(Acupuncture, Alternative medicine or Complementary Medicine, Aroma therapy, Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Magnetotherapy, Naturopathy, Reflexology, Siddha, Traditional Medicine, Yunani, Yoga)


6381.      Altshuler LH, Maher JH. Acupuncture: a physician's primer, Part I. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2002 Aug;95(8):527-33. Review.

6382.      Beinfield H. Tribulations and trials: acupuncture study designs affect outcome. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;8(4):40-3.

6383.      Ernst E. Re: Does acupuncture have additional value to standard poststroke motor rehabilitation? Stroke. 2002 Jul;33(7):1744; discussion 1744.

Alternative Medicine / Complementary Medicine:

6384.      Aragon D, Farris C, Byers JF. The effects of harp music in vascular and thoracic surgical patients. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):52-4, 56-60.

6385.      Astin JA. Complementary and alternative medicine and the need for evidence-based criticism. Acad Med. 2002 Sep;77(9):864-8; discussion 869-75.

6386.      Baldwin C. Early menopause & self-care. AWHONN Lifelines. 2002 Aug-Sep;6(4):376, 373-8.

6387.      Barlow SE, Trowbridge FL, Klish WJ, Dietz WH. Treatment of child and adolescent obesity: reports from pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, and registered dietitians. Pediatrics. 2002 Jul;110(1 Pt 2):229-35.

6388.      Bauer-Wu SM. Psychoneuroimmunology. Part II: Mind-body interventions. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2002 Jul-Aug;6(4):243-6. Review.

6389.      Bielory L. 'Complementary and alternative medicine' population based studies: a growing focus on allergy and asthma. Allergy. 2002 Aug;57(8):655-8. Review.

6390.      Bockenhauer SE, Julliard KN, Lo KS, Huang E, Sheth AM. Quantifiable effects of osteopathic manipulative techniques on patients with chronic asthma. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2002 Jul;102(7):371-5; discussion 375.

6391.      Brokaw JJ, Tunnicliff G, Raess BU, Saxon DW. The teaching of complementary and alternative medicine in U.S. medical schools: a survey of course directors. Acad Med. 2002 Sep;77(9):876-81.

6392.      Bruce JC. Marrying modern health practices and technology with traditional practices: issues for the African continent. Int Nurs Rev. 2002 Sep;49(3):161-7.

6393.      Chiradejnant A, Latimer J, Maher CG. Forces applied during manual therapy to patients with low back pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2002 Jul-Aug;25(6):362-9.

6394.      Contestabile MT, Recupero SM, Palladino D, De Stefanis M, Abdolrahimzadeh S, Suppressa F, Balacco Gabrieli C.  A new method of biofeedback in the management of low vision. Eye. 2002 Jul;16(4):472-80.

6395.      Couper RT. Complementary therapies and children. J Paediatr Child Health. 2002 Aug;38(4):339-40.

6396.      Cunningham E. Do cranberries aid in the treatment of urinary tract infections? J Am Diet Assoc. 2002 Aug;102(8):1118.

6397.      Day AS. Use of complementary and alternative therapies and probiotic agents by children attending gastroenterology outpatient clinics. J Paediatr Child Health. 2002 Aug;38(4):343-6.

6398.      DiGianni LM, Garber JE, Winer EP. Complementary and alternative medicine use among women with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2002 Sep 15;20(18 Suppl):34S-8S. Review.

6399.      Eisenberg L. Complementary and alternative medicine: what is its role? Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2002 Jul-Aug;10(4):221-30. Review.

6400.      Ernst E, Schmidt K. 'Alternative' cancer cures via the Internet? Br J Cancer. 2002 Aug 27;87(5):479-80.

6401.      Foley CL, Bott SR, Arya M, Kirby RS. Benign prostatic hyperplasia: solutions to an ageing problem. Hosp Med. 2002 Aug;63(8):460-4. Review.

6402.      Gaudet TW, Snyderman R. Integrative medicine and the search for the best practice of medicine. Acad Med. 2002 Sep;77(9):861-3.

