Vedic Rashtra / Rama Rajya

Vedic Rashtra in an instrumentality for creating and sustaining the state of society under the world-view described here as the Rama Rajya. The creation of the Vedic Rashtra means neither harm to any community nor appeasement of any group, community, sex or individual. Creation of the Vedic Rashtra in Bharat is a matter of historical exigency.

The ideological basis of the existing civilization is essentially sensate (truth subjected to the testimony of sense organs), materialistic (an irrevocable denial of divine purpose and the spiritual meaning of life), nihilistic (reckless denial of everything worthwhile, meaningful, intrinsic, transcendental and purposeful), technocratic (practically making human dignity and freedom subservient to technology: man for machine) and market oriented (man treated at par with goods, commodities, objects: his value determined by the currency). Under the impact of its poisonous thoughtways man is increasingly growing into a beast in terms of his attitudes, feelings, interactions with his fellow-beings, and above all, in his thinking: survival of the fittest.

Stripped of his human attributes, man is reduced to a mere competitor, a money-maker, and worst of all, a robot. We are now witnessing a global insanity; drive for death and an increasing desensitization as regards the human feelings for the human beings. The psychological consequences are de-humanized societies and cultures resulting in conflicts, wars, genocide and mental and psychosomatic disorders.

The philosophy of Rama Rajya derived from the Vedas and the Upanishads, counteracts this most destructive character of the existing civilization because it increases the distance between man and the beast, which is surely the goal of human evolution. The philosophy of Rama Rajya is therefore essentially evolutionary, and powerful enough to avert the crisis of our age, created by the anti-evolutionary forces.

The philosophy of Rama Rajya can effectively provide an alternative to Dialectical Materialism of Marx. I call it Dialectical Idealism. It gives us a wisdom contained in the Isa Upanishad. Hence, ‘the wise man, who realizes all beings as not distinct from his own Self and his own Self as the Self of all beings, does not by virtue of that perception hate anyone’. LOVE, AND NOT HATRED, SHALL BE THE BASIS OF THE VEDIC RASHTRA.

          Bhavan’s Journal, April 2004                        Prof. Moazziz Ali Beg
