January, 2004

Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:

8683.  Alcaide F, Gali N, Dominguez J, Berlanga P, Blanco S, Orus P, Martin R. Usefulness of a new mycobacteriophage-based technique for rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Jul;41(7):2867-71.

8684.  Bari V, Murad M. Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in the knee. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2003 Jul;13(7):408-11.

8685.  Bartoloni A, Strohmeyer M, Bartalesi F, Messeri D, Tortoli E, Farese A, Leoncini F, Nutini S, Righi R, Gabbuti A, Mazzotta F, Paradisi F.  Evaluation of a rapid immunochromatographic test for the serologic diagnosis of tuberculosis in Italy. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2003 Jul;9(7):632-9.

8686.  Bergeron KG, Bonebrake RG, Allen C, Gray CJ. Latent tuberculosis in pregnancy: screening and treatment. Curr Womens Health Rep. 2003 Aug;3(4):303-8. Review. 

8687.  Canueto-Quintero J, Caballero-Granado FJ, Herrero-Romero M, Dominguez-Castellano A, Martin-Rico P, Verdu EV, Santamaria DS, Cerquera RC, Torres-Tortosa M; Grupo Andaluz para el Estudio de las Esfermedades Infecciosas. Epidemiological, clinical, and prognostic differences between the diseases caused by Mycobacterium kansasii and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus: a multicenter study. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Aug 15;37(4):584-90. Epub 2003 Aug 01.

8688.  Caragol I, Raspall M, Fieschi C, Feinberg J, Larrosa MN, Hernandez M, Figueras C, Bertran JM, Casanova JL, Espanol T. Clinical tuberculosis in 2 of 3 siblings with interleukin-12 receptor beta1 deficiency. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Jul 15;37(2):302-6. Epub 2003 Jul 07.

8689.  Carvalho WS, Spindola de Miranda S, Costa KM, Araujo JG, Augusto CJ, Pesquero JB, Pesquero JL, Gomes MA. Low-stringency single-specific-primer PCR as a tool for detection of mutations in the rpoB gene of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Jul;41(7):3384-6.

8690.  D'Cruz S, Sachdev A, Kaur L, Handa U, Bhalla A, Lehl SS. Fine needle aspiration diagnosis of isolated pancreatic tuberculosis. A case report and review of literature. JOP. 2003 Jul;4(4):158-62. Review.

8691.  Fenhalls G, Squires GR, Stevens-Muller L, Bezuidenhout J, Amphlett G, Duncan K, Lukey PT.  Associations between toll-like receptors and interleukin-4 in the lungs of patients with tuberculosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003 Jul;29(1):28-38. Epub 2002 Dec 30.

8692.  Florczyk MA, McCue LA, Purkayastha A, Currenti E, Wolin MJ, McDonough KA. A family of acr-coregulated Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes shares a common DNA motif and requires Rv3133c (dosR or devR) for expression. Infect Immun. 2003 Sep;71(9):5332-43.

8693.  Fossati G, Izzo G, Rizzi E, Gancia E, Modena D, Moras ML, Niccolai N, Giannozzi E, Spiga O, Bono L, Marone P, Leone E, Mangili F, Harding S, Errington N, Walters C, Henderson B, Roberts MM, Coates AR, Casetta B, Mascagni P.   Mycobacterium tuberculosis chaperonin 10 is secreted in the macrophage phagosome: is secretion due to dissociation and adoption of a partially helical structure at the membrane? J Bacteriol. 2003 Jul;185(14):4256-67.

8694.  Gebre-Selassie S. Evaluation of the concentration sputum smear technique for the laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Trop Doct. 2003 Jul;33(3):160-2.

8695.  Greco S, Girardi E, Masciangelo R, Capoccetta GB, Saltini C. Adenosine deaminase and interferon gamma measurements for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy: a meta-analysis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003 Aug;7(8):777-86.

8696.  Gupta PP; Gupta KB; Yadav RK; Agarwal D Tuberculous mastitis: a review of seven consecutive cases. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 2003 Jan; 50(1): 47-50

8697.  Hara T, Kosaka N, Suzuki T, Kudo K, Niino H.  Uptake rates of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 11C-choline in lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis: a positron emission tomography study. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):893-901.

8698.  Hooker JA, Muhindi DW, Amayo EO, Mc'ligeyo SO, Bhatt KM, Odhiambo JA. Diagnostic utility of cerebrospinal fluid studies in patients with clinically suspected tuberculous meningitis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003 Aug;7(8):787-96.

8699.  Jalba MS. A starting point to a better detection of active and latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive individuals. AIDS. 2003 Aug 15;17(12):1859; author reply 1860-1.

8700.  Jhala CI, Lal SL, Dafda JD, Shah T, Naik B, Pandya M. Utility of IgG and IgM ELISA for  serodiagnosis of tuberculosis in endemic region.  Curr med Trends 2002; 6(3): 1193-8.

8701.  Kiyan E, Kilicaslan Z, Gurgan M, Tunaci A, Yildiz A. Clinical and radiographic features of pulmonary tuberculosis in non-AIDS immunocompromised patients. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003 Aug;7(8):764-70.

8702.  Lienhardt C, Fielding K, Sillah J, Tunkara A, Donkor S, Manneh K, Warndorff D, McAdam KP, Bennett S. Risk factors for tuberculosis infection in sub-Saharan Africa: a contact study in The Gambia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Aug 15;168(4):448-55. Epub 2003 May 28.

8703.  Lim TK, Mukhopadhyay A, Gough A, Khoo KL, Khoo SM, Lee KH, Kumarasinghe G.  Role of clinical judgment in the application of a nucleic acid amplification test for the rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):902-8.

8704.  Lima DM, Colares JK, da Fonseca BA. Combined use of the polymerase chain reaction and detection of adenosine deaminase activity on pleural fluid improves the rate of diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):909-14.

8705.  Mariette X, Salmon D. French guidelines for diagnosis and treating latent and active tuberculosis in patients with RA treated with TNF blockers. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003 Aug;62(8):791.

8706.  Mathale, Rajkumari R, Kuruvilla PJ Kirubakaran H, Brahmadathan KN. Evaluation of serological tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.  Indian J path Microbiol 2002; 45(3): 303-05.

8707.  Mishra S; Mohapatra S; Panda C Immunology, immunoprophylaxis and immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis Antiseptic. 2003 Jun; 100(6): 215-8.

8708.  Mokrousov I, Otten T, Vyshnevskiy B, Narvskaya O. Allele-specific rpoB PCR assays for detection of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum smears. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2003 Jul;47(7):2231-5.

