
 Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:

8317.      Abelson MB, Loeffler O.  Conjunctival allergen challenge: models in the investigation of ocular allergy. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2003 Jul;3(4):363-8.

8318.      Alexis NE, Eldridge MW, Peden DB.  Effect of inhaled endotoxin on airway and circulating inflammatory cell phagocytosis and CD11b expression in atopic asthmatic subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Aug;112(2):353-61.

8319.      Asero R, Tedeschi A, Lorini M, Caldironi G, Barocci F.  Sera from patients with multiple drug allergy syndrome contain circulating histamine-releasing factors. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Jul;131(3):195-200.

8320.      Asero R, Tedeschi A, Lorini M, Gerosa M, Meroni P, Riboldi P.  Circulating stem cell factor in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Jul;91(1):79-81.

8321.      Beyer K, Ellman-Grunther L, Jarvinen KM, Wood RA, Hourihane J, Sampson HA.  Measurement of peptide-specific IgE as an additional tool in identifying patients with clinical reactivity to peanuts. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Jul;112(1):202-7.

8322.      Bublin M, Radauer C, Wilson IB, Kraft D, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K. Cross-reactive N-glycans of Api g 5, a high molecular weight glycoprotein allergen from celery, are required for immunoglobulin E binding and activation of effector cells from allergic patients. FASEB J. 2003 Sep;17(12):1697-9. Epub 2003 Jul 18.

8323.      Chew GL, Perzanowski MS, Miller RL, Correa JC, Hoepner LA, Jusino CM, Becker MG, Kinney PL.  Distribution and determinants of mouse allergen exposure in low-income New York City apartments. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Aug;111(10):1348-51.

8324.      ElHalawani SM, Ly NT, Mahon RT, Amundson DE.  Exhaled nitric oxide as a predictor of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Chest. 2003 Aug;124(2):639-43. 

8325.      Fonacier L, Charlesworth EN.  Patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis in the allergist office. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2003 Jul;3(4):283-90.

8326.      Garcia Robaina JC, Sanchez Machin I, Fernandez-Caldas E, Iraola Calvo V, Vazquez Moncholi C, Bonnet Moreno C, de la Torre Morin F.  Skin tests and conjunctival and bronchial challenges with extracts of Blomia tropicalis and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in patients with allergic asthma and/or rhinoconjunctivitis. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Jul;131(3):182-8. 

8327.      Gauvreau GM, Becker AB, Boulet LP, Chakir J, Fick RB, Greene WL, Killian KJ, O'byrne PM, Reid JK, Cockcroft DW.  The effects of an anti-CD11a mAb, efalizumab, on allergen-induced airway responses and airway inflammation in subjects with atopic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Aug;112(2):331-8.

8328.      Hamada Y, Tanaka H, Ishizaki S, Ishida M, Nagashima Y, Shiomi K.   Purification, reactivity with IgE and cDNA cloning of parvalbumin as the major allergen of mackerels.Food Chem Toxicol. 2003 Aug;41(8):1149-56.

8329.      Hansel TT, Kharitonov SA, Donnelly LE, Erin EM, Currie MG, Moore WM, Manning PT, Recker DP, Barnes PJ.   A selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibits exhaled breath nitric oxide in healthy volunteers and asthmatics. FASEB J. 2003 Jul;17(10):1298-300. Epub 2003 May 08.

8330.      Holcroft CA, Eisen EA, Sama SR, Wegman DH.  Measurement characteristics of peak expiratory flow. Chest. 2003 Aug;124(2):501-10.

8331.      Honda K, Arima M, Cheng G, Taki S, Hirata H, Eda F, Fukushima F, Yamaguchi B, Hatano M, Tokuhisa T, Fukuda T.  Prostaglandin D2 reinforces Th2 type inflammatory responses of airways to low-dose antigen through bronchial expression of macrophage-derived chemokine. J Exp Med. 2003 Aug 18;198(4):533-43.

