International symposium on Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy & CME on Alternative Systems of Medicine for Positive Health and Chronic Ailments
was organized during Feb 1-2, 2002. Two hundred and fifty delegates including experts from USA and all over India participated in the event. The symposium and CME were inaugurated on 1st Feb, 2002 at 11.00 am in the Auditorium. Dr. Vasantha Muthuswamy, DDG, ICMR  was the chief guest, Dr. S Natesh, Adviser DBT was the Guest of Honor and the function was presided by Shri Dhirubhai Mehta, President, KHS. Dean Dr. O. P. Gupta  welcomed the gathering and Dr. B. C. Harinath, chairperson explained the background and theme of the conference and CME. Dr. Ramji Singh, co-chairperson got the souvenir of the conference released in the hands of the Chief Guest and Dr. Ramesh Babu , Organizing Secretary proposed a vote of thanks.
             The symposium and CME provided in-depth focus on various aspects related to the Indian Systems of Medicine and stressed the need to study the ancient wisdom with modern techniques/ methodologies. The experts, scientists and young delegates assembled on this event unanimously passed ‘Sevagram Declaration’ for convergence of different health systems and to boost the growth & development of Indigenous systems of Medicine for the benefit of suffering humanity.
            Some of the experts attended the symposium & CME included Dr. R. H. Singh, (BHU, Varanasi), Dr. Nagarathna (Vivekananada Yoga Research Foundation, Bangalore), Dr. Ashok Vaidya (SPARC, Mumbai), Dr. Manu Kothari (KEM Hospital, Mumbai), Dr. Ved Prakash Mishra (Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Nagpur University), Dr. Scott Gerson (National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, USA), Dr. Madhavan Nair (Department of Medicine & Microbiology, State University of New York, Buffalo, USA), Dr. Vishwanath P. Kurup (Veterans Administration Medical Center Milwaukee, WT, USA), Dr. Bhaskara Rao (S. V. Ayurvedic college & Hospital, Tirupati), Dr. Balendu Prakash (VCP, Cancer Research Foundation, Dehradun) , Dr. A. R. V. Murthy (S. V. Ayurvedic college & Hospital, Tirupati), Dr. I. Sanjeeva Rao (Varun Herbal Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad) Dr. Amee. M. Parikh (Akhil Upchar Mangal Foundation, Valsad), Dr. G. G. Parikh (Zandu Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mumbai), Dr. D. B. A Narayana (Dabur Research Foundation, Ghaziabad), Dr. B. K. Shrikhande (Baidyanath Research Foundation, Nagpur), Dr. S. I . Nagral (SPARC, Mumbai), Dr. Y. B. Tripathi (BHU, Varanasi), Dr. B. Bapuji (Nature Cure Health Care Centre, Hyderabad) and Dr. Rajiv Rastogi (CCRYN, Ministry of Health & FW, New Delhi). The valedictory function was held on 2nd Feb at 4 PM with Dr. Ashok Vaidya (SPARC, Mumbai) as Chief Guest and the function was presided over by    Shri Dhirubhai Mehta.
            The financial support for the Symposium & CME was provided by Central Health Ministry, DBT, CSIR, DST, ICMR, MCI, Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd., Mumbai, Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur and Dabur Research Foundation, Sahibabad.


‘National Science Day’ Celebration on Feb 28, 2024

            JBTDRC and Academy of Medical Sciences, MGIMS have organized a guest lecture on the selected theme ‘Wealth from Waste’ to celebrate National Science day on Feb 28, 2002. Dr. Soham Pandya from Centre of Science for Villages, Wardha, enlightened the faculty and medical students on his experience and studies in the management of different types of waste for the benefit of human kind and to prevent environmental pollution.

8th Training course on ‘Immunodiagnositcs for Infectious Diseases’
supported by DBT, was held at JBTDRC during Feb 25th to March 2, 2002.  In this one week course, 15 candidates – that included faculty members of Biochemistry & Microbiology departments of Medical Institutes, mid level Scientists from Research Institutes & Public Health Depts. and few PG students participated in the course. The course was inaugurated on 25th morning at 10 am.  Padmashree Dr. K. Subbarao, Director, NIMS, Hyderabad was the Chief Guest,  Dr. D. A. Gadkari, Ex Director NIV, Pune was the Guest of Honour  and the function was presided over by Dr. O. P. Gupta, Dean, MGIMS.
            The course included daily one or two lectures in the morning by experts working in infectious diseases followed by lab experiments. Prof. B. C. Harinath’s presentation was on ‘ Pen-ELISA based Immunodiagnostics for filariasis & Tuberculosis’. Dr. D.A. Gadkari covered an overview of Immunodiagnostics as applied to ‘HIV & other viral infections’ and ‘HIV vaccine studies’ in two lectures. Dr. V. Gopal Krishna from NIV, Pune presented his work on ‘Human Papilloma Virus and molecular diagnostics related to it’. Dr. M. V. R. Reddy spoke on ‘The Principles & practical aspects of ELISA’ and also on the ‘Identification of vaccine candidates in Filariasis’. Apart from these lectures, there was a daily briefing on all the techniques covered in the course by Research Staff – Mr. Balaji, Ms. Bonny,    Ms. Swati, Mr. Sandeep, Ms. Sonika & Mr. Bhandari. The emphasis in the course was to prepare all the raw materials needed for immunoassay within the laboratory with minimum dependency to import reagents.
            The lab schedule started with ‘Stick Indirect ELISA’ for detection of Tb antibody. A different type of ELISA with plate system – with ‘inhibition’ principle was covered to detect filaria antigen. Participants were trained on SDS-PAGE to separate tuberculous antigens, analyse by both coomassie blue staining & silver staining. Immunoblotting was done to detect filarial antibodies in patient’s sera against defined antigen bands. PCR was demonstrated as applied to detect HPV infection. The other diagnostic techniques covered were double diffusion (DD), counter current immuno electrophoresis (CIEP), Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) to detect filarial antigen / antibody.
            There were also demonstrations of techniques like Ammonium sulphate precipitation, Dialysis, Ultra Membrane Filtration, Gel Filtration & Ion exchange chromatography both by conventional column techniques & by FPLC . The course ended with the valedictory function organized on 2nd March presided by Dr. (Mrs.) P. Narang, Vice-Dean. The course was received well as reflected from the very positive feed back from the participants. 


