( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis,  Vaccines & Drugs)

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1360.      Balganesh M.  Lalitha MK.  Nathaniel R. Rapid diagnosis of acute pyogenic meningitis by a combined PCR dot-blot assay. Molecular & Cellular Probes.  14(2):61-9, 2000 Apr.

 1361.      Bhaumik S; Behari M Role of dexamethasone as adjunctive therapy in acute bacterial meningitis in adults. Neurology India 1998 Sep; 46(3): 225-8

 1362.      Bisharda A.  Chowdhury R.  Puliyel JM.  Evaluation of leukocyte esterase reagent strips for rapid diagnosis of pyogenic meningitis [letter]. Indian Pediatrics.  36(9):955-6, 1999 Sep.

 1363.      Buttery JP.  Moxon ER. Designing meningitis vaccines. [Review] [31 refs] Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London.  34(2):163-8, 2000 Mar-Apr.

 1364.      Chiu CH.  Tsai JR.  Ou JT.  Lin TY. Typhoid fever in children: a fourteen-year experience [see comments]. T`aiwan Erh k`o i Hs eh Hui Tsa Chih.  41(1):28-32, 2000 Jan-Feb.

 1365.      Curry DJ.  Frim DM. Delayed repair of open depressed skull fracture. Pediatric Neurosurgery.  31(6):294-7, 1999 Dec.

 1366.      Das CP; Sawhney IMS Neurological complications of HIV infection. Neurology India 1998 June; 46(2): 82-93

 1367.      Hortal M.  Camou T.  Palacio R.  Dibarboure H.  Garcia A. Ten-year review of invasive pneumococcal diseases in children and adults from Uruguay: clinical spectrum, serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance. International Journal of Infectious Diseases.  4(2):91-5, 2000.

 1368.      Jolles S.  Sewell WA.  Leighton C. Drug-induced aseptic meningitis: diagnosis and management. [Review] [162  refs] Drug Safety.  22(3):215-26, 2000 Mar.

 1369.      Julka RK; Deb M; Patwari AK Tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis in children : a  linico-bacteriological profile. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 1998 Jan; 45(1): 19-22

 1370.      Kamat DV.  Chakravorty BP. Comparative values of CSF-LDH isoenzymes in neurological disorders. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences.  53(1):1-6, 1999 Jan.

 1371.      Kanamalla US.  Ibarra RA.  Jinkins JR.Imaging of cranial meningitis and ventriculitis. [Review] [77 refs] Neuroimaging Clinics of North America.  10(2):309-31, 2000 May.

 1372.      Kim KS. E. coli invasion of brain microvascular endothelial cells as a pathogenetic basis of meningitis. [Review] [14 refs] Sub-Cellular Biochemistry.  33:47-59, 2000.

 1373.      Kudesia S; Santosh V; Pal L; Das S; Shankar SK Neurocysticercosis : a clinicopathological appraisal. Medical Journal Armed Forces India 1998 Jan; 54(1): 13-8

 1374.      Kumar S.  Puri V.  Mehndiratta MM.  Gupta S.  Bhutani A.  Sharma C.  Paradoxical response to antitubercular drugs. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  62(6):695-701, 1995 Nov-Dec.

 1375.      Leung WC.  Tregoning D. Issues arising from two related cases of childhood tuberculous meningitis. Public Health.  114(1):57-9, 2000 Jan.

 1376.      MacLennan JM.  Shackley F.  Heath PT.  Deeks JJ.  Flamank C.  Herbert M. Griffiths H.  Hatzmann E.  Goilav C.  Moxon ER. Safety, immunogenicity, and induction of immunologic memory by a serogroup C meningococcal conjugate vaccine in infants: A randomized controlled trial [see comments]. JAMA.  283(21):2795-801, 2000 Jun 7.

 1377.      Mahadevan S. Advances in diagnosis of tuberculosis. [Review] [19 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(2):153-7, 1996 Mar-Apr.

