( SEVAMED 2001)

(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics, Pathogenesis,  Vaccines & Drugs)

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1149.      Bardsley-Elliot A.  Plosker GL. Nelfinavir: an update on its use in HIV infection. [Review] [198 refs] Drugs.  59(3):581-620, 2000 Mar.

1150.      Green DA.  Murphy WG.  Uttley WS. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: prognostic factors [see comments]. Clinical & Laboratory Haematology.  22(1):11-4, 2000 Feb.

1151.      Khare MD.  Sharland M. Pulmonary manifestations of pediatric HIV infection. [Review] [26 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(6):895-904, 1999 Nov-Dec.

1152.      Kothari S.  Prabhakar G.  Kalra VB. Colorectal carcinoma. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  65(6):913-6, 1998 Nov-Dec.

1153.      Kumar A.  St John MA. HIV infection among children in Barbados. West Indian Medical Journal.  49(1):43-6, 2000 Mar.

1154.      Plosker GL.  Foster RH. Tacrolimus: a further update of its pharmacology and therapeutic use in the management of organ transplantation. Drugs.  59(2):323-89, 2000 Feb.

1155.      Singh M; Kalghatgi AT; Narayanan K; Rao KS; Nagendra A Outbreak of salmonella food poisoning at high altitude. Medical Journal Armed Forces India 1998 Apr; 54(2): 96-8

1156.      Soliman AT.  elZalabany MM.  Bappal B.  alSalmi I.  de Silva V.  Asfour M. Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus: epidemiology, mode of presentation, pathogenesis and growth. Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(3):363-73, 1999 May-Jun.

1157.      Xenos ES.  Halverson JD.Duodenocolic fistula: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine.  45(3):87-9, 1999 Jul-Sep.

1631. Baqai R.Rapid diagnosis of rotavirus in infantile diarrhoea [letter].JPMA- Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association.  50(7):243-4, 2000 Jul.

 1632 Ford  HE.  Cunningham  D.  Ross  PJ.  Rao S.  Aherne GW.  Benepal TS.  Price T.  Massey A.  Vernillet L.  Gruia G.   Phase  I  study  of  irinotecan  and  raltitrexed  in patients  with  advanced  gastrointestinal  tract  adenocarcinoma. British Journal of Cancer.  83(2):146-52, 2000 Jul.

1633. Freyer  G.  Rougier  P.  Bugat  R.  Droz  JP.  Marty  M.  Bleiberg  H.  Mignard  D.  Awad L.   Herait  P.  Culine  S.  Trillet-Lenoir  V. Prognostic  factors  for  tumour response,  progression-free  survival  and  toxicity  in  metastatic colorectal cancer patients given irinotecan(CPT-11) as second-line chemotherapy after 5FU failure. CPT-11 F205, F220, F221 and V222 study groups. British Journal of Cancer.  83(4):431-7, 2000 Aug.

 1634. Gordon JN. An unusual cause of watery diarrhoea. Diagnosis: metastatic  Zollinger Ellison syndrome. Postgraduate Medical Journal.  76(898):512, 517-8, 2000 Aug.

 1635. Kaakkola  S. Clinical  pharmacology,  therapeutic  use  and  potential  of   COMT inhibitors in Parkinson's disease. [Review] [109 refs] Drugs. 59(6):1233-50,2000 Jun.

1636. Minke WE.  Pickens J.  Merritt EA.  Fan E.  Verlinde CL.  Hol WG.  Structure of m-carboxyphenyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside complexed to heat-labile enterotoxin at   1.3   A   resolution :  surprising   variations   in   ligand - binding   modes .   Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography.  56 ( Pt 7):795-804, 2000  Jul.

 1637. Morton SJ.  Powell RJ. Cyclosporin and tacrolimus: their use in a routine clinical setting for scleroderma. Rheumatology (Oxford).  39(8):865-9, 2000 Aug.

 1638.Oberg K. State of the art and future prospects in the management of neuroendocrine tumors. [Review]  [87 refs]  Quarterly  Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 44 (1) : 3-12, 2000 Mar.

1639. Oed  C.  Rosenburg  R. Loew-Friedrich  I.  A comparison of the efficacy and safety of  leflunomide  and  methotrexate  for   the   treatment   of   rheumatoid   arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford).  39(6):655-65, 2000 Jun.

1640. Storey PA.  Faile G.  Hewitt E.  Yelifari L.  Polderman AM.  Magnussen P. Clinical epidemiology  and  classification  of  human  oesophagostomiasis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 94(2):177-82, 2000 Mar-Apr.