8332.      Irkec M, Bozkurt B.  Epithelial cells in ocular allergy. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2003 Jul;3(4):352-7.

8333.      Jenkins HA, Cool C, Szefler SJ, Covar R, Brugman S, Gelfand EW, Spahn JD.  Histopathology of severe childhood asthma: a case series. Chest. 2003 Jul;124(1):32-41.

8334.      Kiljander TO.  The role of proton pump inhibitors in the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease-related asthma and chronic cough. Am J Med. 2003 Aug 18;115 Suppl 3A:65S-71S.

8335.      Kumar R.  Mild, moderate, and severe forms of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: a clinical and serologic evaluation. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):890-2.

8336.      Latcham F, Merino F, Lang A, Garvey J, Thomson MA, Walker-Smith JA, Davies SE, Phillips AD, Murch SH. A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in children with multiple food allergy. J Pediatr. 2003 Jul;143(1):39-47.

8337.      Leonardi A, Brun P, Abatangelo G, Plebani M, Secchi AG.  Tear levels and activity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and MMP-9 in vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003 Jul;44(7):3052-8.

8338.      Lukacs NW, Miller AL, Hogaboam CM.  Chemokine receptors in asthma: searching for the correct immune targets. J Immunol. 2003 Jul 1;171(1):11-5.

8339.      Marcoval J, Moreno A, Mana J.  Papular sarcoidosis of the knees: a clue for the diagnosis of erythema nodosum-associated sarcoidosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Jul;49(1):75-8.

8340.      Marigo M, Nouer DF, Genelhu MC, Malaquias LC, Pizziolo VR, Costa AS, Martins-Filho OA, Alves-Oliveira LF.   Evaluation of immunologic profile in patients with nickel sensitivity due to use of fixed orthodontic appliances. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003 Jul;124(1):46-52.

8341.      Masuyama K, Morishima Y, Ishii Y, Nomura A, Sakamoto T, Kimura T, Mochizuki M, Uchida Y, Sekizawa K.   Sputum E-cadherin and asthma severity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Jul;112(1):208-9.

8342.      Monteseirin J, Bonilla I, Camacho MJ, Chacon P, Vega A, Chaparro A, Conde J, Sobrino F.   Specific allergens enhance elastase release in stimulated neutrophils from asthmatic patients. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Jul;131(3):174-81. 

8343.      Morell F, Roger A, Cruz MJ, Munoz X, Rodrigo MJ.  Suberosis: clinical study and new etiologic agents in a series of eight patients. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):1145-52.

8344.      Naleway AL, Belongia EA, Greenlee RT, Kieke BA Jr, Chen RT, Shay DK.  Eczematous skin disease and recall of past diagnoses: implications for smallpox vaccination. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Jul 1;139(1):1-7.

8345.      Nassenstein C, Braun A, Erpenbeck VJ, Lommatzsch M, Schmidt S, Krug N, Luttmann W, Renz H, Virchow JC Jr. The neurotrophins nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3, and neurotrophin-4 are survival and activation factors for eosinophils in patients with allergic bronchial asthma. J Exp Med. 2003 Aug 4;198(3):455-67.

8346.      Osterballe M, Bindslev-Jensen C.  Threshold levels in food challenge and specific IgE in patients with egg allergy: is there a relationship? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Jul;112(1):196-201.

8347.      Park SW, Kim do J, Chang HS, Park SJ, Lee YM, Park JS, Chung IY, Lee JH, Park CS.   Association of interleukin-5 and eotaxin with acute exacerbation of asthma. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Aug;131(4):283-90.

8348.      Perez-Machado MA, Ashwood P, Thomson MA, Latcham F, Sim R, Walker-Smith JA, Murch SH.  Reduced transforming growth factor-beta1-producing T cells in the duodenal mucosa of children with food allergy. Eur J Immunol. 2003 Aug;33(8):2307-15.