 1378.      Mahapatra AK; Bansal S Role of intracranial pressure monitoring in head injury: a prospective study. Neurology India 1998 June; 46(2): 109-14

 1379.      Maltezou HC.  Spyridis P.  Kafetzis DA. Tuberculosis during infancy. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(5):414-9, 2000  May.

 1380.      O'Farrell R.  Thornton J.  Brennan P.  Brett F.  Cunningham AJ. Spinal cord infarction and tetraplegia--rare complications of meningococcal meningitis. British Journal of Anaesthesia.  84(4):514-7, 2000 Apr.

 1381.      Ozates M.  Ozkan U.  Kemaloglu S.  Hosoglu S.  Sari I.  Spinal subdural tuberculous abscess. Spinal Cord.  38(1):56-8, 2000 Jan.

 1382.      Peltola H. Worldwide Haemophilus influenzae type b disease at the beginning of the 21st century: global analysis of the disease burden 25 years after the use of the polysaccharide vaccine and a decade after the advent of conjugates.[Review] [191 refs]  Clinical Microbiology Reviews.  13(2):302-17, 2000 Apr.

 1383.      Pemde HK.  Harish K.  Thawrani YP.  Shrivastava S.  Belapurkar KM.  C-reactive protein in childhood meningitides. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(1):73-7, 1996 Jan-Feb.

 1384.      Reddy TS.  Smith D.  Roy TM. Primary meningococcal pneumonia in elderly patients. American Journal of the Medical Sciences.  319(4):255-7, 2000 Apr.

 1385.      Satishchandra P.  Nalini A.  Gourie-Devi M.  Khanna N.  Santosh V.  Ravi V.  Desai A. Chandramuki A.  Jayakumar PN.  Shankar SK. Profile of neurologic disorders associated with HIV/AIDS from Bangalore, south India (1989-96). Indian Journal of Medical Research.  111:14-23, 2000 Jan.

 1386.      Scott TF. Cerebral herniation after lumbar puncture in sarcoid meningitis.Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery.  102(1):26-8, 2000 Mar.

 1387.      Seward RJ.  Towner KJ. Evaluation of a PCR-immunoassay technique for detection of Neisseria meningitidis in cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood.  Journal of Medical Microbiology.  49(5):451-6, 2000 May.

 1388.      Stockhammer G.  Poewe W.  Burgstaller S.  Deisenhammer F.  Muigg A.  Kiechl S.  Schmutzhard E.  Maier H.  Felber S.  Schumacher P.  Gunsilius E.  Gastl G. Vascular endothelial growth factor in CSF: a biological marker for  carcinomatous meningitis. Neurology.  54(8):1670-6, 2000 Apr 25.

 1389.      Terletskaia-Ladwig E.  Metzger C.  Schalasta G.  Enders G. Evaluation of enterovirus serological tests IgM-EIA and complement fixation in patients with meningitis, confirmed by detection of enteroviral RNA by RT-PCR in cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Medical Virology.  61(2):221-7, 2000 Jun.

 1390.      Thomas RE. Preparing patients to travel abroad safely. Part 2: Updating vaccinations. Canadian Family Physician.  46:646-52, 655-6, 2000 Mar.

 1391.      White AC Jr. Neurocysticercosis: updates on epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. [Review] [90 refs] Annual Review of Medicine.  51:187-206, 2000.

 1392.      Wu HS.  Kolonoski P.  Chang YY.  Bermudez LE. Invasion of the brain and chronic central nervous system infection after  systemic Mycobacterium avium complex infection in mice. Infection & Immunity.  68(5):2979-84, 2000 May.

 1798. Andersen O. Myelitis. [Review] [52 refs]  Current Opinion in Neurology.  13(3): 311-6, 2000 Jun.

 1799. Atobe JH. Hirata MH. Hoshino-Shimizu S. Schmal MR. Mamizuka EM.One-step heminested PCR for amplification of Neisseria meningitidis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis.  14(4):193-9, 2000.

 1800. Auer M.  Pfister LA.  Leppert D.  Tauber MG.  Leib SL. Effects of clinically used antioxidants  in  experimental  pneumococcal  meningitis.  Journal  of  Infectious Diseases.  182(1):347-50, 2000 Jul.

