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ICMR-WHO Workshop

ICMR-WHO Workshop on “Storage and Retrieval of Information” was organised during December 10-12, 2002. The Workshop was inaugurated on 10th morning with Dr. P. P. Venugopalan, Dean, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences as Chief Guest & presided by Dr. (Mrs.) P. Narang, Dean, MGIMS, Dr. B.C. Harinath, Co-ordinator, BIC, introduced and welcomed the participants. Dr. Meera Singh, DDG, ICMR presented the theme of the Workshop and outlined its objectives. Dr. (Mrs.) P. Narang thanked the WHO and ICMR for its support and wished that the participants and Guest faculty would benefit from the workshop and have a fruitful visit. Dr. Venugopalan addressed the gathering and Dr. S.K.D. Biswas, DDG, ICMR delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Dr. S. N. Sarbadhikari, Asst. Professor from IIT, Kharagpur gave an interesting insight about Telemedik software developed at his institute to facilitate Telemedicine. He highlighted the advantages of the package including its applications and design for semi-urban and rural population.

Dr. N. K. Singh, Director, Telemedicine & Telehealth, Narayana Hrudayalaya in his talk on the Applications of telemedicine in cardiology spoke about the latest advances in this technology and its application in the north-east regions of India. Dr. Meera Singh presented information about the ICMR website as well as an overview on the different ICMR information centres and ICMR databases. Dr. M. G. Bhat, Surgeon, Manipal Hospital talked about Improving standards in health care and about their relevance in India. He also spoke about Electronic patients records and deatt with the advantages and challenges faced in computerization of patient records.

 Dr. Arnab Sen, Vice President, Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad spoke about Apollos Hospital’s experience in Telemedicine and 2 model projects implemented in Chittoor district of A.P. and in Kohima, Nagaland and its role in bringing health to rural people breaking all geographical barriers. He also talked about Hospital Information Systems in patient care and demonstrated the Patient care system followed at Apollo hospital to the participants.

Talking about Picture archiving and communication system (PACS), Dr. Dileep Bhale, Radiologist, Dr. Bhale’s Clinic, Hingoli, highlighted the advantages of PACS in decreasing repeat examinations and increased efficiency of after-hours information. He also gave a talk on Hospital information system.

There was a very useful and open discussion between the participants and Dr. B. S. Bedi, Director, Ministry for Communication & IT on database creation and management.

Mr. S.K.D. Biswas stressed upon the Need for Information security and the importance of availability, integrity and confidentiality of information. Dr. B.C. Harinath spoke about Databases of biomedical importance and presented some aspects of the database on filariasis developed at BIC, Sevagram. Dr. Amalan Gupta, Assoc. Prof. SMIMS, presented a talk on Demographic databases for different population of Sikkim and its applications.  Shri. B. Prasad, Computer Centre, SVIMS, Tirupati talked about the Patient care system in his Institute. Shri Harpreet Singh, Research Officer, ICMR, addressed the participants on Database Management – Structure Query language. This was followed by active participation of the delegates in SQL and Telemedik software.

In the Valedictory function Dr. Satish Kumar, Officer-in-charge, BIC thanked Dr. Meera Singh, Mr. S.K.D. Biswas and all the invited guests for their support. The Workshop was useful and well received as reflected from the feed back of the participants.  


Dr. Mukesh Agrawal, Vimta Lab Ltd., Hyderabad visited the Centre from 27th to 29th Aug., 2002 for training on SEVA-FILA & SEVA-TB  ELISA 

Dr. Mrs. Sushma Rathaur,  Prof. & Head Dept. of Biochemistry, Banaras Hindu University visited the Centre on 11th Oct., 2002 to discuss a collaborative work on Immunoprophalaxis studies in filariasis.

Dr. S. Pathak, Dept. of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas M.D., Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston , Texas USA visited the Centre on 29th Oct. 2002.

Dr. Arvindkumar Sheth visited the centre for 4th meeting of Intuitional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) of MGIMS on 27th Nov.,2002.

Ms. Sarika Gupta & Ms. Anchal Singh from Dept. of Biochemistry, Banaras Hindu University visited the Centre from 10th to 14th Dec. 2002 for a collaborative work on Immunoprophalaxis studies in filariasis.

Dr. G. Balaji form Madurai Medical College, Madurai visited the Centre from 16th to 21st Dec. 2002 for training on SEVA-TB ELISA 

Participation in Meetings / Conference / Symposia:

Dr. B. C. Harinath presented a guest lecture “Immunodiagnosis for filaria and tuberculosis” at training course on diagnostics, Dept. of Microbiology, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 5th Dec. 2002.

Dr. B. C. Harinath presented a guest lecture on Immunodiagnosis and monitoring in management of Lymphatic filariasis in     National conference on ‘Innovations and prospects of Life Sciences’ in School of Life Sciences, P.G. Ravi Shankar Shukla University. From 14th to 16th Dec. 2002.

Mr. Neeraj Shende & Dr. A. S. Bhatia attended Seminar on “ Modeling tools for assessment of Microbial activities” at NEERI Nagpur from 23rd to 25th Oct. 2002.

Mr. Bhandary presented a paper entitled “ Evaluation of protective immunity against Brugia Malayi infection induced by infective larval antigens” in XXIX Annual Meeting of the Indian Immunological Society from 27th to 29th Nov. 2002.

 Research Publications:

1.      S. Banerjee, S. Gupta , N. Shende, S. Kumar & B.C. Harinath, Cocktail of ES-31 and ES-41 antigens for screening of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis  Biomedical Research 2002; 13(2)

Future events

Training Course on “Immunodiagnostics for Infectious Diseases”

February 17-22, 2003

 A hands on short-term training course for Medical teachers, Clinical Lab Practitioners and Research & Post Graduate students on “Infectious Disease Diagnostics” will be held during February 17-22, 2003 at JBTDRC. Dip-Stick  Penicillinase ELISA and Peroxidase plate ELISA for filariasis and tuberculosis including preparation of antigen coated sticks & enzyme conjugates, SDS-PAGE analysis & western blotting techniques etc. will be covered. There will also be talks on disease diagnostics and prophylactic aspects by experts from outside and faculty of the centre during the training course.