Kasturba Nisargopchar Kendra

MGIMS Campus

Warud road, Sevagram (Wardha)


Programmes for 2004 (Aug – Dec)


An Integrated Approach to Naturopathy and Yoga

Take life As It Comes Can we say, Take Health As it Comes?”

The answer is NO, because every human being is having his own interest and desire to maintain good health. In spite of it majority of us are not taking proper care to maintain good health.

 “To Get something, spend something  
To Get Health, Spend Nothing Excepting For Few Minutes of Your Time”

Here Comes to your help, Naturopathy and yoga

- The need of the Hour

Naturopathy and yoga – The best Complimentary System of Medicine to Allopathy in proper management and control of various chronic ailments such as:

1. Diabetes                                         2. Hypertension

3. Cardiac Diseases                         4. Back Pain           

5. Asthma                                            6. Arthritis

7. Insomnia                                          8. Obesity etc.


Treatments provided

Naturopathy for
Physical Level

Yoga for both Physical and Psychic Level



Mud Therapy                                               




Diet Therapy                                               


Acupressure and Acupuncture etc.                   

Special Yogic Techniques etc.                                            

“Nature cure means a change for the better in one’s outlook on life itself.
It means regulation of one’s life in accordance with the laws of health”

-  Mahatma Gandhi


1.     Yoga for Positive and Healthy Living  
To learn and experience yoga for better health.
Duration     : 1 Month (Monday to Friday of the week)
Timing        : Morning 6:30 AM To 7:30 AM
Fees            : Rs. 100/- for Adults
                        Rs. 50/- for Students

2.      Health Awareness Camp*

Nature cure and Yoga have been shown to be beneficial in successful control of chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma etc.

Health awareness camp brings awareness and understanding of various chronic health problems and helps in their better management and live a stress free life

Duration      : 1 Day
Timing          : 7:00 AM To 5:00 PM
Fees             : Rs. 150/-

3.   Health Retreat for Promotion of Positive Health*

In collaboration with The Yoga Institute & International Board of Yoga, Mumbai.

A Weekend retreat is planned to live close to nature with simple vegetarian food and good fellowship in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. There will be Lectures / Classes on Nature Cure and Yoga, Relaxation, Self-realisation and Stress Management. 

Daily schedule is designed to give the participants ample time to reflect, introspect, and enjoy natural outdoor, free flow of thoughts and fellowship.

Duration     : 2 Days
Timing        : 6:00 AM To 9:00 PM
Fees            : Rs. 200/- for 1 day
                      Rs. 300/- for 2 days

      *  The participants are advised to come on the previous evening of the day of the camp to make themselves accustomed to the Arogyadham environment and get maximum benefit from Health Awareness Camp / Retreat.

Nature cure and Yoga are like Two wheels of a cart

- Hennry Lindlahr

A. Health Camp

S. N. 


Date & Month



Hypertension and Cardiac Diseases

14th Aug, 04

7:00 AM To 5:00 PM

Rs. 150/-


Back pain

11th Sep, 04

7:00 AM To 5:00 PM

Rs. 150/-



9th Oct, 04      

7:00 AM To 5:00 PM    

Rs. 150/-         



13th Nov, 04    

7:00 AM To 5:00 PM    

Rs. 150/-         



11th Dec, 04   

7:00 AM To 5:00 PM    

Rs. 150/-         


 B.     Health Retreat

S.  N.


Date & Month      




1st Retreat

28th- 29th Aug, 04

6:00 AM To 9:00 PM

Rs. 200/- for 1 Day

Rs. 300/- for 2 Days


2nd Retreat

23rd- 24th Oct, 04

6:00 AM To 9:00 PM

Rs. 200/- for 1 Day

Rs. 300/- for 2 Days


3rd Retreat   

18th- 19th Dec, 04

6:00 AM To 9:00 PM                      

Rs. 200/- for 1 Day

Rs. 300/- for 2 Days


20 participants are admitted for Health camp or Retreat. Advanced registration is requested to avoid disappointment.

  “If you are healthy, come and refresh yourself  
If you are sick, come and refuel yourself”

  For more information, Contact:

Dr. R. Raja Raja Chozhan, B.N.Y.S (Dr. M.G.R. University)
Naturopathy & Yoga Therapist, Arogyadham  
Phone: 07152- 284341 Ext: 338
Mob.+91  98 90111980
E-mail: jbtdrc_wda@sancharnet.in


                    Dr. B. C. Harinath
                  Co-ordinator, Arogyadham
                  Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
                  Sevagram - 442 102
                  TeleFax: 07152-284038
