera A.  Esposti AD.  Franzetti F.  A PCR-colorimetric microwell plate hybridization assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium from culture samples and  Ziehl-Neelsen-positive smears. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(5):1772-6, 2000 May.

 1507.      Salajka F.  Mezensky L.  Pokorny A. Commercial polymerase chain reaction test (Amplicor set) in the diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis from sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease.  55(1):9-12, 2000 Feb.

 1508.      Scarparo C.  Piccoli P.  Rigon A.  Ruggiero G.  Scagnelli M.  Piersimoni C. Comparison of enhanced Mycobacterium tuberculosis amplified direct test  with COBAS AMPLICOR Mycobacterium tuberculosis assay for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in respiratory and extrapulmonary specimens. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(4):1559-62, 2000 Apr.

 1509.      Sethi GR.  Batra V. Bronchiectasis: causes and management. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  67(2):133-9, 2000 Feb.

 1510.      Silva CL.  Lowrie DB. Identification and characterization of murine cytotoxic T cells that kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection & Immunity.  68(6):3269-74, 2000 Jun.

 1511.      Silva CL. The potential use of heat-shock proteins to vaccinate against  mycobacterial infections. [Review] [43 refs]  Microbes & Infection.  1(6):429-35, 1999 May.

 1512.      Singh KK.  Muralidhar M.  Kumar A.  Chattopadhyaya TK.  Kapila K.  Singh MK.  Sharma SK.  Jain NK.  Tyagi JS. Comparison of in house polymerase chain reaction with conventional techniques for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in granulomatous lymphadenopathy. Journal of Clinical Pathology.  53(5):355-61, 2000 May.

 1513.      Singh NP.  Parija SC.The value of fluorescence microscopy of auramine stained sputum smears for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public Health. 29(4):860-3, 1998 Dec.

 1514.      Singh S.  Cherian RS.  George B.  Nair S.  Srivastava A. Unusual extra-axial central nervous system involvement of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: magnetic resonance imaging. Australasian Radiology.  44(1):112-4, 2000 Feb.

 1515.      Stone DS. Health surveillance for health care workers. A vital role for the occupational and environmental health nurse. [Review] [33 refs]  AAOHN Journal.  48(2):73-9, 2000 Feb.

 1516.      Strohmeier GR.  Fenton MJ. Roles of lipoarabinomannan in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis. [Review] [63 refs] Microbes & Infection.  1(9):709-17, 1999 Jul.

 1517.      Swaminathan S.  Umadevi P.  Shantha S.  Radhakrishnan A.  Datta M. Sero diagnosis of tuberculosis in children using two ELISA kits. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(6):837-42, 1999 Nov-Dec.

 1518.      Swingler GH. Chest radiography in ambulatory children with acute lower respiratory infections: effective tuberculosis case-finding?. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics.  20(1):11-5, 2000 Mar.

 1519.      van Pinxteren LA.  Ravn P.  Agger EM.  Pollock J.  Andersen P. Diagnosis of tuberculosis based on the two specific antigens ESAT-6 and  CFP10. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology.  7(2):155-60, 2000 Mar.

 1520.      Walker D.  McNerney R.  Mwembo MK.  Foster S.  Tihon V.  Godfrey-Faussett P. An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis of the first, second and third  sputum examination in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(3):246-51, 2000  Mar.

 1521.      Ward BJ. Vaccine adverse events in the new millennium: is there reason for concern? [see comments]. [Review] [62 refs] Bulletin of the World Health Organization.  78(2):205-15, 2000.

 1522.      Warren JR.  Bhattacharya M.  De Almeida KN.  Trakas K.  Peterson LR. A minimum 5.0 ml of sputum improves the sensitivity of acid-fast smear for  Mycobacterium tuberculosis. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  161(5):1559-62,  2000 May.

 1523.      Wilkinson D.Drugs for preventing tuberculosis in HIV infected persons. [Review] [6 refs]  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file].  (2):CD000171,  2000.

 1524.      Willcox PA. Drug-resistant tuberculosis. [Review] [49 refs] Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.  6(3):198-202, 2000 May.