i) Dr. Madhvan P. N. Nair, Department of Medicine & Microbiology, State University of New York, Buffalo,    USA.
ii) Dr. Vishwanath P. Kurup Veterans Administration Medical Center  Milwaukee, WT, USA.


       i)   Association of Clinical Biochemist of India (ACBI) has awarded ‘Prof  K. P . Sinha – Prof. P. S. Krishnan Best paper Award for the paper entitled “ Isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 31 kDa antigen protein of diagnostic interest from culture filtrate using anti ES-31 antibody by affinity Chromatography” by E. Raji Nair, Swati Banerjee, Satish Kumar, M.V. R. Reddy & B. C. Harinath published in ‘Indian Journal Of Biochemistry’ 2001, 16, 132-135.

       ii)  Another paper entitled “Production and diagnostic evaluation of monoclonal antibody specific to a 120 kDa B. malayi soluble antigen” presented by Mr. B. Ganesh fetched him ‘Young Scientist Award’ in the II International Symposium on Molecular Medicine organized by Sun Pharma, Vadodara, on    Feb 2002.


Participation in Meetings / Conferences / Symposia:


Dr. B.C.Harinath Delivered a lecture on ‘Biochemical Characterization and Seroreactivity of 31 kDa M.Tb. Secretory serine protease of diagnostic interest in tuberculosis’ in the (a) II International Symposium on Molecular Medicine organized by Sun Pharma Advanced Research Centre in association with The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, The State University of New York, Buffalo during Jan 21 – 24, 2002 and (b) In the 9th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, New Delhi during March 9-14th 2002. Dr. Harinath also chaired a Symposium on infectious diseases in the Congress.

Dr. Satish Kumar attended the annual Bioinformatics Centre’s Co-ordinators meeting held at BIC, University of Pune during January 29 –30, 2002 and presented the progress report of our Bioinformatics Centre. 

Dr. M.V. R. Reddy  Delivered  a lecture on  Evaluation of Brugia malayi Antigens to  Induce Protective Immunity Against Filariasis in Jird Model’ in the 9th APCCB, New Delhi during  March 9-14, 2002.

 Mr. B. Ganesh  Presented a paper titled “Production and diagnostic evaluation of monoclonal antibody specific to a 120 kDa B. malayi soluble antigen” for which he was awarded the young scientist award in the II International Symposium on Molecular Medicine organized by Sun Pharma, Vadodara, on    Feb 2002.

Mr. Y. P. Bhandary presented a paper titled ‘Brugia malayi microfilarial Enzyme Malate Dehydrogenases and its diagnostic use in Bancroftian Filariasis’ in the  9th APCCB, New Delhi in March 2002.

Ms. S. Gupta  presented a paper titled “Analysis of Seva TB ELISA Es-31 antigen specific immunoglobulins IgM, IgA and IgG in sera of sputum and culture positive pulmonary tuberculosis” in the 9th  APCCB, New  Delhi in March 2002.


BIC Brief Report

            Bioinformatics Centre established 3 years back has been servicing as a centre for Local, Regional and National level dissemination of Information. ‘SEVAMED’ bibliography journal is being regularly published at this centre. This has been well received by the Scientist and Medical teachers. 3rd National level workshop on Medical Informatics, Research & Communication and short term inhouse training courses for the staff of the Institutes were organised. Centre has facility for offline and online bibliography search by the staff and students of this and  neighboring Institutes. Database on Filariasis patient’s information & sera sample has been developed at this centre and databases on Tuberculosis and Advances  in Infectious Disease Research and Traditional Medicine Annual Bibliography are in progress. Centre has initiated the research work on Medical Informatics with thrust on Clinical Informatics.

Future events:

4th Workshop on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Communication
(Sponsored by DBT & in Collaboration with ICMR)
September 23 - 25, 2002

                                    Workshop on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Communication is being organized to expose Medical teachers, Scientists & postgraduate students to the basics in computer and advancement in Medical Informatics and Biomedical Communication. Topics being covered are 1. Computer & Informatics 2. Online & Offline information retrieval 3. Medical Informatics and its application for R & D  4. Organization, access, search & retrieval of inhouse database: a database on patients information & clinical management 5. Telemedicine and Medical Transcription 6. Introduction to Scholarly Communication in the Cyber age and How to Choose High Impact Journals in Biomedical communication etc. Afternoon sessions are devoted for demonstration followed by hands on sessions. The number of participants will be restricted to 15 persons who are familiar with operation of computers and desire to enhance their skill by learning emerging techniques in the areas of computers & Medical Information Technology.

Faculty: The faculty will be drawn from DBT, Bioinformatics Centres, ICMR, National Research Institutes & Universities.


For further information contact :

Dr. Satish Kumar
Officer-in-charge &
Reader in Biochemistry, MGIMS
Sevagram (Wardha) – 442 102
Tel : 07152 – 84341 to 84355 Extn. 262
E-mail :