8709.  Nagraj C Mycobacterial Characteristics and development of tuberculosis disease. Health Administrator. 2003 Jan-Jul; 45(1&2): 12-8

8710.  Parekh KM; Kar A Monitoring of bacteriological diagnostic efficiency Under RNTCP: the Pune experience. Health Administrator. 2003 Jan-Jul; 45(1&2): 106-12

8711.  Porcel JM, Vives M.  Etiology and pleural fluid characteristics of large and massive effusions. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):978-83.

8712.  Ramachandran R; Swaminathan S; Somasundaram S; Asgar VN; Paramesh P; Paramasivam CN. Mycobacteremia in tuberculosis patients with HIV infections. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 2003 Jan; 50(1): 29-31

8713.  Raqib R, Rahman J, Kamaluddin AK, Kamal SM, Banu FA, Ahmed S, Rahim Z, Bardhan PK, Andersson J, Sack DA. Rapid diagnosis of active tuberculosis by detecting antibodies from lymphocyte secretions. J Infect Dis. 2003 Aug 1;188(3):364-70. Epub 2003 Jul 14.

8714.  Sarmiento OL, Weigle KA, Alexander J, Weber DJ, Miller WC. Assessment by meta-analysis of PCR for diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Jul;41(7):3233-40.

8715.  Sheer TA, Coyle WJ. Gastrointestinal tuberculosis. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2003 Aug;5(4):273-8. Review.

8716.  Silver RF, Zukowski L, Kotake S, Li Q, Pozuelo F, Krywiak A, Larkin R. Recruitment of antigen-specific Th1-like responses to the human lung following bronchoscopic segmental challenge with purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003 Jul;29(1):117-23.

8717.  Sindic CJ, Van Antwerpen MP, Goffette S. Clinical relevance of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays and antigen-driven immunoblots for the diagnosis of neurological infectious diseases. Brain Res Bull. 2003 Aug 15;61(3):299-308.

8718.  Singh KK, Dong Y, Hinds L, Keen MA, Belisle JT, Zolla-Pazner S, Achkar JM, Nadas AJ, Arora VK, Laal S.  Combined use of serum and urinary antibody for diagnosis of tuberculosis. J Infect Dis. 2003 Aug 1;188(3):371-7. Epub 2003 Jul 15.

8719.  Smith I.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis and molecular determinants of virulence. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jul;16(3):463-96. Review.

8720.  Stermann M, Bohrssen A, Diephaus C, Maass S, Bange FC. Polymorphic nucleotide within the promoter of nitrate reductase (NarGHJI) is specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Jul;41(7):3252-9.

8721.  Subhash HS; Ashwin I; Jesudason MV; Abharam OC; Johan G; Cherian AM; Thomas K Clinical Characteristics and treatment response among patients with multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a retrospective study Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences. 2003 Apr-Jun; 45(2): 97-103

8722.  Verma B, Daga SR. Tuberculosis in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Paediat Today 2002; 5(3): 147-9.

8723.  Villarreal-Ramos B, McAulay M, Chance V, Martin M, Morgan J, Howard CJ. Investigation of the role of CD8+ T cells in bovine tuberculosis in vivo. Infect Immun. 2003 Aug;71(8):4297-303.

8724.  Wasay M, Kheleani BA, Moolani MK, Zaheer J, Pui M, Hasan S, Muzaffar S, Bakshi R, Sarawari AR. Brain CT and MRI findings in 100 consecutive patients with intracranial tuberculoma. J Neuroimaging. 2003 Jul;13(3):240-7.

8725.  Yuksekol I, Ozkan M, Akgul O, Tozkoparan E, Al-Rashed M, Balkan A, Hatipoglu K, Bilgic H, Erbil K, Demirci N. Urinary neopterin measurement as a non-invasive diagnostic method in pulmonary tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003 Aug;7(8):771-6.


8726.  Banaiee N, Bobadilla-del-Valle M, Riska PF, Bardarov S Jr, Small PM, Ponce-de-Leon A, Jacobs WR Jr, Hatfull GF, Sifuentes-Osornio J. Rapid identification and susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from MGIT cultures with luciferase reporter mycobacteriophages. J Med Microbiol. 2003 Jul;52(Pt 7):557-61.

8727.  Beigier-Bompadre M, Aleman M, Barrionuevo P, Franco MC, Rubel CJ, Sasiain Mdel C, Palermo MS, Abbate E, Isturiz MA. Monocytes and neutrophils from tuberculosis patients are insensitive to anti-inflammatory effects triggered by the prototypic formyl peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Aug;133(2):267-74.

8728.  Gehring AJ, Rojas RE, Canaday DH, Lakey DL, Harding CV, Boom WH. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis 19-kilodalton lipoprotein inhibits gamma interferon-regulated HLA-DR and Fc gamma R1 on human macrophages through Toll-like receptor 2. Infect Immun. 2003 Aug;71(8):4487-97.

8729.  Hanekom WA, Mendillo M, Manca C, Haslett PA, Siddiqui MR, Barry C 3rd, Kaplan G.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells in vitro. J Infect Dis. 2003 Jul 15;188(2):257-66. Epub 2003 Jul 09.

8730.  Lima DM, Colares JK, da Fonseca BA. Combined use of the polymerase chain reaction and detection of adenosine deaminase activity on pleural fluid improves the rate of diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):909-14.

8731.  Ma X, Reich RA, Wright JA, Tooker HR, Teeter LD, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Association between interleukin-8 gene alleles and human susceptibility to tuberculosis disease. J Infect Dis. 2003 Aug 1;188(3):349-55. Epub 2003 Jul 10.

8732.  Madebo T, Lindtjorn B, Aukrust P, Berge RK. Circulating antioxidants and lipid peroxidation products in untreated tuberculosis patients in Ethiopia. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Jul;78(1):117-22.

8733.  Mugusi FM, Rusizoka O, Habib N, Fawzi W. Vitamin A status of patients presenting with pulmonary tuberculosis and asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2003 Aug;7(8):804-7.

8734.  Pai RK, Convery M, Hamilton TA, Boom WH, Harding CV. Inhibition of IFN-gamma-induced class II transactivator expression by a 19-kDa lipoprotein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a potential mechanism for immune evasion. J Immunol. 2003 Jul 1;171(1):175-84.

8735.  Ritelli M, Amadori M, Tagliabue S, Pacciarini ML. Use of a macrophage cell line for rapid detection of Mycobacterium bovis in diagnostic samples. Vet Microbiol. 2003 Jul 1;94(2):105-20.

8736.  Soborg C, Madsen HO, Andersen AB, Lillebaek T, Kok-Jensen A, Garred P. Mannose-binding lectin polymorphisms in clinical tuberculosis. J Infect Dis. 2003 Sep 1;188(5):777-82. Epub 2003 Aug 08.