1641.   Sultana  Q.   Chaudhry  NA.   Munir  M.   Anwar  MS.   Tayyab M.  Diagnosis  of Clostridium  difficile  antibiotic  associated  diarrhoea  culture  versus  toxin assay. JPMA - Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association.  50(8):246-9, 2000 Aug.

2129.      Abdelgabar A.  Owen A.  Starczewski A.  Subashchandran R. A case of voluminous diarrhoea with hypokalaemic acidosis. International Journal of Clinical Practice.  55(1):64-5, 2001 Jan-Feb.

2130.      Armah GE.  Pager CT.  Asmah RH.  Anto FR.  Oduro AR.  Binka F.  Steele D.  Prevalence of unusual human rotavirus strains in Ghanaian children. Journal of Medical Virology.  63(1):67-71, 2001 Jan.

2131.      Balbir-Gurman A.  Schapira D.  Nahir M. Arthritis related to ileal pouchitis following total proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis. Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism.  30(4):242-8, 2001 Feb.

2132.      Barrachina MD.  Panes J.  Esplugues JV. Role of nitric oxide in gastrointestinal inflammatory and ulcerative diseases: perspective for drugs development. [Review] [132 refs]  Current Pharmaceutical Design.  7(1):31-48, 2001 Jan.

2133.      Behari J.  Stagon L.  Calderwood SB. pepA, a gene mediating pH regulation of virulence genes in Vibrio cholerae. Journal of Bacteriology.  183(1):178-88, 2001 Jan.

2134.      Boulay F.  Berthier F.  Dahan C.  Benchimol D.  Seasonal variation in acute intestinal vasculopathy mortality in France. American Journal of Gastroenterology.  96(3):812-7, 2001 Mar.

2135.      Brigden ML.  Detection, education and management of the asplenic or hyposplenic patient. [see comments]. [Review] [23 refs]  American Family Physician.  63(3):499-506, 508, 2001 Feb 1.

2136.      Brown EW.  LeClerc JE.  Li B.  Payne WL.  Cebula TA. Phylogenetic evidence for horizontal transfer of mutS alleles among naturally occurring Escherichia coli strains.  Journal of Bacteriology.  183(5):1631-44, 2001 Mar.

2137.      Buchner AM.  Sonnenberg A. Medical diagnoses and procedures associated with clostridium difficile colitis.  American Journal of Gastroenterology.  96(3):766-72, 2001 Mar.

2138.      Bytzer P.  Talley NJ.  Jones MP.  Horowitz M. Oral hypoglycaemic drugs and gastrointestinal symptoms in diabetes mellitus. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.  15(1):137-42, 2001 Jan.

2139.      Cezard JP.  Duhamel JF.  Meyer M.  Pharaon I.  Bellaiche M.  Maurage C.  Ginies JL.  Vaillant JM.  Girardet JP.  Lamireau T.  Poujol A.  Morali A.  Sarles J.  Olives JP.  Whately-Smith C.  Audrain S.  Lecomte JM. Efficacy and tolerability of racecadotril in acute diarrhea in children.  Gastroenterology.  120(4):799-805, 2001 Mar.

2140.      Donnenberg MS.  Whittam TS. Pathogenesis and evolution of virulence in enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. [Review] [46 refs]   Journal of Clinical Investigation.  107(5):539-48, 2001 Mar.

2141.      Feng P.  Weagant SD.  Monday SR. Genetic analysis for virulence factors in Escherichia coli O104:H21 that was implicated in an outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology.  39(1):24-8, 2001 Jan.

2142.      Gilbert P.  Self S.  Rao M.  Naficy A.  Clemens J. Sieve analysis: methods for assessing from vaccine trial data how vaccine efficacy varies with genotypic and phenotypic pathogen variation. [Review] [65 refs]  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.  54(1):68-85, 2001 Jan.

2143.      Hickner JM.  Bartlett JG.  Besser RE.  Gonzales R.  Hoffman JR.  Sande MA.  American Academy of Family Physicians.  American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Mediciine.  Centers for Disease Control.  Infectious Diseases Society of America.  Principles of appropriate antibiotic use for acute rhinosinusitis in adults: background.  Annals of Internal Medicine.  134(6):498-505, 2001 Mar 20.

2144.      Johnson JR.  Delavari P.  Stell AL.  Whittam TS.  Carlino U.  Russo TA. Molecular comparison of extraintestinal Escherichia coli isolates of the same electrophoretic lineages from humans and domestic animals. Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183(1):154-9, 2001 Jan 1.

2145.      Kennea N.  Norbury R.  Anderson G.  Tekay A. Congenital microvillous inclusion disease presenting as antenatal bowel obstruction. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.  17(2):172-4, 2001 Feb.

