Kasturba Health Society's

Kasturba Nisargopchar Kendra

MGIMS Campus, Sevagram (Wardha) - 442 102


Introduction to Arogyadham

          Arogyadham is a Traditional Health Care and Research project of  Kasturba Health Society for promotion of positive health in addition to preventive and curative aspects of health care in chronic ailments with Naturopathy, Yoga and Meditation and to live in harmony with Nature. Arogyadham has Naturopathy and Yoga clinic, herbal garden, Yoga and Meditation hall, separate treatment sections for male and female, canteen with vegetarian foods, walkways, library and recreation facilities for the benefit of residents.


Brief History:

          Sevagram was the “defacto capital of India” during freedom struggle and is hallowed by the “Father of Nation”, Mahatma Gandhi. As one of the objectives of the Kasturba Health Society for exploring Naturopathy, Yoga and Meditation in Health care, KHS under the dynamic leadership of Shri. Dhiru S. Mehta, President, has allocated 24 cottages, constructed with the financial support of Smt. Aparna Ben Trivedi, for Kasturba Nisargopchar Kendra along with the adjoining 220 acres of Herbal Garden. Sevagram in Wardha District (Maharashtra), is well connected to all corners of India by Rail and Air and is about 80 km from Nagpur airport.


Programs and Activities
  1. Running inpatient and out patient Clinic

  2. Organizing Naturopathy, Yoga, Meditation & Holistic Living camps.

  3. Health Retreats, Workshops, Symposia for promotion of positive health

  4. Research activities related to chronic ailments.

  5. Establishing Holistic Life Style Guidance Centre for management of Life Style Disorders namely Obesity, Hypertension, Backpain, Diabetes, Asthma, Heart Disease etc. 

  6. Regular Meetings of Friends of Arogyadham.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual and moral plans of well-being and not mere an absence of disease or infirmity.

- World Health Organization (WHO)

Naturopathy and Yoga:

·   Naturopathy and Yoga are traditional medical systems, which deal with an individual on all aspects of well being. It is based on the principle of morbid matter theory, which is mentioned in ancient books and considers that the improper lifestyle and environmental factors are causes to disturb the normal and harmonious functions of the body.

· The concept of Body, Mind and Soul is the very basis of yoga, which is derived from the word “yuj”, means to unite with the ultimate divine. It is the oldest and holistic system for mind – body fitness.

· Meditation is conscious sleep, while sleep is unconscious meditation. It is the journey towards Self, transcending body and mind. It is the art of living in the present moment with cessation of thoughts. It calms the restless mind and helps in stress management and stress related ailments associated with modern Hi-tech era.

· With the regular practice of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation, one can enjoy good vital capacity, good body-mind coordination, cheerfulness and good balance between various functions such as neuromuscular coordination etc.

· It is high time to Return To Nature and follow Naturopathy and Yoga.


Special  Treatment  procedures  are  employed  and  their benefits are as for follows.


Massage: Massage helps in Mobilising fat and improve the function of vital organs by stimulating relaxing, rejuvenating effects. More Beneficial in Arthritis, Stress, obesity and general promotion of positive Health. Lubricate the joints, tones the nervous system, improves circulation and nourish the physical body, relaxes muscles and increase flexibility. 

Steam Bath: Helps in improving the function of skin and eliminates toxins from the body. 

Mud-Therapy: Packs, Local application and full mud bath helps in eliminating toxins from the body and relaxes the whole body. It tones up the body and improves the vital function. 

Diet: Extensive guidance of Naturopathic diet to attain high standard of health, keen intellect and serenity of mind, and for management of different ailments like Diabetes, Hypertension, Gastritis, obesity etc. 

Natural Herbal Packs: Beneficial in skin ailments and to promote the function of the skin. 

Baths and sprays: Different baths and sprays help in toning and relaxing effects. Spinal spray   directly acts on spinal nerves and in curing psychiatric disorders. 

