Some Selected Abstracts:


 Radi S, Lang T, Lauwers-Cances V, Diene E, Chatellier G, Larabi L, De Gaudemaris R; IHPAF group. Job constraints and arterial hypertension: different effects in men and women: the IHPAF II case control study. Occup Environ Med. 2005 Oct;62(10):711-7.

Departement d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique, Unite INSERM 558, Faculte de Medecine, Toulouse, France.

AIMS: To examine, in a working population of men and women, the relation between organisational job constraints (job strain, passive and active jobs) and incident hypertension and the buffering effect of social support at work on this relation. METHODS: A nested case control study was designed within the IHPAF (Incidence of Hypertension in a French Working Population) cohort study. The 20 worksite physicians participating in the study enrolled 203 cases and matched each case for age (SD 10 years) and sex with two normotensive subjects attending the follow up screening immediately after him or her. As a result, 426 men and 183 women were included in the study. RESULTS: Mean age was 41.8 (SD 7.8) years in men and 43.5 (SD 7.5) years in women. Relations between job constraints and hypertension were stronger in women than in men. Odds ratios (OR) were 3.20 (95% CI 0.92 to 11.12) in women and 2.60 (95% CI 1.15 to 5.85) in men for job strain, 4.73 (95% CI 1.36 to 16.42) in women and 2.30 (95% CI 1.01 to 5.26) in men for passive jobs, and 4.51 (95% CI 1.24 to 16.43) in women and 2.39 (95% CI 1.10 to 5.18) in men for active jobs. Low social support at work was not related to hypertension and did not decrease the association with organisational risk factors. In both hypertensive men and women, obesity was related to hypertension (OR = 13.20 (95% CI 3.34 to 52.14) in women and 6.54 (95% CI 2.99 to 14.29) in men) and the prevalence of recent stressful life events was significantly lower in hypertensive women (OR = 0.32 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.89)) and men (OR = 0.37 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.67) compared with normotensives. Alcohol consumption was a significant risk factor for hypertension in women (OR = 3.47 (95% CI 1.18 to 10.25)). CONCLUSION: A stronger relation between job constraints and hypertension was observed in women compared with men. These findings emphasise the need of addressing more sex-specific concepts of work related stress on the one hand, and of understanding the direct and indirect mechanisms linking psychosocial factors and hypertension in both sexes on the other hand.


Wright RJ. Stress and atopic disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Dec;116(6):1301-6. Review. Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

Evidence linking psychological stress to the expression of asthma and atopy continues to grow. Examining the underlying molecular mechanisms linking stress to asthma and other allergic phenomena is an active area of research. Evidence is reviewed for the influence of stress on neuroimmunoregulation and oxidative stress pathways, which, in turn, may affect biological hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli characteristic of atopic disorders. Critical periods of development, including in utero environment, are underscored. The role of genetics and gene-by-environment interactions is also discussed.


14076.     Allmers H.  Frequent acetaminophen use and allergic diseases: is the association clear? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Oct;116(4):859-62. Review.   

14077.   Jeulin C, Guadagnini R, Marano F. Oxidant stress stimulates Ca2+-activated chloride channels in the apical activated membrane of cultured nonciliated human nasal epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2005 Oct;289(4):L636-46.



14078.     Kuo HK, Yen CJ, Bean JF. Levels of homocysteine are inversely associated with cardiovascular fitness in women, but not in men: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002. J Intern Med. 2005 Oct;258(4):328-35.

14079.   Lucini D, Di Fede G, Parati G, Pagani M. Impact of chronic psychosocial stress on autonomic cardiovascular regulation in otherwise healthy subjects. Hypertension. 2005 Nov;46(5):1201-6. 

14080.   Lundberg U. Stress hormones in health and illness: the roles of work and gender. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2005 Nov;30(10):1017-21. Review.

14081.   Olney CM.  The effect of therapeutic back massage in hypertensive persons: a preliminary study. Biol Res Nurs. 2005 Oct;7(2):98-105. 

14082.   Pollock DM, Pollock JS. Endothelin and oxidative stress in the vascular system. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2005 Oct;3(4):365-7. Review.