8737.  Sola C, Filliol I, Legrand E, Lesjean S, Locht C, Supply P, Rastogi N. Genotyping of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using MIRUs: association with VNTR and spoligotyping for molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics. Infect Genet Evol. 2003 Jul;3(2):125-33.

8738.  Tufariello JM, Chan J, Flynn JL. Latent tuberculosis: mechanisms of host and bacillus that contribute to persistent infection. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Sep;3(9):578-90. Review.


8739.  Smith I. Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis and molecular determinants of virulence. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jul;16(3):463-96. Review.


8740.  Lim TK, Mukhopadhyay A, Gough A, Khoo KL, Khoo SM, Lee KH, Kumarasinghe G. Role of clinical judgment in the application of a nucleic acid amplification test for the rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):902-8.

8741.  Shanmugalakshmi S, Dheenadhayalan V, Muthuveeralakshmi P, Arivarignan G, Pitchappan RM. Mycobacterium bovis BCG scar status and HLA class II alleles influence purified protein derivative-specific T-cell receptor V beta expression in pulmonary tuberculosis patients from southern India. Infect Immun. 2003 Aug;71(8):4544-53.

8742.  Tufariello JM, Chan J, Flynn JL. Latent tuberculosis: mechanisms of host and bacillus that contribute to persistent infection. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Sep;3(9):578-90. Review.  


April, 2004

Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:

9392.  Akcay A, Erdem Y, Altun B, Usalan C, Agca E, Yasavul U, Turgan C, Caglar S. The booster phenomenon in 2-step tuberculin skin testing of patients receiving long-term hemodialysis. Am J Infect Control. 2003 Oct;31(6):371-4.

9393.  Batra A, Tripathi RP. Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in intracerebral parenchymal tuberculosis: preliminary findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2003 Nov-Dec;27(6):882-8.

9394.  Burdz TV, Wolfe J, Kabani A. Evaluation of sputum decontamination methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis using viable colony counts and flow cytometry. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2003 Nov;47(3):503-9.

9395.  Campos-Outcalt D. Tuberculosis: old problem, new concerns. J Fam Pract. 2003 Oct;52(10):792-8.

9396.  Capuano SV 3rd, Croix DA, Pawar S, Zinovik A, Myers A, Lin PL, Bissel S, Fuhrman C, Klein E, Flynn JL. Experimental Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of cynomolgus macaques closely resembles the various manifestations of human M. tuberculosis infection. Infect Immun. 2003 Oct;71(10):5831-44.

9397.  Cardona PJ, Gordillo S, Diaz J, Tapia G, Amat I, Pallares A, Vilaplana C, Ariza A, Ausina V. Widespread bronchogenic dissemination makes DBA/2 mice more susceptible than C57BL/6 mice to experimental aerosol infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2003 Oct;71(10):5845-54.

9398.  Crump JA, Reller LB. Two decades of disseminated tuberculosis at a university medical center: the expanding role of mycobacterial blood culture. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Oct 15;37(8):1037-43. Epub 2003 Sep 24.

9399.  Dong WG, Sun XM, Yu BP, Luo HS, Yu JP. Role of VEGF and CD44v6 in differentiating benign from malignant ascites. World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Nov;9(11):2596-600.

9400.  Drosten C, Panning M, Kramme S. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by real-time PCR using pan-mycobacterial primers and a pair of fluorescence resonance energy transfer probes specific for the M. tuberculosis complex. Clin Chem. 2003 Oct;49(10):1659-61.

9401.  Dubaniewicz A, Moszkowska G, Szczerkowska Z, Hoppe A. Analysis of DQB1 allele frequencies in pulmonary tuberculosis: preliminary report. Thorax. 2003 Oct;58(10):890-1.

9402.  Fietta A, Meloni F, Cascina A, Morosini M, Marena C, Troupioti P, Mangiarotti P, Casali L. Comparison of a whole-blood interferon-gamma assay and tuberculin skin testing in patients with active tuberculosis and individuals at high or low risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Am J Infect Control. 2003 Oct;31(6):347-53.

9403.  Gandhi G, Sandhu JS, Sagoo RS.  Preliminary studies on tuberculosis patients using the single cell gel electrophoresis assay.  Indian J phys Anthrop Hum Genet 2003;  22(1): 15-32.

9404.  Golpe R, Mateos A. Rifampicin induced pneumonitis or bronchogenic spread of tuberculous empyema through a bronchopleural fistula? Thorax. 2003 Oct;58(10):910.

9405.  Gupta S, Bagga G, Gupta A, Gupta M.  Serodiagnostic potential of IgM antibodies for antigen-60 in childhood tuberculosis.  Curr med Trends 2002; 6(2): 1148-53.  (ISA 0019-6339, Vol 39, No 21, November 1, 2023)

9406.  Hasaneen NA, Zaki ME, Shalaby HM, El-Morsi AS. Polymerase chain reaction of pleural biopsy is a rapid and sensitive method for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. Chest. 2003 Dec;124(6):2105-11.

9407.  Hsu K, Christiansen D, O'Connor D, Bernardo J, Hacker K. Self-assessment of tuberculosis infection risk by urban adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Dec;157(12):1227-31.

9408.  Huang WT, Wang CC, Chen WJ, Cheng YF, Eng HL. The nodular form of hepatic tuberculosis: a review with five additional new cases. J Clin Pathol. 2003 Nov;56(11):835-9.

9409.  Hussain H, Akhtar S, Nanan D. Prevalence of and risk factors associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in prisoners, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Oct;32(5):794-9.

9410.  Jain VK. Clinico-radiological  & bacillary spectrum in newly diagnosed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in new millennium.  Curr med Trends 2002; 6(2): 1140-7.

9411.  Johnson J, Kagal A, Bharadwaj R.  Factors associated with drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis.  Indian J Chest Dis all Sci 2003; 45(2): 105-09.

9412.  Lalvani A. Spotting latent infection: the path to better tuberculosis control. Thorax. 2003 Nov;58(11):916-8.

9413.  Lee HN, Embi CS, Vigeland KM, White CR Jr. Concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis and leprosy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Oct;49(4):755-7.

9414.  Long R, Houston S, Hershfield E; Canadian Tuberculosis Committee of the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Population and Public Health Branch, Health Canada. Recommendations for screening and prevention of tuberculosis in patients with HIV and for screening for HIV in patients with tuberculosis and their contacts. CMAJ. 2003 Oct 14;169(8):789-91.

9415.  Mathale, Rajkumari R, Kuruvilla PJ, Kirubakaran H, Brahmadathan KN Inbamalar, Abraham OC.  Evaluation of serological tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.  J Path Microbiol 2002; 45(4): 439-41.

9416.  Menzies D; Immigration Subcommittee, Canadian Tuberculosis Committee. Screening immigrants to Canada for tuberculosis: chest radiography or tuberculin skin testing? CMAJ. 2003 Nov 11;169(10):1035-6.

