Workshop on 

Medical Informatics &  Biomedical Communication  

(Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology   and in collaboration with ICMR)
              (September 29-October 1, 2003)


About  Sevagram
 Sevagram was the defacto capital of India during the struggle for Independence. In 1936 Gandhiji identifying himself with poorest of the poor, settled in the remote village of Segaon rechristined as ‘Sevagram. The crucial meetings of the congress working committee were held here and the “Quit India” resolution was passed in July 1942 at Sevagram.

MGIMS, JBTDRC, Department of Biochemistry , Bioinformatics Centre 

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS) located in rural setting within 5 minute walking distance from Gandhi Ashram is the First Rural Medical Institute in India established in 1969 as Gandhi Centenary Project under dynamic leadership of late Dr. Sushila Nayar, Founder Director and President, KHS. Shri Dhirubhai Mehta is presently the President of KHS.

Jamnalal Bajaj Tropical Disease Research Centre (JBTDRC) is the result of sustained problem based research activity by the Biochemistry Department for more than two decades at MGIMS, with support from ICMR, CSIR, DST, WHO/TDR, Indo US STI, DBT & KHS. JBTDRC was established in 1994 to expand the Institute’s ongoing Research Programmes in Tropical Diseases such as filariasis and tuberculosis prevalent in this region.

Bioinformatics Centre (BIC) at JBTDRC, MGIMS was established in May 1999 with support from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology as a part of National Bioinformatics Network to establish link among Scientists in organisations involved in research activities related to Biotechnology. The centre being actively involved in Immunodiagnostic Research is providing Bibliography service & training. This Centre has launched  in April 2000 the Sevamed- a Quarterly current Awareness Service on  Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, Vaccines & Therapy in Infectious Diseases,  Certain Clinical Conditions and Traditional Medicine.
           This Centre possesses Server-1, PCs-8, (PIV, PIII, PII), LAPTOP PC, Printers (Laser, Inkjet, Dot-matrix) running on different systems (Win 95, 98, 2000, Win NT, DOS) using different packages (MS office 97, PageMaker, Adobe etc.) and Medline CD Database.  Other equipments available include HUB, Desktop LCD projector, Scanner, CD writer, Internet sharer, Zip drive, Modem, Fax machines, Cannon Photocopier, Cannon workstation cum Printer, Xerox workstation, Digital camera, OHP etc. Bioinformatics Centre and JBTDRC laboratories are networked through LAN.

About the Workshop 

Workshop on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Communication is being organized for exposing Medical Teachers, Scientists & Postgraduate Students to the Advancements in Bioinformatics, the Medical Informatics and Awareness & Utilization of Biomedical Communication Skills. The contents of the Workshop are related to  
(1) Biotechnology Information System Network (2) Bioinformatic Resources and Filaria Database on Patient's Information  

(3) Medical Informatics and its Applications 
(4) Information Retrieval (5)Telemedicine 
(6) Telepathology (7) Hospital Information System (8) Electronic Patient Record
(9) Biomedical Communication (10) Information Security etc. Afternoon sessions are devoted for Demonstrations followed by Hands on Sessions. The number of participants will be restricted to 15 persons who are familiar with operation of computers and desire to enhance their skill by learning emerging techniques in the areas of Computers & Medical Information Technology.


The faculty will be drawn from DBT, Bioinformatics Centres, ICMR, National Research Institutes & Universities.

How To Apply

Applicants are requested to send their brief resume, along with the registration form duly filled in before the due date

Registration Fee

Rs. 500/- (Inclusive of  Information kit, Lunch , Dinner, Tea etc., to be paid after hearing acceptance). The selected candidates will be informed by e-mail / telegraphically by September 1, 2003.

Financial Assistance

Deserving 10 PG (Medical disciplines) / Ph.D students are given exemption from payment of Registration fee on the submission of letter from the Head of the Department / Guide stating that financial support is not available for attending the Workshop. However payment of Rs 150/- in advance towards accommodation has to be sent after hearing acceptance.

Last Date

Application    must   reach    the Co-ordinator on or before August 15’ 2003.


Bioinformatics centre, JB Tropical Disease Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Sevagram– 442 102.


Accommodation can be arranged in the Yatri Nivas / Arogyadham complex near the Institute on payment basis. Advance towards rent  (Rs 150/- for three days) should be enclosed alongwith the registration fee.

How to reach

Sevagram / Wardha is on railway lines. You may directly reach Yatri Niwas / Arogyadham complex by auto (approximate fare Rs 40/50). Venue is just 5 minute walking distance from the
Yatri Nivas / Arogyadham complex. Participants are advised to make their return journey reservation well in advance.

Looking forward to Welcome you at Sevagram

Address For Correspondence: 

 Dr. B. C. Harinath
Director, JB Tropical Disease Research Centre &
Co-ordinator, Bioinformatics Centre
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, (Wardha) - 442102
Telefax: 07152-284038


                                                 REGISTRATION FORM

                  Name :------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Age :----------------------------  Sex : --------------------------------------

                  Designation  :-----------------------------------------------------------------

                  Address for communication :


                  Phone No. -------------------------- Fax:------------------------------------

                  E-mail :-----------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Enclosed is my brief resume

                                                                                     Candidate’s Signature
                                                                                      (with date)

 Completed  registration  form may be sent to

Dr. Satish Kumar
Bioinformatics Centre
JB Tropical Disease Research Centre
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences 
Sevagram  (Wardha) – 442 102