 1801. Carrol ED. Thomson AP. Shears P.  Gray SJ.  Kaczmarski EB.  Hart CA. Performance  characteristics  of  the  polymerase  chain  reaction  assay  to confirm  clinical meningococcal disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 83(3):271-3, 2000 Sep.

 1802. DeRiemer K.  Soares EC.  Dias SM.  Cavalcante SC. HIV testing among tuberculosis patients  in  the  era  of  antiretroviral   therapy : a population-based study in Brazil. International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease.  4(6):519-27, 2000 Jun.

 1803. Drake R. Dravitski J.  Voss L. Hearing in children after meningococcal meningitis. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health.  36(3):240-3, 2000 Jun.

 1804. Eintracht S.  Silber E.  Sonnenberg P.  Koornhof HJ.  Saffer D. Analysis of adenosine deaminase  isoenzyme-2  ( ADA (2) )  in  cerebrospinal  fluid  in  the  diagnosis  of tuberculosis  meningitis  [ letter ]. Journal of  Neurology,  Neurosurgery  &  Psychiatry.  69(1):137-8, 2000 Jul.

 1805. Farinha NJ.  Razali KA.  Holzel H.  Morgan G.  Novelli VM. Tuberculosis of the central nervous system in children: a 20-year survey. Journal of Infection.  41(1):61-8, 2000 Jul.

 1806. Garcia  NS.   Castelo  JS.   Ramos  V.    Rezende  GS.    Pereira  FE.   Frequency  of myocarditis in cases of fatal meningococcal infection in children: observations on 31  cases  studied  at  autopsy.   Revista   Da   Sociedade   Brasileira   de   Medicina Tropical.  32(5):517-22, 1999 Sep-Oct.

 1807. Hernandez  Abanto  SM.  Hirata  MH.  Hirata  RD.  Mamizuka  EM.  Schmal  M. Hoshino-Shimizu S. Evaluation of Henes-PCR assay for Mycobacterium detection in different clinical specimens from patients with or without tuberculosis-associated HIV infection. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis.  14(5):238-45, 2000.

 1808. Hernandez-Albujar S. Arribas JR. Royo A.  Gonzalez-Garcia JJ.  Pena JM. Vazquez JJ. Tuberculous radiculomyelitis complicating tuberculous meningitis: case report and review. [Review] [74 refs]Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30(6):915-21, 2000 Jun.

 1809. Kao  HT.  Huang  YC.  Lin  TY.   Influenza  A virus infection in infants. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology & Infection.  33(2):105-8, 2000 Jun.

 1810. Kochar  DK.  Kumawat  BL.  Agarwal  N.  Shubharakaran.  Aseri S.  Sharma BV. Rastogi A. Meningoencephalitis in brucellosis. Neurology India. 48(2):170-3, 2000 Jun.

 1811. Kozar  MP.  Krahmer  MT.  Fox  A.  Gray  BM.  Failure  To detect muramic acid in normal  rat  tissues  but  detection   in   cerebrospinal   fluids   from   patients   with Pneumococcal meningitis. Infection & Immunity.  68(8):4688-98, 2000 Aug.

 1812. Magnetic   resonance   imaging   in   the   evaluation   of   patients   with   aseptic meningoencephalitis and connective tissue disorders.  Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 58(1):45-51, 2000 Mar.

 1813. Najioullah  F.  Bosshard  S.  Thouvenot  D.  Boibieux  A.  Menager  B.   Biron  F. Aymard M.  Lina B.Diagnosis and surveillance of herpes simplex virus infection of  the  central  nervous  system.  Journal of Medical Virology. 61(4):468-73, 2000 Aug.

 1814. Nigrovic LE.  Chiang VW. Cost analysis of enteroviral polymerase chain reaction in infants with fever and cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis [see comments]. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.  154(8):817-21, 2000 Aug.

 1815. Portegies P. Corssmit N.Epstein-Barr virus and the nervous system. [Review] [32 refs] Current Opinion in Neurology.  13(3):301-4, 2000 Jun.