8349.      Petays T, von Hertzen L, Metso T, Rytila P, Jousilahti P, Helenius I, Vartiainen E, Haahtela T.   Smoking and atopy as determinants of sputum eosinophilia and bronchial hyper-responsiveness in adults with normal lung function. Respir Med. 2003 Aug;97(8):947-54.

8350.      Raithel M, Dormann H, Harsch IA, Winterkamp S, Weidenhiller M, Fischer B, Hahn EG, Schneider T.   Immunoglobulin E production in chronic pancreatitis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2003 Jul;15(7):801-7.

8351.      Rousseau C, Turner OC, Rush E, Bordat Y, Sirakova TD, Kolattukudy PE, Ritter S, Orme IM, Gicquel B, Jackson M.   Sulfolipid deficiency does not affect the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv in mice and guinea pigs. Infect Immun. 2003 Aug;71(8):4684-90.

8352.      Saraiva-Romanholo BM, Barnabe V, Carvalho AL, Martins MA, Saldiva PH, Nunes Mdo P.  Comparison of three methods for differential cell count in induced sputum. Chest. 2003 Sep;124(3):1060-6.

8353.      Saripalli YV, Achen F, Belsito DV.  The detection of clinically relevant contact allergens using a standard screening tray of twenty-three allergens. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Jul;49(1):65-9.

8354.      Schmidt M, Sun G, Stacey MA, Mori L, Mattoli S.  Identification of circulating fibrocytes as precursors of bronchial myofibroblasts in asthma. J Immunol. 2003 Jul 1;171(1):380-9.

8355.      Taille C, Almolki A, Benhamed M, Zedda C, Megret J, Berger P, Leseche G, Fadel E, Yamaguchi T, Marthan R, Aubier M, Boczkowski J.  Heme oxygenase inhibits human airway smooth muscle proliferation via a bilirubin-dependent modulation of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. J Biol Chem. 2003 Jul 18;278(29):27160-8. Epub 2003 Apr 10.

8356.      Willerroider M, Fuchs H, Ballmer-Weber BK, Focke M, Susani M, Thalhamer J, Ferreira F, Wuthrich B, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K.   Cloning and molecular and immunological characterisation of two new food allergens, Cap a 2 and Lyc e 1, profilins from bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) and Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Aug;131(4):245-55.


8357.      Cocco RR, Jarvinen KM, Sampson HA, Beyer K.  Mutational analysis of major, sequential IgE-binding epitopes in alpha s1-casein, a major cow's milk allergen. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Aug;112(2):433-7.

8358.      Ellis AK, Day JH.  Diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis. CMAJ. 2003 Aug 19;169(4):307-11.

8359.      Gorska MM, Alam R.  Signaling molecules as therapeutic targets in allergic diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Aug;112(2):241-50;

8360.      Harding SM. Recent clinical investigations examining the association of asthma and gastroesophageal reflux. Am J Med. 2003 Aug 18;115 Suppl 3A:39S-44S.

8361.      Kikuchi Y, Fann T, Kaplan AP. Antithyroid antibodies in chronic urticaria and angioedema. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Jul;112(1):218.

8362.      McManus R. Mechanisms of steroid action and resistance in inflammation and disease. J Endocrinol. 2003 Jul;178(1):1-4.

8363.      Pitchford SC, Yano H, Lever R, Riffo-Vasquez Y, Ciferri S, Rose MJ, Giannini S, Momi S, Spina D, O'connor B, Gresele P, Page CP. Platelets are essential for leukocyte recruitment in allergic inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Jul;112(1):109-18.

8364.      van's Gravesande KS, Wechsler ME, Grasemann H, Silverman ES, Le L, Palmer LJ, Drazen JM.    Association of a missense mutation in the NOS3 gene with exhaled nitric oxide levels. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Jul 15;168(2):228-31. Epub 2003 May 08.


