(Selected Bibliography & Abstracts)


(Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis, Immunodiagnostics,Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Drugs)

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 1132. Birmingham PK. Suresh S. Latex allergy in children: diagnosis and management. [Review] [39 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  66(5):717-24, 1999 Sep-Oct.

 1133. Blumenthal MN.Genetics of asthma and allergy. [Review] [23 refs] Allergy & Asthma Proceedings.  21(1):55-9, 2000 Jan-Feb.

 1134. Bugajska-Schretter A.  Grote M.  Vangelista L.  Valent P.  Sperr WR.  Rumpold H.  Pastore A.  Reichelt R.  Valenta R.  Spitzauer S. Purification, biochemical, and immunological characterisation of a major food allergen: different immunoglobulin E recognition of the apo- and calcium-bound forms of carp parvalbumin. Gut.  46(5):661-9, 2000 May. (No Abstract)

 1135. Furuichi H.  Yamashita K.  Okada M.  Toyoshima T.  Hata Y.  Suzuki S. Itano T.  Shishibori T.  Tokumitsu H.  Kobayashi R. Identification of tranilast-binding protein as 36-kDa  microfibril-associated glycoprotein by drug affinity chromatography, and its localization in human skin. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications.  270(3):1002-8, 2000  Apr 21.  

 1136. Graft DF. Venom immunotherapy: when to start, when to stop. [Review] [27 refs] Allergy & Asthma Proceedings.  21(2):113-6, 2000 Mar-Apr.

 1137. Gruchalla RS. Approach to the patient with multiple antibiotic sensitivities. [Review]  [43 refs] Allergy & Asthma Proceedings.  21(1):39-44, 2000 Jan-Feb.

 1138. Jarzab J.  Gawlik R.Immune complexes IgE/IgG in airborne allergy: increase during pollen season. Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology.  10(1):24-9,  2000 Jan-Feb.

 1139. Jeske AH. COX-2 inhibitors and dental pain control. [Review] [8 refs]  Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society.  71(4):39-40, 1999 Nov.

 1140. Little SA.  Longbottom JL.  Warner JO. Optimized preparation of Aspergillus fumigatus extracts for allergy diagnosis.  Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  23(10):835-42, 1993 Oct.

 1141. Masuda K.  Sakaguchi M.  Fujiwara S.  Kurata K.  Yamashita K.  Odagiri T. Nakao Y.  Matsuki N.  Ono K.  Watari T.  Hasegawa A.  Tsujimoto H. Positive reactions to common allergens in 42 atopic dogs in Japan. Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology.  73(2):193-204, 2000 Feb 25.

 1142. Nja F.  Roksund OD.  Svidal B.  Nystad W.  Carlsen KH. Asthma and allergy among schoolchildren in a mountainous, dry,  non-polluted area in Norway. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology.  11(1):40-8, 2000 Feb.

 1143. Paramesh H. Practical approach to recurrent respiratory infections. [Review] [7 refs] Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  63(2):181-7, 1996 Mar-Apr.

 1144. Pascual CY.  Crespo JF.  Perez PG.  Esteban MM. Food allergy and intolerance in children and adolescents, an update. [Review] [33 refs] European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  54 Suppl 1:S75-8, 2000 Mar.

 1145. Punnonen J. Molecular breeding of allergy vaccines and antiallergic cytokines. [Review] [85 refs] International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  121(3):173-82, 2000 Mar.

 1146. Spaite DW.  Karriker KJ.  Seng M.  Conroy C.  Battaglia N.  Tibbitts M. Salik RM.Training paramedics: emergency care for children with special health care needs.  Prehospital Emergency Care.  4(2):178-85, 2000 Apr-Jun.

 1147. Tokunaga T.  Yamamoto T.  Yamamoto S. How BCG led to the discovery of immunostimulatory DNA. [Review] [91 refs] Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases.  52(1):1-11, 1999 Feb.

 1148. Yeang HY. Prevalence of latex allergy may be vastly overestimated when determined by  in vitro assays. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  84(6):628-32, 2000 Jun.

 1539.  Akdis CA.  Blaser K.  Regulation  of  specific immune responses by chemical and structural modifications of allergens. [ Review ] [ 103 refs ] International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  121(4):261-9, 2000 Apr.


  1540. Ballmer-Weber BK.  Vieths S.  Luttkopf D.  Heuschmann P.  Wuthrich B. Celery allergy confirmed by double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge: a clinical study in 32 subjects with a history of adverse reactions to celery root. Journal of  Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  106(2):373-8, 2000 Aug.