9417.  Meyer M, Clarke P, O'Regan AW. Utility of the lateral chest radiograph in the evaluation of patients with a positive tuberculin skin test result. Chest. 2003 Nov;124(5):1824-7.

9418.  Narayan S, Mahadevan S, Serane VT.  Keith edwards score for diagnosis of Tuberculosis.  Indian  J Pediat 2003; 70(6): 467-9.  (ISA 0019-6339, Vol 39, No 17, September 1, 2023)

9419.  Pai M, Flores LL, Pai N, Hubbard A, Riley LW, Colford JM Jr. Diagnostic accuracy of nucleic acid amplification tests for tuberculous meningitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Oct;3(10):633-43. Review.

9420.  Paterson R. Screening immigrants for infectious diseases. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Nov;3(11):681.

9421.  Roberts RJ. Tuberculin testing before BCG vaccination: effect of age on adverse effects has not been made clear. BMJ. 2003 Oct 18;327(7420):932.

9422.  Roy H, Roy S, Roy S.  Use of polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of endometrial tuberculosis in high risk subfertile women in an endemic Zone.  J Obstet Gynaec India 2003; 53(3): 260-3.

9423.  Sawlani V, Chandra T, Mishra RN, Aggarwal A, Jain UK, Gujral RB. MRI features of tuberculosis of peripheral joints. Clin Radiol. 2003 Oct;58(10):755-62. Review.

9424.  Seiler P, Ulrichs T, Bandermann S, Pradl L, Jorg S, Krenn V, Morawietz L, Kaufmann SH, Aichele P. Cell-wall alterations as an attribute of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in latent infection. J Infect Dis. 2003 Nov 1;188(9):1326-31. Epub 2003 Oct 28.

9425.  Shingadia D, Novelli V. Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in children. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Oct;3(10):624-32. Review.

9426.  Spira A, Carroll JD, Liu G, Aziz Z, Shah V, Kornfeld H, Keane J. Apoptosis genes in human alveolar macrophages infected with virulent or attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a pivotal role for tumor necrosis factor. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003 Nov;29(5):545-51. Epub 2003 May 14.

9427.  Srivastava T, Kochar DK. Asymptomatic spinal arachnoiditis in patients with tuberculous meningitis. Neuroradiology. 2003 Oct;45(10):727-9. Epub 2003 Sep 20.

9428.  Subramanyam SG, Kilpadi AB, Sunder N. Ileo-caecal tuberculosis presenting as abdominal wall sinus. Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):246.

9429.  Sun XM, Dong WG, Yu BP, Luo HS, Yu JP. Detection of type IV collagenase activity in malignant ascites. World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Nov;9(11):2592-5.

9430.  Verettas D, Kazakos C, Tilkeridis C, Dermon A, Petrou H, Galanis V.  Polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in synovial fluid, tissue samples, bone marrow aspirate and peripheral blood. Acta Orthop Belg. 2003 Oct;69(5):396-9.

9431.  Villena V, Lopez-Encuentra A, Pozo F, Echave-Sustaeta J, Ortuno-de-Solo B, Estenoz-Alfaro J, Martin-Escribano P. Interferon gamma levels in pleural fluid for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Am J Med. 2003 Oct 1;115(5):365-70.

9432.  Watson WW. Immigrants and tuberculosis. CMAJ. 2003 Nov 11;169(10):1005.

9433.  Weir RE, Fine PE, Nazareth B, Floyd S, Black GF, King E, Stanley C, Bliss L, Branson K, Dockrell HM.  Interferon-gamma and skin test responses of schoolchildren in southeast England to purified protein derivatives from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other species of mycobacteria. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Nov;134(2):285-94.

9434.  Yassin MA, Cuevas LE. How many sputum smears are necessary for case finding in pulmonary tuberculosis? Trop Med Int Health. 2003 Oct;8(10):927-32.


9435.  Al-Attiyah R, Mustafa AS, Abal AT, Madi NM, Andersen P. Restoration of mycobacterial antigen-induced proliferation and interferon-gamma responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of tuberculosis patients upon effective chemotherapy. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2003 Oct 15;38(3):249-56.

9436.  Bieber J, Kavanaugh A. Cigarette smoking, TB, and TNF inhibitors. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003 Nov;62(11):1118-9.

9437.  Boelaert JR, Gomes MS, Gordeuk VR. Smoking, iron, and tuberculosis. Lancet. 2003 Oct 11;362(9391):1243-4.

9438.  Carr MD, Bloemink MJ, Dentten E, Whelan AO, Gordon SV, Kelly G, Frenkiel TA, Hewinson RG, Williamson RA. Solution structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex protein MPB70: from tuberculosis pathogenesis to inherited human corneal desease. J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct 31;278(44):43736-43. Epub 2003 Aug 12.

9439.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Public health dispatch: tuberculosis outbreak among homeless persons�King County, Washington, 2002-2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003 Dec 12;52(49):1209-10.

9440.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Public health dispatch: tuberculosis outbreak in a homeless population--Portland, Maine, 2002-2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003 Dec 5;52(48):1184.

9441.  Guwatudde D, Nakakeeto M, Jones-Lopez EC, Maganda A, Chiunda A, Mugerwa RD, Ellner JJ, Bukenya G, Whalen CC. Tuberculosis in household contacts of infectious cases in Kampala, Uganda. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Nov 1;158(9):887-98.

9442.  Hesseling AC, Schaaf HS, Hanekom WA, Beyers N, Cotton MF, Gie RP, Marais BJ, van Helden P, Warren RM. Danish bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine-induced disease in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Nov 1;37(9):1226-33. Epub 2003 Oct 06.

9443.  Hingley-Wilson SM, Sambandamurthy VK, Jacobs WR Jr. Survival perspectives from the world's most successful pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Immunol. 2003 Oct;4(10):949-55. Review.

9444.  Inigo J, Arce A, Martin-Moreno JM, Herruzo R, Palenque E, Chaves F. Recent transmission of tuberculosis in Madrid: application of capture-recapture analysis to conventional and molecular epidemiology. Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Oct;32(5):763-9.

9445.  Jenkin GA, Stinear TP, Johnson PD, Davies JK. Subtractive hybridization reveals a type I polyketide synthase locus specific to Mycobacterium ulcerans. J Bacteriol. 2003 Dec;185(23):6870-82.

9446.  Khanna P, Panjabi C, Maurya V, Shah A. Isoniazid associated, painful, bilateral gynaecomastia. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2003 Oct-Dec;45(4):277-9.

9447.  Kim SY, Park YJ, Kim WI, Lee SH, Ludgerus Chang C, Kang SJ, Kang CS. Molecular analysis of isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates recovered from South Korea. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2003 Nov;47(3):497-502.

