( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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1149.      Angelini L.  Bugiani M.  Zibordi F.  Cinque P.  Bizzi A. Brainstem encephalitis resulting from Epstein-Barr virus mimicking an infiltrating tumor in a child. Pediatric Neurology.  22(2):130-2, 2000 Feb.

1150.      Anonymous. WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. World Health Organization Technical Report Series.  889:i-vi, 1-111, 1999.

 1151.      Carrigan DR. Adenovirus infections in immunocompromised patients. [Review] [05 refs] American Journal of Medicine.  102(3A):71-4, 1997 Mar 17.

 1152.      Chen Z.  Dong Y.  Cui W. Detection and identification of enteroviruses RNA by using polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Tongji Medical University.  18(3):156-60, 1998.

 1153.      Cuzzubbo AJ.  Vaughn DW.  Nisalak A.  Solomon T.  Kalayanarooj S.  Aaskov J.  Dung NM.  Devine PL. Comparison of PanBio Dengue Duo IgM and IgG capture ELISA and venture technologies dengue IgM and IgG dot blot. Journal of Clinical Virology.  16(2):135-44, 2000 Apr.

 1154.      Dumpis U.  Crook D.  Oksi J.Tick-borne encephalitis. [Review] [98 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  28(4):882-90, 1999 Apr.

 1155.      Groen J.  Velzing J.  Copra C.  Balentien E.  Deubel V.  Vorndam V. Osterhaus AD. Diagnostic value of dengue virus-specific IgA and IgM serum antibody detection. Microbes & Infection.  1(13):1085-90, 1999 Nov.

 1156.      Kalita J.  Misra UK. Comparison of CT scan and MRI findings in the diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences.  174(1):3-8, 2000 Mar 1.

 1157.      Kalita J; Dhanuka AK; Kishore J; Ayyagiri A; Mathur A; Mishra UK Herpes simplex myelitis in a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Neurology India 1998 Sep; 46(3): 238-40

 1158.      Kamat DV.  Chakravorty BP.Comparative values of CSF-LDH isoenzymes in neurological disorders. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences.  53(1):1-6, 1999 Jan.

 1159.      Kumar R.Viral encephalitis of public health significance in India: current status. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(1):73-83, 1999 Jan-Feb.

 1160.      Nebuloni M.  Pellegrinelli A.  Ferri A.  Tosoni A.  Bonetto S.  Zerbi P. Boldorini R.  Vago L.  Costanzi G.  Etiology of microglial nodules in brains of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Journal of Neurovirology.  6(1):46-50, 2000 Feb.

 1161.      Reuben R.  Gajanana A. Japanese encephalitis in India. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  64(2):243-51, 1997 Mar-Apr.

 1162.      Tardei G.  Ruta S.  Chitu V.  Rossi C.  Tsai TF.  Cernescu C. Evaluation of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG enzyme immunoassays in serologic diagnosis of West Nile Virus infection. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(6):2232-9, 2000 Jun.

 1163.      Thomas RE. Preparing patients to travel abroad safely. Part 2: Updating vaccinations.Canadian Family Physician.  46:646-52, 655-6, 2000 Mar.

 1164.      Weiler Z.  Nelly P.  Baruchin AM.  Oren S. Diagnosis and treatment of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.  58(5):477-81, 2000 May.

  1642. Ashok  MS.  Rangarajan  PN.  Evaluation  of  the  potency  of  BIKEN  inactivated  Japanese  Encephalitis  vaccine  and  DNA  vaccines  in  an  intracerebral  Japanese Encephalitis virus challenge [letter].Vaccine.  19(2-3):155-7, 2000 Sep 15.

 1643. Borgo F. Sgaramella TM. Penello B.  L'Erario R.  Toso V. A componential analysis of   visual   object   recognition   deficits   in   patients   with   herpes   simplex   virus encephalitis. Brain & Cognition.  43(1-3):53-6, 2000 Jun-Aug.

 1644. Cherpillod  P.   Tipold  A.   Griot-Wenk  M.   Cardozo  C.   Schmid  I.   Fatzer  R. Schobesberger M.  Zurbriggen R.  Bruckner L.  Roch F.  Vandevelde M. Wittek R. Zurbriggen A. DNA vaccine encoding nucleocapsid and surface proteins of wild type  canine distemper virus protects  its  natural  host  against distemper. Vaccine. 18(26):2927-36, 2000 Jul 1.