 1541. Bischoff  SC.   Mayer  JH.   Manns  MP.  Allergy  and  the  gut. [Review] [100 refs] International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  121(4):270-83, 2000 Apr.


 1542. Briassoulis G.  Hatzis T.  Mammi P.  Alikatora A.Persistent anaphylactic reaction after induction with thiopentone and cisatracurium.Paediatric Anaesthesia.10 (4) : 429-34, 2000.


 1543. Chapman   SW.  Bradsher  RW  JR.  Campbell  GD  Jr.  Pappas PG. Kauffman CA.Practice guidelines for the management of patients with blastomycosis. Infectious Diseases Society of America.Clinical Infectious Diseases. 30(4):679-83, 2000 Apr.


 1544.  Fiocchi  A.  Restani  P.  Riva  E. Beef  allergy  in  children.  [ Review ]  [ 26 refs] Nutrition.  16(6):454-7, 2000 Jun.


 1545.  Jacquet A.  Haumont M.  Massaer M.  Daminet V.  Garcia L.  Mazzu  P.  Jacobs                    P. Bollen  A. Biochemical  and  immunological  characterization  of  a  recombinant precursor  form  of  the  house  dust  mite allergen Der p 1 produced by Drosophila cells. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30(5):677-84, 2000 May.


 1546. Kronqvist M.  Johansson E.  Magnusson CG.  Olsson S.  Eriksson TL.Gafvelin G. van Hage-Hamsten M. Skin prick test and serological analysis with recombinant  group  2  allergens  of  the  dust mites L. destructor and T. putrescentiae.Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  30(5):670-6, 2000 May.


 1547. Lin  RY.   Schwartz  LB.  Curry  A.  Pesola  GR.  Knight RJ.  Lee HS.Bakalchuk   L.   Tenenbaum  C.  Westfal  RE.  Histamine  and tryptase levels in patients with acute allergic  reactions :  An  emergency  department-based study. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  106(1 Pt 1):65-71, 2000 Jul.


 1548. Lucarelli  S.  Corrado  G.  Pelliccia  A.  D'Ambrini  G.  Cavaliere M.  Barbato M.  Lendvai D.  Frediani T. Cyclic vomiting syndrome and food allergy/intolerance in seven children: a possible association. European Journal of Pediatrics. 159 ( 5 ) : 360-3, 2000 May.


 1549.  Mates JM.  Perez-Gomez C.  Olalla L.  Segura JM.  Blanca M. Allergy to drugs :    antioxidant enzymic activities, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidative damage in human blood. Cell Biochemistry & Function.  18(2):77-84, 2000 Jun.


 1550. Motala C. Kling S. Gie R. Potter PC. Manjra A. Vermeulen J. Weinberg EG. Green R. Guideline  for  the  management  of  chronic  asthma  in  children -- 2000  update.             Allergy Society of South Africa Working Group. South African Medical Journal.  90(5 Pt 2):524-8, 530, 532 passim, 2000  May.


 1551. Pham TS.  Rudner EJ.Peanut allergy. [Review] [34 refs] Cutis.  65(5):285-9, 2000 May.


 1552. Primeau MN. Kagan R. Joseph L. Lim H. Dufresne C. Duffy C. Prhcal D. Clarke A. The  psychological  burden  of  peanut  allergy as perceived by adults with peanut allergy  and  the  parents  of  peanut - allergic  children.  Clinical  &  Experimental             Allergy.  30(8):1135-43, 2000 Aug.


 1553. Rance F.  Dutau G.  Abbal M.Mustard allergy in children. Allergy.  55(5):496- 500, 2000 May.


 1554. Ryan EJ.  Nilsson L.  Kjellman N.  Gothefors L.  Mills KH. Booster immunization of children with an acellular pertussis vaccine enhances Th2 cytokine production and serum IgE responses against pertussis toxin but not against common llergens. Clinical & Experimental Immunology.  121(2):193-200, 2000 Aug.


 1555. Sainte-Laudy J.  Sabbah A.  Drouet M.  Lauret MG.  Loiry M. Diagnosis of venom allergy by  flow  cytometry. Correlation  with  clinical  history,  skin  tests,  specific IgE, histamine and leukotriene C4 release. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 30(8): 1166-71, 2000 Aug.


