( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis,  Vaccines & Drugs)

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  1306.      Arora SK.  Kumar B.  Sehgal S. Development of a polymerase chain reaction dot-blotting system for detecting cutaneous tuberculosis. British Journal of Dermatology.  142(1):72-6, 2000 Jan.

  1307.      Chen S.  Han C.  Li B.  Zheng R.  Zhang L. A survey on knowledge and skills in the early diagnosis of leprosy in general health services at different levels in Shandong Province, The People's Republic of China. Leprosy Review.  71(1):57-61, 2000 Mar.

  1308.      Grover S Twists in the treatment of BT leprosy [correspondence]. Medical Journal Armed Forces India 1998 Jan; 54(1): 85

  1309.      Gupta CM; Sayal SK; Malik AK; Roy ND Histoid relapse in lepromatous leprosy [correspondence]. Medical Journal Armed Forces India 1998 Apr; 54(2): 173

  1310.      Halliday G.  Robinson SR.  Shepherd C.  Kril J. Alzheimer's disease and inflammation: a review of cellular and therapeutic mechanisms. [Review] [75 refs]  Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology.  27(1-2):1-8, 2000  Jan-Feb.

  1311.      Hoffner RJ.  Esekogwu V.  Mallon WK. Leprosy in the emergency department. Academic Emergency Medicine.  7(4):372-6, 2000 Apr.

  1312.      Kajihara H.  Paturusi IA.  Saleh RM.  Rasyad C.  Ikuta Y. Light and electron microscopic study of peripheral nerve damage in  patients with lepromatous leprosy (LL) and borderline lepromatous leprosy (BL). Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences.  49(1):83-92, 2000 Mar.

  1313.      Mahaisavariya P.  Jiamton S.  Manonukul J.  Khemngern S.  Mast cells in leprosy and leprosy reaction. International Journal of Dermatology.  39(4):274-7, 2000 Apr.

  1314.      Maslov AK. Phagocytic myeloperoxidase in leprosy pathogenesis [letter]. International Journal of Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases.  68(1):71-3, 2000 Mar.

  1315.      Patil SA.  Ramu G.  Prasad R. Detection of disease related immune complexes in the serum of leprosy patients. A novel single step method. Journal of Neuroimmunology.  105(1):64-8, 2000 Jun 1.

  1316.      Ramesh V.  Beena KR.  Mukherjee A.Sporotrichoid presentations in leprosy. Clinical & Experimental Dermatology.  25(3):227-30, 2000 May.

1317.      Young RJ 3rd.  Gilson RT.  Elston DM. Generalized annular borderline tuberculoid leprosy and update in management of Hansen's disease. Cutis.  65(4):203-6, 2000 Apr.  

1746.   Haimanot   RT.   Melaku  Z.   Leprosy.   [ Review ]  [ 63 refs ] Current  Opinion  in Neurology.  13(3):317-22, 2000 Jun.

 1747. Hermon-Taylor J. Bull TJ. Sheridan JM. Cheng J. Stellakis ML. Sumar N. Causation of  Crohn's  disease  by  Mycobacterium  avium  subspecies  paratuberculosis  [ see comments]  [comment] .  [Review]  [369 refs]  Canadian  Journal of Gastroenterology. 14(6):521-39, 2000 Jun.

 1748. Jones PB.  Parrish NM.  Houston TA.  Stapon A.  Bansal NP. Dick JD. Townsend CA. A new class of antituberculosis agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.  43(17): 3304-14, 2000 Aug 24.

 1749. Pennini  SN.  Pedrosa L.  Rebello PF.  Early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy in intradomiciliary  contacts  in  a  high  prevalence  area :  Amazon  region.   Indian Journal of Leprosy.  70 Suppl:73S-77S, 1998.

 1750. Singh HB. Katoch K. Natrajan M.  Sharma RK.  Gupta UD.  Sharma VD. Singh D. Chauhan DS.  Srivastava K.  Katoch VM. Effect of treatment on PCR positivity in multibacillary leprosy patients treated with conventional and newer drugs ofloxacin and minocycline. Acta Leprologica.  11(4):179-82, 1999.

 1751. Spierings E.  De Boer T.  Zulianello L.  Ottenhoff TH.Novel mechanisms in the immunopathogenesis of leprosy nerve damage: the role of Schwann cells, T cells and Mycobacterium leprae. [Review] [64 refs] Immunology & Cell Biology. 78(4): 349-55, 2000 Aug.

 1752. Suarez  RE.   Lombardi  C.   Leprosy  elimination  at  sub-national  level.  Leprosy Review.  71(2):206-11, 2000 Jun.

2221.      Cho SN.  Cellona RV.  Villahermosa LG.  Fajardo TT Jr.  Balagon MV.  Abalos RM.  Tan EV.  Walsh GP.  Kim JD.  Brennan PJ. Detection of phenolic glycolipid I of Mycobacterium leprae in sera from leprosy patients before and after start of multidrug therapy.  Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology.  8(1):138-42, 2001 Jan.

2222.      Donoghue HD.  Holton J.  Spigelman M. PCR primers that can detect low levels of Mycobacterium leprae DNA. Journal of Medical Microbiology.  50(2):177-82, 2001 Feb.