14083.   Stiefel P, Arguelles S, Garcia S, Jimenez L, Aparicio R, Carneado J, Machado A, Ayala A.  Effects of short-term supplementation with folic acid on different oxidative stress parameters in patients with hypertension. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 Nov 15;1726(2):152-9. 

14084.   Takase B, Abe Y, Nagata M, Matsui T, Hattori H, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Kurita A.  Effect of betaxolol hydrochloride on heart rate variability indices during exercise stress testing in patients with hypertension. Biomed Pharmacother. 2005 Oct;59 Suppl 1:S158-62.

14085.   Tohme RA, Jurjus AR, Estephan A. The prevalence of hypertension and its association with other cardiovascular disease risk factors in a representative sample of the Lebanese population. J Hum Hypertens. 2005 Nov;19(11):861-8.

14086.   Wilcox CS. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide deficiency in the kidney: a critical link to hypertension? Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Oct;289(4):R913-35. Review.

14087.   Zhu H, Poole J, Lu Y, Harshfield GA, Treiber FA, Snieder H, Dong Y. Sympathetic nervous system, genes and human essential hypertension. Curr Neurovasc Res. 2005 Oct;2(4):303-17. Review. 


14088.     Bachar E, Hadar H, Shalev AY. Narcissistic vulnerability and the development of PTSD: a prospective study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2005 Nov;193(11):762-5.

14089.   Bottonari KA, Roberts JE, Ciesla JA, Hewitt RG. Life stress and adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive individuals: a preliminary investigation. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2005 Nov;19(11):719-27.

14090.   Bruijnzeel AW, Gold MS. The role of corticotropin-releasing factor-like peptides in cannabis, nicotine, and alcohol dependence. Brain Res Brain Res Rev. 2005 Nov;49(3):505-28.  Review.

14091.   Burke HM, Davis MC, Otte C, Mohr DC. Depression and cortisol responses to psychological stress: a meta-analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2005 Oct;30(9):846-56. Review.

14092.   Douglas SL, Daly BJ, Kelley CG, O'Toole E, Montenegro H. Impact of a disease management program upon caregivers of chronically critically ill patients. Chest. 2005 Dec;128(6):3925-36.

14093.   Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. Medical student distress: causes, consequences, and proposed solutions. Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Dec;80(12):1613-22.

14094.   Fortune DG, Richards HL, Griffiths CE. Psychologic factors in psoriasis: consequences, mechanisms, and interventions. Dermatol Clin. 2005 Oct;23(4):681-94. Review.

14095.   Irie M, Miyata M, Kasai H. Depression and possible cancer risk due to oxidative DNA damage. J Psychiatr Res. 2005 Nov;39(6):553-60. 

14096.   Jain MK, Baghel PK, Shrivastava RC. Exercise stress test in newly detected (Less than six months) type-II diabetics. Indian Practitioner. 2005 Mar; 58(3): 139-143.

14097.   Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Loving TJ, Stowell JR, Malarkey WB, Lemeshow S, Dickinson SL, Glaser R. Hostile marital interactions, proinflammatory cytokine production, and wound healing. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Dec;62(12):1377-84.

14098.   Koh KB, Park JK, Cho S. Development of the somatic stress response scale and its application in clinical practice. Yonsei Med J. 2005 Oct 31;46(5):614-24.

14099.   Lukassen J, Beaudet MP. Alcohol dependence and depression among heavy drinkers in Canada. Soc Sci Med. 2005 Oct;61(8):1658-67.

14100.   Mawdsley JE, Rampton DS.  Psychological stress in IBD: new insights into pathogenic and therapeutic implications. Gut. 2005 Oct;54(10):1481-91. Review.

14101.   McDaid D, Curran C, Knapp M. Promoting mental well-being in the workplace: a European policy perspective. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2005 Oct;17(5):365-73.

14102.   McGuigan WM, Middlemiss W. Sexual abuse in childhood and interpersonal violence in adulthood: a cumulative impact on depressive symptoms in women.  J Interpers Violence. 2005 Oct;20(10):1271-87.

14103.   Mummery K. Essay: Depression in sport. Lancet. 2005 Dec;366 Suppl 1:S36-7. 

14104.   Rao GM, Sumita P, Roshni M, Ashtagimatt MN. Plasma antioxidant vitamins and lipid peroxidation products in pregnancy induced hypertension . Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 2005 Jan; 20(1): 198-200.