9448.  Long MC, Escuyer V, Parker WB. Identification and characterization of a unique adenosine kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Bacteriol. 2003 Nov;185(22):6548-55.

9449.  McKinney JD, Gomez JE. Life on the inside for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Med. 2003 Nov;9(11):1356-7.

9450.  Newport MJ, Awomoyi AA, Blackwell JM. Polymorphism in the interferon-gamma receptor-1 gene and susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in The Gambia. Scand J Immunol. 2003 Oct;58(4):383-5.

9451.  Okkels LM, Brock I, Follmann F, Agger EM, Arend SM, Ottenhoff TH, Oftung F, Rosenkrands I, Andersen P. PPE protein (Rv3873) from DNA segment RD1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: strong recognition of both specific T-cell epitopes and epitopes conserved within the PPE family. Infect Immun. 2003 Nov;71(11):6116-23.

9452.  Rosenblum LS, Navin TR, Crawford JT. Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2003 Dec 11;349(24):2364.

9453.  Scarpellini P, Carrera P, Cichero P, Gelfi C, Gori A, Ferrari M, Zingale A, Lazzarin A. Detection of resistance to isoniazid by denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis DNA sequencing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates. New Microbiol. 2003 Oct;26(4):345-51.

9454.  Song CH, Lee JS, Kim HJ, Park JK, Paik TH, Jo EK. Interleukin-8 is differentially expressed by human-derived monocytic cell line U937 infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and Mycobacterium marinum. Infect Immun. 2003 Oct;71(10):5480-7.

9455.  Toossi Z. Virological and immunological impact of tuberculosis on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 disease. J Infect Dis. 2003 Oct 15;188(8):1146-55. Epub 2003 Sep 30. Review.

9456.  Vernon AA, McNabb MS. Commentary: Can capture-recapture analysis of epidemiological and molecular data help us understand recent tuberculosis transmission? Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Oct;32(5):770-1.


9457.  Wald E. Question from the clinician: tuberculosis prophylaxis. Pediatr Rev. 2003 Oct;24(10):355.


9458.  Al-Attiyah R, Mustafa AS, Abal AT, Madi NM, Andersen P. Restoration of mycobacterial antigen-induced proliferation and interferon-gamma responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of tuberculosis patients upon effective chemotherapy. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2003 Oct 15;38(3):249-56.

9459.  Cope GF, Whitfield R. Urine color testing and isoniazid monitoring. Chest. 2003 Dec;124(6):2405.

9460.  Hargreaves S. Time to prioritise tuberculosis laboratory services. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003 Oct;3(10):606.

9461.  Huff B. TB treatment evolves. GMHC Treat Issues. 2003 Oct;17(10):4-5.

9462.  Khanna P, Panjabi C, Maurya V, Shah A. Isoniazid associated, painful, bilateral gynaecomastia. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2003 Oct-Dec;45(4):277-9.

9463.  Mohapatra PR. Control of tuberculosis in India. Lancet. 2003 Oct 11;362(9391):1243.

9464.  Okkels LM, Brock I, Follmann F, Agger EM, Arend SM, Ottenhoff TH, Oftung F, Rosenkrands I, Andersen P. PPE protein (Rv3873) from DNA segment RD1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: strong recognition of both specific T-cell epitopes and epitopes conserved within the PPE family. Infect Immun. 2003 Nov;71(11):6116-23.

9465.  Panigrahi MK. Craniocervical tuberculosis: protocol of surgical management. Neurosurgery. 2003 Oct;53(4):1009-10.

9466.  Piana A, Orru M, Masia MD, Sotgiu G, Muresu E, Maida A. Detection of isoniazid and rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and restriction fragment length polymorphism. New Microbiol. 2003 Oct;26(4):375-81.

9467.  Portero JL, Rubio M. Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2003 Dec 11;349(24):2364.

9468.  Ruiz P, Rodriguez-Cano F, Zerolo FJ, Casal M. Current interest of isoniazid in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis in the light of its in vitro activity. Microb Drug Resist. 2003 Fall;9(3):313-6.

9469.  White MC. Commentary: Evaluating the tuberculosis burden in prisoners in Pakistan. Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Oct;32(5):799-801.  


July, 2004

Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:

10094.  Anand A, Sudhakar L, Sivasankaran G, Jayaganesh R, Ilangovan M, Muthulatha N, Rajamanickam MG, Emmanuel R. Virtual cytoscopy � a promising diagnostic technique. Indian J Urol 2003; 20(1): 18-22.

10095.  Arora VK, Gupta R, Arora R. Tuberculosis and pregnancy. Indian J Tuberec 2003; 50(1): 13-16.

10096.  Balamurugan A, Sharma SK, Mehra NK. Human leukocyte antigen class I supertypes influence susceptibility and severity of tuberculosis. J Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 1;189(5):805-11.

10097.  Banks JB; Family Practice Inquiries Network. Does screening for tuberculosis in children decrease morbidity or mortality? Am Fam Physician. 2004 Mar 15;69(6):1479-80. Review.

10098.  Chatterjee P, Banerjee B, Dutt D, Pati RR, Mullick AK. A comparative evaluation of factors and reasons for defaulting in tuberculosis treatment in the states of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J Tuberc 2003;50(1): 17-21.

10099.  Conde MB, Suffys P, Lapa E Silva JR, Kritski AL, Dorman SE.  Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG immune responses against P-90 antigen for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and screening for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2004 Jan;11(1):94-7.

10100.  Derrick SC, Repique C, Snoy P, Yang AL, Morris S. Immunization with a DNA vaccine cocktail protects mice lacking CD4 cells against an aerogenic infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2004 Mar;72(3):1685-92.

10101.  Fitzpatrick L, Braden C, Cronin W, English J, Campbell E, Valway S, Onorato I. Investigation of Laboratory cross-contamination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultures. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15;38(6):e52-4.

10102.  Gupta S, Shende N, Kumar S, Harinath BC. Antibody response to M.tb H37Ra excretory secretory ES-43 and ES-31 antigens at different stages of pulmonary tuberculosis.  Biomedical Research, 2004; 15(1):76-79.

10103.  Hadad DJ, Palaci M, Pignatari AC, Lewi DS, Machado MA, Telles MA, Martins MC, Ueki SY, Vasconcelos GM, Palhares MC. Mycobacteraemia among HIV-1-infected patients in Sao Paulo, Brazil: 1995 to 1998. Epidemiol Infect. 2004 Jan;132(1):151-5.

10104.  Hadgu A, Sternberg M. Nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Jan;4(1):9-10; discussion 11-2.

10105.  Higuchi K, Sekiya Y, Harada N. Characterization of M. Tuberculosis-derived IL-12-inducing material by alveolar macrophages. Vaccine. 2004 Jan 26;22(5-6):724-34.