 1525.      Yencha MW.  Linfesty R.  Blackmon A. Laryngeal tuberculosis. [Review] [15 refs] American Journal of Otolaryngology.  21(2):122-6, 2000 Mar-Apr.

 1526.      Zedtwitz-Liebenstein K.  Podesser B.  Peck-Radosavljevic M.  Graninger W. Intestinal tuberculosis presenting as fever of unknown origin in a heart  transplant patient. Infection.  27(4-5):289-90, 1999.

1884. Anonymous. Update: Nucleic acid amplification tests for tuberculosis.  MMWR - Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report.  49(26):593-4, 2000 Jul 7.

1885.   Ardito F.  Sanguinetti M.  Sechi L.  Posteraro B.  Masucci L.  Fadda G. Zanetti S. Comparison of the mycobacteria growth indicator tube with radiometric and  solid culture  for  isolation  of  mycobacteria from clinical specimens and  susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  New Microbiologica.  23(2):151-8, 2000 Apr.

1886.   Barnes PF.  Wizel B. Type 1 cytokines and the pathogenesis of tuberculosis [editorial; comment].  American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine.  161(6): 1773-4, 2000 Jun.

1887.   Braibant M. Gilot P. Content J. The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transport systems of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Review] [114 refs] FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 24(4):449-67, 2000 Oct.

1888.   Brennan  MJ.  Moving  new  vaccines  for  tuberculosis   through   the   regulatory process.  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S247-9, 2000 Jun.

1889.   Casal M. Ruiz P. Herreras A. Study of the in vitro susceptibility of M. tuberculosis to  ofloxacin  in   Spain.  Spanish  Study  Group  of  M.   tuberculosis   resistance. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(6):588-91, 2000  Jun.

1890.   Castellano   I.   Gomez - Martino   JR.   Hernandez   T.    Mateos  L.    Arguello  C. Hemophagocytic syndrome as an unusual form of presentation of tuberculosis  in a hemodialysis patient: case report and review of the literature. [Review] [22 refs] American Journal of Nephrology.  20(3):214-6, 2000 May-Jun.

1891.   Chambers MA.  Vordermeier H.  Whelan A.  Commander N.  Tascon R.  Lowrie D. Hewinson  RG.  Vaccination  of  mice  and  cattle with plasmid DNA encoding the Mycobacterium bovis antigen MPB83. Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3: S283-7, 2000 Jun.

1892.   Coetsier C.  Vannuffel P.  Blondeel N.  Denef JF.  Cocito C.  Gala JL. Duplex PCR for differential identification of Mycobacterium bovis, M.  avium, and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in formalin- fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from cattle. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(8):3048-54, 2000 Aug.

1893.   Coler RN.  Skeiky YA.  Ovendale PJ.  Vedvick TS.  Gervassi L.  Guderian J.  Jen S. Reed  SG.  Campos-Neto  A. Cloning  of   a   Mycobacterium   tuberculosis   gene encoding  a  purifed  protein  derivative  protein  that  elicits  strong  tuberculosis-specific  delayed-type  hypersensitivity.  Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases. 182 (1): 224-33, 2000 Jul.

1894.   Collins  D M.   New   tuberculosis   vaccines   based  on  attenuated  strains  of  the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Immunology & Cell Biology. 78(4):342-8, 2000 Aug.

1895.   Comstock  GW.  Simple,  practical  ways  to assess the protective efficacy of a new tuberculosis vaccine. [Review] [18 refs]  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3: S250-3, 2000 Jun.

1896.   de La Rosa  JM.  Escobedo  M.  Tuberculosis  and  other infectious diseases in the adolescent immigrant.   [Review] [23 refs]  Adolescent Medicine.  11(2):453-66, 2000 Jun.

1897.   DeBarber  AE.  Mdluli  K.  Bosman M.  Bekker LG.  Barry CE 3rd. Ethionamide activation   and   sensitivity  in  multidrug-resistant   Mycobacterium   tuberculosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of  America. 97(17):9677-82, 2000 Aug 15.

1898.   Dillinger TL.  Barriga P.  Escarcega S.  Jimenez M.  Salazar Lowe D.  Grivetti LE. Food of the gods: cure for humanity? A cultural history of the medicinal  and ritual use of chocolate.  Journal of Nutrition.  130(8S Suppl):2057S-72S, 2000 Aug.