6403.      Greenfield S. Mind, brain and consciousness. Br J Psychiatry. 2002 Aug;181:91-3.

6404.      Hansen G. The role of massage in the care of the critically ill. Nurs N Z. 2002 Aug;8(7):14-6. Review.

6405.      Holden C. Alternative medicine. NIH trial to test chelation therapy. Science. 2002 Aug 16;297(5584):1109.

6406.      Kaberi-Otarod J, Conetta R, Kundo KK, Farkash A. Ischemic stroke in a user of thermadrene: a case study in alternative medicine. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2002 Sep;72(3):343-6.

6407.      Kennedy JE, Abbott RA, Rosenberg BS. Changes in spirituality and well-being in a retreat program for cardiac patients. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;8(4):64-6, 68-70, 72-3.

6408.      Lamberg L. Mind-body medicine explored at APA meeting. JAMA. 2002 Jul 24-31;288(4):435-9.

6409.      Lawson KL, Horneffer KJ. Roots and wings: a pilot of a mind-body-spirit program. J Holist Nurs. 2002 Sep;20(3):250-63.

6410.      Lodi G, Sardella A, Bez C, Demarosi F, Carrassi A. Systematic review of randomized trials for the treatment of oral leukoplakia. J Dent Educ. 2002 Aug;66(8):896-902. Review.

6411.      Maizes V, Schneider C, Bell I, Weil A. Integrative medical education: development and implementation of a comprehensive curriculum at the University of Arizona. Acad Med. 2002 Sep;77(9):851-60. Review.

6412.      Mills PJ, Farag NH, Newton RP, Parry BL. Effects of a traditional herbal supplement on anxiety in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2002 Aug;22(4):443-4.

6413.      Newton KM, Buist DS, Keenan NL, Anderson LA, LaCroix AZ. Use of alternative therapies for menopause symptoms: results of a population-based survey. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Jul;100(1):18-25.

6414.      Pal SK. Use of alternative cancer medicine in India. Lancet Oncol. 2002 Jul;3(7):394-5.

6415.      Pizzorno JE Jr. Survey of naturopathic physicians: implications and recommendations. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;8(4):38-9.

6416.      Raguram R, Venkateswaran A, Ramakrishna J, Weiss MG. Traditional community resources for mental health: a report of temple healing from India. BMJ. 2002 Jul 6;325(7354):38-40.

6417.      Schafer T, Riehle A, Wichmann HE, Ring J. Alternative medicine in allergies - prevalence, patterns of use, and costs. Allergy. 2002 Aug;57(8):694-700.

6418.      Schneider J. Hospitals get alternative. Acupuncture, massage, and even herbs pop up in mainstream medical settings. US News World Rep. 2002 Jul 22;133(3):68, 70.

6419.      Standish LJ, Greene K, Greenlee H, Kim JG, Grosshans C. Complementary and alternative medical treatment of breast cancer: a survey of licensed North American naturopathic physicians. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):68-70; 72-5.

6420.      Targ EF, Levine EG. The efficacy of a mind-body-spirit group for women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2002 Jul-Aug;24(4):238-48.

6421.      Vogelzang JL. Using special foods and supplements as alternative cancer treatments. Home Healthc Nurse. 2002 Jul;20(7):431-3.


6422.      Ballard CG, O'Brien JT, Reichelt K, Perry EK. Aromatherapy as a safe and effective treatment for the management of agitation in severe dementia: the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Melissa. J Clin Psychiatry  2002 Jul;63(7):553-8


6423.      Ahuja D; Ahuja N; Kumar. Breast fed babies are the best fed babies Antiseptic. 2002 Jul; 99(7): 260.

6424.      Goel RK; Sairam K. Anti-ulcer drugs from indigenous sources with emphasis on musa sapientum, tamarabhasma, asparagus racemosus and zingiber officinale Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2002 Apr; 34(2): 100-10.

6425.      Herron RE, Fagan JB. Lipophil-mediated reduction of toxicants in humans: an evaluation of an ayurvedic detoxification procedure. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):40-51.