2223.      John TJ.  Muliyil J. Care after cure in leprosy.  Lancet.  357(9252):313, 2001 Jan 27.

2224.      Kalantri SP. Dr K. V. Desikan gets the Damien-Dutton Award. National Medical Journal of India.  14(1):61, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2225.      Kim SK.  Dohlman CH. Causes of enlarged corneal nerves. [Review] [81 refs]  International Ophthalmology Clinics.  41(1):13-23, 2001 Winter.

2226.      Marques MA.  Ant nio VL.  Sarno EN.  Brennan PJ.  Pessolani MC.  Binding of alpha2-laminins by pathogenic and non-pathogenic mycobacteria and adherence to Schwann cells.  Journal of Medical Microbiology.  50(1):23-8, 2001 Jan.

2227.      Moraes MO.  Sampaio EP.  Nery JA.  Saraiva BC.  Alvarenga FB.  Sarno EN. Sequential erythema nodosum leprosum and reversal reaction with similar lesional cytokine mRNA patterns in a borderline leprosy patient.  British Journal of Dermatology.  144(1):175-81, 2001 Jan.

2228.      Mvogo CE.  Bella-Hiag AL.  Ellong A.  Achu JH.  Nkeng PF.  Ocular complications of leprosy in Cameroon.  Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica.  79(1):31-3, 2001 Feb.

2229.      Nunez-Gussman J.  Hwang L.  Hsu S. Guess what! Targetoid erythematous plaques: an unusual morphological presentation of multibacillary Hansen's disease. European Journal of Dermatology.  11(1):65-7, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2230.      Ochoa MT.  Stenger S.  Sieling PA.  Thoma-Uszynski S.  Sabet S.  Cho S.  Krensky AM.  Rollinghoff M.  Nunes Sarno E.  Burdick AE.  Rea TH.  Modlin RL.  T-cell release of granulysin contributes to host defense in leprosy.  Nature Medicine.  7(2):174-9, 2001 Feb.

2231.      Rambukkana A.  Molecular basis for the peripheral nerve predilection of Mycobacterium leprae. [Review] [50 refs] Current Opinion in Microbiology.  4(1):21-7, 2001 Feb.

2232.      Salvadori M. Index of suspicion. Case 2. Diagnosis: Leprosy.  Pediatrics in Review.  22(1):22-31, 2001 Jan.

2233.      Santos DO.  Santos SL.  Esquenazi D.  Nery JA.  Defruyt M.  Lorre K.  Van Heuverswyn H. Evaluation of B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) costimulatory molecules and dendritic cells on the immune response in leprosy.  Nihon Hansenbyo Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Leprosy.  70(1):15-24, 2001 Feb.

2234.      Stockel S.  Meurer M.  Wozel G. Dapsone-induced photodermatitis in a patient with linear IgA dermatosis. [Review] [17 refs]  European Journal of Dermatology.  11(1):50-3, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2819.      Bhake AS.  Desikan KV.  Jajoo UN. Cytodiagnosis of histoid leprosy. Leprosy Review.  72(1):78-82, 2001 Mar.

2820.      Charlab R.  Sarno EN.  Chatterjee D.  Pessolani MC. Effect of unique Mycobacterium leprae phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) on tumour necrosis factor production by human mononuclear cells. Leprosy Review.  72(1):63-9, 2001 Mar.

2821.      Coleman MD. Dapsone-mediated agranulocytosis: risks, possible mechanisms and prevention. [Review] [51 refs]  Toxicology.  162(1):53-60, 2001 Apr 12.

2822.      Curtiss R 3rd.  Blower S.  Cooper K.  Russell D.  Silverstein S.  Young L. Leprosy research in the post-genome era. [0 refs]  Leprosy Review.  72(1):8-22, 2001 Mar.

2823.      de la Barrera S.  Fink S.  Finiasz M.  Aleman M.  Helena Farina M.  Pizzariello G.  del Carmen Sasiain M. Lysis of autologous macrophages pulsed with hsp10 from Mycobacterium leprae is associated to the absence of bacilli in leprosy. Immunology Letters.  76(1):55-62, 2001 Feb 1.

2824.      Lockwood DN.  Reid AJ. The diagnosis of leprosy is delayed in the United Kingdom. QJM.  94(4):207-12, 2001 Apr.

2825.      Ooi WW.  Moschella SL. Update on leprosy in immigrants in the United States: status in the year 2000. [Review] [38 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(6):930-7, 2001 Mar 15.

2826.      Ramadan W.  Mourad B.  Fadel W.  Ghoraba E. Clinical, electrophysiological, and immunopathological study of peripheral nerves in Hansen's disease. Leprosy Review.  72(1):35-49, 2001 Mar.

2827.      Tovar-Rivera T.  Sanchez-Colon S.  Padierna-Olivos L.  Masso-Rojas F.  Estrada-Parra S.  Mondragon-Gonzalez R.  Jimenez-Martinez MC.  Sanchez-Garcia FJ. Connectivity patterns in tuberculosis and leprosy patients are indistinguishable from that of healthy donors. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.  53(5):520-7, 2001 May.

2828.      Walsh DS.  Prieto-Go D.  Abalos RM.  Tuur-Saunders SM.  Villahermosa LG.  Jabien Z.  Walsh GP.  Fajardo TT. Malignant T-cell lymphoma mimicking lepromatous leprosy. Clinical & Experimental Dermatology.  26(2):173-5, 2001 Mar.

2829.      Zijlstra EE.  el-Hassan AM. Leishmaniasis in Sudan. Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  95 Suppl 1:S59-76, 2001 Apr.


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