Nature Park: Nature Park with pebbles walk may stimulate the different reflex points. Nature Park of promenades with fountain and green scenery of herbal garden may helps in Stress Buster and the attainment of inner peace. 

Yoga: The active devotional and scientific path through various practices such as Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation help cleanse and nourish physical and mental health and vital energy is increased, improving over all personality. Special patterns of postures that stabilise the mind and body through static stretching and improve neuromuscular tone. Regular practise of pranayama bring control over respiratory impulses and gain control over Autonomous Nervous System. Regular practise of Meditation may result in Internal awareness, increased concentration of memory power, Increased physical energy, Mental efficiency, creativity, psychic power etc. Yoga classes are held for beginners in each month and will be reviewed by the Naturopathy and Yoga Physician giving special emphasis on Yogic Techniques for chronic elements like Stress, Asthma, Arthritis, Hypertension, Cardiac disease etc. 





Naturopathy and Yoga also helps to over come Life Style and Psychosomatic (Stress related) Diseases such as Allergic & Bronchial Asthma, Diabetes, Gastritis, Hypertension, Heart disease, Peptic ulcer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo-Arthritis, Psoriasis, Obesity, Psychiatric disorders such as Anxiety disorders, Depression etc.

Other Diseases :
          Anaemia, Cervical Spondylosis, Constipation , Eczema, Dermatitis, Scabies etc.








For Adults

6.00 – 7.00 am

5.30 – 6.30 pm

For Children


5.00 – 5.30 pm


9.00 am – 1.00 pm

3.00 – 5.00 pm


Charges for Indian Residents

Indoor Accommodation - Rs. 100/ day

Diet – Rs. 50/ day


Out Patient Charges

10 Days Package

Rs. 300/-

15 Days Package

Rs. 450/-

1 Month Package

Rs. 900/-   

Indoor Charges

For Patient (Food, Accommodation & Treatment)

Rs. 150/ day

For Attendant (Only Food & Accommodation)

Rs. 100 / day

Yoga Classes

1 Month Basic Class

Rs. 100/-

1 Month Special Yogic Techniques ( For Specific Health Problems)

Rs. 150/-


Indoor Admission:

Admission of stay in Arogyadham for undertaking Naturopathy and Yoga treatments is minimum of 7 days and patients are admitted for indoor patient care after clinical examination by the Physician and will be reviewed after 7 days for extension of stay if any.


Yoga Classes:

  • Yoga classes will be held for beginners in each month and will be reviewed by the Nature cure and Yoga physician.  

  • Special Yogic Techniques for various ailments like Asthma, Arthritis, Hypertension, Heart diseases, Diabetes, etc. will be conducted.

"The ancient system of Naturopathy, Yoga and Meditation proves the healing power of nature"

Kasturba Nisargopchar Kendra

MGIMS Campus, Warud Road

Sevagram (Wardha) – 442102

Maharashtra. India

Ph: 07152 – 284341 Ext – 338;  TeleFax:07152 - 284038

E-mail: info@jbtdrc.org;

Website: www.jbtdrc.org




Dr. B. C. Harinath

Coordinator, Arogyadham


*Internationals / NRI's will be charged 3 times the charges 




Places of interest around Sevagram


Gandhi Ashram:   Sevagram was Gandhiji's headquarters from April 1936 during struggle for independence. From   Sevagram he guided the nation for attaining freedom of India.


Paunar Ashram: Paramdham Ashram just 4.5 Km from Sevagram was established by Acharya Vinoba Bhave in 1938 on the bank of river Dham. while excavation, 1500 yrs old sculptures were unearthed are displayed at the Ashram.


Magan Sangrahalaya: Magan Sangrahalaya is a museum situated at Wardha city, where everything about Khadi and village industries related equipments are displayed. After leaving Sabarmati Ashram, Gandhiji came to Wardha and stayed Magan Sangrahalaya in 1934