8365.      Clark AR.  MAP kinase phosphatase 1: a novel mediator of biological effects of glucocorticoids? J Endocrinol. 2003 Jul;178(1):5-12. 

8366.  Wu X, Dev A, Leong AB.  Zileuton, a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, increases production of thromboxane A2 and platelet aggregation in patients with asthma. Am J Hematol. 2003 Sep;74(1):23-5.



8837.   Barbanel D, Eldridge S, Griffiths C. Can a self-management programme delivered by a community pharm acist improve asthma control? A randomised trial. Thorax. 2003 Oct;58(10):851-4.

8838.   Barth H, Berg PA, Klein R.  Methods for the in vitro determination of an individual disposition towards TH1- or TH2-reactivity by the application of appropriate stimulatory antigens. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Oct;134(1):78-85.

8839.   Bastain TM, Gilliland FD, Li YF, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D.  Intraindividual reproducibility of nasal allergic responses to diesel exhaust particles indicates a susceptible phenotype. Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;109(2):130-6.

8840.   Berkun Y, Ben-Zvi A, Levy Y, Galili D, Shalit M. Evaluation of adverse reactions to local anesthetics: experience with 236 patients. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Oct;91(4):342-5.

8841.   Blanca M, Torres Jaen MJ, Mayorga C, Padial A.  Penicillin allergy is a global problem: the European experience. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):1014-5;

8842.   Bochner BS, Hudson SA, Xiao HQ, Liu MC. Release of both CCR4-active and CXCR3-active chemokines during human allergic pulmonary late-phase reactions. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):930-4.

8843.   Bohlke K, Davis RL, Marcy SM, Braun MM, DeStefano F, Black SB, Mullooly JP, Thompson RS; Vaccine Safety Datalink Team.  Risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination of children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2003 Oct;112(4):815-20.

8844.   Brand PL, Roorda RJ. Usefulness of monitoring lung function in asthma. Arch Dis Child. 2003 Nov;88(11):1021-5.

8845.   Chaudemanche H, Monnet E, Westeel V, Pernet D, Dubiez A, Perrin C, Laplante JJ, Depierre A, Dalphin JC. Respiratory status in dairy farmers in France; cross sectional and longitudinal analyses. Occup Environ Med. 2003 Nov;60(11):858-63.

8846.   Currie GP, Lima JJ, Sylvester JE, Lee DK, Cockburn WJ, Lipworth BJ. Leukotriene C4 synthase polymorphisms and responsiveness to leukotriene antagonists in asthma. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Oct;56(4):422-6.

8847.   de Kluijver J, Evertse CE, Sont JK, Schrumpf JA, van Zeijl-van der Ham CJ, Dick CR, Rabe KF, Hiemstra PS, Sterk PJ.  Are rhinovirus-induced airway responses in asthma aggravated by chronic allergen exposure? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Nov 15;168(10):1174-80. Epub 2003 Jul 31.

8848.   Deering SH, Thompson K, Taylor J, Hueppchen N. Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity reaction in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Nov;102(5 Pt 2):1215-7.

8849.   Fisher NM, Marsh E, Lazova R. Scar-localized argyria secondary to silver sulfadiazine cream. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Oct;49(4):730-2.

8850.   Gajewska BU, Wiley RE, Jordana M. GM-CSF and dendritic cells in allergic airway inflammation: basic mechanisms and prospects for therapeutic intervention. Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy. 2003 Dec;2(4):279-92. Review.

8851.   Hepner DL, Castells MC, Tsen LC. Should local anesthetic allergy testing be routinely performed during pregnancy? Anesth Analg. 2003 Dec;97(6):1853-4

8852.   Hidvegi B, Nagy E, Szabo T, Temesvari E, Marschalko M, Karpati S, Horvath A, Gergely P. Correlation between T-cell and mast cell activity in patients with chronic urticaria. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Oct;132(2):177-82.