 1816. Rajnik M.  Ottolini  MG.   Serious  infections  of  the   central   nervous   system : encephalitis,  meningitis,  and  brain  abscess. [ Review ]  [ 100 refs ]  Adolescent Medicine.  11(2):401-25, 2000 Jun.

 1817. Sanchez-Portocarrero J.  Perez-Cecilia E.  Corral O.  Romero-Vivas J.  Picazo JJ. The central nervous system and infection by Candida species. [Review] [115 refs] Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease.  37(3):169-79, 2000 Jul.

 1818. Scott  TF.  Brillman J. Shunt-responsive  dementia  in  sarcoid  meningitis: role of magnetic resonance imaging and cisternography. Journal of Neuroimaging.  10(3): 185-6, 2000 Jul.

 1819. Smith  MB.  Boyars  MC.  Veasey  S.  Woods  GL.  Generalized tuberculosis in the acquired  immune  deficiency  syndrome.   Archives  of  Pathology  &  Laboratory Medicine.  124(9):1267-74, 2000 Sep.

 1820. Tambussi G. Gori A. Capiluppi B. Balotta C. Papagno L. Morandini B. Di Pietro M. Ciuffreda  D.  Saracco  A.  Lazzarin  A.  Neurological  symptoms  during  primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection correlate with high levels of HIV RNA in cerebrospinal fluid. Clinical Infectious Diseases.  30(6):962-5, 2000 Jun.

 1821. Tzeng YL.  Stephens DS. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of Neisseria meningitidis. [Review] [142 refs]  Microbes & Infection.  2(6):687-700, 2000 May.

 1822. Yeat SW.  Mukari SZ.  Said H.  Motilal R. Post meningitic sensori-neural hearing loss in children--alterations in hearing level. Medical Journal of Malaysia.  52(3): 285-90, 1997 Sep.

 1823. Yoshida  M.  Igarashi  A.  Suwendra  P.  Inada  K.  Maha  MS.  Kari  K.  Suda  H. Antonio MT.  Arhana BNP.  Takikawa Y.  Maesawa S.  Yoshida H.  Chiba M. The first  report  on  human  cases  serologically diagnosed as Japanese encephalitis in Indonesia. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public Health. 30(4): 698-706, 1999 Dec.

2320.      Anonymous. Meningococcal disease, African meningitis belt.  Weekly Epidemiological Record.  76(8):57, 2001 Feb 23.

2321.      Aponso D.  Bullen C. Presenting features of meningococcal disease, public health messages and media publicity: are they consistent?.  New Zealand Medical Journal.  114(1127):83-5, 2001 Mar 9.

2322.      Aronin SI.  Quagliarello VJ. New perspectives on pneumococcal meningitis. [Review] [11 refs] Hospital Practice (Office Edition).  36(2):43-6, 49-50, 51, 2001 Feb 15.

2323.      Awasthi M.  Patankar T.  Shah P.  Castillo M. Cerebral cryptococcosis: atypical appearances on CT. British Journal of Radiology.  74(877):83-5, 2001 Jan.

2324.      Bichile LS.  Gokhale YA.  Sridhar V.  Gill NH. Disseminated cryptococcal infection in immune competent patients.  Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.  49:377-8, 2001 Mar.

2325.      Birmingham K.  UK immunization highs and lows.  Nature Medicine.  7(2):135, 2001 Feb.

2326.      Boras A.  Bozinovic D.  Tenover FC.  Popovic T. First report of Neisseria meningitidis intermediately resistant to penicillin in Croatia.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(2):823, 2001 Feb.

2327.      Chang DZ.  Correia NG.  Khurana P.  Tuthill RJ.  Taege AJ. A 35-year-old man with recurrent aseptic meningitis. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.  68(3):199-201, 205-6, 2001 Mar.

2328.      Chin-Hong PV.  Sutton DA.  Roemer M.  Jacobson MA.  Aberg JA. Invasive fungal sinusitis and meningitis due to Arthrographis kalrae in a patient with AIDS. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(2):804-7, 2001 Feb.