10106.  Hiraki A, Aoe K, Eda R, Maeda T, Murakami T, Sugi K, Takeyama H. Comparison of six biological markers for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis. Chest. 2004 Mar;125(3):987-9.

10107.  IAP Working Group. Consensus statement of IAP Working Group: status report on diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. Indian Pediatr. 2004 Feb;41(2):146-55.

10108.  Imaz MS, Comini MA, Zerbini E, Sequeira MD, Latini O, Claus JD, Singh M. Evaluation of commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits for detection of tuberculosis in Argentinean population. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Feb;42(2):884-7.

10109.  Julian E, Matas L, Alcaide J, Luquin M. Comparison of antibody responses to a potential combination of specific glycolipids and proteins for test sensitivity improvement in tuberculosis serodiagnosis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2004 Jan;11(1):70-6.

10110.  Kashyap RS, Agarwal NP, Chandak NH, Taori GM, Biswas SK, Purohit HJ, Daginawala HF. The application of the Mancini technique as a diagnostic test in the CSF of tuberculosis meningitis patients. Med Sci Monit, 2002; 8(6):MT95-98.

10111.  Kashyap RS, Biswas SK, Agarwal N, Chandak N, Taori GM, Purohit HJ, Daginawala HF. Significance of 30 KD protein as a diagnostic marker in CSF of tuberculous meningitis. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 2001; 4(197): 197-201

10112.  Kashyap RS, Kainthla RP, Biswas SK, Agarwal N, Chandak N, Purohit HJ, Taori GM, Daginawala HF. Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis using the Simple Dot ELISA method. Med Sci Monit, 2003; 9(11):MT123-126.

10113.  Khadilkar SW, Saraiya U. Tuberculosis and pregnancy: a ten year overview. J Obstet Gynaec India 2003; 53(5): 453-7. 

10114.  Kim BJ, Hong SK, Lee KH, Yun YJ, Kim EC, Park YG, Bai GH, Kook YH. Differential identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and nontuberculous mycobacteria by duplex PCR assay using the RNA polymerase gene (rpoB). J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Mar;42(3):1308-12.

10115.  Kivihya-Ndugga L, van Cleeff M, Juma E, Kimwomi J, Githui W, Oskam L, Schuitema A, van Soolingen D, Nganga L, Kibuga D, Odhiambo J, Klatser P. Comparison of PCR with the routine procedure for diagnosis of tuberculosis in a population with high prevalences of tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Mar;42(3):1012-5.

10116.  Militao de Albuquerque Mde F, Ximenes RA, Campelo AR, Sarinho E, Cruz M, Maia Filho V. Neonatal BCG vaccine and response to the tuberculin test in BCG vaccinated children in contact with tuberculosis patients in Recife, Brazil. J Trop Pediatr. 2004 Feb;50(1):32-6.

10117.  Mohan A, Sharma SK. Medical schools and tuberculosis control: bridging the discordance between what is preached and what is practiced. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Jan-Mar;46(1):5-7.

10118.  Mukherjee JS, Rich ML, Socci AR, Joseph JK, Viru FA, Shin SS, Furin JJ, Becerra MC, Barry DJ, Kim JY, Bayona J, Farmer P, Smith Fawzi MC, Seung KJ. Programmes and principles in treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Lancet. 2004 Feb 7;363(9407):474-81. Review.

10119.  Okuda Y, Maekura R, Hirotani A, Kitada S, Yoshimura K, Hiraga T, Yamamoto Y, Itou M, Ogura T, Ogihara T. Rapid serodiagnosis of active pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis by analysis of results from multiple antigen-specific tests. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Mar;42(3):1136-41.

10120.  Patra SP, Bhattacharya N, Mangal S. FNAC, imprint cytology and histopathology for diagnosing disease of lymph node. J Cytol 2003; 20(3):124-8.

10121.  Petrou M, Vassiliou V. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis. J R Soc Med. 2004 Mar;97(3):155.

10122.  Prem RP, Srivastava S, Jain SK, Srivastava BS, Srivastava R. Protection by live Mycobacterium habana vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv challenge in mice. Indian J med Res 2003; 117(April): 139-45.

10123.  Ramchandran R, Swaminathan S, Somasundaram S, Asgar VN, Paramesh P, Paramasivan CN. Mycobacteremia in tuberculosis patients with HIV  infections. Indian J Tuberc 2003; 50(1): 29-31.

10124.  Scholvinck E, Wilkinson KA, Whelan AO, Martineau AR, Levin M, Wilkinson RJ. Gamma interferon-based immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis: comparison between whole-blood and enzyme-linked immunospot methods. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Feb;42(2):829-31.

10125.                     Shahabuddin M, Raghuveer CV. Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in detecting extrapulmonary tuberculosis. J Cytol 2003; 20(2): 77-8.

10126.  Tansuphasiri U, Boonrat P, Rienthong S. Direct identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum on Ziehl-Neelsen acid fast stained slides by use of silica-based filter combined with polymerase chain reaction assay. J Med Assoc Thai. 2004 Feb;87(2):180-9.

10127.  Theus SA, Cave MD, Eisenach KD. Activated THP-1 cells: an attractive model for the assessment of intracellular growth rates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. Infect Immun. 2004 Feb;72(2):1169-73.

10128.  Thwaites GE, Chau TT, Farrar JJ. Improving the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Jan;42(1):378-9.

10129.  Titov AG, Vyshnevskaya EB, Mazurenko SI, Santavirta S, Konttinen YT. Use of polymerase chain reaction to diagnose tuberculous arthritis from joint tissues and synovial fluid. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2004 Feb;128(2):205-9.

10130.  Vekemans J, Ota MO, Sillah J, Fielding K, Alderson MR, Skeiky YA, Dalemans W, McAdam KP, Lienhardt C, Marchant A. Immune responses to mycobacterial antigens in the Gambian population: implications for vaccines and immunodiagnostic test design. Infect Immun. 2004 Jan;72(1):381-8.

10131.  Verfaillie G, Goossens A, Lamote J. Atypical mycobacterium breast infection. Breast J. 2004 Jan-Feb;10(1):60.

10132.  Whitehouse PA. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis. J R Soc Med. 2004 Mar;97(3):155.


10133.  Al-Attiyah R, Mustafa AS. Computer-assisted prediction of HLA-DR binding and experimental analysis for human promiscuous Th1-cell peptides in the 24 kDa secreted lipoprotein (LppX) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Scand J Immunol. 2004 Jan;59(1):16-24.

10134.  Behr MA. Tuberculosis due to multiple strains: a concern for the patient? A concern for tuberculosis control? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Mar 1;169(5):554-5. Review.

10135.  Chan J, Flynn J.  The immunological aspects of latency in tuberculosis. Clin Immunol. 2004 Jan;110(1):2-12. Review.