8853.   Jahn-Schmid B, Harwanegg C, Hiller R, Bohle B, Ebner C, Scheiner O, Mueller MW.  Allergen microarray: comparison of microarray using recombinant allergens with conventional diagnostic methods to detect allergen-specific serum immunoglobulin E. Clin Exp Allergy. 2003 Oct;33(10):1443-9.

8854.   Joshi  MB, Aher  SK, Pande BN.  Circadian periodicity curves of some air borne allergenic components. Pollution Res 2002; 21(4): 507-9.

8855.   Kabesch M, Tzotcheva I, Carr D, Hofler C, Weiland SK, Fritzsch C, von Mutius E, Martinez FD. A complete screening of the IL4 gene: novel polymorphisms and their association with asthma and IgE in childhood. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):893-8.

8856.   Kamps AW, Brand PL, Kimpen JL, Maille AR, Overgoor-van de Groes AW, van Helsdingen-Peek LC, Roorda RJ. Outpatient management of childhood asthma by paediatrician or asthma nurse: randomised controlled study with one year follow up. Thorax. 2003 Nov;58(11):968-73.

8857.   Katugampola R, Finlay AY. Current thinking in atopic eczema. Practitioner. 2003 Oct;247(1651):806-10.

8858.   Ma S, Sicherer SH, Nowak-Wegrzyn A. A survey on the management of pollen-food allergy syndrome in allergy practices. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;112(4):784-8.

8859.   Maier T, Tun-Kyi A, Tassis A, Jungius KP, Burg G, Dummer R, Nestle FO.  Vaccination of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma using intranodal injection of autologous tumor-lysate-pulsed dendritic cells. Blood. 2003 Oct 1;102(7):2338-44. Epub 2003 Apr 24.

8860.   Mari A, Schneider P, Wally V, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.  Sensitization to fungi: epidemiology, comparative skin tests, and IgE reactivity of fungal extracts. Clin Exp Allergy. 2003 Oct;33(10):1429-38.

8861.   Martinez FD. Toward asthma prevention--does all that really matters happen before we learn to read? N Engl J Med. 2003 Oct 9;349(15):1473-5.

8862.   Metry DW, Jung P, Levy ML. Use of intravenous immunoglobulin in children with stevens-johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: seven cases and review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2003 Dec;112(6 Pt 1):1430-6.

8863.   Pantera B, Hoffman DR, Carresi L, Cappugi G, Turillazzi S, Manao G, Severino M, Spadolini I, Orsomando G, Moneti G, Pazzagli L.  Characterization of the major allergens purified from the venom of the paper wasp Polistes gallicus. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2003 Oct 13;1623(2-3):72-81.

8864.   Phy JL, Weiss WT, Weiler CR, Damario MA. Hypersensitivity to progesterone-in-oil after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Fertil Steril. 2003 Nov;80(5):1272-5.

8865.   Ponikau JU, Sherris DA, Kephart GM, Kern EB, Gaffey TA, Tarara JE, Kita H. Features of airway remodeling and eosinophilic inflammation in chronic rhinosinusitis: is the histopathology similar to asthma? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):877-82.

8866.   Prieto L, Bruno L, Gutierrez V, Uixera S, Perez-Frances C, Lanuza A, Ferrer A. Airway responsiveness to adenosine 5'-monophosphate and exhaled nitric oxide measurements: predictive value as markers for reducing the dose of inhaled corticosteroids in asthmatic subjects. Chest. 2003 Oct;124(4):1325-33.

8867.   Richardson CR. Educational interventions improve outcomes for children with asthma. J Fam Pract. 2003 Oct;52(10):764-6.

8868.   Riedl MA, Casillas AM. Adverse drug reactions: types and treatment options. Am Fam Physician. 2003 Nov 1;68(9):1781-90.