2146.      Kirkpatrick ID.  Greenberg HM. Evaluating the CT diagnosis of Clostridium difficile colitis: should CT guide therapy?. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology.  176(3):635-9, 2001 Mar.

2147.      Kweon M.  Takahashi I.  Kiyono H. New insights into mechanism of inflammatory and allergic diseases in mucosal tissues. [Review] [47 refs] Digestion.  63 Suppl 1:1-11, 2001.

2148.      Miki H.  Kobayashi S.  Harada H.  Yamanoi Y.  Uraoka T.  Sotozono M.  Ohmori M.  Early stage gastric MALT lymphoma with high-grade component cured by Helicobacter pylori eradication.  Journal of Gastroenterology.  36(2):121-4, 2001 Feb.

2149.      Mylonakis E.  Ryan ET.  Calderwood SB. Clostridium difficile--Associated diarrhea: A review. [Review] [107 refs]  Archives of Internal Medicine.  161(4):525-33, 2001 Feb 26.

2150.      Nishimura M.  Yamamoto T.  Iijima H.  Moriwaki Y.  Takahashi S.  Hada T. Basedow's disease and chronic ulcerative colitis: a case report and review of the Japanese literature. [Review] [24 refs]  Internal Medicine.  40(1):44-7, 2001 Jan.

2151.      Peeters M.  Joossens S.  Vermeire S.  Vlietinck R.  Bossuyt X.  Rutgeerts P. Diagnostic value of anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae and antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies in inflammatory bowel disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology.  96(3):730-4, 2001 Mar.

2152.      Rodriguez BL.  Rojas A.  Campos J.  Ledon T.  Valle E.  Toledo W.  Fando R.  Differential interleukin-8 response of intestinal epithelial cell line to reactogenic and nonreactogenic candidate vaccine strains of Vibrio cholerae.  Infection & Immunity.  69(1):613-6, 2001 Jan.

2153.      Rudolph I.  Goldstein F.  DiMarino AJ Jr.  Crohn's disease of the esophagus: Three cases and a literature review. [Review] [47 refs]  Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology.  15(2):117-22, 2001 Feb.

2154.      Shen B.  Soffer E. The challenge of irritable bowel syndrome: creating an alliance between patient and physician. [Review] [37 refs]  Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.  68(3):224-5, 229-33, 236-7, 2001 Mar.

2155.      Vastag B. New vaccine decreases rate of nosocomial infections. JAMA.  285(12):1565-6, 2001 Mar 28.

2156.      Wall LL. You're the flight surgeon. 29-yr-old pilot, accompanied by his wife and 6-yr-old boy, each ill with nausea, abdominal cramping and watery diarrhea.  Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine.  72(2):146-7, 2001 Feb.

2679.      Al-Qurashi AR.  El-Morsy F.  Al-Quorain AA. Evolution of metronidazole and tetracycline susceptibility pattern in Helicobacter pylori at a hospital in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.  17(3):233-6, 2001 Mar.

2680.      Anonymous.  Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Case 16-2001. A 17-year-old girl with worsening abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea after a recent cesarean section.  New England Journal of Medicine.  344(21):1622-7, 2001 May 24.

2681.      Asaeda G. The transport of ciguatoxin: a case report. Journal of Emergency Medicine.  20(3):263-5, 2001 Apr.

2682.      Atmar RL.  Estes MK. Diagnosis of noncultivatable gastroenteritis viruses, the human caliciviruses. [Review] [257 refs]  Clinical Microbiology Reviews.  14(1):15-37, 2001 Jan.

2683.      Bregeon F.  Ciais V.  Carret V.  Gregoire R.  Saux P.  Gainnier M.  Thirion X.  Drancourt M.  Auffray JP.  Papazian L. Is ventilator-associated pneumonia an independent risk factor for death? [see comments]. Anesthesiology.  94(4):554-60, 2001 Apr.

2684.      Buhimschi C.  Weiner CP. Endotoxemia causing fetal bradycardia during urosepsis. Obstetrics & Gynecology.  97(5 Pt 2):818-20, 2001 May.

2685.      Canducci F.  Ojetti V.  Pola P.  Gasbarrini G.  Gasbarrini A. Rifabutin-based Helicobacter pylori eradication 'rescue therapy'. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.  15(1):143, 2001 Jan.

2686.      Clarkson A.  Ingleby E.  Choonara I.  Bryan P.  Arlett P.  A novel scheme for the reporting of adverse drug reactions.  Archives of Disease in Childhood.  84(4):337-9, 2001 Apr.