1899.   Donald   PR.  Preventing   tuberculosis   in   childhood.  [Review] [20 refs]  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  67(5):383-5, 2000 May.

1900.   Dye  C.  Williams   BG.  Criteria  for  the  control  of  drug-resistant  tuberculosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of  America. 97(14):8180-5, 2000 Jul 5.

1901.   Edwards  RJ.  David  KM.  Crockard  HA.  Management  of  tuberculomas  of  the craniovertebral junction. British Journal of Neurosurgery.  14(1):19-22, 2000 Feb.

1902.   Gennaro ML. Immunologic diagnosis of tuberculosis. [Review] [30 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S243-6, 2000 Jun.

1903.   Ginsberg AM. A proposed national strategy for tuberculosis vaccine development. Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S233-42, 2000 Jun.

1904.   Glassroth  J.  Clinical  considerations  in  designing  trials of vaccines for tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S229-32, 2000 Jun.

1905.   Gupta  A.  Kumar  V.   Xess  A.   Sharma  HP.   Shahi  SK.  Role  of  enzyme  linked immunosorbent  assay  in  the  diagnosis  of  suspected   cases  of  genito  urinary tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology.  42(3):307-9, 1999 Jul.

1906.   Hermon - Taylor  J.   Bull  T J .   Sheridan  JM.   Cheng J.  Stellakis ML.  Sumar N. Causation of Crohn's disease by Mycobacterium avium subspecies  paratuberculosis [ see  comments ]   [ comment ].   [ Review ]   [ 369  refs ]  Canadian  Journal  of Gastroenterology.  14(6):521-39, 2000 Jun.

1907.   Horsburgh   CR   Jr.   A  large,  simple  trial  of  a  tuberculosis   vaccine.  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S213-6, 2000 Jun.

1908.   Jain AK. Jena A. Dhammi IK.Correlation of clinical course with magnetic resonance imaging in  tuberculous myelopathy. Neurology India.  48(2):132-9, 2000 Jun.

1909.   Jeyakumar D. A case of primary drug resistant tuberculosis.  Medical Journal of Malaysia.  55(2):129-31, 2000 Jun.

1910.   Jones PB.  Parrish NM.  Houston TA.  Stapon A.  Bansal NP.  Dick JD. Townsend CA. A new class of antituberculosis agents.  Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.  43(17): 3304-14, 2000 Aug 24.

1911.   Kakkar  N.   Sharma  M.   Ray  P.   Sethi   S.   Kumar  S.  Evaluation  of  E  test  for susceptibility  testing  of  Mycobacterium  tuberculosis  to  primary anti tubercular drugs. Indian Journal of Medical Research.  111:168-71, 2000 May.

1912.   Karia K.  Mathur SK. Tuberculous cold abscess simulating pancreatic pseudocyst. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine.  46(1):33-4, 2000 Jan-Mar.

1913.   Klein  DL.  From  pertussis  to  tuberculosis :  what  can  be  learned ?. [ Review ]  [37 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3:S302-8, 2000 Jun.

1914.   Kwon KS.  Oh CK.  Jang HS.  Lee CW.  Jun ES. Detection of mycobacterial DNA in cervical granulomatous lymphadenopathy from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embed ded tissue by PCR.  Journal of Dermatology.  27(6):355-60, 2000 Jun.

1915.   Lazarus  A.  Sanders  J.  Management  of   tuberculosis.   Choosing   an   effective regimen  and  ensuring  compliance. [ Review ]  [ 20 refs ]  Postgraduate Medicine. 108(2):71-4, 77-9, 83-4, 2000 Aug.

1916.   Li  JY.   Lo  ST.   Ng CS.  Molecular detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in tissues  showing  granulomatous  inflammation  without  demonstrable  acid-fast bacilli. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology.  9(2):67-74, 2000 Jun.

1917.   Lietman  T.  Blower  SM.  Potential  impact of  tuberculosis vaccines as epidemic control agents. [ Review ]   [ 24 refs ]  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30 Suppl 3 : S 316-22, 2000 Jun.

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