8869.   Ronmark E, Perzanowski M, Platts-Mills T, Lundback B; Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Study Group. Four-year incidence of allergic sensitization among schoolchildren in a community where allergy to cat and dog dominates sensitization: report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Study Group. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;112(4):747-54.

8870.   Saigal K, Valencia IC, Cohen J, Kerdel FA. Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis with angioedema, a rare presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus: rapid response to rituximab. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Nov;49(5 Suppl):S283-5.

8871.   Sato S, Nishimura K, Koyama H, Tsukino M, Oga T, Hajiro T, Mishima M. Optimal cutoff level of breath carbon monoxide for assessing smoking status in patients with asthma and COPD. Chest. 2003 Nov;124(5):1749-54.

8872.   Silverman RA, Stevenson L, Hastings HM. Age-related seasonal patterns of emergency department visits for acute asthma in an urban environment. Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Oct;42(4):577-86.

8873.   Sirmatel F, Ustunsoy H, Sirmatel O, Akdemir I, Dikensoy O. The relationship between Chlamydia pneumoniae seropositivity and peripheral vascular diseases, acute myocardial infarction and late-onset asthma. Infection. 2003 Oct;31(5):367-8.

8874.   Spahn J. Clinical trial efficacy: what does it really tell you? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5 Suppl):S102-6.

8875.   Stallberg B, Olsson P, Jorgensen LA, Lindarck N, Ekstrom T.  Budesonide/formoterol adjustable maintenance dosing reduces asthma exacerbations versus fixed dosing. Int J Clin Pract. 2003 Oct;57(8):656-61.

8876.   Stein PD, Woodard PK, Hull RD, Kayali F, Weg JG, Olson RE, Fowler SE. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography for detection of acute pulmonary embolism: an in-depth review. Chest. 2003 Dec;124(6):2324-8.

8877.   Stevens DA, Moss RB, Kurup VP, Knutsen AP, Greenberger P, Judson MA, Denning DW, Crameri R, Brody AS, Light M, Skov M, Maish W, Mastella G; Participants in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Consensus Conference.  Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis--state of the art: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Consensus Conference. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Oct 1;37 Suppl 3:S225-64. Review.

8878.   Storms W. Clinical trials: are these your patients? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5 Suppl):S107-11. Review.

8879.   Strong P, Townsend P, Mackay R, Reid KB, Clark HW. A recombinant fragment of human SP-D reduces allergic responses in mice sensitized to house dust mite allergens. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Nov;134(2):181-7.

8880.   Strunk RC, Szefler SJ, Phillips BR, Zeiger RS, Chinchilli VM, Larsen G, Hodgdon K, Morgan W, Sorkness CA, Lemanske RF Jr; Childhood Asthma Research and Education Network of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Relationship of exhaled nitric oxide to clinical and inflammatory markers of persistent asthma in children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):883-92.

8881.   Sugarman JL, Fluhr JW, Fowler AJ, Bruckner T, Diepgen TL, Williams ML.  The objective severity assessment of atopic dermatitis score: an objective measure using permeability barrier function and stratum corneum hydration with computer-assisted estimates for extent of disease. Arch Dermatol. 2003 Nov;139(11):1417-22.

8882.   Sutherland ER, Martin RJ. Airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: comparisons with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;112(5):819-27; quiz 828. Review.

8883.   Takwale A, Tan E, Agarwal S, Barclay G, Ahmed I, Hotchkiss K, Thompson JR, Chapman T, Berth-Jones J. Efficacy and tolerability of borage oil in adults and children with atopic eczema: randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group trial. BMJ. 2003 Dec 13;327(7428):1385.

8884.   Tanaka S, Tanaka H, Abe S. High dose of inhaled fluticasone reduces high levels of urinary leukotriene E4 in the early morning in mild and moderate nocturnal asthma. Chest. 2003 Nov;124(5):1768-73.