 1556. van  Ree  R.  Aalbers  M.  Kea  O.  Marco  De  La  Calle  FM.  Sempere Ortells J M. Villalba M. Rodriguez R. Aalberse RC.  A  sensitive  monoclonal  antibody  sandwich ELISA for the measurement of the major olive pollen allergen Ole e 1. international Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  122(3):224-8, 2000 Jul.


 1557. Verma  J.  Singh  BP.  Gangal  SV.  Arora  N.  Sridhara  S.  Purification  and  partial characterization  of a  67-kD  cross-react  ive  allergen  from  Imperata  cylindrical pollen extract.International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  122  ( 4 ) : 251-6, 2000 Aug.


 1558. Yip L. Hickey V. Wagner B. Liss G. Slater J. Breiteneder H. Sussman G. Beezhold D.Skin prick test reactivity to recombinant latex allergens. International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  121(4):292-9, 2000 Apr.  


 2054.  Akdis CA.  Joss A.  Akdis M.  Blaser K. Mechanism of IL-10-induced T cell inactivation in allergic inflammation and normal response to allergens. [Review] [14 refs] International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  124(1-3):180-2, 2001 Jan-Mar. 

 2055. Asero R.  Bottazzi G. Nasal polyposis: a study of its association with airborne allergen hypersensitivityy. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(3):283-5, 2001 Mar.

 2056. Bengtsson  A.  Lundberg M.  Avila-Carino J.  Jacobsson G.  Holmgren A.  Scheynius A. Thiols decrease cytokine levels and down-regulate the expression of CD30 on human allergen-specific T helper (Th) 0 and Th2 cells. Clinical & Experimental Immunology.  123(3):350-60, 2001 Mar.

 2057. Choquet-Kastylevsky G.  Vial T.  Descotes J.  Drug allergy diagnosis in humans: possibilities and pitfalls. [Review] [57 refs]  Toxicology.  158(1-2):1-10, 2001 Feb 2.

 2058. Isolauri E.  Sutas Y.  Kankaanpaa P.  Arvilommi H.  Salminen S.  Probiotics: effects on immunity. [Review] [56 refs]  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  73(2 Suppl):444S-450S, 2001 Feb.

 2059. Kay AB. Allergy and allergic diseases. Second of two parts. [Review] [95 refs] New England Journal of Medicine.  344(2):109-13, 2001 Jan 11.

 2060. Kweon M.  Takahashi I.  Kiyono H. New insights into mechanism of inflammatory and allergic diseases in mucosal tissues. [Review] [47 refs]   Digestion.  63 Suppl 1:1-11, 2001.

 2061. Larsen GL. Differences between adult and childhood asthma. [Review] [43 refs] Disease-A-Month.  47(1):34-44, 2001 Jan.

 2062. Leff AR. Regulation of leukotrienes in the management of asthma: biology and clinical therapy. [Review] [64 refs] Annual Review of Medicine.  52:1-14, 2001.

 2063. Lewis SA.  Pavord ID.  Stringer JR.  Knox AJ.  Weiss ST.  Britton JR. The relation between peripheral blood leukocyte counts and respiratory symptoms, atopy, lung function, and airway responsiveness in adults. Chest.  119(1):105-14, 2001 Jan.

 2064. Morton RL.  Sheikh S.  Corbett ML.  Eid NS. Evaluation of the wheezy infant. [Review] [50 refs] Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(3):251-6, 2001 Mar.

 2065. Nahori MA.  Lagranderie M.  Lefort J.  Thouron F.  Joseph D.  Winter N.  Gicquel B.  Lapa e Silva JR.  Vargaftig BB. Effects of Mycobacterium bovis BCG on the development of allergic inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in hyper-IgE BP2 mice vaccinated as newborns. Vaccine.  19(11-12):1484-95, 2001 Jan 8.

  2066. Pichler WJ. Predictive drug allergy testing: an alternative viewpoint. [Review] [40 refs] Toxicology.  158(1-2):31-41, 2001 Feb 2.

  2067. Sachs B.  Erdmann S.  Al-Masaoudi T.  Merk HF.  In vitro drug allergy detection system incorporating human liver microsomes in chlorazepate-induced skin rash: drug-specific proliferation associated with interleukin-5 secretion. British Journal of Dermatology.  144(2):316-20, 2001 Feb.

  2068. Strannegard O.  Strannegard IL. The causes of the increasing prevalence of allergy: is atopy a microbial deprivation disorder?. [Review] [103 refs] Allergy.  56(2):91-102, 2001 Feb.