6426.      Irvine KN, Warber SL. Greening healthcare: practicing as if the natural environment really mattered. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):76-83. Review.

6427.      Keating A, Chez RA. Ginger syrup as an antiemetic in early pregnancy. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):89-91.

Herbal Medicine:

6428.      Brokaw JJ, Tunnicliff G, Raess BU, Saxon DW. The teaching of complementary and alternative medicine in U.S. medical schools: a survey of course directors. Acad Med. 2002 Sep;77(9):876-81.

6429.      Cheng TO. Interaction of herbal drugs with digoxin. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Aug 21;40(4):838-9.

6430.      Davidson J. Botanical medicines for anxiety: do they have a place? Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2002 Aug;4(4):245-6.

6431.      Downey RP. Healing with flower essences. Beginnings. 2002 Jul-Aug;22(4):11-2.

6432.      Farooqi A H A, Fatima S, Sharma S, Sushil Kumar. Recent trends in the development of herbal formulations from medicinal plants for common use. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23 (4A & 1A), 597-601.

6433.      Goel RK; Sairam K. Anti-ulcer drugs from indigenous sources with emphasis on musa sapientum, tamarabhasma, asparagus racemosus and zingiber officinale Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2002 Apr; 34(2): 100-10

6434.      Kanjilal P B, Singh R S, Bordoloi S. Effect of planting density and time of planting of growth and herb yield of Wedelia calendulacea, a traditional medicinal plant. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23 (4A & 1A), 370-2.

6435.      Kasera P K, Shukla J K, Jai Prakash, Saharan P, Chawan D D. Biology, conservation and mediculture of important medicinal plants from Indian thar desert. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23(4A & 1A), 432-43.

6436.      Mehmood Z, Mohammad F, Ahmed I, Ahmad S. Herbal formulations based on Indian medicinal plants. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01, 22/23 (4A & 1A), 522-7.

6437.      Natarajan D, John Britto S, Selvaraj R, Arockiasamy DI. Effect of extracts of two medicinal plants on some phytopathogenic fungi. Geobios, Jodhpur. 2001; 28(4), 223-4.

6438.      Sharma S S, Gill K, Malik M S, Malik O P. Insecticidal, antifeedant and growth inhibitory activities of essential oils of some medicinal plants. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23(4A & 1A), 373-7.

6439.      Singh BL, Singh DV, Verma RK, Gupta MM, Jain DC, Sushil Kumar. Simultaneous determination of antimalarial artemisinin, dihydroartemisinin and arteenther using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. J Indian chem. Soc 2001; 78(9): 489-91.

6440.      Vaidya R R, Dhumal K N. Physiological investigation in Microstylis versicolor – a rare medicinal plant of Mahabaleshwar. J. medicinal Aromatics PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23 (4A & 1A), 314-15.

6441.      Verma S, Sharma R K, Srivastava D. Seed germination, viability and invigoration studies in medicinal plants of commercial value. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23(4A & 1A), 426-8.


6442.      Suramanian P, Sunil Kumar. Standardization and quality control in homeopathic medicinal plants. J medicinal Aromatic PI Sci 2000/01; 22/23 (4A & 1A), 628-32.


6443.      Remington R. Calming music and hand massage with agitated elderly. Nurs Res  2002 Sep-Oct;51(5):317-23

Traditional Medicine:

6444.      Lee R, Balick MJ. Micronesian massage and massage oils: ancient practice and contemporary medical therapy. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):107-10.

6445.      Shoskes DA. Phytotherapy and other alternative forms of care for the patient with prostatitis. Curr Urol Rep. 2002 Aug;3(4):330-4.



6446.      Khare KC; Rai S Study of lipid profile in post myocardial infarction subjects following yogic life style intervention Indian Practitioner. 2002 Jun; 55(6): 369-73

6447.      Yadav R K, Das S. Effect of yogic practice on pulmonary functions in young females. Indian J Physiol Pharmac 2001; 46(4), 493-6.