 1645. Dallasta LM. Wang G. Bodnar RJ. Draviam R. Wiley CA. Achim CL. Hamilton RL. Differential  expression  of  intercellular  adhesion  molecule-1  and  vascular  cell adhesion molecule-1 in chronic murine retroviral encephalitis. Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology.  26(4):332-41, 2000 Aug.

 1646. De La Blanchardiere A.  Rozenberg F.  Caumes E.  Picard O.  Lionnet F.  ivartowski J.  Coste  J.  Sicard  D.  Lebon  P.  Salmon-Ceron D.  Neurological  complications  of varicella-zoster  virus  infection  in  adults  with  human  immunodeficiency  virus infection.Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.  32(3):263-9, 2000.

 1647. Derouin F.  Jacqz-Aigrain E.  Thulliez P.  Couvreur J.  Leport C.Cotrimoxazole for prenatal  treatment  of  congenital  toxoplasmosis ?.  Parasitology Today. 16 ( 6 ) : 254-6, 2000 Jun.

 1648. Dobbs  SM.  Dobbs  RJ.  Weller  C.  Charlett  A.  Link between Helicobacter pylori infection and idiopathic parkinsonism. Medical Hypotheses.  55(2):93-8,2000 Aug.

 1649. Gambhir  IS.  Mehta  M.  Singh  DS.  Khanna  HD.  Evaluation of CSF-adenosine deaminase  activity  in  tubercular  meningitis.    Journal   of   the   Association   of Physicians of India.  47(2):192-4, 1999 Feb.

 1650. Leach  CT.  Human  herpesvirus-6  and -7  infections in children: agents of roseola and  other  syndromes.  [ Review ]  [ 72 refs ] Current Opinion in Pediatrics.  12(3): 269-74, 2000 Jun.

 1651. Mandl  CW.  Allison  SL.  Holzmann  H.  Meixner  T.  Heinz  FX.   Attenuation of tick-borne  encephalitis  virus  by  structure-based  site-specific  mutagenesis  of  a putative flavivirus receptor binding site. Journal of Virology. 74(20):9601-9,2000 Oct.

 1652. Markert  JM.  Medlock  MD.  Rabkin  SD.  Gillespie  GY.  Todo  T.  Hunter  WD. Palmer  CA.  Feigenbaum  F.  Tornatore  C.  Tufaro  F.  Martuza  RL. Conditionally replicating  herpes  simplex  virus  mutant,  G207  for  the  treatment  of  malignant glioma :  results of a phase I trial  [see comments]. Gene Therapy. 7 (10) : 867-74, 2000 May.

 1653. Maschio M. Giudiceandrea F. Contadini P. Jandolo B. Cytomegalovirus encephalitis:  diagnosis  with  clinical  approach,  EEG  and  PCR  techniques.  Italian Journal  of Neurological Sciences.  20(4):255-8, 1999 Aug.

 1654. Najioullah F. Bosshard S. Thouvenot D. Boibieux A. Menager B. Biron F. Aymard M.  Lina B. Diagnosis and surveillance of herpes simplex virus infection of the central nervous system. Journal of Medical Virology.  61(4):468-73, 2000 Aug.

 1655. Pletnev AG.  Karganova GG.  Dzhivanyan TI.  Lashkevich VA.  Bray M. Chimeric Langat/Dengue viruses protect mice from heterologous challenge with the highly virulent strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus. Virology.  274 (1) : 26 - 31,  2000 Aug 15.

 1656. Portegies  P.  Corssmit  N. Epstein-Barr  virus  and  the  nervous  system. [Review] [32 refs] Current Opinion in Neurology.  13(3):301-4, 2000 Jun.

 1657. Pushko P.  Bray M.  Ludwig GV.  Parker M.  Schmaljohn A.  Sanchez A. Jahrling PB.  Smith JF. Recombinant RNA replicons derived from attenuated Venezuelan equine encephalitis  virus  protect  guinea  pigs  and  mice  from  Ebola hemorrhagic  fever virus.Vaccine.  19(1):142-53, 2000 Aug 15.

 1658. Quereda C. Corral I. Laguna F. Valencia ME. Tenorio A.  Echeverria JE.  Navas E. Martin-Davila P. Moreno A.  Moreno V.  Gonzalez-Lahoz JM.Arribas JR.  Guerrero A. Diagnostic   utility   of   a   multiplex   herpesvirus   PCR   assay   performed   with cerebrospinal  fluid  from  human  immunodeficiency  virus-infected patients  with neurological disorders. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  38(8):3061-7, 2000 Aug.