2329.      Cullington HE.  Light eye colour linked to deafness after meningitis. BMJ.  322(7286):587, 2001 Mar 10.

2330.      Evershed K.  de Wit D. An unusual presentation of fatal invasive meningococcal disease. Australian Family Physician.  30(3):248-51, 2001 Mar.

2331.      Fobelo MJ.  Corzo Delgado JE.  Romero Alonso A.  Gomez-Bellver MJ. Aseptic meningitis related to valacyclovir.  Annals of Pharmacotherapy.  35(1):128-9, 2001 Jan.

2332.      Forgacs P.  Geyer CA.  Freidberg SR.  Characterization of chemical meningitis after neurological surgery.  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(2):179-85, 2001 Jan 15.

2333.      Ghosal N.  Kapila K.  Kakkar S.  Verma K.  Langerhans cell histiocytosis infiltration in cerebrospinal fluid: a case report.  Diagnostic Cytopathology.  24(2):123-5, 2001 Feb.

2334.      Gnanalingham MG.  Clarke MA. Primary Staphylococcus aureus meningitis in an infant.  Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.  94(2):86-8, 2001 Feb.

2335.      Gordon SM. Should all college-bound freshmen receive meningococcal vaccine?. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.  68(1):9-10, 2001 Jan.

2336.      Grossman SA.  Celano P.  Images in clinical medicine. Neoplastic meningitis.  New England Journal of Medicine.  344(7):494, 2001 Feb 15.

2337.      Haase KK.  Lapointe M.  Haines SJ. Aseptic meningitis after intraventricular administration of gentamicin.  Pharmacotherapy.  21(1):103-7, 2001 Jan.

2338.      Holt DE.  Halket S.  de Louvois J.  Harvey D.  Neonatal meningitis in England and Wales: 10 years on.  Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal Edition.  84(2):F85-9, 2001 Mar.

2339.      Hoque SN.  Graham J.  Kaufmann ME.  Tabaqchali S. Chryseobacterium (Flavobacterium) meningosepticum outbreak associated with colonization of water taps in a neonatal intensive care unit.  Journal of Hospital Infection.  47(3):188-92, 2001 Mar.

2340.      Johnson JR.  Delavari P.  O'Bryan TT.  Escherichia coli O18:K1:H7 isolates from patients with acute cystitis and neonatal meningitis exhibit common phylogenetic origins and virulence factor profiles.  Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183(3):425-434, 2001 Feb 1.

2341.      Kawashima M.  Suzuki SO.  Yamashima T.  Fukui M.  Iwaki T.  Prostaglandin D synthase (beta-trace) in meningeal hemangiopericytoma.  Modern Pathology.  14(3):197-201, 2001 Mar.

2342.      Kurup A.  Tee WS.  Loo LH.  Lin R.  Infection of central nervous system by motile Enterococcus: first case report.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(2):820-2, 2001 Feb.

2343.      Lai KK. Enterobacter sakazakii infections among neonates, infants, children, and adults. Case reports and a review of the literature. [Review] [41 refs] Medicine.  80(2):113-22, 2001 Mar.

2344.      Liebeskind DS.  Ostrzega N.  Wasterlain CG.  Buttner EA.  Neurologic manifestations of disseminated infection with Mycobacterium abscessus.  Neurology.  56(6):810-3, 2001 Mar 27.

2345.      Lortholary O.  Dromer F.  Mathoulin-Pelissier S.  Fitting C.  Improvisi L.  Cavaillon JM.  Dupont B.  French Cryptococcosis Study Group.  Immune mediators in cerebrospinal fluid during cryptococcosis are influenced by meningeal involvement and human immunodeficiency virus serostatus.  Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183(2):294-302, 2001 Jan 15.

2346.      MacLennan J.  Obaro S.  Deeks J.  Lake D.  Elie C.  Carlone G.  Moxon ER.  Greenwood B.  Immunologic memory 5 years after meningococcal A/C conjugate vaccination in infancy.  Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183(1):97-104, 2001 Jan 1.

