From the Desk of Coordinator, Bioinformatics Centre

The Supreme Energy

While scanning the ‘Current Science’, I was intrigued with the postulates on Ātman, the immortal aspect of the mortal existence. Narasimhan states that the Ātman described in old Hindu scripts is possibly genetic material as it carries all the manifestations, behavioural characteristics and even memory as already programmed to the progeny from generation to generation (Narasimhan NS. Curr Sci. 2003;85:1115-1116). However it does not meet the imperishable property of Ātman and explain how it migrates to another body, when the body dies as envisaged by saints. Crick states that one’s joy, sorrow, memories, ambitions, personal identity, free will are no more than the behaviour of vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules (Crick F. The Astonishing Hypothesis. Maxwell Macmillan, 1994, P. 3). It does not spell out causative factor responsible for the heterogeneity in human taste, temperament, character, perception and performance. This brings us back to importance of Nature Vs nurture (effect of environment). Further Vedas say that the three principal gunas Satva, Rajas and Tamas blended in different proportions, influence the mind and intellect giving a distinct flavour to each personality. As the human being is energy centre – physical, biological, psychological and spiritual and all thoughts, words and deeds are expressions of these energies translated into work done, all actions obey the law of nature i.e. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Hindu doctrine of Karma is its moral equivalent. Karma – yoga, the path of right action with free will (work done in spirit of dedication and selflessness, beneficial to society without expecting any reward) helps in Self-realisation and thus breaking the birth – death cycle.

Swami Rama says that consciousness is energy, which circulates in the energy channels and is known as Prana (Swami Rama, As per Yoga Vasishta, the consciousness that tends towards thinking, on account of the movement of Prana, is known as the mind. Movement of thought in the mind arises from the movement of Prana and movement of Prana arises because of movement of thought in consciousness. They thus form a cycle of mutual dependence. When cessation of thoughts of desire, greed, aversion etc. is brought in mind by meditation, the appearance of the World-illusion ceases leading to Self-realisation. 

Advances in physical science seem to validate the concept of Brahman (derived by Metaphysical Science approach), a state of pure consciousness, the Universal spirit, sum totality of the Universe and its phenomena. Physicists are coming close to explaining, why, if everything is eventually made up one single substance, Energy, does nature provide different types of fields for energy to work its magic? Physicists now realize that these divisions of fields are nothing but different aspects of a single entity, the ‘Unified filed’. Yogananda stated that body is only a manipulatable form  of condensed or frozen energy (Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. P. 278).  Chattopadhyaya is too simplistic in stating that our ancient wisdom derived by years of meditation by the Enlightened to explain physiological phenomena has no rational basis and does not carry conviction (Chattopadhyaya MK. Curr Sci. 2004;86:626).   

According to Tejman the Grand Unified theory explains every principle process that occurs in nature including diversity within human species by introducing ‘energetic matter’, which is composed of time, space and energy. Wave theory contends that energetic matter transmutes to other wave formations by means of its energetic path and phase transitions. It provides a theoretical and practical basis for the notion of ‘Life after death’, reincarnation or existence of “ghosts” (Tejman CH. According to Nanduri, The Science of Cosmic Philosophy inter links the human spinal cord with consciousness and the soul to the Cosmic Vision of the Universe and attempts integration of science of philosophy and the philosophy of science. Sa 187-188 in the L 204 complex has a structure similar to a human spinal cord projected by Yoga philosophers (Nanduri V.       


January 1, 2005                                      Prof. B.  C.  Harinath




Gratitude stands out as the foremost of individual qualities. From the moment one is born one is indebted to the world. We are given food and drink, air and light, temperature and right pressure.  A sense of gratitude must be cultivated.  The more we develop the attitude of giving, the more we gain in life both in terms of happiness and prosperity.  The way to gain something is to lose it said Swami Rama Tirtha.  This is evident in nature as well. Light consists of seven colours.  When an object is bathed in light it absorbs certain colours and reflects back the others.  The object actually gains the colour of that which it gives away.  A blue object appears so because it absorbs all colours, giving back the blue.  So also in life, we are parted from that which we cling to and gain that towards which we maintain a spirit of dispassion.  A value-conscious person maintains an inner cheer.  His actions are dynamic and beneficial to all.  Of such a person says Coleridge: “For him in vain the envious seasons roll, who bears eternal summer in his soul”.


TOI, February 2002                                                                         Alok Chopra