2687.      Cunha BA. Nosocomial pneumonia. Diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. [Review] [167 refs] Medical Clinics of North America.  85(1):79-114, 2001 Jan.

2688.      D'Agata EM.  Wise S.  Stewart A.  Lefkowitz LB Jr. Nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from an extrapulmonary site. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology.  22(1):10-2, 2001 Jan.

2689.      Davidson JR.  Rothbaum BO.  van der Kolk BA.  Sikes CR.  Farfel GM. Multicenter, double-blind comparison of sertraline and placebo in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry.  58(5):485-92, 2001 May.

2690.      Drudy D.  O'Donoghue DP.  Baird A.  Fenelon L.  O'Farrelly C. Flow cytometric analysis of Clostridium difficile adherence to human intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Medical Microbiology.  50(6):526-34, 2001 Jun.

2691.      Formoso G.  Maestri E.  Magrini N.  Koch M.  Capurso L.  Liberati A. Eradicating Helicobacter pylori in non-ulcer dyspepsia may not be cost effective. BMJ.  322(7285):557, 2001 Mar 3.

2692.      Friedl W.  Caspari R.  Sengteller M.  Uhlhaas S.  Lamberti C.  Jungck M.  Kadmon M.  Wolf M.  Fahnenstich J.  Gebert J.  Moslein G.  Mangold E.  Propping P. Can APC mutation analysis contribute to therapeutic decisions in familial adenomatous polyposis? Experience from 680 FAP families. Gut.  48(4):515-21, 2001 Apr.

2693.      Hancock EW. Postoperative tachycardia with possibly absent P waves. Hospital Practice (Office Edition).  36(5):11-2, 2001 May 15.

2694.      Hassall E.  Peptic ulcer disease and current approaches to Helicobacter pylori.  Journal of Pediatrics.  138(4):462-8, 2001 Apr.

2695.      Ho K. Bacteriophage therapy for bacterial infections. Rekindling a memory from the pre-antibiotics era. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine.  44(1):1-16, 2001 Winter.

2696.      Ivandic A.  Bozic D.  Dmitrovic B.  Vcev A.  Canecki S.  Gastropathy and diarrhea in diabetic patients: the presence of helicobacteriosis and PAS-positive vascular deposits in gastric and duodenal mucosa.  Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift.  113(5-6):199-203, 2001 Mar 15.

2697.      Jertborn M.  Ahren C.  Svennerholm AM. Dose-dependent circulating immunoglobulin A antibody-secreting cell and serum antibody responses in Swedish volunteers to an oral inactivated enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli vaccine. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology.  8(2):424-8, 2001 Mar.

2698.      Laine L.  Schoenfeld P.  Fennerty MB. Therapy for Helicobacter pylori in patients with nonulcer dyspepsia. A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Annals of Internal Medicine.  134(5):361-9, 2001 Mar 6.

2699.      Lee CK. Vaccination against Helicobacter pylori in non-human primate models and humans. [Review] [26 refs] Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.  53(5):437-42, 2001 May.

2700.      Levtchenko EN.  Ham HR.  Levy J.  Piepsz A.  Attitude of Belgian pediatricians toward strategy in acute pyelonephritis.  Pediatric Nephrology.  16(2):113-5, 2001 Feb.

2701.      Mawhorter SD.  Lauer MA.  Is atherosclerosis an infectious disease?. [Review] [72 refs] Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.  68(5):449-58, 2001 May.

2702.      Morgner A.  Bayerdorffer E.  Neubauer A.  Stolte M. Helicobacter pylori associated gastric B cell MALT lymphoma: predictive factors for regression. [letter; comment]. Gut.  48(3):290-2, 2001 Mar.

2703.      Muller H.  Volkholz H.  Stolte M. Healing of lymphocytic gastritis by eradication of Helicobacter pylori.  Digestion.  63(1):14-9, 2001.

2704.      Mutlu GM.  Mutlu EA.  Factor P. GI complications in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. [see comments]. [Review] [225 refs]  Chest.  119(4):1222-41, 2001 Apr.

2705.      Nouri M.  Terada H.  Alfonso EC.  Foster CS.  Durand ML.  Dohlman CH. Endophthalmitis after keratoprosthesis: incidence, bacterial causes, and risk factors. Archives of Ophthalmology.  119(4):484-9, 2001 Apr.

2706.      Obuobie K.  Ogunko A.  Lazarus JH.   Paralysis after a diarrhoeal illness.  Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.  94(5):241-2, 2001 May.

2707.      O'Connor LA.  De Guzman J. Emphysematous cystitis: a radiographic diagnosis. American Journal of Emergency Medicine.  19(3):211-3, 2001 May.

