(Supported by Department of Biotechnology)
JBTDRC, MGIMS, Sevagram, 442 102

abstract service

Abstract of particular reference is being provided on request. Please mention the reference number from 'sevamed' for desired abstract (Rs. 1 per abstract).

One to three year scan on one topic is also provided in a floppy for Rs. 40/-



A database software ‘FilaDB – Filaria Detection, Clinico-immunomonitoring & Management’ is developed and available on CD on payment of Rs.200/- for academic use only.


A database software ‘TbDB – Tuberculosis Detection, Clinico-immunomonitoring & Management’ is developed and available on CD on payment of Rs.200/- for academic use only.


SEVAMED 2001, 2002 & 2003

Sevamed contains selected and important bibliography in each area.  Complete bibliography for year 2001, 2002 & 2003  with abstracts is available on CD on payment of Rs. 100/-.