 1659. Rajnik  M.  Ottolini   MG.   Serious  infections  of  the  central  nervous  system : encephalitis,  meningitis,  and  brain  abscess. [ Review ]  [ 100 refs ]  Adolescent Medicine.  11(2):401-25, 2000 Jun.

 1660. Ratho RK.  Sethi S.  Singh S.Role of serology in the diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology.  42(3):333-7, 1999 Jul.

 1661. Sauerbrei A. Eichhorn U. Hottenrott G.  Wutzler P. Virological diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. Journal of Clinical Virology.  17(1):31-6, 2000 Jun.

 1662. Smith MB.  Boyars MC.  Veasey S.  Woods GL.  Generalized  tuberculosis  in  the acquired  immune  deficiency  syndrome.  Archives  of  Pathology  &  Laboratory Medicine.  124(9):1267-74, 2000 Sep.

 1663. Smith-Jensen  T.  Burgoon  MP.  Anthony  J.  Kraus  H.  Gilden  DH.  Owens  GP. Comparison of immunoglobulin G heavy-chain sequences in MS and SSPE brains reveals an antigen-driven response [see comments]. Neurology.  54 (6) : 1227-32, 2000 Mar 28.

 1664. Studahl M.  Hagberg L.  Rekabdar E.  Bergstrom T. Herpesvirus DNA detection in cerebral spinal fluid :  differences  in  clinical presentation between alpha-, beta-, and gamma-herpesviruses. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.  32 ( 3 ) : 237-48, 2000.

 1665. Tsai TF. New initiatives for the control of  Japanese encephalitis  by  vaccination minutes  of  a  WHO / CVI  meeting,  Bangkok,  Thailand,  13-15  October  1998.  Vaccine.  18 Suppl 2:1-25, 2000 May 26.

 1666. Wong KT. Emerging and re-emerging epidemic encephalitis: a tale of two viruses. Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology.  26(4):313-8, 2000 Aug.

 1667. Yan JJ. Wang JR. Liu CC. Yang HB.  Su IJ.An outbreak of enterovirus 71 infection in  Taiwan 1998 :  a  comprehensive pathological, virological, and molecular study on a case of fulminant encephalitis. Journal of  Clinical Virology.  17 ( 1 ) : 13-22, 2000 Jun.

2157.      Akiba T.  Osaka K.  Tang S.  Nakayama M.  Yamamoto A.  Kurane I.  Okabe N.  Umenai T.  Analysis of Japanese encephalitis epidemic in Western Nepal in 1997.   Epidemiology & Infection.  126(1): 81-8, 2001 Feb.

2158.      Barnett M.  Prosser J.  Sutton I.  Halmagyi GM.  Davies L.  Harper C.  Dalmau J.  Paraneoplastic brain stem encephalitis in a woman with anti-Ma2 antibody.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.  70(2): 222-5, 2001 Feb.

2159.      Bash S.  Hathout GM.  Cohen S.  Mesiotemporal T2-weighted hyperintensity: neurosyphilis mimicking herpes encephalitis. Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology.  22(2):314-6, 2001 Feb.

2160.      Bradley M.  Horton J. Assessing the risk of benzimidazole therapy during pregnancy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.  95(1):72-3, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2161.      Fine A.  Layton M. Lessons from the West Nile viral encephalitis outbreak in New York City, 1999: implications for bioterrorism preparedness. [Review] [5 refs]  Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(2):277-82, 2001 Jan 15.

2162.      Iadecola C.  Alexander M.  Cerebral ischemia and inflammation. [Review] [59 refs] Current Opinion in Neurology.  14(1):89-94, 2001 Feb.

2163.      Kassubek J.  Juengling FD.  Nitzsche EU.  Lucking CH.  Limbic encephalitis investigated by 18FDG-PET and 3D MRI.  Journal of Neuroimaging.  11(1):55-9, 2001 Jan.

2164.      Kesson AM. Management of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. [Review] [30 refs] Paediatric Drugs.  3(2):81-90, 2001.

2165.      Konishi E.  Fujii A.  Mason PW. Generation and characterization of a mammalian cell line continuously expressing Japanese encephalitis virus subviral particles. Journal of Virology.  75(5):2204-12, 2001 Mar.

2166.      Limoges J.  Poluektova L.  Ratanasuwan W.  Rasmussen J.  Zelivyanskaya M.  McClernon DR.  Lanier ER.  Gendelman HE.  Persidsky Y.  The efficacy of potent anti-retroviral drug combinations tested in a murine model of HIV-1 encephalitis. Virology.  281(1):21-34, 2001 Mar 1.