10136.  Collins J, Schlager S, Brasher E. Contact investigation of a case of active tuberculosis. Am J Infect Control. 2004 Feb;32(1):38-43.

10137.  Day RB, Wang Y, Knox KS, Pasula R, Martin WJ 2nd, Twigg HL 3rd. Alveolar macrophages from HIV-infected subjects are resistant to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2004 Mar;30(3):403-10.

10138.  Gibson AL, Hewinson G, Goodchild T, Watt B, Story A, Inwald J, Drobniewski FA. Molecular epidemiology of disease due to Mycobacterium bovis in humans in the United Kingdom. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Jan;42(1):431-4.

10139.  Goletti D, Carrara S, Vincenti D, Giacomini E, Fattorini L, Garbuglia AR, Capobianchi MR, Alonzi T, Fimia GM, Federico M, Poli G, Coccia E. Inhibition of HIV-1 replication in monocyte-derived macrophages by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Infect Dis. 2004 Feb 15;189(4):624-33.

10140.  Karakousis PC, Bishai WR, Dorman SE. Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell envelope lipids and the host immune response. Cell Microbiol. 2004 Feb;6(2):105-16. Review.

10141.  Louie LG, Hartogensis WE, Jackman RP, Schultz KA, Zijenah LS, Yiu CH, Nguyen VD, Sohsman MY, Katzenstein DK, Mason PR. Mycobacterium tuberculosis/HIV-1 coinfection and disease: role of human leukocyte antigen variation. J Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15;189(6):1084-90.

10142.  Moody DB, Young DC, Cheng TY, Rosat JP, Roura-Mir C, O'Connor PB, Zajonc DM, Walz A, Miller MJ, Levery SB, Wilson IA, Costello CE, Brenner MB. T cell activation by lipopeptide antigens. Science. 2004 Jan 23;303(5657):527-31.

10143.  Nardell EA. Catching droplet nuclei: toward a better understanding of tuberculosis transmission. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Mar 1;169(5):553-4.

10144.  Ong A, Creasman J, Hopewell PC, Gonzalez LC, Wong M, Jasmer RM, Daley CL. A molecular epidemiological assessment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in San Francisco. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Jan 1;38(1):25-31.

10145.  Seidler A, Nienhaus A, Diel R. The transmission of tuberculosis in the light of new molecular biological approaches. Occup Environ Med. 2004 Feb;61(2):96-102. Review.


10146.  Das P. Infectious diseases surveillance update.Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Mar;4(3):134.

10147.  Zinkernagel RM. The challenges of an HIV vaccine enterprise. Science. 2004 Feb 27;303(5662):1294-7.


10148.  Arora VK, Gupta R. Private-public mix: a prioritisation under RNTCP--an Indian perspective. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Jan-Mar;46(1):27-37. Review.

10149.  Carroll K, Malefoasi G. Comparison of outcomes from a district tuberculosis control programme in the Pacific: before and after the implementation of DOTS. Trop Doct. 2004 Jan;34(1):11-4.

10150.  Chatterjee P. India's battle against the tuberculosis-HIV dual epidemic. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Feb;4(2):70.

10151.  Fennelly KP, Martyny JW, Fulton KE, Orme IM, Cave DM, Heifets LB. Cough-generated aerosols of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a new method to study infectiousness. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Mar 1;169(5):604-9.

10152.  Gupta R, Irwin A, Raviglione MC, Kim JY. Scaling-up treatment for HIV/AIDS: lessons learned from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Lancet. 2004 Jan 24;363(9405):320-4.

10153.  Lurie MN, Carter EJ, Cohen J, Flanigan TP. Directly observed therapy for HIV/tuberculosis co-infection. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Mar;4(3):137-8.

10154.  Wan GH, Lu SC, Tsai YH. Polymerase chain reaction used for the detection of airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health care settings. Am J Infect Control. 2004 Feb;32(1):17-22.

10155.  Warren RM, Victor TC, Streicher EM, Richardson M, Beyers N, van Pittius NC, van Helden PD. Patients with active tuberculosis often have different strains in the same sputum specimen. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Mar 1;169(5):610-4.


October, 2004

Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:

10694.  Apaydin R, Bahadir S, Kakklikkaya N, Bilen N, Bayramgurler D. Possible role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome demonstrated with Gen-Probe amplified Mycobacterium tuberculosis direct test. Australas J Dermatol. 2004 May;45(2):94-9.

10695.  Arora VK, Lonnroth K, Sarin R. Improved case detection of tuberculosis through a public-private partnership. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Apr-Jun;46(2):133-6.

10696.  Balganesh TS, Balasubramanian V, Anand Kumar S. Drug discovery for tuberculosis: Bottlenecks and path forward. Curr Sci 2004; 86(1): 167-76.

10697.  Basu J. Mycobacteria within its intracellular niche: survival of the pathogen or its host. Curr Sci 2004; 86(1): 103-10.

10698.  Cordonnier C, Martino R, Trabasso P, Held TK, Akan H, Ward MS, Fabian K, Ullmann AJ, Wulffraat N, Ljungman P, Alessandrino EP, Pretnar J, Gmur J, Varela R, Vitek A, Sica S, Rovira M; European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group Infectious Diseases Working Party. Mycobacterial infection: a difficult and late diagnosis in stem cell transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;38(9):1229-36.

10699.  Drobniewski F, Balabanova Y, Coker R. Clinical features, diagnosis, and management of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis since 2002. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2004 May;10(3):211-7. Review.

10700.  Gupta S, Kumar S, Harinath BC. Mycobacterium tuberculosis excretory secretory (ES) protein antigens of interest in diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of disease development. J. MGIMS, 2004 Sept.; 9(ii): 16-21. Review.  

10701.  Hill PC, Brookes RH, Fox A, Fielding K, Jeffries DJ, Jackson-Sillah D, Lugos MD, Owiafe PK, Donkor SA, Hammond AS, Otu JK, Corrah T, Adegbola RA, McAdam KP. Large-scale evaluation of enzyme-linked immunospot assay and skin test for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection against a gradient of exposure in The Gambia. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Apr 1;38(7):966-73.

10702.  Immmanuel C, Gurumurthy P, Ramachandran G, Venkatesan P, Chandrasekaran V, Prabhakar R. Bioavailability of rifampicin following concomitant administration of ethambutol or isoniazid or pyrazinamide or a combination of the three drugs. Indian J med Res 2003; 118(Sep): 109-14.

10703.  Kim HC, Goo JM, Lee HJ, Park SH, Park CM, Kim TJ, Im JG. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis versus drug-sensitive tuberculosis in human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients: computed tomography features. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2004 May-Jun;28(3):366-71.