2347.      Manfredi R.  Nanetti A.  Valentini R.  Chiodo F. Acinetobacter infections in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection: microbiological and clinical epidemiology.  Chemotherapy.  47(1):19-28, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2348.      McMinn P.  Stratov I.  Nagarajan L.  Davis S.  Neurological manifestations of enterovirus 71 infection in children during an outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Western Australia.  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(2):236-42, 2001 Jan 15.

2349.      Merkelbach S.  Konig J.  Rohn S.  Muller M. The use of clinical scales in depicting cerebrovascular complications in bacterial meningitis.  Journal of Neuroimaging.  11(1):25-9, 2001 Jan.

2350.      Muller MP.  Richardson DC.  Walmsley SL. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole induced aseptic meningitis in a renal transplant patient. [Review] [20 refs]  Clinical Nephrology.  55(1):80-4, 2001 Jan.

2351.      Nelson DA.  Landau WM.  Intrathecal methylprednisolone for postherpetic neuralgia. New England Journal of Medicine.  344(13):1019; discussion 1021-2, 2001 Mar 29.

2352.      Panciera RJ.  Ewing SA.  Confer AW.  Ocular histopathology of Ehrlichial infections in the dog.  Veterinary Pathology.  38(1):43-6, 2001 Jan.

2353.      Ratka A.  Erramouspe J. Intramuscular ceftriaxone in the treatment of childhood meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae type F.  Annals of Pharmacotherapy.  35(1):36-40, 2001 Jan.

2354.      Ravenscroft A.  Schoeman JF.  Donald PR. Tuberculous granulomas in childhood tuberculous meningitis: radiological features and course.  Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.  47(1):5-12, 2001 Feb.

2355.      Rees JH.  Balakas N.  Agathonikou A.  Hain SF.  Giovanonni G.  Panayiotopoulos  CP.  Luxsuwong M.  Revesz T.  Primary diffuse leptomeningeal gliomatosis simulating tuberculous meningitis.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.  70(1):120-2, 2001 Jan.

2356.      Sacktor N.  Lyles RH.  Skolasky R.  Kleeberger C.  Selnes OA.  Miller EN.  Becker JT.  Cohen B.  McArthur JC.  The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.  HIV-associated neurologic disease incidence changes:: Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, 1990-1998. Neurology.  56(2):257-60, 2001 Jan 23.

2357.      Sakhuja V.  Sud K.  Kalra OP.  D'Cruz S.  Kohli HS.  Jha V.  Gupta K.  Vasishta RK. Central nervous system complications in renal transplant recipients in a tropical environment.  Journal of the Neurological Sciences.  183(1):89-93, 2001 Jan 15.

2358.      Socan M.  Ravnik I.  Bencina D.  Dovc P.  Zakotnik B.  Jazbec J.  Neurological symptoms in patients whose cerebrospinal fluid is culture- and/or polymerase chain reaction-positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae.  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(2):E31-5, 2001 Jan 15.

2359.      Tinsley C.  Nassif X.  Meningococcal pathogenesis: at the boundary between the pre- and post-genomic eras. [Review] [49 refs]  Current Opinion in Microbiology.  4(1):47-52, 2001 Feb.

2360.      Van Acker JT.  Delanghe JR.  Langlois MR.  Taes YE.  De Buyzere ML.  Verstraete AG.  Automated flow cytometric analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.  Clinical Chemistry.  47(3):556-60, 2001.

2361.      Wadia RS.  Pujari SN.  Kothari S.  Udhar M.  Kulkarni S.  Bhagat S.  Nanivadekar A. Neurological manifestations of HIV disease.  Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.  49:343-8, 2001 Mar.

2362.      Wang CC.  Siu LK.  Chen MK.  Yu YL.  Lin FM.  Ho M.  Chu ML.  Use of automated riboprinter and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for epidemiological studies of invasive Haemophilus influenzae in Taiwan.  Journal of Medical Microbiology.  50(3):277-83, 2001 Mar.