  2069. Wever-Hess J.  Hermans J.  Kouwenberg JM.  Duiverman EJ.  Wever AM. Hospital admissions and readmissions for asthma in the age group 0-4 years. Pediatric Pulmonology.  31(1):30-6, 2001 Jan.

  2594. Barnes C.  Tuck J.  Simon S.  Pacheco F.  Hu F.  Portnoy J. Allergenic materials in the house dust of allergy clinic patients. [see comments]. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(5):517-23, 2001 May.

  2595. Crimi E.  Milanese M.  Pingfang S.  Brusasco V. Allergic inflammation and airway smooth muscle function. [Review] [13 refs] Science of the Total Environment.  270(1-3):57-61, 2001 Apr 10.

  2596. De Amici M.  Puggioni F.  Casali L.  Alesina R. Variations in serum levels of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-2, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha during specific immunotherapy. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(3):311-3, 2001 Mar.

  2597. Dogru H.  Delibas N.  Doner F.  Tuz M.  Uygur K. Free radical damage in nasal polyp tissue.  Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery.  124(5):570-2, 2001 May.

  2598. Griffiths PD. Getting vaccines into perspective. Reviews in Medical Virology.  11(1):1-2, 2001 Jan-Feb.

  2599.. Honigman B.  Lee J.  Rothschild J.  Light P.  Pulling RM.  Yu T.  Bates DW. Using computerized data to identify adverse drug events in outpatients. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.  8(3):254-66, 2001 May-Jun.

  2600. Liu T.  Howard RM.  Mancini AJ.  Weston WL.  Paller AS.  Drolet BA.  Esterly NB.  Levy ML.  Schachner L.  Frieden IJ. Kwashiorkor in the United States: fad diets, perceived and true milk allergy, and nutritional ignorance. Archives of Dermatology.  137(5):630-6, 2001 May.

  2601. Mari A.  Multiple pollen sensitization: a molecular approach to the diagnosis. International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  125(1):57-65, 2001 May.

 2602. Nieters A.  Brems S.  Becker N. Cross-sectional study on cytokine polymorphisms, cytokine production after T-cell stimulation and clinical parameters in a random sample of a German population. Human Genetics.  108(3):241-8, 2001 Mar.

  2603. Pryor JP.  Vonfricken K.  Seibel R.  Kauder DR.  Schwab CW. Anaphylactic shock from a latex allergy in a patient with spinal trauma. Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care.  50(5):927-30, 2001 May.

  2604. Pucar F.  Kagan R.  Lim H.  Clarke AE. Peanut challenge: a retrospective study of 140 patients. [see comments]. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.  31(1):40-6, 2001 Jan.

  2605. Salkind AR.  Cuddy PG.  Foxworth JW. Is this patient allergic to penicillin? An evidence-based analysis of the likelihood of penicillin allergy. [Review] [53 refs] JAMA.  285(19):2498-505, 2001 May 16.

 2606. Sampson HA. Utility of food-specific IgE concentrations in predicting symptomatic food allergy.  Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.  107(5):891-6, 2001 May.

  2607. Settipane RA.  Lieberman P. Update on nonallergic rhinitis. [Review] [93 refs] Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.  86(5):494-507; quiz 507-8, 2001 May.

  2608. Suzuki N.  Kudo K.  Sano Y.  Ito K. Can Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection prevent asthma and other allergic disorders?. International Archives of Allergy & Immunology.  124(1-3):113-6, 2001 Jan-Mar.

  2609. Uchio E.  Matsuura N.  Matsumoto S.  Kadonosono K.  Ohno S.  Histamine release test and measurement of antigen-specific IgE antibody in the diagnosis of allergic conjunctival diseases. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis.  15(2):71-5, 2001.

  2610. Veres G.  Helin T.  Arato A.  Farkkila M.  Kantele A.  Suomalainen H.  Savilahti E. Increased expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and mucosal adhesion molecule alpha4beta7 integrin in small intestinal mucosa of adult patients with food allergy. Clinical Immunology.  99(3):353-9, 2001 Jun.

  2611. Walsh GM.  Annunziato L.  Frossard N.  Knol K.  Levander S.  Nicolas JM.  Taglialatela M.  Tharp MD.  Tillement JP.  Timmerman H. New insights into the second generation antihistamines. [Review] [310 refs] Drugs.  61(2):207-36, 2001.

  2612. Warner L.  Rochat RW.  Fichtner RR.  Stoll BJ.  Nathan L.  Toomey KE. Missed opportunities for congenital syphilis prevention in an urban southeastern hospital. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  28(2):92-8, 2001 Feb.

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