10704.  Kumar N, Jain S, Murthy NS. Utility of repeat fine needle aspiration in acute suppurative lesions. Follow-up of 263 cases. Acta Cytol. 2004 May-Jun;48(3):337-40.

10705.  Liu XQ, Dosanjh D, Varia H, Ewer K, Cockle P, Pasvol G, Lalvani A. Evaluation of T-cell responses to novel RD1- and RD2-encoded Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene products for specific detection of human tuberculosis infection. Infect Immun. 2004 May;72(5):2574-81.

10706.  Mahapatro S; Choudhury S; Tripathy S; Khan M.A; Rao ES. Tuberculous thyroid abscess. Antiseptic. 2004 Feb; 101(2): 46-7.

10707.  Noordhoek GT, Mulder S, Wallace P, van Loon AM. Multicentre quality control study for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples by nucleic amplification methods. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2004 Apr;10(4):295-301.

10708.  Prasad R, Saini JK, Gupta R, Kannaujia RK, Sarin S, Suryakant, Kulshreshth R, Nag VL, Tripathi AK. A comparative study of clinico-radiological spectrum of tuberculosis among HIV seropositive and HIV seronegative patients. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Apr-Jun;46(2):99-103.

10709.  Ramakrishnan L. Using mycobacterium marinum and its hosts to study tuberculosis. Curr Sci 2004; 86(1): 82-92.

10710.  Selvaraj P. Host genetics and tuberculosis susceptibility. Curr Sci 2004; 86(1):115-21.

10711.  Sharma SK; Mohan A. Co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis: Indian perspective Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 2004 Jan; 51(1): 5-16

10712.  Sougakoff W, Rodrigue M, Truffot-Pernot C, Renard M, Durin N, Szpytma M, Vachon R, Troesch A, Jarlier V. Use of a high-density DNA probe array for detecting mutations involved in rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2004 Apr;10(4):289-94.

10713.  Thorson A, Hoa NP, Long NH, Allebeck P, Diwan VK. Do women with tuberculosis have a lower likelihood of getting diagnosed? Prevalence and case detection of sputum smear positive pulmonary TB, a population-based study from Vietnam. J Clin Epidemiol. 2004 Apr;57(4):398-402.

10714.  van Deutekom H, Hoijng SP, de Haas PE, Langendam MW, Horsman A, van Soolingen D, Coutinho RA. Clustered tuberculosis cases: do they represent recent transmission and can they be detected earlier? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Apr 1;169(7):806-10.

10715.  Visca P, De Mori P, Festa A, Montrone ML, Amicosante M, Pucillo LP. Evaluation of the BDProbeTec strand displacement amplification assay in comparison with the AMTD II direct test for rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2004 Apr;10(4):332-4.

10716.  Vrioni G, Levidiotou S, Matsiota-Bernard P, Marinis E. Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates presenting various drug susceptibility from Greece using three DNA typing methods. J Infect. 2004 Apr;48(3):253-62.


10717.  Awomoyi AA, Nejentsev S, Richardson A, Hull J, Koch O, Podinovskaia M, Todd JA, McAdam KP, Blackwell JM, Kwiatkowski D, Newport MJ. No association between interferon-gamma receptor-1 gene polymorphism and pulmonary tuberculosis in a Gambian population sample. Thorax. 2004 Apr;59(4):291-4.

10718.  Bates I, Fenton C, Gruber J, Lalloo D, Lara AM, Squire SB, Theobald S, Thomson R, Tolhurst R. Vulnerability to malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS infection and disease. Part II: Determinants operating at environmental and institutional level. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Jun;4(6):368-75. Review.

10719.  Bates I, Fenton C, Gruber J, Lalloo D, Medina Lara A, Squire SB, Theobald S, Thomson R, Tolhurst R. Vulnerability to malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS infection and disease. Part 1: determinants operating at individual and household level. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 May;4(5):267-77. Review.

10720.  Bonecini-Almeida MG, Ho JL, Boechat N, Huard RC, Chitale S, Doo H, Geng J, Rego L, Lazzarini LC, Kritski AL, Johnson WD Jr, McCaffrey TA, Silva JR. Down-modulation of lung immune responses by interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and analysis of TGF-beta receptors I and II in active tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2004 May;72(5):2628-34.

10721.  Curto M, Reali C, Palmieri G, Scintu F, Schivo ML, Sogos V, Marcialis MA, Ennas MG, Schwarz H, Pozzi G, Gremo F. Inhibition of cytokines expression in human microglia infected by virulent and non-virulent mycobacteria. Neurochem Int. 2004 May;44(6):381-92.

10722.  Dao DN, Kremer L, Guerardel Y, Molano A, Jacobs WR Jr, Porcelli SA, Briken V.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipomannan induces apoptosis and interleukin-12 production in macrophages. Infect Immun. 2004 Apr;72(4):2067-74.

10723.  Davies PD. Molecular epidemiology unmasks the tubercle bacillus: new techniques reveal new aspects of virulence. Thorax. 2004 Apr;59(4):273-4.

10724.  Hussey G, Hawkridge T, Eley B, Nuttall J, Kibel M, Geiter L, Barker L, Behr M, Demers AM. Adverse effects of bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination in HIV-positive infants. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;38(9):1333-4.

10725.  Marino S, Kirschner DE. The human immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in lung and lymph node. J Theor Biol. 2004 Apr 21;227(4):463-86.

10726.  McGarvey JA, Wagner D, Bermudez LE. Differential gene expression in mononuclear phagocytes infected with pathogenic and non-pathogenic mycobacteria. Clin Exp Immunol. 2004 Jun;136(3):490-500.

10727.  Thakurdas SM, Hasan Z, Hussain R. IgG1 antimycobacterial antibodies can reverse the inhibitory effect of pentoxifylline on tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) secreted by mycobacterial antigen-stimulated adherent cells. Clin Exp Immunol. 2004 May;136(2):320-7.

10728.  Tibayrenc M. A molecular biology approach to tuberculosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 6;101(14):4721-2.

10729.  Zhang Y. Persistent and dormant tubercle bacilli and latent tuberculosis. Front Biosci. 2004 May 1;9:1136-56. Review.


10730.  Dye C. A booster for tuberculosis vaccines. JAMA. 2004 May 5;291(17):2127-8.


10731.  Garca-Doval I. Rifampicin/pyrazinamide therapy should not be used for latent tuberculosis infection. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 May;50(5):801; author reply 801-2.

10732.  Maher D, Blanc L, Raviglione M. WHO policies for tuberculosis control. Lancet. 2004 Jun 5;363(9424):1911.

10733.  Stanford J, Stanford C, Grange J. Immunotherapy with Mycobacterium vaccae in the treatment of tuberculosis. Front Biosci. 2004 May 1;9:1701-19. Review.