2363.      Wong M.  Schlaggar BL.  Landt M.  Postictal cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in children.  Journal of Pediatrics.  138(3):373-7, 2001 Mar.

2858.      Cellerini M.  Gabbrielli S.  Maddali Bongi S.  Cammelli D.  MRI of cerebral rheumatoid pachymeningitis: report of two cases with follow-up.  Neuroradiology.  43(2):147-50, 2001 Feb.

2859.      Chaturvedi P.  Kishore M. Modified Glasgow Coma Scale to predict mortality in febrile unconscious children.  Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  68(4):311-4, 2001 Apr.

2860.      Henquell C.  Chambon M.  Bailly JL.  Alcaraz S.  De Champs C.  Archimbaud C.  Labbe A.  Charbonne F.  Peigue-Lafeuille H.  Prospective analysis of 61 cases of enteroviral meningitis: interest of systematic genome detection in cerebrospinal fluid irrespective of cytologic examination results.  Journal of Clinical Virology.  21(1):29-35, 2001 Apr.

2861.      Kashyap AS.  Kashyap S. A 35 year man with acromegaly and neck stiffness. Postgraduate Medical Journal.  77(906):269-70; discussion 279-80, 2001 Apr.

2862.      Kolb-Maurer A.  Pilgrim S.  Kampgen E.  McLellan AD.  Brocker EB.  Goebel W.  Gentschev I. Antibodies against listerial protein 60 act as an opsonin for phagocytosis of Listeria monocytogenes by human dendritic cells. Infection & Immunity.  69(5):3100-9, 2001 May.

2863.      Lan SH.  Chang WN.  Lu CH.  Lui CC.  Chang HW. Cerebral infarction in chronic meningitis: a comparison of tuberculous meningitis and cryptococcal meningitis. QJM.  94(5):247-53, 2001 May.

2864.      Limcangco MR.  Armour CL.  Salole EG.  Taylor SJ. Cost-benefit analysis of a Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis prevention programme in The Philippines. [Review] [49 refs]  Pharmacoeconomics.  19(4):391-400, 2001.

2865.      MacLean LL.  Vinogradov E.  Crump EM.  Perry MB.  Kay WW. The structure of the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen produced by Flavobacterium psychrophilum (259-93). European Journal of Biochemistry.  268(9):2710-6, 2001 May.

2866.      Maclennan J. Meningococcal group C conjugate vaccines. Archives of Disease in Childhood.  84(5):383-6, 2001 May.

2867.      Marcos MA.  Martinez E.  Almela M.  Mensa J.  Jimenez de Anta MT.  New rapid antigen test for diagnosis of pneumococcal meningitis. Lancet.  357(9267):1499-500, 2001 May 12.

2868.      Massung RF.  Davis LE.  Slater K.  McKechnie DB.  Puerzer M. Epidemic typhus meningitis in the southwestern United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(6):979-82, 2001 Mar 15.

2869.      McIntire SC.  Green M. Fever and stiff neck. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.  155(5):603-6, 2001 May.

2870.      Narchi H. Aseptic meningitis. Pediatrics.  107(2):451, 2001 Feb.

2871.      Nash D.  Mostashari F.  Fine A.  Miller J.  O'Leary D.  Murray K.  Huang A.  Rosenberg A.  Greenberg A.  Sherman M.  Wong S.  Layton M.  1999 West Nile Outbreak Response Working Group. The outbreak of West Nile virus infection in the New York City area in 1999. [see comments].  New England Journal of Medicine.  344(24):1807-14, 2001 Jun 14.

2872.      Reiber H.  Peter JB. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis: disease-related data patterns and evaluation programs. [Review] [75 refs] Journal of the Neurological Sciences.  184(2):101-22, 2001 Mar 1.

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2874.      Somali MH.  Anastasiou AL.  Goulis DG.  Polyzoides C.  Avramides A. Pituitary abscess presenting with cranial nerve paresis. Case report and review of literature. [Review] [45 refs] Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.  24(1):45-50, 2001 Jan.

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