8885.   Tang AW. A practical guide to anaphylaxis. Am Fam Physician. 2003 Oct 1;68(7):1325-32. Review.

8886.   Tantisira KG, Litonjua AA, Weiss ST, Fuhlbrigge AL; Childhood Asthma Management Program Research Group. Association of body mass with pulmonary function in the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP). Thorax. 2003 Dec;58(12):1036-41.

8887.   Tiitto L, Kaarteenaho-Wiik R, Sormunen R, Holmgren A, Paakko P, Soini Y, Kinnula VL. Expression of the thioredoxin system in interstitial lung disease. J Pathol. 2003 Nov;201(3):363-70.

8888.   Tilles SA. Vocal cord dysfunction in children and adolescents. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2003 Nov;3(6):467-72. Review.

8889.   Truong-Tran AQ, Grosser D, Ruffin RE, Murgia C, Zalewski PD. Apoptosis in the normal and inflamed airway epithelium: role of zinc in epithelial protection and procaspase-3 regulation. Biochem Pharmacol. 2003 Oct 15;66(8):1459-68. Review.

8890.   Tunnicliffe WS, Harrison RM, Kelly FJ, Dunster C, Ayres JG. The effect of sulphurous air pollutant exposures on symptoms, lung function, exhaled nitric oxide, and nasal epithelial lining fluid antioxidant concentrations in normal and asthmatic adults. Occup Environ Med. 2003 Nov;60(11):e15.

8891.   Turchin I, Adams SP. Dermacase. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Can Fam Physician. 2003 Nov;49:1449, 1456-7.

8892.   Tuteur PG. Sputum peroxynitrite inhibitory activity is stimulating. Chest. 2003 Nov;124(5):1630-2.

8893.   Udono T, Abe T, Sato H, Tamai M. Bilateral central retinal artery occlusion in Churg-Strauss syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003 Dec;136(6):1181-3.

8894.   Ueda T, Takeno S, Furukido K, Hirakawa K, Yajin K. Leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast suppresses eosinophil infiltration and cytokine production in human nasal mucosa of perennial allergic rhinitis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2003 Nov;112(11):955-61.

8895.   Vermeulen AM, Groenewoud GC, de Jong NW, de Groot H, Gerth van Wijk R, van Toorenenbergen AW. Primary sensitization to sweet bell pepper pollen in greenhouse workers with occupational allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 2003 Oct;33(10):1439-42.

8896.   Wang J, Qi JC, Konecny P, Krilis SA. Hemopoietic cells with features of the mast cell and basophil lineages and their potential role in allergy. Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy. 2003 Dec;2(4):293-302. Review.

8897.   Warrington RJ, Whitman C, McPhillips Warrington S. Cytokine synthesis in occupational allergy to caddisflies in hydroelectric plant workers. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2003 Oct;132(2):141-7.

8898.   Watanabe J, Miyazaki Y, Zimmerman GA, Albertine KH, McIntyre TM.  Endotoxin contamination of ovalbumin suppresses murine immunologic responses and development of airway hyper-reactivity. J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct 24;278(43):42361-8. Epub 2003 Aug 08.

8899.   Weiner P, Beckerman M, Berar-Yanay N, Magadle R. The perception of dyspnea after bronchoconstriction and bronchodilation in patients with asthma. Respir Med. 2003 Oct;97(10):1120-5.

8900.   Wilken JA, Kane RL, Ellis AK, Rafeiro E, Briscoe MP, Sullivan CL, Day JH. A comparison of the effect of diphenhydramine and desloratadine on vigilance and cognitive function during treatment of ragweed-induced allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Oct;91(4):375-85.

8901.   Williams HC. Evening primrose oil for atopic dermatitis. BMJ. 2003 Dec 13;327(7428):1358-9.

8902.   Wollenberg A, Wetzel S, Burgdorf WH, Haas J. Viral infections in atopic dermatitis: pathogenic aspects and clinical management. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;112(4):667-74. Review.

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