Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Immunodiagnosis & Immunodiagnostics:  

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  6. Barber J, Dawes P. A rare cause of rash, eosinophilia and asthma in rheumatology. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2002 Nov;41(11):1329-30.

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  11. Dahlen I, Janson C. Anxiety and depression are related to the outcome of emergency treatment in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest. 2002 Nov;122(5):1633-7.

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  14. Fahy JV. Goblet cell and mucin gene abnormalities in asthma. Chest. 2002 Dec;122(6 Suppl):320S-326S. Review.

  15. Foerster M, Haefner D, Kroegel C. Bcl-2-mediated regulation of CD69-induced apoptosis of human eosinophils: identification and characterization of a novel receptor-induced mechanism and relationship to CD95-transduced signalling. Scand J Immunol. 2002 Oct;56(4):417-28.

  16. Greenberger PA. Corresponding patterns of rhinitis and asthma during pregnancy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Nov;89(5):437-8.

  17. Guthrie CM, Tingen MS. Asthma: a case study, review of pathophysiology, and management strategies. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2002 Oct;14(10):457-61; quiz 462-4.

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  19. Hartert TV, Speroff T, Togias A, Mitchel EF Jr, Snowden MS, Dittus RS, Griffin MR. Risk factors for recurrent asthma hospital visits and death among a population of indigent older adults with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Nov;89(5):467-73.

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  24. Kanazawa H, Hirata K, Yoshikawa J. Involvement of vascular endothelial growth factor in exercise induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients. Thorax. 2002 Oct;57(10):885-8.

  25. Ketchell RI, Jensen MW, Lumley P, Wright AM, Allenby MI, O'connor BJ. Rapid effect of inhaled fluticasone propionate on airway responsiveness to adenosine 5'-monophosphate in mild asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 Oct;110(4):603-6.

  26. Kobayashi S, Inokuma S, Setoguchi K, Kono H, Abe K. Incidence of peripheral blood eosinophilia and the threshold eosinophile count for indicating hypereosinophilia-associated diseases. Allergy. 2002 Oct;57(10):950-6.

  27. Koh YY, Park Y, Kim CK. Maximal airway response in adolescents with long-term asthma remission and persisting airway hypersensitivity: its profile and the effect of inhaled corticosteroids. Chest. 2002 Oct;122(4):1214-21.

  28. Laske N, Volk HD, Liebenthalb C, Gr uber C, Sommerfeld C, Nickel R, Wahn U.  Infantile natural immunization to herpes group viruses is unrelated to the development of asthma and atopic phenotypes in childhood. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 Nov;110(5):811-3.

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  31. Litonjua AA, Milton DK, Celedon JC, Ryan L, Weiss ST, Gold DR. A longitudinal analysis of wheezing in young children: the independent effects of early life exposure to house dust endotoxin, allergens, and pets. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 Nov;110(5):736-42.

  32. Liu LY, Sedgwick JB, Bates ME, Vrtis RF, Gern JE, Kita H, Jarjour NN, Busse WW, Kelly EA.  Decreased expression of membrane IL-5 receptor alpha on human eosinophils: I. Loss of membrane IL-5 receptor alpha on airway eosinophils and increased soluble IL-5 receptor alpha in the airway after allergen challenge. J Immunol. 2002 Dec 1;169(11):6452-8.

  33. Louis R, Sele J, Henket M, Cataldo D, Bettiol J, Seiden L, Bartsch P. Sputum eosinophil count in a large population of patients with mild to moderate steroid-naive asthma: distribution and relationship with methacholine bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Allergy. 2002 Oct;57(10):907-12.

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  37. Meyer PA, Mannino DM, Redd SC, Olson DR. Characteristics of adults dying with COPD. CChest. 2002 Dec;122(6):2003-8

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  39. Namazy JA, Simon RA. Sensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Dec;89(6):542-50; quiz 550, 605.

  40. O'Sullivan S, Cormican L, Murphy M, Poulter LW, Burke CM. Effects of varying doses of fluticasone propionate on the physiology and bronchial wall immunopathology in mild-to-moderate asthma. Chest. 2002 Dec;122(6):1966-72.

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  42. Palmer GW, Claman HN. Pregnancy and immunology: selected aspects. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Oct;89(4):350-9; quiz 359-60, 428. Review.

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  46. Reichenbach J, Jarisch A, Khan S, Homberg M, Bez C, Zielen S. Serum ECP levels and methacholine challenge in infants with recurrent wheezing. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Nov;89(5):498-502.

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  8. Jousilahti P, Salomaa V, Hakala K, Rasi V, Vahtera E, Palosuo T. The association of sensitive systemic inflammation markers with bronchial asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Oct;89(4):381-5.

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  13. Silverman ES, Baron RM, Palmer LJ, Le L, Hallock A, Subramaniam V, Riese RJ, McKenna MD, Gu X, Libermann TA, Tugores A, Haley KJ, Shore S, Drazen JM, Weiss ST.  Constitutive and cytokine-induced expression of the ETS transcription factor ESE-3 in the lung. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;27(6):697-704.

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