2708.      Osato MS.  Reddy SG.  Piergies AA.  Bochenek WJ.  Testa RT.  Graham DY.  Comparative efficacy of new investigational agents against Helicobacter pylori. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.  15(4):487-92, 2001 Apr.

2709.      Pallister C.  Rotstein OD. Yersinia enterocolitica as a cause of intra-abdominal abscess: the role of iron.  Canadian Journal of Surgery.  44(2):135-6, 2001 Apr.

2710.      Perna NT.  Plunkett G 3rd.  Burland V.  Mau B.  Glasner JD.  Rose DJ.  Mayhew GF.  Evans PS.  Gregor J.  Kirkpatrick HA.  Posfai G.  Hackett J.  Klink S.  Boutin A.  Shao Y.  Miller L.  Grotbeck EJ.  Davis NW.  Lim A.  Dimalanta ET.  Potamousis KD.  Apodaca J.  Anantharaman TS.  Lin J.  Yen G.  Schwartz DC.  Welch RA.  Blattner FR. Genome sequence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. [see comments]. Nature.  409(6819):529-33, 2001 Jan 25.

2711.      Potts JM.  The four categories of prostatitis: a practical approach to treatment. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.  68(5):389-90, 392-3, 397, 2001 May.

2712.      Pryor JP.  Piotrowski E.  Seltzer CW.  Gracias VH.  Early diagnosis of retroperitoneal necrotizing fasciitis.  Critical Care Medicine.  29(5):1071-3, 2001 May.

2713.      Robert PY.  Adenis JP. Comparative review of topical ophthalmic antibacterial preparations. [Review] [65 refs] Drugs.  61(2):175-85, 2001.

2714.      Robinson P.  Okhuysen PC.  Chappell CL.  Lewis DE.  Shahab I.  Janecki A.  White AC Jr. Expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 1 beta in jejuna of volunteers after experimental challenge with Cryptosporidium parvum correlates with exposure but not with symptoms. Infection & Immunity.  69(2):1172-4, 2001 Feb.

2715.      Schilling JD.  Mulvey MA.  Hultgren SJ. Structure and function of Escherichia coli type 1 pili: new insight into the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections. [Review] [25 refs] Journal of Infectious Diseases.  183 Suppl 1:S36-40, 2001 Mar 1.

2716.      Sher L. Effects of seasonal mood changes on seasonal variations in coronary heart disease: role of immune system, infection, and inflammation. Medical Hypotheses.  56(1):104-6, 2001 Jan.

2717.      Sobrero A.  Guglielmi A.  Cirillo M.  Recaldin E.  Frassineti GL.  Aschele C.  Ravaioli A.  Testore P.  Caroti C.  Gallo L.  Pessi MA.  Cortesi E.  Turci D.  Grossi F.  Labianca R. 5-fluorouracil modulated by leucovorin, methotrexate and mitomycin: highly effective, low-cost chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer. British Journal of Cancer.  84(8):1023-8, 2001 Apr 20.

2718.      Stephenson J. Researchers describe latest strategies to combat antibiotic-resistant microbes. JAMA.  285(18):2317-8, 2001 May 9.

2719.      Tan HH.  Goh CL.  Yeo MG.  Tan ML. Antibiotic sensitivity of Propionibacterium acnes isolates from patients with acne vulgaris in a tertiary dermatological referral centre in Singapore. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.  30(1):22-5, 2001 Jan.

2720.      Valencia IC.  Falabella A.  Kirsner RS.  Eaglstein WH. Chronic venous insufficiency and venous leg ulceration. [Review] [237 refs] Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.  44(3):401-21; quiz 422-4, 2001 Mar.

2721.      van der Voort PH.  van der Hulst RW.  Zandstra DF.  van der Ende A.  Kesecioglu J.  Geraedts AA.  Tytgat GN.  Gut decontamination of critically ill patients reduces Helicobacter pylori acquisition by intensive care nurses.  Journal of Hospital Infection.  47(1):41-5, 2001 Jan.

2722.      Wagner PL.  Acheson DW.  Waldor MK. Human neutrophils and their products induce Shiga toxin production by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Infection & Immunity.  69(3):1934-7, 2001 Mar.

2723.      Zhang HM.  Ou ZL.  Gondaira F.  Ohmura M.  Kojio S.  Yamamoto T.  Protective effect of anisodamine against Shiga toxin-1: inhibition of cytokine production and increase in the survival of mice. Journal of Laboratory & Clinical Medicine.  137(2):93-100, 2001 Feb.


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