14105.   Seftel A. Sexual, psychological and dyadic qualities of the prostate cancer 'couple'. J Urol. 2005 Nov;174(5):1939. 

14106.   Sher L, Oquendo MA, Conason AH, Brent DA, Grunebaum MF, Zalsman G, Burke AK, Mann JJ.  Clinical features of depressed patients with or without a family history of alcoholism. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2005 Oct;112(4):266-71.

14107.   Speer JJ, Hillenberg B, Sugrue DP, Blacker C, Kresge CL, Decker VB, Zakalik D, Decker DA. Study of sexual functioning determinants in breast cancer survivors. Breast J. 2005 Nov-Dec;11(6):440-7.

14108.  Wang CH, Tsay SL, Bond AE. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and quality of life in patients with traffic-related injuries. J Adv Nurs. 2005 Oct;52(1):22-30. 

Heart Disease:

14109.      Abidov A, Rozanski A, Hachamovitch R, Hayes SW, Aboul-Enein F, Cohen I, Friedman JD, Germano G, Berman DS. Prognostic significance of dyspnea in patients referred for cardiac stress testing.N Engl  J Med. 2005 Nov 3;353(18):1889-98.

14110.  De Smet P, Sans S, Dramaix M, Boulenguez C, de Backer G, Ferrario M, Cesana G, Houtman I, Isacsson SO, Kittel F, Ostergren PO, Peres I, Pelfrene E, Romon M, Rosengren A, Wilhelmsen L, Kornitzer M. Gender and regional differences in perceived job stress across Europe. Eur J Public Health. 2005 Oct;15(5):536-45. 

14111.   Fischbacher CM, White M, Bhopal RS, Unwin NC. Self-reported work strain is lower in South Asian than European people: cross-sectional survey. Ethn Health. 2005 Nov;10(4):279-92.

14112.   Fleet R, Lesperance F, Arsenault A, Gregoire J, Lavoie K, Laurin C, Harel F, Burelle D, Lambert J, Beitman B, Frasure-Smith N. Myocardial perfusion study of panic attacks in patients with coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol. 2005 Oct 15;96(8):1064-8. 

14113.   Iellamo F, Galante A, Legramante JM, Lippi ME, Condoluci C, Albertini G, Volterrani M.  Altered autonomic cardiac regulation in individuals with Down syndrome. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Dec;289(6):H2387-91. 

14114.   Miller TH, Kruse JE. Evaluation of syncope. Am Fam Physician. 2005 Oct 15;72(8):1492-500. Review.

14115.   Monin JL. Stress haemodynamics for asymptomatic mitral regurgitation: how much does it help? Heart. 2005 Nov;91(11):1383-4.

14116.   Mulcahy DA. The return of silent ischaemia? Not really. Heart. 2005 Oct;91(10):1249-50.

14117.   Paczkowska E, Larysz B, Rzeuski R, Karbicka A, Jalowinski R, Kornacewicz-Jach Z, Ratajczak MZ, Machalinski B. Human hematopoietic stem/progenitor-enriched CD34(+) cells are obilized into peripheral blood during stress related to ischemic stroke or acute myocardial infarction. Eur J Haematol. 2005 Dec;75(6):461-7.

14118.   Rock M.  Diabetes portrayals in North American print media: a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Am J Public Health. 2005 Oct;95(10):1832-8. 

14119.   Seskevich J, Gabert H, Charles A, Cuffe MS. Helping patients with heart failure manage stress. Nursing. 2005 Oct;35(10):23. 

14120.   Tendulkar AP, Victorino GP, Chong TJ, Bullard MK, Liu TH, Harken AH. Quantification of surgical resident stress "on call". J Am Coll Surg. 2005 Oct;201(4):560-4.

14121.   Weber KT. The proinflammatory heart failure phenotype: a case of integrative physiology. Am J Med Sci. 2005 Nov;330(5):219-26. 

14122.   Xu C, Bailly-Maitre B, Reed JC. Endoplasmic reticulum stress: cell life and death decisions. J Clin Invest. 2005 Oct;115(10):2656-64. Review. 