2167.      Lin WR.  Wozniak MA.  Esiri MM.  Klenerman P.  Itzhaki RF. Herpes simplex encephalitis: involvement of apolipoprotein E genotype.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.  70(1):117-9, 2001 Jan.

2168.      Marx F.  Gritsun TS.  Grubeck-Loebenstein B.  Gould EA.  Diagnostic immunoassays for tick-borne encephalitis virus based on recombinant baculovirus protein expression. Journal of Virological Methods.  91(1):75-84, 2001 Jan.

2169.      Muench J.  Verdieck A.  Lopez-Vasquez A.  Newell M. Crossing diagnostic borders: herpes encephalitis complicated by cultural and language barriers. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice.  14(1):46-50, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2170.      Odaka M.  Yuki N.  Hirata K.  Anti-GQ1b IgG antibody syndrome: clinical and immunological range.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.  70(1):50-5, 2001 Jan.

2171.      Onapa AW.  Simonsen PE.  Pedersen EM. Non-filarial elephantiasis in the Mt. Elgon area (Kapchorwa District) of Uganda. Acta Tropica.  78(2):171-6, 2001 Feb 23.

2172.      Pui MH.  Memon WA. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in tuberculous meningoencephalitis.  Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal.  52(1):43-9, 2001 Feb.

2173.      Shu PY.  Chen LK.  Chang SF.  Yueh YY.  Chow L.  Chien LJ.  Chin C.  Lin TH.  Huang JH. Antibody to the nonstructural protein NS1 of Japanese encephalitis virus: potential application of mAb-based indirect ELISA to differentiate infection from vaccination. Vaccine.  19(13-14):1753-63, 2001 Feb 8.

2724.      Anonymous. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Case 12-2001. A 16-year-old boy with an altered mental status and muscle rigidity. New England Journal of Medicine.  344(16):1232-9, 2001 Apr 19.

2725.      Fine A.  Layton M. Lessons from the West Nile viral encephalitis outbreak in New York City, 1999: implications for bioterrorism preparedness. [Review] [5 refs] Clinical Infectious Diseases.  32(2):277-82, 2001 Jan 15.

2726.      Franciotta D.  Martino G.  Zardini E.  Furlan R.  Bergamaschi R.  Andreoni L.  Cosi  V. Serum and CSF levels of MCP-1 and IP-10 in multiple sclerosis patients with acute and stable disease and undergoing immunomodulatory therapies. Journal of Neuroimmunology.  115(1-2):192-8, 2001 Apr 2.

2727.      Garban F.  Attal M.  Rossi JF.  Payen C.  Fegueux N.  Sotto JJ.  Intergroupe Francophone du Myelome. Immunotherapy by non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: results of a pilot study as salvage therapy after autologous transplantation. Leukemia.  15(4):642-6, 2001 Apr.

2728.      Hung KL.  Liao HT.  Tsai ML. The spectrum of postinfectious encephalomyelitis. Brain & Development.  23(1):42-5, 2001 Mar.

2729.      Nam H.  Lee SK.  Chung CK.  Hong KS.  Chang KH.  Lee DS. Incidence and clinical profile of extra-medial-temporal epilepsy with hippocampal atrophy.  Journal of Korean Medical Science.  16(1):95-102, 2001 Feb.

2730.      Nash D.  Mostashari F.  Fine A.  Miller J.  O'Leary D.  Murray K.  Huang A.  Rosenberg A.  Greenberg A.  Sherman M.  Wong S.  Layton M.  1999 West Nile Outbreak Response Working Group. The outbreak of West Nile virus infection in the New York City area in 1999. [see comments]. New England Journal of Medicine.  344(24):1807-14, 2001 Jun 14.

2731.      Petignat P.  Vial Y.  Laurini R.  Hohlfeld P. Fetal varicella-herpes zoster syndrome in early pregnancy: ultrasonographic and morphological correlation. Prenatal Diagnosis.  21(2):121-4, 2001 Feb.

2732.      Rantalaiho T.  Farkkila M.  Vaheri A.  Koskiniemi M. Acute encephalitis from 1967 to 1991.  Journal of the Neurological Sciences.  184(2):169-77, 2001 Mar 1.

2733.      Rezaie P.  Lantos PL. Microglia and the pathogenesis of spongiform encephalopathies. [Review] [194 refs] Brain Research - Brain Research Reviews.  35(1):55-72, 2001 Mar.

2734.      Zhao ML.  Kim MO.  Morgello S.  Lee SC. Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, interleukin-1 and caspase-1 in HIV-1 encephalitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology.  115(1-2):182-91, 2001 Apr 2.


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